Monday, March 1, 1976 / Volume 75, Number 34 / Angwin, California / Official Organ of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists INSPIRATION SkXS "As His representatives among men, Christ does not choose angels who have never fallen, but human beings, men of like passions with those they seek to save. . . . There are souls perplexed with doubt, burdened with infirmities, weak in faith, and unable to grasp the Unseen; but a friend whom they can see, coming to them in Christ's stead, can be a connecting link to fasten their trembling faith upon Christ. "We are to be laborers together with the heavenly angels in presenting Jesus to the world. With almost impatient eagerness the angels wait for our co-operation; for man must be the channel to communicate with man. And when we give ourselves to Christ in wholehearted devotion, angels rejoice that they may speak through our voices to reveal God's love." Desire of Ages, 296-297 Pacific Union Conference Cree Sandefur, president; W. D. Walton, secretary; Major White, associate secretary; R. L. Cone, treasurer; (Box 146) 1545 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, California 91209. Phone (213) 241-5173. Telex No. 67-7018. . . true, honest work of a son or daughter of God in words, or in a service of little things, done in natural simplicity, will unbolt the door, which has long been locked, to many souls." Evangelism, 444 An ASI Institution IIW Concludes It Is Written completes its highly successful spring Revelation Seminar tour with two Pacific Union seminars, March 7 at the Hilton in Palm Springs and March 11 at the Eureka Inn Motor Lodge in Eureka. These two Seminars cap a tour of the Seminars, with George Van dem an and George Knowles, through central and northern California, Washington, British Columbia and Colorado. The Palm Springs Seminar is the only Revelation Seminar to be held in southern California this year. Seventh-day Adventist attendance at the Seminars is limited to those church members who bring non-church February 15, 16 Business Conducted as Constituency Meets Cree Sandefur was reelected president of the Pacific Union Conference last month at the 22nd business session of the Church in the five-state West. All departmental leaders were also renamed. The 500 delegates asked South-eastern Presi- dent Max C. Torkelsen to be the new secretary, replacing retiring Secretary W. D. Walton, Cree Sandefur Seminar Tour member interests. A $12.50 per person fee is charged to cover costs of materials and the noon vegetarian meal. More than 270 non-Seventh-day Adventists are currently attending follow-up Seminars held by pastors of the Central California Conference as a result of two Seminars held there. Follow-up Seminars in every conference are equally well attended. For regi/t^Ior>^JL these Seminars (JlII? Z>*^***^. Palm Spri/gs: (7U)/32^52353A// Eureka: (f07) 44fi*-$e6O but he chose to accept the invitation of the North Pacific Union to become their president. A new secretary will be named by the Union Committee on March 4. Associate Secretary Earl Can-son of the Southern California Conference was asked to head the Regional Department, replacing retiring G. N. Banks. In other business, Union Committee membership was increased to 50, adding more laypersons and pastors. Study is to be given to a stronger Black public evangelistic endeavor, and the constitution was updated according to current membership and responsibilities. Evaluation of the current Union-centered Religious Liberty Department is also to be made within a year. Every-member Priesthood An every-member evangelistic thrust was introduced by the departments through Ministerial Director John Osborne. Sharing what has happened in his Portland, Oregon, church where such a witness is being made, Elder Don Gray suggested that public evangelism is more effective for reaping and follow-up. “The first duty of dividual members and pastors o share what Christ has done for them.” The Oregon congregation last year added 80 persons by baptism, since the enthusiasm of the every-member concept was expanded. “Colaborers” Recapping the way the Lord has led His Church in the Pacific Union during the past five years was a multimedia presentation, “Colaborers with the Angels.” The 47-minute program in picture, interview, music and recorded narrative is being made available for church groups and will be shown at some camp meetings. Devotionals were led by Vice President Neal C. Wilson of the General Conference for North America, and General Conference President Robert H. Pierson. Other world headquarters leaders in attendance were J. W. Bothe, secretary assigned to North America and Associate Leader W. S. Banfield of the Regional Department. Charles Brooks, speaker for the Breath of Life telecast, also gave suggestions for witnessing. Statistics Membership of the Pacific Union now totals 123,363 in 512 churches and companies, though those figures change almost (Continued on back page) MORE GENERAL NEWS ON PAGES 7 AND 8 Care Center Educates Youth Four academy-level students, a retired minister-educator, a jam-packed