DENVER, COLO., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1912. VOLUME XXII. NUMBER 16. -,--- � - ____Au-_ ino•--,-.----- ----- 0 itt the 'mom% sow thy seed and evening Vt‘ 11 the eves withhold not thinettattd --- Ecnli• - •,- '._,-- __- -- -- > - - - 5 : -: - = -- - - " Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is ; but exhorting one another: and so much the more as ye see the day approaching."--Hebrews 10.95. "Our camp-meet- ings are the gold- en opportunities of the year for our religious work."— Education. "The camp-meet- ing is one of the most important agencies in our work.-- Volume 6. " Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to an- other ; and the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord arid that thought upon His name. —Mal. 3:z6. Colorado Conference and Camp-Meeting Rocky Mountain Lake Park, Denver, August 15 to 25, 1912 ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. The Last Call What I mean is this: That this is the last time you will hear the call through the columns of the ECHOES inviting you to our Annual Conference and camp- meeting for the year 1912. It hardly seems possible that we are so near the time for another camp-meeting and Con- ference. How swiftly the days and weeks pass by! But here we are just a few days before we shall be coming up from all over our Conference to meet each other in this annual gathering, and the best part of it all is, to meet the dear Lord and the good angels. WHERE WE ARE STANDING. "The great day of the Lord is near. It is near and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord." "We are near the close of time. I have been shown that the judgments of God are already in the land. The Lord has given us warning of the events to take place." "Many are in great peril. Unless they change their course they will be severed from the true vine as useless branches. I have been shown that we are standing on the threshold of the eternal world." Surely these are solemn words, and we cannot but see that we stand face to face with the realities of eternity. WHO SHOULD COME. We answer, the fathers and mothers, the sons and daughters, the young and old. Those who are acquainted with Jesus, and know Him as a precious Saviour, and those who do not yet know Him. Those who are reaching up daily step by step nearer the ideal of the beautiful Christ life. Those whose feet may be slipping. Those whose Chris- tian experience may be clouded and they find they are resting under the shadows of doubt and uncertainty. We all need to be there for the mighty God will be present to give us all just what we most need. Now it is not too late to pray. We may yet confess our sins and put them away. Some day it will he too late. PREPARATION. "I have been shown that some' of our camp-meetings are far from being what the Lord designed they should he. The people come unprepared for the visita- tion of God's Holy Spirit." I have been thinking very seriously the past few days of the importance of our camp meeting and Conference this year. I am sure that as ministers and people we all feel greatly our need of a new hold upon God, and of a greater fullness of the Holy Spirit, and of a new power in our lives. Shall we not, as in- dividuals and families, yes, and churches, seek God especially for the outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon this occasion? Then as we come up to this gathering we will be prepared for the King to have His way in our lives. • CAMP-MEETING HELP. I am sure all will he glad to know that we are promised good General and Union Conference help. From the General Conference we expect Elder G. B. Thompson, and an effort is being made to secure Elder W. A. Spicer. For the German work we expect Elders J. H. Schilling, and G. F. Haffner. From the Union Conference we expect our president, Elder E. T. Russell, Professor F. Griggs, Professor M. B. Van Kirk, and Brother C. G. Bellah. We feel that we will be especially favored in having this good help with us on this occasion. But, dear brethren and sisters, we are not to forget that we need the good angels and the dear Lord. There will be special meetings held each day in the interest of the mothers' work, the young people, and the chil- dren. In addition to the English meet- ings there will he German and Scandina- vian services. We are especially favored with a beautiful place for the camp-meeting. The Conference workers will be on the grounds now in a few days preparing the camp so that everything will be in readiness when our brethren arrive on the grounds. Shall we not all unite in seeking God for the preparation of heart and outpouring of His Holy Spirit that