July August, 1960 Fifteen haptized during evangelistic series in Chieng- mai, Thailand church. Three Thai workers and Bible worker pic tured thgether with Elder and Mrs DD. K. Smith in rear, Three branch Sabbath schools have begun during this past six months, making a total of six be- ing conducted each Sabbath after- noon. The total attendance aver- ages about 130. We have seen two baptisms as a result and a doctor and his wife are preparing for baptism soon. We are also glad to report an active MV society and Pathfinder club. In April a very successful youth camp was held at a water- fall forty miles from Chiengmel. Seventeen campers enjoyed six days of outdoor tiving and Chris- tian fellowship under the leadership of the mission MV secretary, Nai Gumjon. It was with mixed feelings that a large group went to the train station on May 8, to bid farewell to five young men who were leav- ing to enter a two-year training period at Thailand's new training school in Ubol, northeast Thailand. All of these young men had been active workers here in Chiengmei and we will miss their enthusiasm and helpfulness. We look forward to the time when they will return to take their place in God's work here. Please continue to pray for the work of God here in Chieng- Thailand. mei and Northern THE MESSENGER fw $50 - Phnom Penh Effort R. E. Neal Nearly 50 Cambodians crowded into the Phnom Penh chapel house, and another 30-50 stood outside in the rain, for our opening evan- gelistic meeting on May 28. The subject “When Men Visit Other Worlds,” was illustrated with Ko- dachrome slides of rockets and stars. The same subject was given a week later for the opening Chinese evengelistic meeting. The address was translated into Chinese by Brother Giang Tu Minh. who has labored faithfully in Phnom Penh since his graduation from South- east Asia Union College two years ago. Meetings are continuing with excellent attendance four times a week —twice for Cambodians and twice for Chinese. The series is planned to run at least 10 weeks. The most effective means of advertising has been a series of spot announcements on the local radio station. The only other ad- vertising used was an attractive handbill printed locally by offset. The chapel is more than filled without additional advertising. Members of the Panghok United Iathagnder lub with their leader, Dir. OL Lamberton, at weckoend camp, May 68, ar Chen bari, Thai ta nol, Fach unit had to conk Its own final. 7 We rejoice in being able to begin direct evangelism for the Cam- bodians at last. We look forward to the harvest of souls which must be waiting the Lord's call, and we also long for the day when we can have a larger auditorium in a church building of our own. Schedule of Voice of Prophecy Rallies Plan now to attend the coming Voice of Prophecy Rallies. Invite a friend to attend with you. Kuala Lumpur—Friday, September 16, 7:30 P.M.. at the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 166 Bukit Bin- tang Road. ELnglish only. Klang—Saturday, September 17, 3 O'clock, at the Kong Hoe Chinese School, 11 Market Street. Eng- lish translated into Chinese. Kuala Lumpur—Saturday. Septem- ber 17, 7:30 P.M., at the Seventh- day Adventist Church. 166 Bukit Bintang Road. Chinese only. Malacca—Sunday., September 18, 7:30 P.M., at the Masonic Temple, Chan Koon Chong Rd. (Across the street from the High School). English translated into Malay. Muar—Monday. September 19, 7:30 P.M., at the Seventh-day Ad- ventist Hall. 103 Jalan Hashim. English translated into Chinese. Kampar—Tuesday. September 20, 7:30 P.M., at the Chung Wah Chinese School. English to be translated into Chinese. Ipoh—Wednesday, September 21, 7:30 P.M. at the Adventist Church, 70) Theatre Street. English tran- slated into Chinese. Alor Star—Thursday. September 22. 7:30 P.M. at the Balai Sidang Advent, 106 Jalan Tunku Abdul Halim. English translated into Malay. Penang Island—Friday, September 23, 7:30 P.M., at the Advenust Church, 160 Burmah Road. Eng- lish only. Butterworth—Saturday. September 24, 3 O'clock. Place to be announc- ed later, English translated into Chinese. Penang Island—Saturday. Septem- ber 24. 7:30 P.M. at the Adventist Church, 160 Burmah Road. Chinese only. News Items @® Donald Tan, student of Union College and graduate of Malayan Linton Seminary, was chosen de- legate to the White House confer- ence on children and youth. He is one of 7.000 delegates selected