care center. How do these add up to a unique feature at Hilo Care Center? The four teenagers, sons and daughters of staff members, could not go to a Christian school. The retired educator set up a tutoring program approved by the state and the union conference. But now, the Care Center enters the picture. Six department supervisors agreed to help teach the students a Vocational Education Survey course. Each student will be involved in each of the six departments on a rotational basis two weeks at a time. The five academic units earned by the students in this survey course are the least of the benefits they derive. By work and study the students will become acquainted with the opportunities and demands of each vocational area. And the Care Center has lent its facilities and supervising personnel to augment and enrich a Christian education program. Final Ingathering Report Given We, like the Psalmist, are led to declare, “I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvelous works.” Psalm 9:1. God once again has blessed the service of His people. The final figure of $1,384,591.01 for our 1975 Ingathering is the highest total ever reached in the Pacific Union. The per capita of $11.41, however, is the second highest in recent years. The report gives place for rejoicing and place for challenge. I trust that our prayers will continue to bring before the throne of God the interested persons contacted. A big “Thank you” to every one who took part. Clinton Shankel, Director, Lay Activities. This Sacramento couple attended the Revelation Seminar just six days after their wedding. The Seminar tee was paid by a relative as a wedding gift. "The humblest and poorest of the disciples of Jesus can be a blessing to others. They may not realize that they are doing any special good, but by their unconscious influence they may start waves of blessing that will widen and deepen, and the blessed results they may never know until the day of final reward. They do not feel or know they are doing anything great. They are not required to weary themselves with anxiety about success. They have only to go forward quietly, doing faithfully the work that God's providence assigns, and their life will not be in vain. Their own souls will be growing more and more into the likeness of Christ; they are workers together with God in this life, and are thus fitting for the higher work and the unshadowed joy of the life to come." Steps to Christ, 83 Community Services Aids Guatemala Victims A number of community service centers have asked the conference office what we are doing to help the victims of the Guatemala earthquake. We are happy to report that within recent weeks 268 boxes weighing 7,476 pounds have been shipped to the Seventh- Nevada-Utah Conference A. G. Streifling, president; Charles Snyder, secretary-treasurer; (P.O. Box 10730), Reno, NV 89510. Phone (702) 322-6929. Wills, trust agreements and annuities should be made in favor of the legal association rather than the conference. For more information, write to Charles Snyder at the above address. Evangelistic meetings will be held in Provo, April 24 - June 5. Anyone wishing the evangelistic team to contact a friend, relative, or interest about the meetings, please write to Pastor William MacCarty, Route 3, Box 671, Vivian Park, Provo, UT 84601; or call (801) 374-2978. NOTICE OF NEVADA-UTAH ASSOCIATION MEETING Notice is hereby given that the regular Triennial Session of the Nevada-Utah Association of Seventh-day Adventists is called to convene at 10 a.m., Monday, March 22, 1976, in the Las Vegas Seventh-day Adventist church, 6001 West Oakey Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada. This meeting is called for the purpose of receiving reports from the officers, electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing triennial term, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the delegates. All duly elected and accredited delegates at any regular or special session of the Nevada-Utah Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be recognized as delegates of any Association Session. A. G. Streifling, President, Chas. H. Snyder, Secretary. NOTICE OF MONUMENT VALLEY MISSION AND HOSPITAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the regular Triennial Session of the Monument Valley Mission and Hospital is called to convene at 10:30 a.m., Monday, March 22, 1976 in the Las Vegas Seventh-day Adventist church,-6001 West Oakey Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada. This meeting is called for the purpose of receiving reports from the ’■ officers, electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing triennial term, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the delegates. All duly elected and accredited delegates at any regular or special session of the Nevada-Utah Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be recognized as delegates of any Monument Valley Mission and Hospital Session. A. G. Streifling, President, Nicola Ashton, M.D., Secretary. The Pacific Union Recorder is the official newspaper of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is