1 lt3 if ''''1 ' 14,1'41 r° ri ,,, it , r j ...i ,..,,,,,Lui , � u...: .... ., � k.,1 R � I � -; 1 j * .1 � 'I kes;;Le) � Q.feei � Lille.; 61.i Voi. 3. � (1,11.111:1,A NI). ‘VEDNIESE).k.Y, SEPT. 21). IS 13. � irf3. 6. 4 [Please Reed 0101 � T. II. S(I EA I), Pi, Bidsii :u. ' - - iliLLEB S LECTURF.S. I � 1101 to � tier tweturiling to his due ;eel he � stand ill the g!orHots land. wiled' angel gtete Leek and begins this history with divided hiweel the liver winds of heaven, enulllite own e ill, and mow shall stand before him, year. You will likewese ob•erve that the IA:111'11E VI. � ' minion which he ruled; for his ktmelem shell j by hie hand ,,ball 1st � Ile shall the league. 22,1 verse. 'And alter the hethee be plucked up, even lee others besides those,' I alse set his l'aet- to enter with the strength of nettle with hint lie shall work deeseteilty: VISION OF � E LvrrEit wivs; (du, to, hisp � !vliolte �nail upright on. wills sled! ensue up. and shell become strung wit' 00, AN EXPOSITION 01, TIIE ELEVENTH CHAPTER � Need I, thou, tell toy hearers that history t him,' (or men of eqiml conditions, ns it might a small people.' et, DANIEL. � tells us that Alexander cunquere the then j have been rendertell The Ronnie army, of � Let us in din first ',Ince inspire, between known word in ;Nee six years, and dint he which Pompey hail the etermittiel, when lie whom � this length! stook? 'fie! Now I sin min' in "ndie � findemiuni what "I's" died •3-23 seals B. C. at Babylon; that his h went into Egyi t � :':destine, was compteued must let one of the contracting puttee-. frthe l'i::,141(tYsi,7,41!he':',.1::•itesi; 51171,d;uP:tr � the Yi"• kinselttM ens divided anitteg les grentesthof the S011$ � all the principnl. eitizeite of the fait that the angel � talking abeitt (het from which division arose four grent Rome, who were, according to the laws of :severest-tent before and afterwitole, and that This is Ow third limn the angel Gabriel kitteduesps, Evvpt in the south. Perrin in then the mp1 blie. it: serve ten veers in the service Ii � Reuel' or Roman kingdom wee to work canto to inetruet M nicI. Tile first tinie was ease � tiri iu the meth, end Mecetlertia in of their ettuntry bt•fore they were admitted deceitfully, eind through nie policy also l: when Daniel had the vision of the lie-giant, the wra, which kingthen, lasted until con- ; to receive the high offices which they might shall memo croft to prosper In his band;' see Daniel 6: 114 'Phis wits 533 years berme nuered Its/sthe, Ilottimiet Between the yeare nfterwnrds be emendates for. This accounts Daniel 8: 23; and also from the eirtennstance Christ. The second time lie came was when IVO and 31) I3. C. nearly all these kingdoms for the language just rend in tee text—'up- of their being it email or republican people let Dente! was preying foe a deliverance of hie best., 'semen province,. rem, Dew' 11: right sews with him.' And stbus � lie do: first; Rome, toe, was small in territory at people from their Babylonia' captivity, fifteen 5-13, iiiclusive• we have a prephecy or the lie shall give lien tile daughter of women, this dine, although manly nations 01111 king, years • alter the first visit, when be instructed two principal kingdoms cot of these four— corrupting her; hilt She Anil not stand on his demo mete tributary unto them. Butt wet, him into the seventy weeks, and crucifixion Egypt and Syria; end any one who may have side nor be for him.' When Pompey went was the other contracting party in this league( of the Messiah. Now lie has come in the the curiosity ,to see the exact agreement be- into Egypt. he found that country divided be- I answer, it must hare been seine people third year of Cyrus the Persian, 534 B. C., tween the prophecy and history, cell rend tweet' Ptolemy and Cleopatra. Pompey, !trier whom the angel lind ileview; and he, Daniel,. 21 years after Daniel had his vision of the Rollin's Ancient History, where he hos not he had made them tributary to the Romans, had the mane; III view, or he would have given four beast's, nineteen alter the be-goat, and only given us the history, but applied this compelled diem to settle their differences by some mark by which Daniel or the reader 4 years after the seventy weeks' 'risme-non. prophecy. And ns 1 see no rensun to disae marriage. Afteriards, when Julius Caesar could have come to a just conclusion. Yes, After informing Daniel his purpose, as in grey front him in his application of these came against Pompey with his western cuter- this was the case; for be had told Daniel in our text, and making some preliminaryobser- texts. I Shalt, therefore; for brevity's sake, arts, with whom be bad conquered the west the very outset. 'Now I am come to make rations concerning the vision in the remain- ;ems over these texts, and examine the text, part of Europe, and in the bottle fought be- thee understand what shall befull Illy people der of the tenth chapter, Ile begins his teach- Dan. 11: 14, 'And in those times there shall tween these two contending rivals, (Pompey in the latter days.' See our text. This, then. ings to Daniel, and through him to us, with the many stand up against the king of die south; and Julius Caesar,) Cleopatra had the cents is the key that unlocks the whore subject, first of the 11th chapter. 1st verse, he tells also, the robbers of thy people shall exalt mend of. the Egyptian fleet on 1110 side of and expleins two important points in the who he, the heavenly messenger, is—the themselves to establish the vision; but they Pompey; but in the midst of the action she vision, Fit-et, it teaches who are the subjects seine who confirmed Daniel in the seventy shall fall.' The king of the south, in this verse, deserted over to Cassar with her whole fleet, of this elates; and, secondly, when and bow weeks. See Daniel 9: 1, 21. And is the without any doubt, means king of Egypt; which turned the fortune of the day in favor the Roman kingdom became zonnected second verse he begins with the fifth king of but what the robbers of thy people means, of Julius Causer. Pompey then fled into the the vision. If 1 sun thus far correct, then Persia, the very some king who.issued the remains yet a doubt perhaps to some. That Grecian isles, where he compelled many of die angel has reference to the league made decree to Ezra to go up and build the walls it cannot menu Antioch..., or any king of them to declare in his favor. But Caesar soon with the Romans 158 years B. C., st hen the of Jerusalem, which began our seventy Syria. is plain; for the angel had been talk- followed him, and at the battle of Pharsalia Grecian general, Bacchitles, withdrew his weeks. Daniel 9; 23; Ezra 7: 1-14. For ing about that nation for a number of verses completely defeated Pompey, who was slain army from before Jerusalem, and never re- the first Persian king was then on the throne, previous, and now ears, 'also the robbers of by a band of pirates or robbers. This east turned to vex the Jews any more, as soya 1 Daniel 10: 1, which was the third year of thy people,' &c., evidently implying some we have in tie: 18.1t yersee'After this shell Maecsbeee 9: 72. For the history of this the reign of Cyrus, king of Persia. This other nation. 1 will admit that Antiochus did he (Pompey) turn his face unto the isles, mid league, you can read 1 Maccabees 8, and was the same Cyr.s who was general and perhaps rob the Jews; but how could this she!! take many; but a prince (Cueetir) for Josephus' B. XII., chap. 10, sec. G. This son-in-law to Darius the Alede, that conquered 'establish the vision,' as Antiochus is not for his own behalf shall cause the reproach league was the first ever made between Mu Babylon. Besides whom 'there should be yet spoken of anywhere in the vision us per- offered by him [Pompey] to cease; without Romans and the Jews. according to Joseph's.. three kings,' which three kings were Arta- forming any act of that kind; for he belonged his own [Ctesar's] reproach he shall cause it It took effect 158 years B. C., when the xerxes, Darius, and Ahasuerus, as they are to what is called the Grecian kingdom in the to turn upon him,' [Pompey.] 19th verse, Grecian kingdom, at the command or tie: named in Scripture. See Ezra. 4th, 5th, vision? Again, 'to establish the vision,' must 'Then he [Cesar] shell turn his face towards Romans, ceased to trouble the Jews, and the and Gth chapters. I am aware that history mean to make sure, complete, or fulfil the the fort of his own land; but he shall stumble Romans began to work deceitfully. Then has named four, where Scripture has only some. And if it cannot be sliesvfl that the and fall, and not be found.' 'flue history of began the Pagan beast to exercise his intlu- named three. History names, 1, Camhyees; Grecian kingdom was to soh the, people of Cremes death is familiar to every school-boy. ence over the people of God. And now let 2, Snierdis, same as Artaxerxes above-named God, 1 think it must mean some other nation After he bad conquered Pompey, be returned us pursue his history as given by the angel in Scripture; 3, Darius, son of Dystaspes, which would do these acts, to which every to Rome, entered the c.ty in triumph, and a Gabriel, 24th verse, -1Ie shall enter peace- same as above; 4, Xerxes, some as Scripture word will apply. And to find this we need few days after, when he was about to be ably. even upon the fattest places of the calls Ahasuerus. Why the Scripture did not not be at a loss; for at this very time of crowned emperor, he was slain in Iho senate- province; and he shall do that which his name Cambyses, if there was such a king, which the angel is speaking, Rome, the last house. before Pompey's pines, by his own fathers have not done, nor his fathers' latherse I em not aide to tell, unless his reign was so kingdom in Daniel's vision, did exult itself, friends; •ho stumbled and fell, and was not he shall scatter among them the prey and short (which all historians agree in) that Ise and this kingdom did have the very marks in found.' 