the gathering this year will mark a new era not only in the work of ourton- ference here, but also in each individual life, that at last when the work is finished we shall have a place around the great white throne of God. C. R. KITE. Why Come to Camp-meeting? There is but one answer to he given to the question, "Who should come to camp meeting." Everyone needs the help. We will give a few reasons why. First. The camp meetings are a help to the converted one. He who hungers and thirsts after righteousness obtains spiritual food for his soul. His faith grows stronger. He says, "It is good to be here." And ton, he is needed on the grounds to assist in the work of the meeting. "Each one should feel that in a measure the success of the meeting depends upon him."—Yol. VI, fi. Second. The unconverted should come because he cannot afford to lose the opportunities which the camp-meet- ing affords. Spiritual help will be given there for all,—the old, middle aged, the youth, and the children. So let all come. But I hear you say, "We cannot all go." True. But do you want to go? Do you want to go bad enough to make an effort to get there? Have you ever gone any place without an effort on your part, or on the part of some one else in your behalf? To illustrate He who places great esteem and honor on our national birth- day, Fourth of July, makes preparation for the celebration. He spends time and money getting ready. His enthu- siasm is revealed by the interest he takes. So it is with our annual spiritual meetings. He who feels that a great blessing may be obtained at these meet- ings will he prepared for them. He will spend time and money in this prepara- tion. He will show his interest and en- thusiasm in the work. He will do all he can to help make the Conference, the local church, the family, and the indivi- dual all that God desires them to be. Only a few days are left for us to get ready for camp-meeting. In a little while we will meet on the same grounds,* —Rocky Mountain Lake Park,—where we met last year and had a feast of good things. We met some there last year who cannot be there this year because of death, sickness, and poverty, or other good reasons. We hope, however, no one will stay away because of the feel- ing, "They don't want to attend." "The Spirit and the Bride say come; and whosoever will may come." H. A. AUFDERHAR. To the Young People How swiftly the months come and go! It seems but a very short time since we last assembled on the camp ground at Rocky Mountain Lake Park, and yet twelve months have gone by and we have reached the time for another annual gathering. How glad we are that we can meet to- gether and receive the strength and en- couragement which comes as the result of our associating with our dear brethren and sisters. We feel especially anxious that at our camp-meeting this year we will have the privilege of seeing all of our young peo- ple presenf. Young people, come to the ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. camp-meeting, and come determined to receive the special blessing that is in store for you. The meetings which will be held for the youth will be instructive and will be designed to show you the part you may act in this great closing message. Again I want to earnestly invite each young person in this Conference to come to the camp-meeting this year. We need your presence and the help you may be able to give. Personally, I feel anxious to meet all of the young people who are on the grounds so I wish to in- vite you to visit frequently the Young People's Reception tent. Come and let us get acquainted that we may do better work the coming year than we have be- fore. � MRS. MAE WARFLE. Selections from the Testimonies "Our camp-meetings should be so con- ducted as to accomplish the greatest possible amount of good. Let the truth he properly presented and represented by those who believe it. It is light, the light of heaven, that the world needs, and whatever manifests the Lord Jesus Christ is light." "Every camp-meeting should be an object-lesson of neatness, order, And good taste. We must give careful re- gard to economy, and must avoid dis- play; but everything connected with the grounds should he neat and tidy. Taste and tact do much to attract. And in all our work we should present the disci- pline of organization and order." "We should feel that we are represen- tatives of truth of heavenly origin. We are to show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. We should ever bear in mind that angels of God are walking through the encampment, beholding the order and arrangement in every tent. To the large numbers of people who come to the ground, all the