published weekly, 50 times a year, at Angwin, California 94508. Editorial office is at 1545 Verdugo Road (Box 146), Glendale, California 91209. Second-class postage is paid at Angwin, California. All stories, advertisements, obituaries, inquiries, etc., go to local conference “Recorder coordinator." All other questions should be sent to Box 146, Glendale, California 91209. Subscription Rate: No charge to Adventist members of Pacific Union Conference churches. Three dollars per year to others. Newsnotes of Nevada-Utah Pastor Gerald^ Schulze of the Reno Church recently held a .very successful FivekDay Plan to Stop Smoking at the CAMLU Retirement Center ill Reno. He was assisted by Dr. Roland Pos-tlewaite and Dr. Harkey Lashier. Fifty-seven people registered and over 40 completed the program. A follOw-up program is being held each week and the people are faithfully ^attendingJ The January church remittance revealed an offering of $2,-840.4J .for Religious Liberty as compared to the January offering of $1,920.05 last year. We are pleased with this strong support by our members. Since offerings for Religious Liberty will be received through March and April, we will be able to again do extensive work in religious liberty. Liberty magazine needs to go into the hands of influential people across the country now more than ever. This certainly holds true in our conference. Recently Arrah Curry, M.D., Kent Phillips, D.D.S., and Roland Postlewaite, D.D.S., joined President A. G. Streifling in a day at Loma Linda University recruiting medical and para-medical personnel for the Nevada-Utah Conference. The response of many students who inquired about the work in Nevada-Utah shows a keen interest in setting up practices in areas where there are genuine needs. This is the fourth year a recruitment team has gone to Loma Linda from our conference. We are beginning to benefit from the many contacts made. EDITOR .................Shirley Burton MANAGING EDITOR ... ASSISTANT EDITORS .........R. L. Cone, Cree Sandefur, W. D. Walton, Major C. White CONFERENCE COORDINATORS Jeffrey K. Wilson ............Arizona Lorna Hallsted ......Central California Louise Brooks .................Hawaii Gwen Schlotter ...........Nevada-Utah Marilyn Wolfkill ....Northern California S. A. Yakush ....Southeastern California Franklin Hudgins ....Southern California COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS Ila Zbaraschuk ...La Sierra Campus, LLU Jim Aldred ......Pacific Union College CIRCULATION .............Merle Sather day Adventist World Service depot in Watsonville, California. These boxes contained a wide variety of items, including children’s and adults’ clothing, blankets and many other items that can be used to good advantage in this disaster. Our Dorcas leaders and workers have worked faithfully in preparing these thousands of garments that we know will be a blessing. The Seventh-day Adventist World Service shipped a planeload of 25 tons of supplies of $80,000 value from Kennedy Conference To Review Finances The Annual Audit for the Nevada-Utah Conference and the Nevada-Utah Association will be held in Reno on Monday, March 8. At that time Union President Cree Sandefur and Union Treasurer R. L. Cone will be with us, together with others who will carefully review the financial activities of 1975. A budget will also be voted for 1976 at this time. POSTMASTER: All returns should be sent to Pacific Union Recorder, Box 36, Angwin, California 94508. Airport to Guatemala City to aid in relief work. A shipment contained blankets, tents, bandages, wire splints, large kettles to prepare food, and gasoline lanterns, and many more items. We are pleased our Community Service Centers have been preparing many needed items essential when a disaster strikes. In today’s uncertain world no one knows which area may be affected next. Certainly this affords us an opportunity to show that we are prepared to do the work that needs to be done to be of service to mankind in these disasters. Each year as the Audit Committee meets, in addition to the conference committee and union conference personnel, two additional laypersons are invited to meet with the committee. The two laymen selected to meet with the audit committee this year are Dr. Fred Hufnagel from the Heavenly Valley congregation, and Robert Rupracht from the Hawthorne Church. Union conference auditors have spent several weeks in Reno carefully auditing all the business details of the conference for last year. A full report of the entire financial picture of the conference and association will be presented at the constituency meeting to be held in Las Vegas March 21-22. A. G. Streifling. NOTICE OF NEVADA-UTAH CONFERENCE SESSION Notice is hereby given that the twenty-second Triennial Session of the Nevada-Utah Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is called to convene at 7 p.m., Sunday, March 21, 1976 in the Las Vegas Seventhday Adventist church, 6001 West Oakey Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada. The purpose of this meeting is to receive the triennial reports; elect conference officers, departmental secretaries, and executive committee; and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the session. According to constitutional provision each organized church is entitled to one delegate-at-large, and one additional delegate for each twenty (20) church members or fractional majority thereof. A. G. Streifling, President, Chas. H. Snyder, Secretary. 