Publisher’s Department (Includes the second page) Conducted by the Department of Circulation THE SPECIAL WATCHMAN THose who have been working on this num- ber assure the readers of the WarcEMAN that it will be far superior to anything ever before published by this office. It certainly is worthy of a decided effort on the part of ev- ery believer in the third angel's message to place a copy in the hands of as many individ- uals as possible. It is a number which will interest readers of every class and condition. “The illustrations are sufficient in number, and of such a character, that those who will be most readily attracted in this way will have their interest aroused and feel a desire to read what is said of the wonderful gospel message for this generation. -Readers who care particularly for solid, sub- stantial reading will find it in this number. It is not of a character to arouse fancy, but to awaken deep, serious thoughts concerning matters of eternal consequence. The type is somewhat larger than that used for this ar- icle; it will therefore be easily read. Everything that is possible in the way of preparation is being done to make this num- ber one that every Christian will delight to place in the hands of his friends and neigh- bors, saying, “Here is something which I have found very interesting; it tells about the present conditions of the world, and of soci- ety, as noted in the Word of God. The prin- ciples of Christianity and the present outlook for those who adhere to these principles are here presented in such plain and interesting language that T am sure you will be delighted to read the paper.” Those who have had a little experience in selling the WarcaMmaN will appreciate the fact that this number will sell very, very easily; others who have not yet proven by experience that the WarcaMAN sells readily will find this issue a fine number with which to begin their efforts. No one should miss this op- portunity. Sample pages will be sent on re- quest. Note the following prices: — When mailed in one package to one name and address — Single copies In quantities less than 100, each...... .03 100 to 499 copies, each 500 or more copies, each............ 03% When mailed singly to lists of names and addresses — 10 or more copies in one order, each.. .06 A neat WarcEMAN badge will be sent free, if requested, to any one ordering fifty or more copies. . Orders should be sent at once, and may be forwarded through the local society, the con- ference office, the nearest publishing house, or sent direct to the WarcaMmAaN, Nashville, “Tenn, FOR CHILDREN The New Testament Primer: bright and interesting. 35 and 6oc. SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, Nashville, Tenn. THE WATCHMAN OUR SERIALS Tur splendid series of articles from Elder Clarence Santee and Prof. P. T. Magan have attracted much attention. This is because of their sterling worth as sermons to interest and instruct in the knowledge of God’s truth for these days. The contributions yet to follow in these timely serials will be of even greater interest than the articles already published. No one can afford to miss the remaining numbers. It is not too late to subscribe for the WarcH- MAN for friends or relatives who will be in- terested and benefited by reading the pages of this paper, and especially the articles to which reference has been made. EE I A MANUAL FOR CHURCH AND MISSION SCHOOLS Tris book is now ready and all orders are being promptly filled. The table of contents was published on this page last week and should be studied by any who may question the advisability of at once ordering a copy. It is written with a view to aid every educa- tional worker in this field. Special stress is laid on the importance of thoroughly organ- izing and systematizing the work. The schools of higher instruction find it ab- solutely necessary to conduct the work on thoroughly systematic plans, and the lower schools will reap just as positive benefits from following the same principles. The following pointed statements from the Manual give something of an idea of its gen- eral character. “Our children and youth are surrounded by evil influences on every hand. This cannot be wholly avoided. In this world the young must come in contact with evil The only defense a young man or woman can have against sin and its consequences is a strong, upright, symmetrical character built on right principles.” “We are living in an age of skepticism. It is popular to doubt God's word and common to scoff at the manifestations of Divine power. The beautiful account of creation as given in the Bible is discredited by the great majority of educators, and theories of evolution which discount the power of God are credited and taught.” The Manual contains 70 pages and is bound in a bright limp leatherette cover. Price, post-paid, 25 cents per copy. Orders may be sent to the Southern Publishing Association, or its branches. For more than five years we have been furnishing to our people, every- where, the very best Salad, Table and Cooking O11 America affords. An absolutely pure vegetable product, containing no HYGIENIC COOKING ’ chemicals or animal fat of | AMERICA S any kind. Easily digest- BEST ed, does net become ran- cid, and next to Olive Oil. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sole Agent for America. FIVE GALLON CAN, $3.86 TEN GALLON CAN, 17.70 70 cts. per gal. in bbl. (about 50 gal.) and 34 bbl. (about 30 gal.) lots. By freight direct from the factory in Louisville, Ky., to you. Send stamp for ceok booklet and circulars, also cash with each order to DR. 0. C. GODSMARK, Chattanooga, Tenn. 735 IMPORTANCE OF SUBSCRIPTIONS THE importance of receiving the regular weekly visits of the WATCHMAN cannot be eas- ily overestimated. Benefits to be derived from the weekly reading of this good paper are many. The moral and spiritual tone of the paper is always elevating. The soul-filled ar- ticles published from week to week will cer- toinly inculcate correct lines of thought. The various departments of the WATCHMAN make it interesting reading for all who desire clean, pure, gospel literature. Parents should read the paper for themselves in order to keep in touch with the progress of the Lord's work throughout the field. The youth should be encouraged to read it that they may develop a desire for the things of God, and grow up with an understanding of the conditions of our work and its progress everywhere. The pointed explanations of Bible doctrines are needed by every student of the Word of God. The WATCHMAN is a paper for the home, and for use in missionary efforts. Souls are being converted by reading the regular weekly issues. Those who have friends and relatives who do not take the WarcaMmaN, and church members who know of families in any church in whose homes the WATCHMAN is not a reg- ular weekly visitor, should do everything in their power to interest such persons in its weekly visits. Eternity alone will reveal the lines of heavenly influence which will develop from such efforts. One yearly subscription will be given free to any one who sends in four new yearly sub- scriptions at $1.00 each. Many have taken advantage of this special offer in the past. To all such, and to others who could do this work, the publishers wish to say it is not yet too late to begin. Agents are wanted in every locality who will take the WATCHMAN regu- larly to those living in that community. Cor- respondence is solicited. All letters will be cheerfully answered. Address the WarcH- MAN, Nashville, Tenn. Sg XS STILL ONE DOLLAR The yearly subscription price of the WarcH- MAN is still $1.00. Those who are sending subscriptions at the $1.25 rate are receiving full credit for the amount of money they send. It is possible that the subscription price will be raised after the next meeting of the stock-holders, which will be in Janu- ary, 1908. Now is the time to solicit sub- scriptions for the Warcuman., Now is the time to renew subscriptions which will expire some time soon. Circulars and order blanks will be supplied on request. Soot Sf TRACT SOCIETIES AND CANVASSERS, NOTICE! ANY depository, tract society, canvasser, or other person having copies of “ Patriarchs and Prophets” in the English language, of which they wish to dispose, please write to the under- signed at once, stating number of copies in each style of binding. State if books are all new or in first-class condition. Let me know if you have only one copy. Send no books until you have written for instructions. WALTER HARPER, Care of Pacific Press, Mountain View, Cal.