20th verse, 'Then shall stand up in spoil, and riches; yea, he shall forecast bad no hand in building or hindering the build- the vision, and in the events following. 'Phis his estate a raiser of taxes, in the glory of his t'eviees against the strong holds even ing of the temple at Jerusalem, as the other kingdom was to have great iron teeth; it was the kingdom; but within a few Julys he shall for a time.' This verse is a true history three kings had, which Ezra has named. to break in pieces, end stamp the residue with be destroyed, neither in anger nor in battle.' of the rise of the Roman power; they But as Gabriel did not come to tell Daniel the feet of it. The vision also says, 'Ile This verse describes Octavitie Closer, who did scatter the prey and spoil among the anything which was not 'noted in the Scrip- shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper first taxed the Roman provinces, Judea being provinces, and conquered more nations by ture of truth,' (see Daniel 10: 21, 'But 1 will and pracli.e, and shall destroy the mighty taxed [see Luke 2: 1, 5] when our Saviour munificence and benevolence in the onset, show thee that which is noted in the Scrip• and holy people, and that lie should magnify was born; but °chivies Ctesar, afterwards than by their arms or battles. Rome bought lure of truth,') therefore the language of our iiiireeter &c., the same as exalt himself, called Augustus Caesar, was not slain like his more nations by riches and Intrigue than 3110 text now under examination will be this— Daniel 7: 7, 23; 8: 10-12, 24, 25. And it uncle Julius, nor like its successors; but died conquered in war; and she compelled the .There shall Mend up yet three kings in cannot be denied but OM the Jews have been peaceably in his bed. '21st and 21d verses, Jews to submit for about two centuries to Persia. (sated in the eteripture of truth.) and robbed of their city and sanctuary by the •And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, that which tin nation before had been able due fourth Moll be fur richer than they all,' (romans, and the Cerietien church hag been to whom they shall not give the honor of the ever to do, viz., to be ruled by kings, goy- Ise. This fourth king seas Artexerxes Largi- persecuted and robbed by this dreaded beast, kingdom; bet lie shall come ill peaceably. turners, and high ()sleets, appointed by the menus, and is thin same king noted in Ezra the Roman kingdom. It is evident, too, that and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. And Roma., end not chosen by themselyee. — 7, and the first and only king of Persia, when this kingdom falls, the vision will be with the urn.), Or a fleed shall they be over- 25th verse. 'And he shall stir up his power 'noted in the Seripturee,' who ever gave a completed, fulfilled, esuddielied. dein they throw!! from before him, end shall be broken; and his courage against the king of the ettute decree to rebuild the walls and streets of shell WI,' says the angel, in the verse under yea, also, the prince of the covenant.' In with a great army; and the king of die smite Jesus:slams especially in troublons times. our present examination; 'they shall fall;' these two verses we have the history of shall hue etirred up to battle with a very greet We may therefore reweembly and ceiteln- that is, the tee hums in this fourth kingthen, Tibet-me Cesar, who was the, successor of tied mighty army; but he shall not stand; fur elvely determine diet the messenger Gabriel when the vision is fulfilled or eseiblietted, and Octaves Cursor in the Roman empire; slid duty small forecast devices against him.' bogies hie instruction with tide king's reign, wi it the stone cut out of the mountain � wee One of th,, most vile,. prelligete, bloody This is a description of the war isi Egypt, Cie 5tht king muted in Setipture. And if yo, out - � shell grind them to powder. 1Vu tyrants that ever sat upon the Roman throne• under the govu � at of Mark Anteny and we hove another strung and forcible evidence will mkt, rho eth v, •So the king of the ninth' History gives le; the estme nemeint, dint he Oetnvitse Cursor. •Yen, they diet feed of Rest Daniel's whiten of the runt and he-goat (Isom, is now the king el* the north, betuatiee obtained by flimsies the kingdom. nail after. the motion of his meat shall destroy him. began with the severity weeks, 457 years they had eohlptered the Materelortinn kingdurn, wards ruled it by tyranny. Ile elan assumed and his army shall (mellow. and many shell before the birth or Christ, and 490 years, or end lied become 'meter. of the cc-metrics the name ref Augustus. In his ridge Christ fell down stein.' When Antony went into' 71) prophetic weeks, before his death, Dite. Moth and mud before they attacked Egypt) was crucified, elm prioco or the covenent Egypt with a great unity, Cleopatra, then 111 3• 4. We hevis the plain history of '5111111 tenth, and rant up et MI. fit, and uaka was broken.' Hero elide the history of the queen of Egyet, dessert.' her hesitater,' Alexunder, the cenqueror of the world, his the must fenced cities; and the Anna of rho setenty week's, tone prophetic history being standnrd, as Hite 111111 helot° Pompey'", end dsesli, and division of the kingdom into near south shall not.witIonuel, neither his christen divided ine, fuer divisions: the first part is went OV4.n to Mark Antony With ill! the tierces. erest empires. !fear what Gabriel Kaye of people, neither shrill there be 'my strength to the bietory of the :seventy weeks, to which she could command; by which mean. Egypt Lint more than 2110 year:, before the event widistend.1 'Phis we, about (*My years before we 'rive 1,4.11 attending, which beget, iu the became tin (witty prey to tie ,,,,, ails; b0 that Larpaaed. and leurti, ye ekeptiem, die evis ut „art,t, when Pompey, a Roman genetel non• ',eyelid' year 01 Arisixerxee' reign, and melted a part of the Egyptian army, that fed of the donee that this prepleucy is of divine origin: tittered Egypt, nee made tint kingdom Iribu• in the 22tI yenr of Tite:ritie Cleetieui, being portion of the kung's meta, were the men. 111,64 s mighty king "hall eland up, that Khali wry to the Roma., and efourwnrile entered four bombed and ninety years; the vettimil tuf ilmareyisig the kingdom, 'And Mali ref' cull with gm.' dniainien, rind do aticiading Jerusalem, and made theist subjects of the part will IS, OM history 111. Pelee Burnie, thee', kings' lienIts MI MI be to do mischief. L, his will. Anil when Ii, 51.1111 rotted up, Ituuwn guvtrnmund. Sae � III and 17, which begins with the, first league inteltu lie• and they 0111111 Newts Iles Itt 0110 table; but it klogibson shell be !broken, and 511511 be .(hit he that „ewe', � him' te, �tWeett the Umtatas nail the ivas, mud will shall net ;weeper; liar yet the end 51(1111 hat at 4 aorep,rb.'rw.tb•nm, iia„„pi, w. �rOMIllg flirted Egypt) 'shell do accurdiug to curry us down, six. hundred and, sixty•six, the time lippointed," 'thew two kings, ars, C. FITCI(, Emmt. Auto's). mid httavium, their eletrueters itgre, ing with this deseription given in this passage; ',tot y showing that they titled liver the Remain; for a season jointly, and that they were both of them great deceiters 41111 liars. History else inlients us that idler Affinity hod entiquered Egyl, hit and (heavies guar- felled; tr.:levies thrsar sleet:tied war against Affinity, net relied sita army tenants Egypt, and et the battle of Actium defeated Antony and Cleoptortt's forces, ittlerwards took Alex- andria In Hey's!. mid Antony nits! Cleopatra put themselves its death. find Egypt liee.anes a Rowan prevince. This wits thirty years before the birth of Christ. 2u, *Then shall he return hie) his land wills grins riches; and his heart shall tic :against the holy covenant; and he shell do exploits and return to It s own land.' Then Ociaviter returned to home. And the next exploit dint this fourth kingdom wituld do would be tie:dust the lily covenant. They, by their authority. crucified our Sit- viour, persecuted tho mints, stud destroyed Jerusalem; and this fills up the nets of this Pagun history until towards the close of the reign of the Pagan beast. 29, 'At the time appointed, he shall return, and come toward Situ south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.' The time appointed must tneun the length of the reign of this lases% whose history the angel is now giving, which I have shown, in a former lecture, is 660 years. 