7:30 p.m. Be Sure to Hear "Going His Way" March 5 Thunderbird Adventist Academy March 6 Mountain View Adventist Church March 6 East Mesa Adventist Church 11:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Nursing Home Cheered by Youth Desert Terrace Nursing Home is being cheered each Sabbath afternoon by youth from Phoenix Central Church who come and sing with guests at the home. Walter McLennan leads the congregation-type singing. Bob Squire and the junior division also help. The difference in age groups adds variety. As many as 20 residents come to the music room and half that many congregate in the hallway. Eight to 20 from the church share in what the attendants describe as “beautiful.” Books are passed out to those who desire them. One of the guests visited by Phoenix Central youth is Olga Oss, heroine of the book, Behind Barbed Wire, an account of World War II experiences in a Japanese internment camp. Triumphs of Faith tells of Mrs. Oss’ earlier experiences when she solicited Ingathering funds in Chaing Kai-shek’s pre-war China. Both books are out of print; Central’s Sunshine group is searching for old copies. Meeting persons with exciting lives like Olga Oss is an added thrill to the joy of sharing Christ with others through music. Thunderbird Students Hold Week of Prayer Decisions for baptism and rededication to Christ were made during the Student Week of Prayer held recently at Thunderbird Adventist Academy. Using the theme “Happiness Is . . . 11 students devel- oped the truth that making Christ alone the Lord of the life brings true happiness. Speakers were David Cossen-tine, Sue Barrera, Almina Kri-ner, Jim Williams, David Burns, Van Bledsoe, Jodi Davies, Rick Rasco, Don Keele, Jr., Becky Dowell and Keith Nelson. As Keith summed up the week on Sabbath morning, “Happiness is Jesus as our Friend.” 2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1976 NEEDED AT WHITE MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Cook to supervise preparation of vegetarian food. Must read, write, and speak English. (213) 269-9131 Ask for Vicki Porter VBS FOLLOWUP IS EXCITING—Long Beach's successful Vacation Bible School followup program for the primary children, juniors and teens has been carried on under Miss Miller's leadership. The group meets each Sabbath afternoon at the church school or in private homes for an exciting session including nature stories, Bible quiz games of various types and Bible stories. KTLA-5 March 7, 8:30 p.m. COME ALIVE "In a Lion's Lair" Daniel in the lions' den opens up modern implication of prayer Guests: King's Heralds KHOF-30 March 2, 8 p.m. IT'S YOUR WORLD Art's rare talent of interviewing children is displayed when the "Sunshine Singers" appear Guests: Dr. Lloyd Wyman and Hobo Kelly Chapel Recording Artist Cathryn Ballinger will give a Sabbath afternoon concert at the Monrovia church on March 6 at 4:30. The church is located at 333 South Shamrock—six blocks north of Interstate Freeway 210 and five blocks east of Myrtle Avenue. Come spend the closing hours of the Sabbath. Pathfinders TWoc/h Pounding' Raises Money Some 60 Pathfinders, youths, and adults of the Los Angeles Central Japanese Church responded to a call for a venture into mochi pounding on Sunday, December 28. Mochi pounding is a Japanese tradition done each new year by the family. They get together, make rice cake and eat it, symbolizing long life. The Pathfinders decided to renew this old tradition to raise some money for new supplies needed for the coming summer activities. Starting on Friday with 275 pounds of special sweet rice, Crusade in Full Swing Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights at 7:30 p.m., Elder B. R. Spears’ evangelistic crusade at the Embassy Hotel is in full swing. These meetings will be in progress until March 28. All pastors from the surrounding churches, including the Bible Palace, are assisting Elder Spears. Dick LaJoie is the singing evangelist. If you have not invited your friends and neighbors, it is still not too late. Do so now! Class Being Offered Vegetable Gardening The Department of Agriculture of Loma Linda University will offer a class in vegetable gardening skills at Glendale Academy Sundays March 7-April 25 from 4 to 6 p.m. A series of eight, two-hour classes will be presented on starting and maintaining a small vegetable garden designed for optimum use of time and space. The course will consist of lectures, demonstrations and slide presentations, with the students participating in various aspects of gardening. The program will stress the following: planning and preparing the growing area, seeds and transplants, elements essential for proper plant growth, functions of pests and pent controls, diseases and environmental problems. Two units of undergraduate credit will be issued to those who satisfactorily complete the course. Class cost will be $40 plus the costs of plants and plant preparation. "An aimless life is a living death." 