CHAPTER XXII, VERSE 22. 431 For the Lord God “Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of 1t.”” That this is figurative language needs no argument, since it will be admitted that John did not mean to say that the Almighty God and the Son of God were actually what would be understood at his day as the temple of the city. But what, then, shall we understand from that clause? Simply that in that heavenly city there will be no des- ignated place for worship, but that wherever the glorious presence of the Father or Son shall appear, there they, as the only objects of worship, will ever receive homage and adoration from the redeemed multitude of that blessed city. And really the recorded absence of a temple in that future capital of the New Earth seems indeed very appropriate, for since those typical services which were carried on in the old temple passed away with that dispensation, and all mediatorial work will then be forever completed, what further use would there be for a structure, where formerly such typical services had been carried on? And since it is revealed in holy writ that the Son of God, yea, even the Almighty Father, will dwell with men, 1s it nc! eminently proper that they should receive adc ration wherever their appearance should . | manifested? Most assuredly.