| NTELLIGEN T HUMANITY. Has It Risen to Rattlesnake Level? HEN two joc- und. dapper, young college men, Loeb and lLeopold, casually murdered an- other boy for a “thrill,” the nation, the whole world, were shocked, horri- fied. We were further astounded by the information that of these two cutthroats still in their teens one knew some fifteen languages and the other was a brilliant naturalist. Both were sons of multimillionaires, and had all for which heart could wish. We hoped there would be no other youths like these, that they were the terrible exceptions that unaccountably appear every thousand years or so. But we hoped in vain. Since the fatal day when Loeb and Leopold destroyed their companion for a frolic, there has been a constantly rising tide of the bloody billows of crime. Then came the stunning news that Colonel Lindbergh's blue-eyed, curly- haired httle baby had been kidnaped and killed. It was months before we could believe this fiendish thing pos- sible. That Colonel Lindbergh, the most loved young man in the world, the tousle-headed, smiling friend of every- one, Iacky Lindy,” should have this eghastly reward was just too repulsively terrible for belief. What irony in the nickname! But it was true—horribly true. Some of us went about hanging our heads, ashamed that we belonged to the hu- man race. If this was civilization, if {his wus the result of liberty, of edu- cation, of wealth, of leisure, what would further “progress” along the same hnes bring? If, as our university professors tell us, we have been about two billions of years reaching our present level, need we be blamed if we questioned whether the result justified the expenditure of WM Page TEN - By Earle Albert ROWELL Author of “The Bible in the Critic's Den,” “Prophecy Speaks,” and “© Bat- ting the Wolves of Society.” so much tne? And who can blame us if we wondered how many scores of billions of years it would take for the human race to reach the high level of the despised rattlesnake, which never harms unless bothered, and even then issues a warning before it attacks! If the reader thinks we have drawn too dark a picture of the human race, let him read the Lord’s cartoons of the nations of the world in the books of Daniel and Revelation, where they are pictured always as cruel, ravenous, predatory beasts of prey, lower than the rattlesnake. True, there have always been human beings who with fiendish ferocity lived bloody lives of terrorism. But never before in the history of the world has red-handed violence been so youthful. As Judge Marcus Kavanagh of Chi- cago, after thirty years on the bench, puts it: “Our most desperate criminals are tragically young.” The famed G-men of the Federal Government made a survey of all per- sons arrested for serious erimes in 1934. There were more criminals nineteen years old than of any other age. But cighteen and seventeen and sixteen crowded close. There were more burg- lars cighteen years old than of any other age, and sixteen was the peak age for automobile thieves. What has happened to drive our vouths into lives of erime? Is it because they have no opportunity to go to school?—Hardly, for a larger propor- tion of our youth are in school today than ever before in the history of the republic. It 1s increasingly the educated youths who commit the crimes. We are seeing, or should see, that 1t takes more than education to keep the young people of The WATCHMAN MAGAZINE