oa nT EL Birt lve oie {0 REEL ARE Poids RESET Spbidn Hand very eee Bald ogg Geo. Pra eves ve co bed pe Coney? Lhe ae say so bend ce eee TDi ve have poess [FES INES: The eaiee Do Dhsr patient arpd Des ro cesiee vari Lae 0 Vivi rord their belps ba ve veo Phe vrs Bove diel evar held ig Uhr ET BE SRS . —— Interesting News hes [ESET fos a ELE Goce van boy Lae bir Poova Doo thud Beanery Lenora cond Dh eg Rog ioy vo covliia ls Pleerir weirs thie ares Billo Bios] tn pebr sey tos IRE SEE [BER the swiler irrgant sod a aed i CONT veg ping bas Jane Toa Brodtoer Saorbed met with thie Diver Nonnd copter Slo Shela fos interest af Lhe yoong pens ple hie oe, Provo wee fad rredd to Plana eon, sabds th the 24th Heontoer Foo YVanerehle =n ol%ie work at the conticeiee heotipnes tis -—3 Avge Stree! Weare wie Lor bivve Liver Bhp ais, Orders dee conning ta bo the Trae Society now, Order church septs toon oar, pry Blevatagre supply, Yen’ atiow voor As 0m THRO TNYY sec SNITE CW Td roi TA vianly dtd rovary aboot tf wasting vour orien. Make RALLY DAY, JUNE Tih, thio best Sahe- bath Schon! Das oa vor bestory, Balle vo thos supe part of vor -—_ — Faithful to the End Ider MeComas conducted the funecal service of Easton lingered in the hospital for a long time and Tlie writer visited her several times and Mes. Faston al- wavs sald that when she honith would take an active part in the third angel's mes. Mrs. Faston in Toronto last April the sisth, ab last succumbed to the ravages of pneumionii. regiuned hier sli sage, but God willed it otherwize. Elder McComas spoke words of comfort from 2 Sam. 1414. Murs, Easton leaves a husband to mourn his loss, Please remember in prayer the bereaved left behind. Mes, A. J. PARKES. CN CANADIAN MESSENGER 3 Maritime Chefs ebdreas hated NUS, Tod. Wiis REE PE ADEY iad, Treasurer ‘ Halifax Trems SES Ere aE TEAS | Pov Jenson nee il { [aS] iF Joris ar nT Fiery FEE Fioarpies |< RE SAREE TER EE SERS IR cei teil EER A (EEE RAEN IEE AS [TUR EES LIT I EEE SE SER EAE ERE SF A TF SLR Wil [EE EEE FN PERRET IN ETC SE [SW RECS INSTR EE BS EVE ECU UR CRRA EE EVSEE RR TRS fF REE RR Proves ati EE me Moat IRENE evil vied therraeive ta Maovihinone sad swe sor=hor liom every snes Coss an hey new Held oF Thor. (he Sabavday melhor deve vesulted rn 299 sanan- Fotis =ividd Tegssciine= ov vsioini bie od sina Praelie, We have cob ene af rasa es waa hers ist thie Harbor BUEy Sunday saree Looe est of Marvels Sungay is Pho host toe fo sone he tres =adior= wirh Dterature, Ari Lasy A= oa vite EE HETEEN Lari 1h. wr srsters sdsibed the fuetortes of Ds tmouth ns bast as they cond haod them the 140 papers were std morled bbe pikes The enmeger furnished the money when LITE EN workmen did not have 6 by them, sold 1 shor time. It pays to try even if it does sav Ab the door, “No ndmittance except on business," Shey Teed business, We pro experiencing a little trouble in secnring our chirel Tot, asa party ms teving to hold it for a Foo ML Crtaryran, wa rider, a — me Foo, Wensir, Pessident, 230 Vitbenetive West Sogrteeal, de F. Every, Peeasurer oo. Box 3158 Montreal, Quebec A Passion for Souls A deep und sincere love for the lostas a alt of the Holy Spirit, which may only come by continanld fasting and prayer, aml unless this be received oer for eternal life may The Present Truth can be sent a full year to any one yon feel burdened to help, for a very small snm. Thou- sands of these should be scattered in the Quebec desire only be selfish, Conference, Are vou careless in tithe paying? indirectly everyons of us who knows the truth, received il because of the fact that someone paid tithe, and jist ad soon as a man or woman accepts this truth he is under obligation to send it to some- one else. Directly or