THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL. 3 saw the conclusion but to save his cause he says “that is not universalism.” His saying so did not make his argument true that it was not, for it is and no evading it. The writer further says, “This more abounding grace which redeemns men from abounding sin and thereby delivers men from under the law is not univer- salism, if having been delivered from the law and plac- ed under grace, the sinner chooses to be a sinner—chooses to jump off the pier into sin and death he will perish in the second death.” Rom. 6:16; Rev. 20:14. The first trouble in the above argument is that all men are set free from under the law. The Bible says we are still under the law and its condemnation “that every mouth may be stopped and the whole world become guilty before God.” Rom. 3:19. Next the only way to get out from under the law is to accept the Gospel by faith having our sins forgiven as indi- viduals. All such will be under grace. The rest will be under the law still. The trouble is, the writer gets the grace which is extended to the whole world to give all a chance, mixed with the grace and pardon to those who accept of the chance. Those who accept are no longer under the law the rest are still under the law. But grace is extended to these who accept even to for- givness on condition of repentance and faith. So any position taken to show that the position held is not universalism only proves that it is, and we advise the abandonment of the position. That is the only way out. “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men teaching them to deny un- godliness and worldly lusts. We should live soberly and godly and righteously in this present world, look- ing for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”—Titus 2:11-13. The above text tells the story in few words, name, ly, that the Grace of God came to all men that they might repent and be prepared to receive the blessed hope, which hope is the resurrection at the glorious appearinz of the Lord. Grace is extended to all the world to give them a chance to be saved if they wish. There is not a single text that teaches that the debt of the whole world was ever paid. There is not a singie text that teaches that when Christ died the whole world was forgiven for the Adamic transgression. When we stop to think, would it not be a strange thing for God to condemn the whole world to death and then His son turn right around and forgive the whole world for their crime? It would seem that the Son would be working against the Father. But “the council of peace was between them both” to provide the free Gift of Grace to all the world and give all the world a chance to repent and be saved. We can see some logic and consistency in that, but to forgive the whole world without any conditions whatever, and grant free and full forgiveness without any require- ment on the part of man would show there was no need of condemning the world. It would be acknowledging that a mistake had been made. But the grace of God extended to a rebel, shows that God is just and wishes to give the man every chance possible to be saved. It shows love in the extreme to give his only son to die, to give the man every chance possible to be saved. Law had been broken, but unconditional forgiveness dis- credits the law, and the justice of the condemnation which had been passed on the sinner. One of the de- finitions of Grace is, “probation granted.” And that is just what the Grace of God is. Probation is extend- ed to the whole world for a certain length of time. That time is six thousand years or near that before the decree passes and when the decree passes that marks the close of probation then Grace ends. And all who have not accepted the grace of God and accept- ed the terms of reconciliation for eternal life, their case is then eternally settled. This grace extends to a resurrection of all and a judgment, wherein it will be demonstrated -to all that God has been just. Was it not for this grace, there would be no resurrection. Neither would there be any need of a judgement. Both the resurrection and the judgement grow out of the extention of grace to the sinner.” There is another text that comes in just at this point which says “He is the Savior of all men especially them that believe. All are saved to live again, and all will be judged. And every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that God has dealt justly with all men. But He is especially the Savior of them that believe, for they are saved to life everlasting, while the other is saved to life but must die the second death. Faith is that which grows out of this grace being offered to all. Faith is to believe that Christ is able to perform that which he has promised, namely, to redeem us from eternal death by our accepting him as our Savior and believing that as he died and rcre again, so he will also Lring us from the grave in the iast day. Here is where true faith comes in. As we accept this, the next step is to follow our Lord in baptism, for it says if we believe that Jesus died and rose again so we also should walk in newness of life, for if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection. All the ordinances of the Lord’s house are simply to show that we have faith in the death and resurrection of Christ, and that he will raise us up at the last day. Now when we accept of this gospel, and repent of our sins, and confess our sins, and excercise this faith, then comes the promise of forgiveness and not tii then... You can find plenty of scripture that speaks of the for- giveness of the child of God who has accepted Christ. 1t is then Christ becomes our advocate. It is then we are made the righteousness of God in him. It is then all our sins are forgiven. It is then the work of re- conciling the world is going on. Can not the reader see there is a difference between tasting death for every man, dying for every man, and all such expres- sions, and that of forgiving every man, and freeing every man from sin? There is a big difference be- tween the death of Christ bringing salvation to all men, and saving all men. The saving of all men depends on the acceptance by all. The bringing salvation to all is to offer it to all. Do not let any deceive you by making you feel that the death of Christ paid it all and set you free from all sin, for it is not true. The old way of the Gospel still continues to be sound doctrine. There is no easing it. It is still a truth that unless “ye also repent” “ye shall like wise perish.” It is still a truth that when we look into God’s law we find that we are “chief among sinners.” It is still true that with out Christ “we are without God and without hope in the world.” It is still true that we are then “aliens from the common wealth of Israel and strangers from the covenant of promise.” It is still true that the car- nal mind, which all possess, when born in the world “is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be.” It is still true that “ye must be born again or “ye can- not enter the Kingdom of heaven.” It is still true that nothing but an amendment of life will ever please the Lord. It is still true “if any man be in Christ he is a new creature.” And it is still true that the Judgment still stares us in the face and “we are judged according to our works.” Oh sinner, be in earnest about this Grace which is extended to you, that every sin may be put far from you. Do not let any flight of feeling come over you and make you happy that Christ paid all the (Continued on last page.)