PACIFIC ner inowhich the new factory was being built, As there were a large number of per sons in attendance from out of town, tables were spread in the room designed for the husiness oftice of the new hutld- tng. The tables were beautifully dee orated and well laden with food, and a delight tal Following is the repast owas enjoyed, manager's report which was presented to the stockholders: Dear Brethren and Follow -workers : We are in the 320d annual session of the stoek- and Nislors, Friends, assembled here this morning holders of the Pacific Press Publishing Company, Retrospective The events of the past vear have heen too vividly impressed upon our minds to need enlirging upon. We will, how- ever, call vour attention to a few of the main points, On the morning of April 18, 1906, a tereible earthquake visited this seetion of which havoe in all California, wrought the cities around the bav, The walls of our tactory were shaken down, hat these were soon restored and the work went on as ousual, We had hardly recovered from this dis aster when a much more serious ealam- ity came upon us. On the evening of July 20, our entire factory with its con- The Joss tents was consumed by fire, was appalling, and at first a cloud of discouragement came upon us. But before the flames were extinguished, meeting of the Board of Directors and fending brethren was called to lay plans for contimuing the work. letters of expressions of sympathy, and offers of Pelegrams and condolence, assistance came pouring in from every quarter, and we were urged to rebuild atoonce. But before doing so it was thought best to call a special meeting of the stockholders and friends of the in stitution to consider the whole situation. Special Meeting of the Stockholders This meeting convened here at Moun. tain View, on Monday, September 10, 1906. There was no good representation of our leading brethren from all paris ot the field, We had taken an mmventory of all the property that remained, our hooks were halanced, and the report of the treasurer showed a net loss on account of the fire of about F2000000 leaving a deficit of over $13,000, Notwithstanding this oreat loss, it was rebuild the View at decided to factory here ar Mountain once, the maximum cost not to exceed £25000, and to ye- quest the General Conference to ask our people to donate 50.0600 to help in the restoration of the plant. Our cnee did not see theiv wav clear to cull for the tall cut It down to F20.000, and this is in hrethren of the General Confor- amount we asked for, vo cluded in the S1H0,000 now berng ralsed. We had already received $72.500 0 on the Tnsuranee, so this gave us something vith whieh to start the work. It must be remembered that not only was the factory building destroyed by five, but all our machinery was put out, of commission, and the entire stock of hooks, ete. consumed, printing paper, ameunting inoall, as hedore stated, to about $200,000, New Factory The plans for a new Factory had heen carefully down, and with slight ehanges were approved hy the stockholders, The work of clearing away the debris snd putting up the new building on the old foundation began at once, and has heen pushed forward as mpidly as ma- terial could be secured, until now the fue finished, We begin to move nat once. tory ix nearly expect io Indeed, a part of the building is already occupied. As vou will notice, it is a plain, one story structure, 127 hy 171 feet, bhatlt of The wood floor is land on concrete, thus wiv iron, and practically five proof, mg a firm foundation for machinery, ete, and no chance for a fire to work from underneath. The erersed, and we think the cost will come strictest economy has been ex well under the appropriation. Those win have seen the Factory pronounce it a model building. In some vrespeets iv will be more convenient than the old factory, and will not vost halt so much, norwith standing the great advance in the price of material, Brother A. mtendent of O. Tait has acted as super construction, aid much credit is doe him and his frathful corns of helpers tor the progress that has heen made and the cconomy practiced. And itis only just to state that some of our brethren have worked on this ban butldig for much less wages than they might have received elsewhere. It has [} heen a real saerifice on they part, and tulthy, We appreciate UNION RECORDER 3 Machinery To all appearances, the machinery thet passed through the fire was a total loss, and fit only for the junk pile. but in this, too, we have been happily dis With but all the restored, and for all potted, litte cost, compara- tively, nearly heavy machinery cai be practical purposes made just as good as new, Bug vhis will take time. Nready the Large Signs Perfecting Press has heen rebuath and isin operation, Publications Issued. Sinee the five we have been enrryving os structures, at oo Business mn temporary oreat disadvantage, and vet we have tuirned out ots of work. Two evhinder presses and two linotypes, which we for- tunately secured immediately after the fire, hiave heen kept running almost con tinuously night and day, Little Fricid, have Pesides the Nigns and which have been issued weekly, we printed the following hooks: = A006 [arly Writings, CooL B20 5.000 Cobblestones, oo... ... 222 S000 House We dave In, 00 000208 S000 Vegetarian Cook Book, ....272 5.000 Christian Fdoeation Reader No. I, oo 208 2.000 Christian Education Reade: NO. 2 256 Foot Testimony Volo oH, ooo. (12 1.o00 Testimony Vol, G6, 0000000. DUN 2.000 Pestimony Voio 70 L000 BE S000 Testimony Volo S000 000000 Sal 3.000 Nature Study Note Book No. boo TN 5.000 Nature Study Note 300k NO, ee 10N 5.000 Nature Sady Note Book NO. Se 16x 2.000 Nature Study Note Book Complete, ee eee 20H) 1.000 Secretary's Record Books, ©. 64 5.000 Class Record Books, o.oo... Pi) SNT.O00 SCS) Lesson Pamphlets. 165.000 Bible Students” tre Prem etght to thirty-two pages, — Library, ran- 195.000 Apples of Gold Tahrorvy, rang- imo from eight to thirty-two pages, During the ast four months we have printed NNBNEIE copes of the Signs of the Times, and 476,000 copies ot Our Little [ricnd, besides a Liroe amount of booklets, eirculars, advertising matter, ote. for our various institutions and tract societies, We now have on hand, partially con pleted, the tfollowimg: