used becomes clear when we read other verses ol the vision. “lhe dragon stood belore the wo- man which was ready to he delivered, for to devour her it was bor. And Man-chald, trons with a tad ol child was couche up unto God, and to His throne” Verses 1, 0. We have here tion of the events assoc RIES [with the first advent of Jesus. As a "Man-child” He was born into the world, of 1 Ie was ascension. What power sought to destroy Flim at His birth What power actually encompassed His death: And from what power was He delivered when He was carried up into heaven: The answer to all these questions is, of course, pagan Rome. So when the dragon hirst appears it 1s as imperial pagan Rome, This dentificauon 1s conhrmed when we note the subsequent history of the dragon in the thirteenth chap- ter. Here another symbol 1s intro- duced called “the beast.” Like the dragon, this beast also has heads and ten horns” (Revelation 15:1), sugeesting that the mantle of moperial Rome was to fall upon it. It is specifically stated that to this beast “the dragon” gave “his power, andl his seat, and great authority.” Verse 2. From other details of the vision, this beast 1s clearly identified as the papal Europe of the Middle Ages which did ake the place of imnerial Rome when that power was dispos- sessed by the barbarian invasions. Without anv question. then. the “dracon.” as ane of the acencies of satanic power and influence, was im- perial pasan Rome. Now, as the prophecy states, and as history confirms, when the dragon vacated the seat it had occupied in Rome for many centuries gt did not disappear completely from the scene. It went elsewhere. So we must en- devour to strike its trail child as soon as she broughr torth a who was to nde adl nae won; und her a svinbolic dese rip and out “caught up’ av His seven Where Did the Dragon Go? The vacating of the me Lady becan as Tay back as the das of the Trperor Diocletian, wha gn order, as he thought, to supervise more adequately the Tar flung empire, imperial seat decided to have two capitals — one mn the West ar Rome, and another mm the ast at Nuomedia on the Asiatic sule of the Sea of in Asia Minor. He appointed Maximus associite Marmora DECEMBER, 194+09 sell estab “Augustus” and placed him mn the western capital, while Diocletian hime ished his court in the castern capital. The establishment of the senior CAugists me the Fast nuuraliy bee oA al ones Wo detract from toe of the western capa, the press while the new seat of the dracon steadily ane creased Inounportance, When Moavinmitanus and Diocletian simultanconsy abwlicated sn an, 205, six rival emperors strove lor supren- acy. Nineteen vears later Constantine the Great emerged as the undisputed ruler of the empire, and following the example set hy Diocletian he pro- ceeded to build Tumsell a new perms anent capital in the Fase His choice settled upon the existing city of Bye cntinm on the Furapean side ob the Basporus, which he enlarged, strencthened and beautthied as the new seat of poperial government, The “New Rome” “To perpetnate the fame of its founder,” says the Encyclopaedia Dyiteninica, it was stvled Constante nople.” while “to mdicate its politi- cal dignity, it was named New Rome.” — Vol. 7. po. 3 (Eleventh Editon). This name has actually come down through all the centuries to our ume, for the ID neyelopaedia Britomiica coes on to sav: “I'he chief patriarch of “the Greek church sull signs himself “arch: bishop of Consumtinople, New Rome." ” — hid. In harther contrast to the old civ of Rome in Italy, Con: stantinople was also designated in the By W. L. Emme rson literature of the period the "Second Rome” Thus moa letter broom Alcan ol York to Charles, king ol the Franks, in oan, 700 when that Kime had poace tically wil the nauons of the Wess within lus power, he was told by the learned monk: “There hive heen vant! now three persons who were hichest mothe world, That se the Aposiolic Sat which rules us vicar the seat of Peter, Prince of the Apostles, Another is the Lmperial Digniny, the [ArT ETE Dorey ir} Pie Severed foisrie, Co. The thaed is the Kimmel which the dispensation of Our Tord Jesus Clhist has placed you as ruler ob the Christian people dhs letter as particu dy for ow purpose bal SLY Dies valuable Decatse it estabbishes fw very pportant facts Foobhe Tmperial Digniee had va cated the ancient scat of Rome in Italy and was now pernumently es tablished mm the New Constantinople Another power was no the id Rome upon Sto Peter” That the “seat ob St. Peter” was also, to all ments and purposes, the seat of the dracon is induated by thi foot that oo vewr turer, in aa. SO, the Vicar ol Ron ne conferred the oflive of Fonperor of the Holy Roman Empoe Charles by his coronation in or Second Rome, enthroned “the scat ot [RE PIRIN Rome, Thus the prophecy that the drag O11’ seat wold be occupied hy another power which would exercise its author ity within its dommmns was exactly fullilled. Vicissitudes of the “Second Rome” Because the history of Europe from the filth century onward was domi: nated by the new nations of the West and their competition with the de- veloping Papacy lor supreme power, the continuing story of the dragon Dower in irs remote eastern seat mn the New or Second Rome has tended to be foreotten, and only in compar: atively recent vears has its chequered story been recovered for us by his torians. The fact 1s. however, that while the “beast” was consolidating its power in Western Furope, the dracon lived and reigned contem- por: ancously im the Fast for a thou- sand vears after the [all of Romulus Augustulus, the last western Roman crperar, in An. 76. \ detailed recital of the vicissitudes of the Second Rome from the fourth century to the hifteenth is unnecessary to our present purpose. and it will suffice to mention that throuzhout this period the eastern emperors were hemmed mn on all sides by enemies whose encroachments they were come stantly seeking to hold back. On the west the popes were mciting the Catholic kings to hring the Fast under then rule, and incidentally ender the rule of the popes. To the novi the baie Were a constant mensee, and mothe Fast the new Sas- sanidd Ioapive mo Persin was an ever dancerous vival, Dut by far the most serious menace came rom the south- east and south, through the morensing presse alte Moslem Arabs and 1 avks. The Modem Tide Since Mohammed united the desert Arabi my the seventh cons tury and Lomched them upon an ae credible coreer of conquest, the Mos- fem armies had overran Trak, Svria, Vso Minor, Fovptoa i Novih Alriea, and had pencorated bo Furope both dovoss the ta and across the Bosporus tito the Balkans, ( Please turn to page 17) ) prone of L straits of 13