. THE MINNESOTA WORKER. Remember: Now is the time to act. Let us have a good list, right at the start; for the pub- lishers must have the names before the meeting ~ begins. Send all names and 20 cents each to L. B. Losey, Minneapolis, Box 989;. or else order through the librarian. H. F. Purrpes. = THE BOOK WORK. | CANVASSERS REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING APRIL 26. 1895. Book Ord. F. A. Detamore B. R. 25 A. E. Just “ 6 Geo. W. Weise “ 93 Iver Hilda P.J. 18 Albert Nelson BEL 9 N. G. Henrikson « 1g H. E. Sjelstad ~~ «19 P. O. Johnson G. C. 16 Christine Hanson ¢¢ 6 S. J. Johnson “ H. E. Nash Dan. & Rev. N. Mortenson ¢¢ “4 S. H. Wing Glo. App. 17 J. F. Emmerson «« « 13 Ida M. Rice “« 21 Emma Hanson « 16 Rachel Budd « 20 Mollie Boyer ~~ « Maggie Walde « Segrjd Lovedahl « John A. Lindin Hrs, 48 Val. Val. Halps, 10.50 53.75 23.00 3.00 37.00 22.50 36.00 12.75 38 16.05 1.00 1.35 3.46 1.97 1.75 2.10 3.40 10.00 4.45 4.40 3.85 7.45 .65 .25 45 15 4.85 6.95 640 $315.85 $39.83 C. M. Everest. ES ed ee QO RT WOO 1D WY BD BO SPECIAL NOTICE. WE cannot send any more of the Apr. 11th number of the Sentinel at 50c per hundred as the number we had on hand have been disposed of. We have quite a number of the Jan. 17th and March 21st special numbers that will continue to sell at 50c per hundred which is about half what ~ they cost us. If any wish more of the Apr. 11th - numbers we will send your order to the publishers and have the papers sent direct to you. - Minx. Tracr Soc. Wz have just received 400 copies of the new edition of the Gospel Primer, and it is much more attractive in appearance, and has 32 pages of new $44.75 & 2.50 1.30 matter added which will add very materially to its selling quality. While the price remains thesame, twenty five cents, the value of the book is very much enhanced. If you have not seen a copy send 25¢ in stamps or money order for sample copy to Minnesota Tract Society. Minnesota Tract Soc. THE annual session of the Minnesota Tract Soc. of Seventh Day Adventists will be held in connection with the Camp-meeting June 4-11. First meeting at 3 o'clock p. M. Tuesday June 4th. Election of offi- . cers for the ensueing year and other business pertain- + ing to the work of the society will be done. N. W. ALLEE. Straw Ticks. THE mattresses formerly supplied by the confer- ence are entirely worn out and useless, so there will be none for rent this year. It will be necessary for those coming to bring straw ticks with them. Please do not depend on mattresses as there are none. One word more in regard to tents. Please send in your orders immidiately so we can arrange to supply you. N. W. ALLEE. Minnesota Conference. THE next annual session of the Minnesota Confer- ence will be held in connection with the Camp-meet- ing at Merrian Park, St. Paul, June 4-11. First meeting at 9 o’clock A. M. Tuesday June 4. We trust that there will be a full representation of delegates from each church in the conference. The annual election of conference officers and their important business will be transacted. N. W. ALLEE. Reports, Reports. WILL each laborer of the conference please remember to have his annual report ready for the auditing com- mittee by May 29th, so there need be no delay,as it is desired to have all such business finished during the Workers-meeting. The first meeting of the auditing committee is appdinted at 9 o'clock Wednesday. May 29th. Brethren and sisters please don’t delay the committee in their work by not having your reports ready. Bh . N. W. ALLEe. - WE have just received news that Bro. E.G. Burdick who has been employed in the Minneapolis Post-office department for the past few years, received notice from the post master that he would be ‘given till ‘Fri- day night to make up his mind wheather he will give up his position and salary or give up the Sabbath. Further particulars next week. =~ Co ‘ | C4 LB. Le Would you sell the Sabbath for $1,000 per year? Wir