468 (12) | ATLANTIC UNION | ¥% GLEANER | « ISSUED WEEKLY By the Atlantic Unfon Conference Of Seventh-day Adventists South Lancaster, Mass. {Official Organ) Subscription Price, Fifty Cents a Year Eprror, - - JENNIE THAYER Entered at South Lancaster, Mass, as second-class matter. Taose who attended the New York camp-meeting report that twenty-two were baptized at the meeting. Elder S. H. Lane was elected president of the conference, and Brother T. E. Bowen remains in the office of secre- tary and treasurer. NOTICE. THE president of each local confer- ence being a member of the Atlantic Union Conference Executive Com- mittee, is a delegate ex-gfficio to the Union Conference session. So beside the president, the local conference is entitled to one delegate for the organ- ization, and one additional delegate for each two hundred and fifty of their. conference membership. H. W. COTTRELL. NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE, ATTENTION! Since the Review and Herald Pub- lishing Association has located at Washington, D. C., the Pacific Press Publishing Company has ceded the Atlantic Union Conference territory. to the new organization. The distance from Washington to our conference being so much greater than it was from New York, it will not be practicable to order books sent by express, as formerly. Therefore, if our agents and those desiring pub- lications will order them in larger quantities, and in time so that all packages may be sent by freight, it will be a saving to all parties con- ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER cerned. “A word to the wise is sufficient.” H. B. Tucker, Sec. and Treas. N. E. Conference. ON Sunday afternoon, at 2:30, Elder F. C. Gilbert expects to speak at Berkley Hall, Tremont Street, Bos- ton, at the patriotic meeting. Subject, “The Eastern Question; God’s Solu- tion of the World’s Political Prob- lems.” It is hoped that the brethren and sisters will pray for the Spirit of God to attend the meeting, that the truth may reach the hearts of the people. —— NOTICE. THE first meeting of the second biennial session of the Atlantic Union Conference Association will be held at the Seventh-day Adventist church, South Lancaster, Mass., at 9 a.m. Nov. 6, 1908. This meeting is called for the purpose of electing officers and transacting such other business as may legally come before the Asso- ciation. . COTTRELL, WILCOX, A D. B. PARMELEE, C. C. Nicora, FrEDERICK GRIGGS, G. W. PALMER. Trustees. WANTED, AT ONCE! THE prayers of every reader of the GLEANER, for a man in Enfield, Mass., who is an earnest, devoted Christian, and to whom God is presenting the Sabbath truth in a remarkable way. He will have a great influence if he will come out. Also there are two ladies here in Enfield who are in the valley of deci- sion. They have had the truth pre- sented to them, and they are just on the point of coming out on the Lord’s side. Dear brethren and sisters, after reading this, will you fall on your knees and plead with God for these dear souls and the work in Enfield? I can not express in words how the = Lord is blessing his work here. Your brother in Christ, ARTHUR SANDERSON. a ——— NEW TRACT. 3 ¢ The Eastern Question.” “ Ancient Prediction of the Fall of Turkey and the End of the World.” “ A Great Time of Trouble Foretold.” “The Kings of the East,” etc. Sent post-paid, twenty-five for ten cents; one hundred for twenty-five cents ; one thousand for one dollar and fifty cents. Address Lee S. Wheeler, Melrose, Mass., Sanitarium, - -e-— WANTED IMMEDIATELY A coop faithful Seventh-day Adven- tist to work on farm and run a vege- table wagon. Address Box 23, Acushnet, Mass. A WaNTED.—A man and his wife to take charge of my farm for the winter. Ten head of cattle and three horses. All necessary farm provisions fur- nished. Only those who have had experience in caring for stock need apply. Address D. W. Bolter, En- field, Mass. FOR SALE My farm of twenty-two acres situa- ted in Bloomfield, Conn., suitable for gardening purposes, and in fine shape. House one and one-half story, in good repair, with hen-house, wood-house, large barn, and shed. This farm is five miles from Hartford, on macada- mized road leading to the city, A nice stream of water runs through the farm, and there is a handsome grove well supplied with hickory trees in bearing. Just the place for some one wishing a small farm. For particu- lars and price address, D. A. BIDWELL, Bloomfield, Conn ¥- te