Monday, July 3 God’s Last-Day Remnant Have Biblical-prophetic Identification Marks LOGOS Theme: God has identified the last-day phase of His true church on earth and has placed great re- sponsibilities on her shoulders. Christ claims as His those who allow His Spirit to direct their lives. These are the ones who have the will and receive the power to obey His law, and who joyfully re- ceive the special messages He has given through the prophets. 1. The Final Remnant (read Rev. 12:17) God has always had a people that He called His own. They were a specially chosen people. They were often referred to as His “remnant.” These faithful few in all generations survived the cri- sis times and kept the knowledge of the true God alive on earth. This “remnant” has always had some distinguishing marks: 1. They are the target of Satan’s wrath. 2. They are small in number and always a minority. 3. They appear a little odd and fanatical when judged by the standards of the world. 4. They are an obedient people, even if obedience means danger or death. Obedient, because they had accepted the love of God in their lives. 5. They enjoy the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who keeps them in the path of truth and righteous- ness. God has had such a “remnant” in all ages, and has such a people today. 2. The Remnant Identified as Commandment Keepers God has called the Advent movement into being to do a work of reform similar to that carried out by Elijah, Ezra, and Ne- hemiah, “called, The repairer{s] of the breach, The restorer(s] of paths to dwell in” (Isa. 58:12). Humanity’s ever-present temp- tation through the ages has been idolatry-—-worshiping someone or something other than God. By re- jecting the law of God, and espe- cially the Sabbath commandment, people have rejected the lordship of the true Creator-God (see Eze. 20:24; Deut. 17:3). Seventh-day Adventists are to be conscious of their unique posi- tion as reformers who are to call an idolatrous world back to the worship of the true Creator-God. The spiritual setting of this re- form is found in the framework of the three angels’ messages of Rev- elation 14. Judgment is taking place in the heavenly sanctuary where the Lord Jesus Christ is officiating as the Great Advocate for His people. The points of emphasis are: by Siegfried Roeske Siegfried Roeske is associate professor of religion at Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska. 14