'He shall return, and come towards the south,' not as the former or latter. Not as the Romans going into Egypt, the latter; nor the Syrians going. into Egypt, as the former; hut Italy snout now take her turn to be overrun by the northern barbarians. Therefore the angel says, in the next verse, see 30. •For the ships of Chittim shall come against hinse the meaning of which is, that the Huns, which hied on the north of the Adriatic Sea, the place where it was an- ciently called Cilium, under their leader Attila, (surnamed the Scourge of God,) should ravage the Roman empire. This was fulfilled 447 years after Christ. 'Therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant, so shall he do; be shall return, and have intel- ligence with them that forsake the holy cove- nant.' Abcut the time that Attila ravaged the Roman empire. Christians conceived it to be a judgment of God upon the Romans for their idolatry and wickedness, and refused to bear arms in favor of the Roman emperors, which led to a bloody persecution of Christians. and a renewal of Pagan rites and sacrifices, which had been partially suspended during the reign of Constantine and succeeding em- perors, except in the case of Julian the Apostate. 'Aird arms shall stand on his part,' that is, the force of the empire would his on the side of Paganism. 'And they shall pol- lute the sanctuary of strength.' 7'/icy, in this passage, means the governments or kings, established on the fall of the Roman empire in the west, by the Huns, Goths, and Vandals of the' north. By 'sanctuary of strength,' is meant Rome. And it is said that at the time that Rome was taken, men, women, and children were sacrificed to their Pagan deities. 'And shall take away the daily sacrifice.' The angel is giving us a history of what these kings would do, alien Rome should be divided into its ten toes, or when the tett horns should arise, which the angel has heretofore explained tii mean ten kings, Daniel 7: 24. This is evident by his using the plural pronoun instead of the singu- lar, as before, or us he does afterwards, when the little horn obtains the power. To 'lake away the daily sacrifice,' tneans to destroy Paganism out of the kingdom. This was done by those ten kings who now ruled the Roman empire, stud would for a little season, until they should give their power to the itnnge beast. 'And they shall place thu aboininution that maketh desolate.' 'They, meaning the ten kings, shall place, shall put in the rosins or place of the daily sacrifice or Pagan beast, which would 1101V receive its sientle wound by the sword, that is, by the civil power of this fourth kingdom, under the reigning power of these test kings; fir John tells us, Bev. 17: 12, 13, 'And the ten horns which thee Newest are ten kiegs, which have received no kingdom no yet; but shall receive power ns kings one hour with the beast, these have one mind, (being all Vegane.) and shall give their 'sower and utiongth units the beast;' that is, to support Pagnuistn. Now, this wee evidently Itilitreil; fur nth,* the fall of the Westeru Empire, A. I). 476, and before A. D. 4110, ten kings had aristiii upon the ruins, and termed ten separate kiegiltens, the Itulttes of which I have before given; thee ell being l'egans, of cuurso they supported tint form I of worship, wail they were cetivarted v, Ile, Chrktititt i tith, Whielt happened within the space of twenty sisters—Clovis, lint king of Frawar, having been converted and baptized in tho veer A. II. 496. � fly the veer A. I), :ON, Iho rtaalsiiiikr uI the kings wets brought ever and embraced tho Glirintiatt wide!' closes the history of Ibe Vegan beast, whose number wen Gee; whirl', beginning 138 years IL C., would end the beast's is ugn A. D. SUM, 6nviug reigned but tt shout time, (are hour, Heys Jahn,) with the ten kiags. We have gone through with the angel Ga- briel's second part of the history, as we runt i med. WWI now go on with the illustration of the third part of his prophetic history, which is the history of the image beast, the deadly wound healed, or what 11 wicl calls 'tire abomination that maketh desolate.' This beast would rule over the kings of the earth, and tread the church of God under feet ferty. two months, or tittle, times, and a hall; which is twelve hundred and sixty years, in common time, or, as the angel tells us in Daniel 12: 11, from the taking away Ilse daily abomina- tion to set up thin abomination that ;nukedh desolate, should be a thousand two hundred and ninety days—showing .n difference of thinly years from the stetement or the actual reign of the image beast and the other, which includes all the time from the taking away down through the setting up or reign of the image beast. Therefore, to reconcile these two statements, we must conclude there were 30 vents from A. D. 508, when Paganism ceased, before the image beast, or Papal Rome, would begin her reign. if this is cor- rect, then the 1290 began 309, and would end in 1798. But the reign of Papacy would nut be set up until A. I). 538, and would end in the same year, A. D. 1793, being 1260. This, then, is the history the angel will give uo next. 32, 'And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries; but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.' The ecclesias- tical historians tell us that in the beginning of the sixth century, about A. D. 338, a number of writers in that day undertook to prove that the Papal chair, together with councils of his approval, were infallible, arid their laws were binding on the whole church. These writers were highly honored, and flattered with promotion by the reigning powers; while on the other hand there were many who opposed this power of the Pope and clergy, who were denounced as schisma- tics and Arians, and driven out of the king- doms under the control oh' the Romish church. 33. 'And they that understand among the people shall instruct many; yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame. by captivity, and by spoil, many days.' fhose who in- structed the common people, and opposed the worshipping of images, the infallibility of the Pope acid councils, the canonizing of departed saints, were persecuted by the civil power, (the sword.) were burned by order of the ecclesiastical courts established by the laws of. Justinian, emperor of Constantinople, whose code of laws, published about A. D. 534, gave to the bishop of Rorie power to establish courts for this purpose; and many in the sixth century and subsequently down to a late period, 'many slays,' suffered death. imprisomnent, and confiscation of goods, in consequence of a difference of opinion in matters of religion, by the tyranny of this abomination, 'the bloody city which has reign- ed over the kings of the earth.' 34, 'Now, when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help; but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.' This text agrees with ono in Rev. 12: 16, 'And the earth helped the wo- man.' 'But many shall cleave to them;' that is, tunny men of � worldwould cleave to therm, end professedly would flatter the true people of God that they were friendly at least to them; and by these means Satan carried on his wars against the children of God. 33, 'And same of them of understand- ing shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end, because it is yet for a time appointed.' This verse shows us that oven Christians would be led into some of the errors of Papttey, nod would be tried and purged, even to thus end of the image tissues reign, Which time is niipointed. no I have ffiready *hewn, to he 'time, timers. and it !init.,' 1:-'60 years. ending A. D. 1108. lilt, 'Ant the king shell do according to his will; mid he shall exult himself and magnify himself tams, every god. and shall speak marvellinie things agniffie the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be neeomplished, ter that that is determined shall ho dune.' � I'lto king bete spoken of is the ease as Daniel s little !turn, which cense up towing the ten limns. it is the ramie that bliniplierned the tied sir liersOi•li. It is �I:411101h his. 1•1: 12-15; Hess � ;1 it. T1010141110 Paul has described tit his hit t!e. � Thesis. 2: 1-8; the seine image !seed which we have been examine the history of; and 1/110 Using is evident, that this least will continue,Maid the day that I led turn out his n.111;1,1'61111 tip.n It welly eeehl. m sane. luau or 01110r, 37, 'Neither shall he regard the Ged of his fathers, our !Iv; desire of women, hoe regent any god; fur he shall magnify Iffinsell ulnavn ell.' � lit this ;Jessup we have is plain description of Pa- pacy; they do not worship NO 10111/0 gods the Pagans did—•their Lathers;' told their clergy are forbidden to marry; the Pepe rolls hew self the vicegerent of God, or God OH writs, having the keys of heaven, &C. :kg, 'Itut in his estate shall he honor the god id' force.; and a Rod a hous his Cohere knew not shall he honor with gold and silver, and precious stones, and pleasant things.' It is true that the Pope, fur ages past, has had larotf armies at his command, and always it bodyguard to attend him in Isis capital; also, that they adorn their pictures with gold, and silver. and precious stones, and pleasant things, and that the gods they worship, such as the images of Christ. apostles, Virgin Mary, and canon- ized saints, were riot known to Pagan wor- shippers. 