4 Testimonies, 417 they finished on Sunday, having taken in $500. Mochi pounding is a long process in which rice must be washed a little at a time, soaked for a day or two, steamed and pounded. They tried using a mochi pounding machine but found the old style of manual labor was best. While the youth were pounding away, the ladies prepared and served lunch to all. Working together for a good cause gave all who helped a satisfied feeling for contributing to the future leaders of the Church. Vallejo Drive Welcomes Elder Roland Shorter Elder Roland Louis Shorter has come to the Glendale Vallejo Drive Church as associate pastor with special emphasis on the youth. Having received his B.A. at La Sierra in 1968, he’s like one who’s come home. His ordination in 1974 was a complement to five years of service in Texas, first at Fort Worth, then Wichita Falls and Houston become coming to our conference. Born in India of missionary parents, he met his wife at Newbold College in 1969. They are parents of two children, Nicole, age five, and Jonathan, age three. His father, Elder Roland W. Shorter, was formerly on the staff of the White Memorial Church. Roland Shorter We live simultaneously in a sea of drugs and in a sea of misinformation about them. Alan Boram, Listen, March 1975 DIRECTOR OF NURSES sought for by Port Hueneme SDA Hospital Call (805) 488-3661 or write 307 E. Clara Street Port Hueneme, CA 93041 BIBLE PALACE CONVERTS ORGANIZE—Those won to Adventism during Elder Rainey's tent preaching in last summer's Bible Palace Crusade have organized into a new church of 176 members known as the Maranatha congregation. The installation service took place at 4 p.m. January 24 in the Imperial Heights Church of the Brethren, 1909 West Imperial Highway. Supported by the other Black pastors in Los Angeles, new Church Pastor J. E. Merideth, Jr., presented his members for acceptance into the sisterhood of churches and President Harold Calkins spoke. New Conference Treasurer R. L. Walden expressed warm, encouraging words for the new congregation. Pastor N. F. Porter of the church in which they meet gave a warm welcome and Elder W. W. Fordham from the General Conference also took part. Scenes from the Communications Workshop Press Secretaries Congregate Southern’s 1976 press secretaries and several church pastors met February 8 to get a better line on their duties as news reporters for their congregations. Some 40 women and men sat through the five-hour instructional session which included professional guests as well as conference communication personnel. Devotional thoughts were given by Elder Wyman and Union Conference Communications Director Shirley Burton directed their thoughts to statements that Mrs. White made concerning writers and their work. Bob Godwin, teacher of photography in the adult education classes at Burbank, discussed the art of taking pictures and Clarence Brown, assistant publisher with Wave Publications, explained a newspaper’s structure and what makes good news. During a buffet luncheon at Glendale Adventist Medical Center, rosebuds were given to Janice Blair, Pat Geren, Martha Mason, Janet Matsuda, Chuck Mitchell, LaVerne Neighbors, Evelyna Harvey, Manilla Pierce, Robert Reese, Mary Lou Sigmon and Eilene Staires for their outstanding work last year. Three were recipients of annual awards: Press Secretary of the Year went to Rosemary Walton (Culver City); “First Runner-up” to Marie Toennies-sen (Covina), and “Second Runner-up” to Hazel Anderson (White Memorial). PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1976 3 Prophecy Seminar Series To Open in Sacramento Evangelist Clif Walter and Pastor Ralph McGann and the Prophecy Seminar team will open a series of meetings in the Sacramento Southgate church Saturday, March 6, at 7:30 p.m. The series will continue until Adventist Book Center March is Music Month at your Adventist Book Center. All records, cassettes and 8-track tapes are on sale at a 20 per cent discount. With a purchase of three or more units at one time, a free sampler will be given. Example: With the purchase of each three records, receive one free sampler record. With the purchase of each three tapes or cassettes, receive one sampler or cassette free. Regular Price March Price You Save Records $5.98 $4.75 $1.23 Cassettes & Cartridges 6.98 5.55 1.43 In addition to specials on music, there are many clearance and closeout items that will mean real savings to you. Write for a catalog now or visit your nearest ABC to make your selections. Northern California Adventist Book Centers Pleasant Hill 2300 Norse Drive Angwin 13 Angwin Plaza Lodi 519 S. Central Street A group showing some of those present at opening ceremonies of the Yuba City Community Services Center. Sabbath School Workshops Stress Excellence Dick Winn Sabbath school workshops and adult seminars for the second