arrange- ments are an illustration of the belief and principles of the people conducting the meeting. It should be the very best illustration possible. All the surround- ings should be a lesson. Especially should the family tents, in their neatness • and order, giving a glimpse of home life, be a constant sermon as to the habits, customs, and practices of Seventh-day Adventists." "It is important that the members of our churches should attend our camp- meetings. The enemies of truth are many; and because our numbers are few, we should present as strong a front 8 291 621 Alamosa � CHURCH Bennett � Arvada � Berthoud � Blanca 39 Boulder Brighton Canon City Fort Morgan � Greeley � Hygiene, English Hygiene, German Idaho Springs � La Junta_ � Lamar La Veta � Longmont Loveland, English Loveland, German Monte Vista � Niwot � Peaceful Valley � Pueblo ' Rocky Ford � Salida � Trinidad � Two Buttes � Victor � as possible. Individually you need the benefits of the meeting, and God cal [s upon you to number one in the ranks of truth." "Some will say, 'It is expensive to travel, and it would be better for us to save the money, and give it for the ad- vancement of the work where it is so much needed.' Do not reason in this way; God calls upon you to take your place among the rank and file of His people. Strengthen the meeting all you possibly can by being present with your 91 31 37 21 78 28 92 00 40 54 41 00 29 24 84 12 35 197 44 17 50 3 16 � 184 94 99 59 5 oo � 54 44 86 48. 102 51 3o 77 8 05 � 332 73 72 o8 - � 42 52 6, 5o 10 00 � 290 34 3 42 8o 55 33 09 70 38 6 oo � I50 3o ings_ families. Put forth extra exertion to at- tend the gathering of God's people. "Brethren and sisters, it would be far better for you to let your business suffer than to neglect the opportunity of hear- ing the message God has for you. Make no excuse that will keep you from gain- ing every spiritual advantage possible. You need every ray of light. You need to become qualified to give a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear You cannot afford to lose one such privily ge." TREASURER'S REPORT-COLORADO CONFERENCE SECOND QUARTER-- 1 9 1 2 Church 930 58 � 320 20 � 507 20 � 100 � 76 3o 00 � 73 29 � 3 8 116 274 91812- ColoradoSpr Conference Cripple Creek Denver, First � Denver, Capitol Hill � Denver, Third_________ Denver, Scandinavian � Florence � � 29 i101 Fort Collins � 24 � MISSION OFFERINGS $18z � $ 32 � 66 48_ � $ 4080 � 9026 74 77 � 6g 61 � 24 � 7 � 68 92 14 0 � 6 � 72 02 71 21 � 50 : 29 � 161 � 23 : 234 233 14 � 66 35 � 48 161 � 56 � � to 00 � 269 46 18 83_ � 34 63 � 13 61_ � 35 to � 68 99 58 21 � 15 91 � 45 6z. � 21 73 � III � 98 � 85 46- � 13 00 � 4 50- � 152 65 � 29 13 � 83 6o � 15 99 � 29 15 � 20 29 � 61 61 � 24 87 � 66 � 27 36 � 24 28 27 � 2 50 � Igo 16 � 134 52 � 13 53 � 58 55 3o 46 � 12 o6 � 35 29 � 26 21 � 10 � 288 48 12 75 � 116 74 67 OTHER � TOTAL OFFERINGS 223 20 40 go 17 55 361 38 ___..__ � 46 92 $ 2 � 766 6 �1,257 3 �611 30 3o � to8 � 277 25 36 1 � 123 194 286 95 Wentz � 220 oo_ �60 34 � West Plains � 3 42 49 4- � � Wray 31 11 � Yuma � 30 340 � 2 79 � Yoder _ � 70 38 � Isolated � 89 42 � 54 88r TOTAL � 1;5,194 41________$1,813 50___. ____$ 87 28______$7,095 19 ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. Echoes from the field. Published every two weeks for the Colorado S. D. A. Conference and Tract Society, At 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. RALPH T. EMERY, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION, 25 CTS. PER YEAR. Entered at Denver Post Office as Second-class Mail Matter. Brother French has secured a good pasture for horses during the camp- meeting. It is located about two miles north of the grounds, is well fenced, and contains good grass and water. The rate is 7 cents per day for each animal. As stated last week, reduced rates on the certificate plan have been secured on the railroads for those who attend camp-meeting. Certificates procured with tickets purchased to Denver on August 14,15,16, to, and 21 will secure to the purchaser the privilege of buying a ticket home from Denver for one-third the regular fare, after the certificate is properly endorsed. Miss Darling Nesty of Union College recently made a trip from College View to Loma Linda. Miss Nesty is a colored girl from the West Indies, who has spent several years in the college, and is now going to Loma Linda to take the medical course. She arranged to sell magazines along the way. Her record through Colorado was so good that we are giving it here for the encouragement of those who may he interested in this line of work. She sold at Colorado Springs 175, Pueblo 20o, Florence too, Canon City 125, Salida too, and