39, 'Tints slualt'he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory; and. he shrill cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.' These patron saints, which the Pope divi- ded among the several nations of the earth, and in almost every family—each one having their patron saint to rale over them, by the appointment of the Pope—were strange gods indeed; and rational beings might truly won- der when they beheld the power of this last abomination over the minds and judgments of mankind. And then, again, to see the num- ber of kingdoms, provinces, states, and ter- ritories, which the Pope has sold to enrich his corers, without any more right or title to them than we have to the land in the moon, must convince every one that the description given must apply to the church of Rome or the Pope, who claims to exercise this great authority by his crazy title to St. Peter's chair. We have now arrived to the end of the third division of the angel's history; for the next verse tells us, 'tine at the time of the end,' meaning the end of his power to tread on the church by his civil authority, or reign over the kings of the earth, and to dispose of lands for gain. I have brought you down, my kind hearer, through a long prophetic history of more than 2200 years, and landed you at the year A. D. 1798, when the Pope of Rome lost his civil power. In the begin- ning of the year 1798, on the 15th of Feb- ruary, a French general, Berthier, entered Rome with a French army without resistance, deposed the Pope, abolished the Papal govern- ment, and erected the republic of Italy. The Pope, being taken prisoner. was carried a prisoner by them first to Sienna in Tuscany, from thence to Florence, afterwards to Greno- ble, and then to Valence. in France, where he died on the 19th of August, 1799; since which titne the Pope of Rome has exercised no more of Isis former power over any of the kings in Europe, or the Protestant church,. We shall now close cur lecture on this his- tory for the present, reserving tho remainder of Gabriel's interesting history for another lecture. To,, BtaLE LNTERPRETER IS ITS --Al is plain we cannot attain to the under- standing of Scriptures. either by study or by strength of intellect. Therefore your first duty trust be to begin wills preyer. En- treat the Lord to deign to grant you. in his rich mercy, rightly to understand his word. There is no other interpreter of the woid of God but the author of that word himself: even ns he leis *aid. “They shall all be taught of cod.'--Ilope nothing from your study. or the strength of pier intellect; but simply put your trust in (hod, nod in the guidance of his Spirit. Believe ono who has made trial ofl this' tnethod.—.111arfin Luther's letter to Spa- lot is. OBERLIN. lees Torn expects to spool a week or two In Ober- lin, where he intends to present the evidence. of the speedy coming of Christ, questions will be propounded by the Prefi•seors, as they may deem proper, from time to lime. The Lectures ciiinmenced on Tue.stay, Sept. and are to be continue! oue or two wed., as the Lard shall direct. � '1'. 11. 8. ealWerS••••••••...,,o,o,„„ THE st:coNi) ADVKN'r or CHRIST, GUN F.I.A NI), � 20. 1843. 01111 PAUPER. Ity the ',meal lent week, the !remits or this blessed canoe noticed that we needed assistance. %le wi•ii to add but line remark now, 610111M is to sues 111100, Some 2.,0 subsoils, ere furnished a itli the third tail- unte who have nut yet paid, and a still larger minds,' of oulrecript ions to the second volume remain unpaid. Some 20 subscriptions to the third volume in Akron, remain unpaid; about Ilse seine number in hainesville, also in Norwalk; also in Detroit Will sonic Iiimids take a little psins to collect these accounts. They would thereby render essential service to the paper. A hint will be sufficient, is those who love the Loeb SPII EA 11:4. • At tits 'Great Tent" meeting recently held in the city of Buffalo, a croduM of a coital boat, himself a believer, stated that on his late trip train Albany he brought a 'minter of Norwegian emigrants, and in speaking to them about the coming of Christ, the interpreter inquired if it was what one Miller hod been writing about? 'Yes,' replied the captain. 'Oh,' said the interpreter, 'we read his writings in our lan- guage before we can. from Norway—a great deal is .aid on the subject there.' AN INTERESTING RELIC. While is Pessylvania, an old paper was put Into our hands, called "The Oracle of Dauphin and liar. rishurph Advertiser, "dated Jan. IS, 1793. As that year is 60 distinctly marked as the commences.: t of the time of the end, its records of the then pr. tent state of the world are worthy of notice. The paper centrists sf four pages, each having but four barrow columns; is mostly occupied with European utf.d.. One article, "from an English Paper," is entitled, "Tux ESDYNICAL DISEASES OF Luau., discovered by feeling the Pulse of the Times." We copy a few interesting extracts: “France, is in a phrenzy fever, which it is apprehended will require snore BLEEDING and purging than ever: notwithstanding she has undergone those operations already in a vi- olent degree." erne Porn, struggling most totteringly a- gainst the falling sickness, but all in vain. We will not be so rude as to say the Whore of Babylon, but the poor old lady, call her by what name you please, is literal.), upon her last legs, and the staggering blows she has lately had, from her own unnatural sons, will certainly lay her as flat as a flounder. And then farewell to future Bulls, Indulgences, Dispensations, Benedictions, Anathemas, and the holy commodities of the holy See, when the holy sons of the Church shall ex- claim with holy sorrow, that the title of his holiness is gone forever." From this it appears that the Pope's Dominion was not then gone, though all the signs arise time, por- tended its speedy downfall, which our readers know, took place about two weeks from the date of the pa• per limn which we copy.--Videight Cry. ROMANIS* IN CHISA.—la Hong Kong, says W. M. Lowrie. a missionary, "more money has been expend- ed" on the Roman Catholic Church and monastery ill that plane, "during the past 12 months, than on all the buildings of all the Protestant missions in China." "The Roman Catholic missionaries in China are more than ten times as numerous as the Protestant." Itonian Catholics view :he Ptheyite movement as a favorable aspect of the times, for the propagation of their fuith—as one among 'the highest that can gladden the eye of :kith.' A recent council of Rennet Clergy, in • "Pastoral Letter,' speaks thus: "Wo will of course be understood to allude to the spread of what are called "•Puseyite doctrines"among the English clergy; with the nature of which we must suppose our renders ( ncquainted. and of which, therefore, we stud: merely say that,on almost all points in which we and Protestants dither, they are only to he I distinguished from the tenets of the Cethehe Church by the aid of it theological micros- cope of exceedingly inagnifying powers. Cosier.--A letter from thrtheite, pub- lished in the Providence Journnl, gives an net•nuat of the Comet, which was very heehaw. . and (mused great ninth, to the staple islets, ers. � It wits first observed suit the � , . Myth when it appeared a vast roans of tire rising film thin Verge of the horizon to Ilsi height of thirty degrees, itlumiunting tls' °Oval: Ils for en 1110 110 could st.nee., natives at first thought It ',eighteen% !shod was on lire. It measured Iiity-feur degires in length and four degrees in breadth. It 66/11,4 SIIIiims0.1 there that tho teinperettire risen very materielly front the proximity of tho celestiel visitor, Wined in the ...cone chewer of Model. Four goV1,11. seats 111110W is eiteees•ion,--• Babylon, Abdo Peasa, Ivry represent the dtrision of Ito Romoan Iiiiipise, alreowe am! Rome, npreemitiel by the image. The represent which look likes iu the lth asie � centuries; and the! at � • out out of the mvunl o is will ,,,,, Venda emote' the image tip 11I the 1.11 � 1114 Urea lila legs, ael somewould Mae nos believe, I•iverything had to.. pireol bet die emit itig of the Billow, by thou oeutte, and this et eta we aro, lacking for every day. 6. .1Iso the ith charier of 11,,ojel. govertituente are brought to view wide: the epithets Of a hall• a bear, a boreal, and a great and terrible beast. The not beast had ten looms, (the ten divis. ions of the ltonnin Nitrite.) � auto a little horn came up (11 ,,,,, e, or repel power) and plucked up three of the Mat hern by the root. This power arose in 538 end cussed in 179e, so tar as its power to permeate and destroy God's children is concerned.- Now tea beast is to be given Ito the burning lame, sou event that is to take pl., %Ilea the Ancient of Days abaft sit, whoee gaiment if white ae ',now, and the hair or his head like the pure wool; his throne like the fiery flame, and his wheels us burning fire; when a fiery stream thall issue and come forth from before lien; wheic.dioueand thou:a:11a Shall minister unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand eland before him; when the judgement shall sit, and the books be opened; when one like unto the Sun of Man shall comae to the Ancient of Daye and receive dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that ail people, nations and languages should serve and obey hits; and at the very stone time when the little horn, or Paul's Man of Sin, bled( be dcstruyed by the brightne. of Christ's coining. There is nu possible space left here for a temporal millennium. Various other point. will suggest themselves to firm believers, as they converse with their friends and ac- quaintancee. The main effort should be to keep the evidence before the minds of those who have retrogra- ded, and consequently are weak. The Lord add his blessing. � T. H. S. Tempi Millennium Difficulties. It is believed that gioae who adopt the theory of a temporal millennium,, will readily admit that the habits of mankind will, during the thousand years, be such, that human life will be extended to a longer period thee it is at the present time; and the various causes which note tend to destroy and shoiten life, will nearly, if not entirely, cease to exist. Few, if any, will die, either in inancy, in childhood, or in middle life; but all, or nearly all, will arrive at a good old age, and descend to the grave, "like a shock of motto fully ripe." Consequently, the increase of popu- lation will be far greater than it is at present. In ouch a slate of things, it will, probably, be conceded by all, [lout the number of inhabitants on the globe will double in twenty or twenty-live year. To be on the sale side, suppose it to double every 30 years. It then presents a formidable difficulty, of which fete, perhaps, whe believe in a state of temporal prosperity of 1000 years, have ever thought. We will estimate the surface of the globe at 200 millions of equate miles, which, it in believed, to not far front the truth. Of this, about two thirds is water, and therefore incapable of producing much to sustain human tile. A large portion of the remainder is in the frozen or barren region., or deserts, where very little can be produced Inc mankind to subsist upon. Striking these out of the account, the remainder eau- not exceed 60 millions. Should the millennium be Let it be noted that in England, where the aids of ushered in with:100 millions of inhabitants, it 1.7edhld, science, and capital, and skill, and labor, combined to in thirty years, according to our estimate, present a their utmost powers, agaculture cannot give wheaten population of 1/00 miilione; in "illy years, Lfei90 mil. bread to 10,000,0(10 of her population. Need we in. lion. in 90 years, 72110 million. in 120 years, 14,400 quire where will be the room for the more countless million.; and in 150 years, 28,800 millions, or 460 to herds and flock. necessary for the sustenance of the every square mile; equal to one and one third to every teen": billietu, Will they ba miraculously support- acre, or a family of four person. to every three acres id? This would cool...vette she promise to Noah. of land. It would seem impoodble Diet this number while th c earth reinaineth, seed time and harvest shall not of inhabitante could, without a miracle, aubeiete � cease; but how could Ilse earth be 'own and reaped 4Vo have, at tha, period, but just entered the thee. when the people would be an thick as almost to tread one up. another. Into such absurdities do men go iu allowing after a fable. We might inquire bow spiritual influences upon the hearts of men are to effect soul control the physical agente, that have been en long and es tearfully ware ring upon man. How eau a spiritual influence calm the storm and tempest. flow rock the earthquake to sleep, lLsl the earth open not her mouth and eesallow thousands in a inoinetil. The atmosphere and the earth, at its 1111flilee � deep in its bowels, groan tin. der the weight of the cur.. flow are xpirit I: al intlu• ences to reach, and heal these nialadiem. Bow ntiti• gate even "ball their force, Of hall their terror'?" The bible dOen, indeed, more than hint of great geo- lugical clanges to be made in "the restitution of all Alio. lea ller poptlialltin al' the world to doable ei,ry 30 yearn, � raie � litetemii• Ices 11.,.n Ilint Firm lie 1 e rs. w, wi.h to sugeo,t a tew 'hinge tor your com We- ialitill, There nee many Velividoials that a few mouth. ago wen. with to,, in 6.elieg and anion, who are now inactive sot comp:natively inoliGrent. There are eons., for this that inlay ou a ennehdernhlr degree hr reinoved, if the appropriate meaeutes he 'token. 'Their attentien, a Ire flambe age, woo de revel to the alib- ied by men. of the excitement the. ledeting. This .excitemeist 'tat nearly subsided, and conseofeently itheir attention is oliverteol by local tobjecte, they liver allil read little or nothing, the com ttttttt cares of life intervene, sod the miter almost inperceptibly, has lost Ate interest in the 'Ile remedy on sugeeet ie tide. You who arc firm in the lwlio.l; have a tuore familiar acquainanote with the aubject. Your views are founded upon . careful investigation, and the eviderce coma intently is the inure indelibly fixed upon your mind. Now use the talent that Goof has placed in your llama fur the good of ilio.c who have become weak. Call their oaten- lion in a comprehensive 'manner to the Inuit, pohite of the argument-give them n synopsis of any recent evidence that may have come to your view-e-furnieli them with papers-get them to take a Scene I Advent paper-direct them to the aatural and historical signs of the times-show them the utter impossibility of gainsaying the evidencee-tell them that " though ;he vision tarry, wait for it," dc. By thus doing, you will kindle top a new intereat. Said a good brother a short time wince, " Your conversation and hoot sermon 1 beard yesterday, inclines we to look at the subject again, and lake more intereet in it than I ha° done of late." A lady recently remarked, " Mr. -- believed that Christ would come in April. Christ did not come then, and now I do not believe anybody knows anything about it." Such expressions result partly Irons the want of personal examination of the evidence, and partly from neglecting to keep the rub. ject belbre the noind. It is with this as with vital godliness, if we cease to watch, we very soon lose our interest, and in a little while heroine sceptical about the evidence of out acceptance with Christ. This should constantly be borne in mind. that the back- sliding of professore is no evidence that there ie no tree religion, neitner in it an evidence that the doc- trine of the Second Advent is al.. We will notice in the meat concise manner pose-- ble sense of the prominent reason. why we believe the Second Advent of our Lord is " nigh even at the doors," and why we think the present Jewish year will not pose without bringing that event. I. The age of the world.--Without alluding to Mr. ',Miller's chronology, we are enabled to give the clear- est evidence that this is about the 6000th year duce the creation. The common chronology of the bible (bishop Usher'.) .haws a want col 15:1 years to coin. plete the 6060. Now let those who are disposed to reject Miller's chronology leek at one fact. Bishop Usher says that the Judges reigned 295 years; but Paul says they reigned "about the space 450 yea,," and Josephue sap they reigned 448 yea-: Here then are two important witnesses that Usher in meads.. Note as Patti says "about the space of 450," we will take Jeeephus testimony, which is but two years less, and call the time that the Judges reigned 4.18 years. Now sabtraet from 4 IS Paul and Joeephue' time, .295 Usher's time, � and it will leave � years, which is just the number of yeara wanting to conip:ete the 6000. In Leviticus and Numbers we are told that oho people of God should be a 'mattered and a peeled peo- ple siren years, or toren limos ; this was not fulfilled in literal years, therefore the next mode of interpteta- t ion is adopted-a day fur a year. According to the usual abode of reckoning Jewish time, we find this period Wall to extend 2520 year. By turning, to the margin of the Bible (linker's chronology) 2 ceron, 33; II, it will he sect that Manasseh, who wee king of the two renteining tribes of the children of Israel, was " bound with fetters aloe carried to Babylon," in the year 677 before Chest. The ten ti does bad lout their independence before this. These tarts b..ing known and undo rode.' the Tocsin.n is e einopes see.„ After "damsel' was tookeu cuptive, the Jews Lifetime euloject to other power, and of coon.e from that time they were a peeled people, end have beet. Readmit hither and thither more or lens ever since. The year 677 then, being the time when tie power of doe hot of the Jewieli tribca ens scattered, COMatelleel Ike germ times, or earn years (Jeen) dap pro; hatio.)- Having dm data, all that In heee,sary is to add to the � 41 � year., before Christ, 1 N 13 yea. since Christ, and wo,fitul the 24141 yenta completed thin year. This same ecatiei Mg of the imwer ef the holy pea. pie, a. we learn from the Pills chapter el Daniel, war to lust until the renurreet ion ;-sae the 2d slid 7th err. 