quarter will stress excellence in teaching, learning and outreach. Elder Dick Winn, associate pastor of the Pacific Union College Church, will lead the adult teachers an over-view of the second quarter Sabbath school lessons and offer practical suggestions in teaching methods. Clif Walter April 3 with meetings nightly except Sunday and Monday. This seminar will begin a new plan in the Sacramento area to evangelize the city through a continuing program held in six areas of the city. Meeting locations with pastors and dates are as follows: Southgate church, Pastor Ralph McGann, March 6-April 3; Linda Heights church, Pastor Paul Emerson, April 24-May 22; Sacramento Central church, Pastor Gery Friesen, June 12-July 10; Orangevale church, Pastor L. W. Taylor, September 18-Octo-ber 16; Rancho Cordova church, Pastor Jack Fridley, November 6-December 4; Carmichael church, Pastor R. K. Tilstra, January 15-February 12, 1977. The new advertising format "The strongest argument in favor of the gospel is a loving and lovable Christian." Ministry of Healing, 470 The Seltman Family of Escondido will present a program of song and witness Sunday evening, February 29, at 7:30 in the Elmshaven church, Deer Park. All are invited. Instructors on other Sabbath school levels will be: Geri Smith, Cradle Roll Mabel Martz, Kindergarten Adlena Williams, Primary Vivian Mazlum, Junior-Earli-teen Elder W. C. De Haven, Youth (Pleasant Hill and Redding) Larry Kendall, Youth (Sacramento and Elmshaven) Dates and locations for the workshops will be as follows: Sabbath, March 6, Elmshaven Church Sabbath, March 13, Sacramento Central Church now being used has brought a good group of visitors to the Prophecy Seminars, many of whom have not had Seventhday Adventist contact before. Highlighting the meetings each evening will be a photographic trip with Elder Walter showing slides of his recent round-the-world travels. He and his wife spent two months last year in Malaysia holding evangelistic meetings in Kuching and Sibu, Sarawak. The team desires to lead men and women to Jesus. If you have friends in the area please pray for them and invite them to attend these meetings. Better yet, bring them with you. Elder Walter urges the members in these Sacramento-area churches to plan their programs, personal schedules, vacations, etc., in order to be home and able to aggressively support the evangelistic meetings in their church area. Yuba City Community Services Center Opens The long-awaited opening of the Community Services Center was a 1975 highlight for the Yuba City Church. Features of the new 3,400-square-foot building are: an office room, a kitchen area, bathroom facilities, large work areas and many cupboards for storage. The Center is centrally heated and air-conditioned and, if built today, the cost would be triple the $23,000 purchase price. The Center replaces a small, Low Cholesterol The Cloverdale Church began the new year with classes in low cholesterol cooking. The three-evening “Fun with Natural Foods” course was taught in January by Lois Marchus of Soquel. Assisting her were her daughter, Shirley Hufnagel, and Lavon Ramsey. Many church members helped to prepare and serve food samples each evening. The three classes covered the problem of how to get adequate Sabbath, March 20, Redding Jr. Academy All workshops begin at 3 p.m. Special emphasis will be given to the teacher’s role in Sabbath school. Following a brief vesper service, Sabbath school supplies will be on sale. “Teachers should be diligent students of the Word of God. . . . Teachers should feel their responsibility and make use of every opportunity to improve, that they may render the best kind of service in a manner that will result in the salvation of souls.” Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 94 THREE RECENT TRACY CAMPAIGNS. Ingathering-Six persons earned Jasper Wayne awards, five of whom have been church members only about three years. Evangelism—Twelve baptisms resulted when Elders Duane Corwin and Jerry Dill were loaned to Northern by the Central California Conference for a series in Tracy. Smoking Clinic—Nearly 100 persons attended the recent Five-Day Plan; most of them achieved success. Leroy Reed, Dr. Ralph Allen (at the pulpit) and Elder Charles Edwards conducted this community-service program. overcrowded building where Dorcas ladies worked for many years. When purchased from the local Moose Lodge, it was in need of thorough cleaning inside and out. After many weeks of hard work, the walls inside were transformed from grease-stain brown to clean, fresh white. The interior odor gradually changed from stale tobacco to oven-cooked vegetarian foods. Outside, the building became clean and inviting, with newly landscaped entrance. Cooking Taught protein from natural foods and meat analogs in order to lower cholesterol intake, the basic principles of good nutrition and how to get the most for the food dollar, and the making of nutritious desserts and bread. Recipes were available each night. Attendance averaged 50 persons nightly. Many local professional persons attended, 35 of