Leadville too. She also sold a few at Wray and Fort Mor- gan. She sold go in one day at Salida, and too at Leadville in six hours. We are glad to publish this good report and hope for more like it. splendid interest from the first and a fine class of people deeply interested in the truth of the Third Angel's Message. Already ten have promised to keep the commandments of God. Many others are considering seriously the question of obeying God. We want your prayers for our work to the end that these who have started may become strong in the Lord, and that those who are yet undecid- ed may decide while God is calling them. There were two families of Sabbath- keepers there before we pitched the tent, Brother and Sister Nesmith, and Brother and Sister Buck, also two or three other individuals. So with the new ones a church can be organized. But we do not feel that we should organ- ize before camp-meeting, for it has al- ways been our policy to get new Sab- bath-keepers fully established on all points of the the truth before baptizing them. We are sore the brethren and sisters throughout the conference will approve of our course in this matter. We could organize now but we prefer to do a work that will stand. We are glad to say also that the breth- ren have bought the lots on which the tent stands, and made a good payment down on them, for the purpose of build- ing a church. This is without exception, we believe, the best and most central lo- cation in the city. There is no other church there that has so central a loca- tion and so beautiful. We cannot take the tent down for camp-meeting, our interest is so great. But we will take turns in attending the camp-meeting. Pray for us. Your brother in the work, H. M. J. RICHARDS. To the Chorus All those who have written, and others who may desire to take part in our camp-meeting chorus, will please meet at the youths' tent, Friday evening, Aug. 16, at 6:3o, for organization. Also those who will bring various instruments will meet at the same time and place. As in the last two years, the chorus will be on duty only in the evening, except Sab- baths and Sundays; this, in order that all will remain bright and fresh to the end. Be sure to get your own hymn book and "Christ in Song." Come with a spirit of prayer and praise, that God's blessing may rest up- on the music of the camp-meeting. HENRY DE FLUtTER. Scripture Post Cards at the book tent. "Like the Leaves of Autumn" "Let every believer scatter broadcast tracts, leaflets and books containing the message for this time." ig Camp-meeting offers the beet opportunity of the year for secur- ing the needed ammunition for the work. Save a corner in your trunk for carrying hame a liberal suPPIY•citlic WHY YOU SHOULD USE OUR COOKING OIL It is a pure Vegetable Oil, doubly re- fined, filtered, and deodorized. Re- places perfectly, butter, lard and com- pound for all cooking and shortening, and, requiring no melting, is more con- venient el At $4.00 per five-gallon can, it costs just 10%c per pound—much less than any other shortening. Healthful, Convenient, Economical and Better. COLORADO SANITARIUM FOOD CO, BOULDER, - - COLO. The Fort Lupton Tent Meetings Colorado Canvassing Report for two weeks ending August 2, 1912. With the assistance of Brethren W. H. Cox, E. E. Dunham, and my son Harold we have been holding a tent meeting at Fort Lupton since the latter part of June, besides looking after our work on Capitol Hill, Denver, nearly every Friday and Sabbath. Brother Dunham was compelled to leave us in July, going to his family in College View, and then with them to his father's home in Missouri. My family has all been with me at Lupton, Mrs. Richards assist- ing in the music, and Kenneth selling our magazines. We are rejoiced to he able to report a NAME � TERRITORY BOOK DAYS HRS. ORD. TOTAL VALUE VALUE DJSLIV D John T. North � ....... Pueblo � C. K. to 74 5 $8.50 $14-50 *W. B. Davy �Denver � C. K. 3 18 3 7.75 .75 *Avith lionnickson � Larimer Co � C. K, 4 27 4 7.25 2.25 *John Deanen �Larimer Co. � C K. 4 27 6 11.5o 1.5o Elizabeth Warner....Fort Collins � C. K. 9 64 2t 40.75 8.25 *Minnie Hahn... � ....Wray � P. P. 2 8 2 6.75 Geo. Renz �Denver � G. C. 10 83 12 45 � .75 8.8o Ray Eads � . Otero Co � P. G. 12 92 lo 42.0o Claude Eldridge � Boulder � G. C. 9 47 2 10.25 Earl D. Hahn � Wray � P. P. 8 65 9 39.75 2.50 Hilma Olson � ..Idaho Springs � C. K. 7 59 22 37.00 • . John � Anderson � Fremont Co. ... � ... C. K. to 71 35 67.25 *A. E. � Gann � ........Trinidad � B. R, 5 32 14 58.20 *Anna S. Hayer � Denver � B. R. 5 27 6 27.65 33.65 Myron Dorman � Sterlings � G. C. 9 54 8 48.75 21.25 Agents, � 15 � Totals � 107 748 159 $458.10 $81.45 *One week