11. 12. 13. 1h. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2. 26. 27. 28, 29. 30. 31. 32, 33. 3L. 3, 36. 38. x 3 Fld 2] n OQ JAMES WHITE LIBRARY AFIDREWS UNIVERSITY CREATION NOT EVOLUTION BERZIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAI * ok Kk x kok ok ok kk ICRITAGE ROOM Explain the various uses of the word "Evolution", “ What has Bateson said about the origin of species? - What have Morgan and Newman said about the absolute proof of evolution? If there is no direct proof, what kind of proof do we have? What does this mean? What three sciences are chiefly relied upon to prove evolution? Is there any other equally good explanation of the circumstantial (indirect) evidence? What did the Greeks believe about origins? What is said about their speculation? What does Osborn say about the theories prior to 18597 Explain. Explain Osborn's remarks quoted on p. 14, foot. What evolutionists preceded Darwin. Tell the chief facts about each. What method of proving evolution did Darwin adopt? Why? State the theory of natural selection, Why did the scientific world rapidly accept evolution after 18597 What part did natural selection play in the triumph of evolution? Since natural selection cannot explain the prigin of anything, what about the present situation regarding evolution. How were morphology and embryology manipulated to prove evolution? What about the manipulation of the evidence from geology? Give several quotations against natural selection (pp. 21, 22). How does V, Kellogg suggest a method of making "more trouble" for evolution? How only can indirect (circumstantial) evidence become conclusive? What alternative sxplanation do we have for the similarities of morphology? What did Huxley and Osborn say on this point? What is the argument from blood tcsts? How would you answer it? What is the argument from geographical distribution? Hew would you meet it? What organs are called "vestigial"? How is this an indictment of God? Show that "vestigial" organs are utterly inconsistent with evolution (natural selection). Show that this is an argument based on our ignorance. Tell about the thyroid, the pineal gland, the appendix, etc, State the recapitulation theory. Give other names for it. Traee its history. Trace briefly the facts of development from the fertilized cell. What general argument can you give against the recapitulation theory? What about the "gill slits" and the "tail"? What do Morgan and Webber say about the ®biogenetic law"? p. 37 Be sure you can reproduce the geological diagram on p. 39. How is the "sudden" appearance of life in the Cambrain an argument against evolution? What about "persistent types™ What does Le Conte say about the trensition of species from one geological formation to another? | What did Dewwin say about the "abruptness® in the appearance of "new" species? What does Seward say about the problems raised by the fossil record? What can you say about the argumerit from the "imperfection of the record"? Show the vicious reasoning involved in the argumont from the fossils, « Give the facts about the angiosperms in Carboniferous coal=balls and the dinosaur drawings. Outline the work of Werner, William Smith, and Curvier. Name some others of tho carly geologists. + Show some of the fallacies in the general geological argument. p. 53.