'The t1:100 dee., or !more, commenced et the going forth of the decree to moor" end build Jeruneben, out ,4ndeleepreteut Jewish yepr, The Pill chap, of thoifri explains the 8tlt, whew the vie.. is hound. viaioo coiiiineoced wit!' !Med. Pern a at some peril 'hiring the time when that power tune in Ito height. -• The 701 wo•cloi of the lath chapter, euninienced in the 7th year of Arta tow. leitogimenue, who reigaeol WINN. the :11,,lo � power woo in it. height. do we see the tans mere the 2390 eeers e.lra r,teout,rf is made doubly sure. Look et this point egoin. Gelid. I, In the 9th chapter suites to Make Daniel understand the nejeu given in the silo chapter, toe !Seidel 011)1 al the close, ol teas astonalted at the vision, but tome understood it;" and in the thh chapter Gabriel nays, ( verse 22,13) u I cm mow cools toordo to give thee skill and understanding, thereeore understand the neva. met consider the vaien." Then he (dovecote to in- form Mittel when Christ elendol come and its crucified, which, Om .11 commentators of all sorts of creeds and opinions, Proteetant or Catholic, imaiiimously agree,) woe just 190 year', from the going forth of the decree to restore and build Jerusalem," which took place in the itli year of Artaxeraes Lovett..s, who reigned eve/ a hundred and twenty-seven provinces. Nuw this comports with the cominencethont of the vision, under the eenteid of a rani with two horns, with one born higher than the eater, stool the higher came up lest. Notice theArni of the epithet, one horn'higher than the other. What period dues this represent. 01 course a power in the Nlerie Persian government when that power reigned over I27 provinces, for its domin- ion was nicer greater. Artaxerxes, then, reigned da. ring this time, and in his 7th year issued the decree re- ferred to. So that the 8th chapter, which contains the vieimi of the 21'0 days, HARMONIZES PRE- CISELY wi th the 9th chapter, containing Gabriel's explanation, vie: the prophecy of the 70 weeks- showing CONCLUSIVELY to our inind that the commencement of the rision is identical with the com- mencement of the seventy weeks. Four hundred and ninety years were computed, then, at the crucifixion, (no all commentators agree,) wh.ch took place in the 33d year of the Christian era, since which time even the great Dr. iVerks does not even pretend to find an erroain chronology. This being the case, the sum is very dimple. From the decree to the crucifixion is 400 years, and by adding 15 10 years which have transpired since, we find the 21100 prophetic days end this year, when the sanctuary is to be cleansed, and when the host will cease to be trodden under foot, and the power of the holy people be no longer scattered. The historical signs of the times are enough to satisfy any unprejudiced mind, that the coming of Christ is near, even at the dour'. The Papal power, .reepecting which so much is said in Daniel, and Rev- elations, and by Paul, hew been rereeled. There is no question that this a the Man of Sin that Paul speaks of, which was to be revealed before the second coming of Christ. None but ltunoan Catholics and infidels 'doubt that papacy is the power spoken of in the 701 chapter of Daniel, vie: the little horn that had eye, like a man, and a mouth speaking great things. Who will question that the power that became drunk with the " blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus," a the same as Paul'. Man of Sint What has become of this dreadful persecuting power? What is the Anti Christ that was so much dreaded by the early Christians? It has been revealed-it has persecuted its 50,090,000 to death for their faith-it ie not roger thrtnidable a; a persecuting power. Now there in nothing in the way of the day of Christ being at hand or revealed; and the "wicked" alluded to in the 2r1 chapter of 2d Theessoloniane, " the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and destroy with the brightness of bin arming." Again, the present position of the Ottoman Ern- pire is a remarkable Aga of the timed. In 1113a, Bro . Litch, from the prophetic perioda in the 9th chapter of Revelation., showed clearly, and then published his conclusion.+, that the aupremacy of the Ottoman Empire would depart in A lignet 11, 1840. On that very day the supremacy of the Ottoman Empire did depart. through the intervention of the four Cholera. tuitions, England, Itioesis, Amara and Prussia. [See Litch'e Prophetic Expositions, vol. 2, commencitog at the teeth page.) It i0 not our intention at (his time to give the evelenee of this fact. The fact is fleeted by mime, on the ground dint that government still ex- hale But how do, it 'eat? Let Rev. SIr. G000lell, missionary at Constantinople, wilting April, Pill, amower: " The power of talent tan le broken forerer, and there is no concealiolg the feet even trot themselves. They railt 111/W by note soferanee. Aud though there in a mighty effort made by the Christian gorernments to mtetion theist, yet at every step they .ink lower Neil :weer with fearful weevily." To nor 111111,14 the evidence fN entochieive, and we tee, ,,,,,,, Net to mos seennol Adveiot Owlets 1.0 become itequainttel with the are. coenected with thug impor- tant fulfilment of prophecy. 5, lu �wo n telt PP dlioul. tun 11171011 Of firm beliseers to a recomoolonatlen of the cealencecuto sand years-eight hundred and fifty yet remain. Let toe carry our calculadons a little farther. In lekt years we shall have 060 to every square mile, or 8 persons to every 3 acre. of lend. In 210 yearn we /Mall fond 1910 to every equates mole, and III to every acre. In 210 yea. 3810 to every empire mile, and � to every acre. Eaeli indiridual thus being limited In a little area of fee square rods of land! Hot we have tout yet reached one fourth of the period al 0110 theueand years-seven Luudrnd nod piety yet remain. 'Po proceed in the calculeei ,,,, , where will it curry oat Delieulties-hemperable olitlio•ultiee-tied moat every step! Dow long in this elate of thin:no will it be kalore mankind will lied no roues to lunvel to coy nothing of tho va ' 'bet wit have tioivielceed neceseary to ski On its prop curing It may, however, Ion replied, fist with rod all 01417:0 are ititonobla. Very trite-iniraeler ore poseible. But eliall we luoik for moodier age of mired.? for menus trout Iteet, 001 No. the age of nitraeles is plat. Good has pronmeed that while time rant., "mummer and winter, *cell time mod harvest, shell 1114 erase." In .tlmulrr the mutat liarVela shall be reaped, to, provide for the eeverity of winter. The Nile inninalons ooesaioog mare. If we, then, take a redone', o � VieW Of the whole subject, we shell he compelled to abandon the tlicery of a temporal mittennium. I'. 11111/8031. _ � . � . . � . Ireinporal 11 illenniuni Altsurilii les. In thin thoftettml years there will ha many thou.:ands born 1111,1 lieu nn this earth, to each ono dust line b..en Lorn and livuti in the preceding titnnt years. Thu finite when Ille ulillcuuium will curnulencn., can- not 103 fully ascertained; but the common idea is, that it will be in the seventh thou- sand year or the world. 1ty the improve- ments which have been made, and are oin- king, in ship building, navigation, electric- ity, medicine, &c., .'the tempest will 1000 half its caret., the lightning lose half its terrors," and the human frame not be soar so much exposed to danger.—Buck's Theological Dici1011ary. We doubt whether Dr. Whitby, the author of the temporal millentOillial theory who wrote 150 years ago, comprehended all the resent; involved in hie scheme. Subsequent writers have been expanding the original conception from tets to time, and it is apprehended, not always free limn fancy. Mr. Buck's article in the Theological Dictionary, is quoted entire by the En- cyclopeclia of Religious Knowledge. Thus we have the sentiments of these standard works oo this sub- ject. Besides the fanciful and the poetic which the pulpit and the press have delighted to lavish upon this theme, we have also the application of the exact mathematics in regent to population. We do not know that this idea is original with Mr. Buck, but let us expand it a little. Estimating the period of a generation since the flood, at :30 years, and that there have lived since the creation say 150 generations, with an average popula- tion of 000 millions to each, we have the total num- ber born for 6000 years, viz, 90,000,0)0,000. Mr. Buck is somewhat vague in the phrase "many thou- sands," but we will take the lowest number that can be taken by the terms of the statement. That num- ber will be 3000 who are to live in the 1000 years to each one who bed lived in the preceding 6000 years. That is, 90,000 million. multiplied by 3000, gives 270,000,000,0e0,000-270 billions, being the whole number who shall have lived during the 1000 years. The question comes up, what part of this number will be living at any one time. All the agencies for the more rapid increase of [emulation and the prolongs,. Lion of life are supposed to have been in operation throughout the whole period with a continual tug. meeting force. We allow the period of a generation now 30 years to be iuereased to 50 years.. This gives 13,500,000,000,000 as the average population during the 1000 years, or 15,000 then, to 1 now, counting the present population 9J0 million. We say ouch would he the average, boot the population in the last genera. lion of the 1000 years will be 129,000,000,000,000, • which allows 14 square feet to each individual of the earth's surface, the dry land, cleared of all obstructions of forests, buildings, etc. This is the result to which we come from the premises which tae friends of the theory themselves have laid down. Shall we look wound her the means of ,abstinence fur these myriads. neloolleall.1.1.1101111. �111. � 111.I. g. t M116.1, I.11.‘ � 1,1.1.1 � 1f111,1i nr � ,IN.11.13.0 of nue.1 onto 1..1 7 )1,1.114 hkg• WI' enrIS.1,41.