« E YE followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthi- ans 11: 1), was the admonition of Paul to his converts. This was also the courrsel of all the apostles. In all things, including Sabbathkeeping, they followed the example of their Lord and declared ~ that all Christians in all ages should do likewise. A “disciple” is a “follower,” and no person has a right to claim dis- cipleship unless he is willing to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, even to the place of. worship on the Sabbath day. It is there- fore to be expected that the apostles would observe the same Sabbath and teach it to their converts. When Paul visited Thessalonica he went to the synagogue “as his manner was” and “three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the Scriptures.” Acts 17:1, 2. His manner, or fixed custom, was the same as that of Jesus. (Luke 4:16.) Let me again repeat: “He that + saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked.” 1 John 2:6. Jesus promised His disciples that after His departure the Holy Spirit would call to their remembrance “all things” what- soever He had said to them. (John 14: 26.) The fact that the writings of the apostles are as silent as the grave in regard to any teachings of Jesus touching a change of the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the week is evidence that He never gave any such instruction. In John 20: 30, 31 we are told that every- thing necessary to our salvation has been written or recorded. Hence, there is but one possible conclusion, either Jesus did not give any instruction about such a change, or the Holy Spirit failed to call it to the attention of the apostles. There- fore it has no place in the plan of redemp- tion. The very fact that it is not recorded proves that such instruction was not given by Christ. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written about six; 10, 28, and 63 years respectively after the ascension of Christ. The Holy Spirit, who inspired their authors to correctly record what had happened so long before, still designated as the Sabbath the sev- enth day which the disciples of Jesus kept “according to the commandment.” (Luke 23: 56.) He still placed the Sab- bath between the preparation day (Friday) on which Jesus was crucified and the first day of the week (Sunday) when He arose from the tomb. (Mark 15: 42; 16:1, 2.) In other words, the Christian Sabbath comes between Friday and Sunday and no person should there- fore have any difficulty in finding it. (Luke 23: 54, 56; 24:1.) The Book of the Acts records the ob- PAGE 6 oid THE APOSTLES insTiture SUNDAY OBSERVANCE? Here Is What the Apostolic Church Did about the Sabbath Question By Taylor G. Bunch servance of at least eighty-four Sabbaths. When Paul and his associates arrived in Antioch in Pisidia, they “went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and sat down.” Acts 13: 14. When the apostle PERT .. a : EE On the Day of Pentecost the apostles witnessed to the truth under the mighty outpouring of the Holy him to preach again the next Sabbath. During the week they were so successful in advertising this service, that “almost the whole city’ came to hear the gospel message. Those Gentiles did not request AvTOrYrE Five 4RY CO. TT Spirit. In all their preaching and writing they have nowhere left on record a law for the observance of Sunday. was given the opportunity, he preached a sermon in which he proved from the Holy Scriptures that Jesus was indeed the true Messiah. “And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be ~ preached to them the next Sabbath. . . . And the next Sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.” Verses 42, 44. Antioch was a Gentile city. At the first Sabbath service some Gentiles were present and heard Paul’s sermon, and they were so impressed that they asked that Paul speak to them the next day, (Sunday, the first day of the week), which would have been true if it had been the new Sabbath that had been substituted for the old. The only Sabbath that even the Gentiles knew anything about was the seventh day. And if the Sabbath had been changed, Paul would have told them of the fact, and would have an- nounced the second meeting for the following day instead of the next Sab- bath. In Acts 16:12, 13 we read of Paul’s visit to Philippi, in Macedonia, where he THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE