Inland Spanish Church Dedicated in Golton | —_— Ward White (left), assisted by Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Elias, burned the mortgage during dedication services at the Inland Spanish Church. The church is pastored by Ernesto Hernandez. Southeastern Churches Plan Special Worship Services October 22 will mark the 140th anniversary of the ‘‘great disap- pointment’’ of 1844. More than 70 churches in the Southeastern California Conference will com- memorate this historic event with special worship services on Sab- bath, October 20. Early advent hymns, responsive readings, short skits, sermons that will reminisce, and visual displays of historic events will form a part of the celebration. The Conference Worship Com- mittee has worked hard in prepar- ing resource materials that will make this day a day of remem- brance and a day of interest. In addition, each church will take time during the day to offer intercessory prayer for a sister church in the Conference, thus drawing our churches together in a period of prayer. The Inland Spanish Church (formerly the Colton-San Bernar- dino Spanish Church) was formal- ly dedicated, free of debt, on Sab- bath afternoon, September 8. The service was planned under the direction of former pastor, Manuel Nestares, now the prin- cipal of Calexico Mission School, and Ernesto Hernandez, the new pastor. The dedication sermon was given by Thomas Mostert, confer- ence president, entitled ‘‘Nothing More Important.” He gave the main reasons for the origin and purpose of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The dedicatory prayer was given by Augustine Cortez, associate secretary of the Southern California Conference and pastor during the construc- tion of the church. The mortgage was burned by Ward White, of the Conference Association, and Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Elias. Special music was presented by Mr. and Mrs. L. Ruiz at the organ and piano; the church choir, under the direction of Dr. Elias; Evelyn Arguellez; Ricky and Marilyn Ogando; and Gilberto Bustamante. Vietnamese Refugee Family Now Leaders in Hawair’s Chinese Church Having arrived in Oahu as refugees from Vietnam, the Tang family constitute a loyal and working family in the Chinese Church in Honolulu. For the new church year Mai Tang, the father and husband, is to be personal ministries secretary as well as one of the Sabbath School superintendents. The mother and wife, Ha Anh Thuyen Tang, 1s a deaconness. Son Howard is a deacon and Sabbath School chorister. Yvonne, the older daughter, is a church recep- tionist and telephone communica- tor. Kay, 15 years old, serves as Sabbath School secretary. Only three years ago, Mrs. Tang and her two older children escaped by boat in Southeast Asia. Kay and her father arrived safely by plane in April, 1983, after Mrs. Tang made arrange- ments for them. Influenced by a cousin, Howard and Yvonne gave their hearts to God and were baptized in Viet- nam. Mr. Tang was influenced by his children’s experience, and was baptized into the Adventist Church the day his wife and two older children escaped. Mrs. Tang de- cided to follow Jesus completely while on the escape boat where she felt the guidance and care of God. She was baptized in Honolulu by Nathaniel Yen, who studied the Bible with her. Kay made her deci- sion to be baptized after her 14th birthday. Now the Tangs stand together as a united family for God. To the Tangs, the Chinese Church in Honolulu is a haven of peace and safety. Many of their friends who escaped find them- selves without a church home. Howard says, ‘‘Our friends find it hard to be all alone and worship God. We feel so blessed to have this caring church family.” Hawaii Personnel Update Robert Frost: Secretary-Treasurer Ann Fernandez: Child Evangelism Coordinator Shirley Atkins: Development, Personal Ministries, and Publish- ing Office Secretary: Hanna Lene: Communications and Education Office Secretary Terry White: Health Director William Villegas: Maintenance Bob Wong: Sabbath School Director Ann Fernandez: Sabbath School Office Secretary Richard Among: Stewardship Director Thomas Evans: Wahiawa Church Pastor, formerly of the Show Low Church in Arizona Alele Maoga: Associate pastor, Honolulu Central SDA Church Arthur Escobar: Lahaina Church Paul Lee: Molokai Church Alban Millard: Interim pastor of the Kahala Church for six months Robert Strickland: Assistant Treasurer (for one year) —————————(General—m——— — — — — — 1985 General Conference Session Information The 54th General Conference Session will be held in New Orleans next June 27 to July 6. Meetings will be held at the Superdome, with seating available for up to 95,000 people. The GC believes there will be space for anyone who wishes to observe the proceedings. Plan now to attend, and keep reading the Recorder for the latest information about the Session. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER /OCTOBER 15, 1984 MEMBERS OF THE NORCO CHURCH were able to offer free blood pressure tests recently at Riverside’s Tyler Mall. The space that was given to them would have normally cost $625. Four Begin Work in Conference Four young men now beginning their ministries have accepted the challenge of working in the Nevada-Utah Conference. Robert K. Duncan is a Task- force worker in charge of Price Church and Vernal Company. Pastor Duncan recently completed study at the Lake Union Soul- Winning Institute before coming to Nevada-Utah. He was born in Southwestern Colorado, and received schooling through high school at Cortez. He and his wife, Jean, have two children. Shaun T. Lemnah is serving as Taskforce pastor for the Quincy, California, Church. He graduated from Weimar College this summer with a B.A. in Religion. His wife, Helene, is a Elementary Educa- tion major from Weimar. While students both were active in the Truckee Church. Michael A. Speegle is a 1984 graduate of Pacific Union Col- lege, majoring in Theology. - He is Mike and Lorie Speegle Helene and Shaun Lemnah now serving his pastoral intern- ship at the Boulder City, Nevada, Church. He and his wife, Lorie, will be active in working with the youth. Serving as pastor-teacher at Winnemucca is Ralph E. Hendrix. A Religion major from PUC, Pastor Hendrix will receive his degree in December. His wife, Carrie Kay, graduated from PUC with a B.S. in Human Develop- ment. Carrie and Ralph Hendrix Keep in Mind Mission Church Builders Fifth Anniversary Weekend Boulder City, Nevada February 22 and 23, 1985 Now the Quiet Hour KREL, Las Vegas Saturdays, 8 a.m. SIGNS—Witnessing made easy.