• 11..111.1 'MS � A+ MSS, � ,11.01•, I.. ••.11,011 Iloo• poS11It111.16. ln•uyLvl us d«N.rl1 en mr earth la at lite pteseill tavtat tit. mul' rue. WIll11.11.-S,111111 Ilatt/ � I 111: (.11.11 I ATIPs. --It is noW st limn widen' bicielit [but the heathen world Wen, fast it behoves every member or tun. /0011 to in- ii,blIng to the light of the wiled, This is quire or these. � Well might every watch- , mistake. � 1,1,t ns IfOik it rt few Iduti,dieul loan on her wall,. hike up the solemn, facts. There ilr., ahem 600,1100,11110 hen. ling word of the prophet, and in It tome or high tool awful authority. .y tit Epist.lutlintn.-- Ninnal ye in the ways, rind see awl aid: for THE 01.1! emits, where is the good, way, and era/k !herr., and ye shall find rest to your mutts.' The old rills of rellgi1111 are 111.1ille, Well no on It mill. in din Word of l lout. They 111l1 older than Popery--older tine the cor- ruptions of Christianity--older than Jewish Plinrisnisin, yea, older time the deluge.-- These 1111. the paths in which Abel. mid E- noch, and None, and Abraham, and all the prophets, and the true Israel of God walked to lietiven.--Clorreleman. There is no way like the good old way. If we can fund the way in which the prophets nod apostles walked, we may walk therein. at home. How long would it take us at thin It is supposed by some that the doctrine of rate to Convert the heathen to God? If we :he New Earth and the Lord's return are should allow, as we hope it may be, that fat).- new doctrines. but (nothing can be farther 000 will mobilo:1i the gospel during rho corn- from the truth. The new earth, the lienven- ing forty years, what shall we then be doing, I ly inheritance, is that for which Abraham at this rate, to convert the heathen world to looked, wherein he should receive the prem. Christianity?--Chris. herald. COMING OP Ol I it- 1SiTili) DEST ROYTH E MAN Oh' SIN, PERSONAL. 2 'Ilse., 2, S. If after the npostle has mentioned the per- sonal coming of Christ nine times, and used the wurd "coining" in its literal sense that number of tirnes, he suddenly uses, it in a and prayed for their Lord's return, were ex- figurative sense, there is then the use of a horted to patience, and waited his corning in word in a double sense in the same Pam' hopes of a better resurrection in the restitu- graph, and on this principle rules of interpre- I tioo of all things. spoken of by the mouth of things" mot in the proreast of the ereatien of Ilia new eatIll, but the �and term., which the Oyu. rates or the spit aunt militia uni have � require that all these ilestruetive agencies should cease during the millcuninl age, Aceoriling to their own showing, the friend. of the temporal millennium ought to easy to us, it hns rams, tur the se,uld le now (111(10 years old and just entering upon it. 71100th year. Thu evidence of this ii too won.; to be re...1.4rd. �'e allude in another point in the tensporel alum theory, whieli i., that at the mei of the 100,1 yrs the, is to be a greet aposniey, out a Welt time is to be the judgment, 411.1 the Lord destroys the wicked. It It to objected to the coming of Christ sour, that so many would be lost. What would it be then, the pop:dation being one hundred and thirty thousand times greater than at the present time! caner'?;, The temporal millennium is among the most "splendid ',chews," by which the devil ever de• hided men. In this, as in other instances, he founds the delusion upon the word of God. lle would mune but slow progress in his wiles without his own expo. sitions of the bible to aid him. the g'orious second advent doctrine? There ore rea- sons that call for the exercise of charity and sympathy. One grand reason is this, they have not hcord-un- detstand me-they have not heard the truth on this subject. The very relations they sustain in the church preclude them from the privilege of hearing. Their business is to read, sandy, preach, not to hear. Now every one knows the difference there is in the interest of a printed and an oral sermon. Dow many people are there that would sit down and read a speech of Henry Clay? A few of course. Should lie give no- tice that he would speak from the balcony of the American in this city, the street would be crowded for hours. ionise ethers, wt.n might go out, just as Cliri.41Aent not 11, ot,elily, Without genii, purse ur license, nial 1011 the Rigel Mr- WC J11.11.1111.11, II Wutilililalar More good that, any mithher of publieatuois. ly hen thentirnt- el' prop e hiss keen tlirecle41 to the � by reatirg, then V•1111 hue vire them pal.,•. � they turn you oat of the ...111Kinme, /a/k in echa,l 110UPel NMI by the any. Tim Lord will hit.. you uh it. � T.11. 8, Christ Jesus. Whereupon, 0 bishop, 1 was noedisobedi- ent unto the heavenly vision; but shewed first unto them of-and----, and throughout all the coasts of Maine, and then to the unbe- lievers that they should repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance. For these causes the Methodists caught me.-- "Having therefore obtained help of Gm], I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great. saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come: that Christ should sulrer, and that be should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should spew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles." And as he thus spake for himself, on mo- tion, it was voted flint he be admonished. Whereupon the presiding bishop arose and spat:Pi "By vote of the conference, it has been mule my duty to admonish you. You will therefore consider yourselladmonished." IlImstrasm.-The following resolution was adopted by the Maine Methodist Annual Con- ference. at Bath, on Friday last: es"'Itesolved, That the peculiarities of that theory relative to the second coming of Christ and the end of the world, denominatyd Mil- lerism, together with all its modifications, are contrary to the stnndards of the Church. and we are constrained to regard them as among the strange nntl erroneous opinions which we ale pledged to banish and (hive away." Qrsne--1)oes not the above sound very much like the great words of a certain Lads Jaws tt RUNSIA-(.;an/bia/Iiil, ../11/1/ 29th.- The re 8,111e 10 be no doubt that the imperial ukase will shortly be carried into exceittion, by which n11 the Jews in Russia nod Poland roue to Jennie(' to the distance of :0 wersts from the frontiers; those who hate no fixed setleinent, immediately, and those who have a settlement. in 2 years. The communes on the editor side of the frontiers tiro to be re- sponsible for pen:dries incurred by deft-nutting the costae's, which ,.ensure it is thought trill tend to counteract smuggling.-/tombitr; 1st. The Jewish population of Russia and Po- inted is now about 800,000. This psop,,,d lianisliment reminds us of that of I te' by Ferdinand king or Spain, when Ilt, Ji•11,4, 1161111 n00,000,, were forced to leave the kieg• dent within 4 months, because they would red embrace the tiatholie �Vast multi- tieles of them perished. then note, two think 1,1 the whole rue,,;, '1 'be present missionary � s have beets it epos ration about 40 yens, Whet has � during these 40 year, by about 40(1 mission• a ries � %V boy, ntseit thirty thousand 1111,1, pro- fessed the Christian faith. � was a grunt work in one point of view, but it was intik mg comparatively no loundway in Christianizing the henthen world. There are now actually more befall., than there were forty years ago. The regress mink, did not keep pace with the increase of the population of heat lands. Whip: 30,000 or 40,00” at most end trinlirnced Christianity abroad. hew was it tit home/ During the stone period of time we have made more then one million of lienthen tuition are of no value. But that the apostle has employed the phrase "the coming of the Lord" nine times in a literal sense, and as intending to signify Christ's personal appear- ing can very readily be shown. I. Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his .corning? &c. Thess. 2: 10. 2, At the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with till his stints, &c. 3: 13. We who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Loud, &c. 4: 15. For you yourself know perfectly that the day of the Lord cometh &c., 5:2. And I pray God you may be preserved unto the corning of the Lord, &e. 5: 23. 