EDITORIAL there should be opposition on the earth to Satan’s kingdom. By the provisions of the plan of salvation he reestablished his own kingdom, notwithstanding the fact that rebellion against the govern- ment of heaven had been communicated to the human family. Satan sought the most effective means of warring against the government of God. All government is based upon law, and by striking at the law of God Satan sought to overthrow the very foundation upon which the divine gov- ernment rested. How could he most ef- fectively attack the law? There is one place in the great moral code of Jehovah, the Decalogue, where are set forth the name and authority of the lawgiver. Here, then, was the point at which to aim his blow. If he could take away from the law the name and authority of its author, he could des- troy its force, and in fact bring the law into harmony with a false system of worship. Let us suppose a Christian to be talk- ing on the subject of the moral law with a worshiper of the sun. He points the sun-worshiper to the first command- ment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” ‘The latter can reply, I agree to that; I have no other gods be- fore my god. Ile mentions the second commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,” etc. To this also the sun-worshiper assents; that is in harmony with his system of wor- ship. Likewise, he consents to the com- mand against taking God’s name in vain, also those against killing, stealing, com- mitting adultery, bearing false witness, and coveting. All these, he affirms, are in perfect harmony with his religion. But when he comes to the fourth com- mandment, he finds a vastly different situation. “Remember the Sabbath day,” it says, “to keep it holy; . . for in 733 six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.” “Ah,” the sun-worshiper exclaims, “that does not fit my religion at all. My god did not make the heavens and the earth.” And he must admit that the Decalogue is not the law of his god. No false system of worship can lay claim to the Decalogue in the form in which it was spoken from Sinai. It was the fourth commandment, there- fore, that Satan selected as the point of his attack. If the world had kept this precept of the moral code, idolatry could never have come in. If on every sev- enth day the minds of men had been called to the true God, the Creator, by the observance of the Sabbath, they could not have been turned to the wor- ship of false gods. But man turned away from the observance of the Sabbath and thus idolatry came in, and through false systems of worship men were led to the lowest depths of physical, mental, and moral degradation. Satan led the chosen people of God, the Israelites, to forget the Sabbath and worship other gods. Throughout their whole history, from the exodus from Egypt to their captivity in Babylon and Assyria, this apostasy marked their course. If they had been faithful in ob- serving God’s Sabbath, the great calam- ity which destroyed Jerusalem and swept them out of their land into cap- tivity, would never have come. This is stated in the prophecy of Jeremiah. Here are the words: — And it shall come to pass, if ye shall dili- gently hearken unto me, saith the Lord, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the Sabbath day, but hallow the Sab- bath day, to do no work therein; then shall there enter into the gates of this city kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David,