0. When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, &c.,2 l'hess. 1:7. When he shall come •to be glorified in his saints, &.c., 1: 10. By the coining of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him,&c., 2: 1. For that day will not cone until there come an npostacy, dc.,'': 3. Whom the Lord will destroy with the brightness of his coming, &c. 2: 8. [Carthage Evangelist. EXTRACT OF A LETTER. TO friend in this City: dated .1.Idreaukie, Sept. 4, 1843. I have to return my hearty thanks to you for the papers you have sent, and not only myself, but others are now rejoicing through the light they have had through them. God is working here among Iris children, although there nre some bitter opposers to the doctrine, and our minister for one. Some six weeks since a few of us thought we would have an advent prayer meeting every Friday evening, as the subject cannot be brought up is oar regular prayer meetings; and God has blessed us and added to our number every week, and others anxiously enquiring for the truth, the church;nt the seam time opposing us, but it is God's work and cannot be putt down. Last Friday evening we agreed to do something in the way of circulating more papers. IVe have had no light except what papers have been sent by mail by private individuals. Send its papers or pamphlets ns you can for the motley enclosed. We want also n good lecturer and wish you would send one if it is it possible thing, for the harvest is N" and 110 noon In reel., or to stand upon the walls nod proclaim the coming Bridegroom. It send a Lecturer if possible. Pn.s. Mahan has made souse converts to :he doctrine by his explanation of this tares nod wheat. A writer in an Euglish paper says: The separation of the west or London Synagogue from their brethren. iv it remark alde instance Of bre.k ing away froth rho tratlitione and glosses of 111C11, and trembling at the word of Jehovah. The Ilmyerml holmium Go/Nutt:states that a new seer of Jews has het,' formed at Lem. zic, openly ithantlening the doctrine of Juda- ism, witlteut eitibrac toe those id* Christianity. but ohliging the members' to have their eltil• peen butett.nal :Intl eulticnted as Christians. ice. It was the hope of Adam, when the serpent's bend would be bruised, and what he lost by the fall, restored. For this Noah looked, and Jul.,, and Misses, and all the seed of the nutter of the faithful, and of this the prophets sang. In latter limes the apostles and martyrs and primitive Christians looked all the holy prophets since the world began. ' These truths were partly forgotten until they were exhumed in the reformation, when this glorious vision -again heist upon the as- tonished gaze, and was embraced by those who renounced the mummeries of Roman- ism. When we look for none other things but what Moses and the prophets have said shell come, surely we are wnlk:ng in the good old paths, waiting the consolation of Is- rael.-Signs of the Times. DETROIT, SEPT. 11, 1813. Dear Bro, Fitch--Our paper is in want of funds to sustain it. I enclose you $5,00 for the support of the paper, and wish that all the brethren would do the same. I have strong hope in Christ's speedy coming. We are in want of a friend to lecture here very much.. there could be n great work done here. I think, without a doubt. Yours in love of the Lord Jesus Christ. � A. G. WHITE. WHATEVER SHIPWRECK these may mak- who predicate their faith end confidence on frames and feelings, human visions, arid dreams, or private revelation, it is clear and certain, that those who predicate their faitO and hope on the word of the living God, its found in the Old and New 'Testaments, will hold on their way, and live through every conflict of the flesh and spirit, till the gloricus appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The Rock of the faith and hope of Advent believers, is the Ilible--TIIE 13int.E: anOhing else--yes, brethren, any thing short of this, or any Cling more than this, is dan- gerous, and only dangerous, and that cont in- -unify. Let us then, all he filled with Om spirit, and let the word of Christ dwell in us in knowledge and spiritual understanding. "And the very God of pence, sanctify yen wholly: and I pray God your whole spirit. and soul, and body, be preserved hltimelcss unto the coining of our Lord,Jesus Christ."- J. Y. lbws. Wuv DO NOTSOMII of the wise and great men of the earth embrnce the doctrine of the Advent? Thus smolt the ford. 21: 10-14: "For the Lord halls peered out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hash elose1.1 your eyes; the prophets and your rulers, the seers loath he COVOrp.1. And the vision of .11 is he. come unto you ns the words of a hot di dint is sealed, which 111011 deliver to one that is lent:. iZenul this, I pray thee; nail saith I cum.!: fur it is sealed; and the, look is delivered to him that is not learned saying. head this, 1 pray thee; and he said.. I ton not learned. IV he wrote the Lard said. ns this people draw 'wog nu, nn:. their mouth, reel witlt their lips ibis homer rue. but have removed their Ine, � far intro ate. and their Bear toward me is Intight by the precept of 111011, therefore legend, I will pro. reed to do n marvelloun work meting the pet. evert n 111,11,111111A %1,111( 111111 a wonder: Gtr the Wiliin11114. their wise 1111'11 shall p,r• h.h, and the understanding of their prudent, men shell he hid." A 31111(1.11iltIT1: it1,3,0111; Ills 1111$1111,11. At � M ti � n few days since, n brother wan tunneled of "Milleriste," but hail liberty to speak for himself. Theo lie stretched findh the hand owl answered for himself. .1 think tnyself happy, bishop, beentoun I shall unser., for myself this tl ry before thee. bombing till the things whereof I nor necused of the Methodists; especially liecause thee to lie export in toll cult � which tire among the Me dentists: wherefine I beseech' thee b. hear MO meanie of life trots my youth, which was to, the first ainotig mina own nation in I Maine, knew all the Methodists which knew' roc front the. beginning (if they weekd testify,) that niter the itio,tt wildest sect of our reli- gion I lived a Melt...Mint. ''And now I ((tend and am judged for tee hope of the promise tondo: of God unto our fathers:' unto which pronlise our whole churches, instantly ilPrving Gail day end night hope hi come. For which hope's sake, bish- op I ciii ion necusod of the Methodists. MINISTERS �GOSPEL. � Why should it be thought n thing incredible In a spirit of the inmost kindness, we inquire, why with you, that God should raise the dead in is it that ministers of the gospel are so slow to embrace 1843'1 � verily thought within myself, that I ought to do many thingn contrary" to the doctrine of Christ's second coming, which thing l did in Maine. and persecuted them in all our churches, and was exceeding mad against them. Whereupon, 0 bishop, 1 saw in the way a light from God's holy word, above the brightness of the van, shining round me and them that journeyed with me. And when I was prostrated by the force of evi- dence, my conscience accused me fur thus persecuting the Adventists, and being con- vinced that I was kicking against the pricks, 1 said this must be flue truth us it is in Christ Jesus; and remembering that he had made me a minister and a witness both of those things Another reason is, they have spent years in examin- I which I bud seen, and or those things which mg the Bible with especial reference to spreading the f shall shortly appear to all to whom he had truth, and they feel the insportanee of devoting their sent me; to open their eyes, and to turn them time and talents to presenting before the world what I from darkness to light, and from the power they have &ready learned. The prophecies they have of Satan unto God; that they may receive examined some to be rare, and they have imbibed the forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in impression, however erroneous it may be, that nothing definite can be understood from them; and conse- quently they content theinselves with the idea that it would be a waste of time to study them; or at least, if they strive to do what they can for the salvation of the world, it will be just as well. Another reason is, that what instruction they have received, in reference to the prophecies, and also many other portions of scripture, Ism been in view of a spiritual or figurative mode of interpretation. Now it is always more difficult to instil truth. into minds that have received a wrong bias, than others who have no filch circumstance to influence them. Minis. ters receive their instruction while their minds are forming and before they become matured; their preferences for the views they then receive are conse- quently the more permanently rooted. Again, when their attention is called to the subject of the second advent, their minds are influenced by the common impression that if these things are so, the wise of other days would have seen it; and that espe- cially it would be perceived by the intelligent in this enlightened age of the world. And the fact that the wisdom of thin world, and their former teachers are arrayed against the doctrine, deters many front care• fully examining the subject. Other. agaht who do examine the subject are dis- posed, from previous education of course, to look at every point through figurativeiring and spiritualising glasses; and they cannot therefore see the force of the arguments, nor of the scripture quoted. They do not appreciate Peter's rule or interpretation, that ,,stn prophecy of the scripture is of any prirate interpre- tation," a ride that "wrists to be whally disregarded by malty modern expounders ni the word of Cud. Now these are real obstacles to the promulgation of this blessed truth; and we must exercise a spirit of lc re, of charity, while we endeavor fnilhtutly to lay the treat!' before the minds of miniatere of the gospel, arid urge them to examine honestly the bible evidence on the. subject. lu vir w of these feeds, we see the necessity there to, for rending tett ?reactor, of the glad nesse. After porde have hrord, then they will take more interest in read, z. Terre are Mile brethren who arc familiar nith the snl,j, eh that would accomplish an untold anumnt of geed, if they would go out and tea to the people. Fer insienre, there is brother IL and lumber If,, and broil er 1'. and brother W., and leother I,, and ve,,,IIMPOP1110