whom were friends from the community. One woman completely changed her family’s dietary habits as a result of the series. Marimba Concerts Slated Mallets for Christ, a unique ensemble of marimbas, a vibra-harp and a string bass, will appear in sacred concert in Fortuna February 28 at 5:30 p.m. and in Calistoga March 13 at 2:30 p.m. There will also be a secular program in Fortuna at 8 p.m. February 28. For further information concerning scheduling concerts, write: Mallets for Christ, 36 Mobile Manor, Angwin, CA 94508. On Dedication Day, more than 50 local church members and dignitaries from throughout Northern California came to witness the ribbon-cutting and enjoy a potluck meal together. Former Yuba City Pastor William Ludwig compared the transformation of the building to the change in the human heart and life when Christ takes over. Center Director Pansy Snavely related the history of the Dorcas work in Yuba City, beginning in 1930. Conference Lay Activities Director J. B. Church compared the building to an army recruitment center where persons are inducted, outfitted, trained and sent out into the field. “This building alone will do little for the community,” he said. “The people who work in it or out of it will make the difference.” Flavio N. Velez, Com. Secy,. Yuba City Church. I very much enjoyed the talk on Vegetarianism and would appreciate very much your sending me your book about it, as I am on my way to becoming a vegetarian. Has Vegetarianism always been a precept of the Seventhday Adventist Church? Do certain members ever backslide or suggest a desire to taste meat, and if so, does the Church do anything about it? Whatever you would like to tell me in this regard, I should be very grateful. Thank you. Davis, CA 4 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1976 IN KEEPING WITH THE THEME of making someone happy, the children of the Readiness Room at La Sierra Elementary School chose to remember the patients of a local convalescent hospital by making them small Valentine gifts and cards. The concept of happiness coming to those who serve was applied to the students7 lives as they carefully made the gifts and then saw the results when the patients gratefully accepted the remembrances. Above, Anna Puder, patient at a convalescent hospital, is shown receiving her remembrance gifts from (left to right) James Mallery, Tricia Walters and Lisa Shearer. CORRECTION An error appeared in a recent Recorder headline that needs correction. Elder Sylvester Bietz is still treasurer of the Southeastern California Conference. Elder Leonard Webb is the new treasurer of the Conference Association. 'Nursing Update' Aids in Recall LLU School of Health Alumni Association To Convene The School of Health Alumni Association of Loma Linda University will hold its week-long convention from Sabbath, February 28, to Friday, March 5. Included on the speaking panel are: Drs. Elvin Adams on smoking consequences, Kay Kuzma on child development, Vyhmeister, Register, Blankenship on nutrition, Fowler on drug dependency problems, Le-Vos and Phillips on heart problems and cancer. Also being featured are Drs. Hardinge, "It is when we most fully comprehend the love of God that we best realize the sinfulness of sin." SC, 36 Southeastern California Conference Max C. Torkelsen, president; Warren C. Heintz, secretary; Sylvester D. Bietz, treasurer; 9707 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, California 92503. Phone (714) 689-1350. Two Breath of Life rallies packed the San Diego 31st Street church and the Riverside church the weekend of February 13 and 14. Elder C. D. Brooks gave the sermon and the rest of the members of the team, Walter Arties, Shelton Kilby, Clyde Allen and Michael Connor, presented the rest of the program. Elder E. A. White planned the programs and served as master of ceremonies. Picture above shows the audience at the Riverside Rally. Jen, Youngberg, Walden, Murdock, Lamp, Brinegar, Hopp and Thrash. Josephine Cunnington Edwards will present “An Evening with the Edwards” at the Alumni Convention of the LLU School of Health on Saturday night, February 28 at 7:30, in Burden Hall. The public is invited. There is an admission charge. While this convention is primarily aimed at health professionals, many topics may be of interest to the lay person. This convention is approved for professional continuing education credit. For registration information contact the Alumni Convention, School of Health, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA 92354. Prospective students, parents and friends are invited to attend Visitation Day at San Pasqual Academy, Wednesday, March 17, 9:30 a.m. (714) 747-1600. Come Alive Release The story of Daniel in the lions’ den comes alive as Roy Naden discusses modern implications of prayer, in the Sunday, March 7, release of Come Alive. The King’s Heralds will present musical selections along with the Heritage Singers. The program is released at 9 a.m. in San Diego on Channel 10 and in Los Angeles at 8:30 p.m. on Channel 5. Invite your friends to watch. Bible Seminar To Be Presented Kenneth Lacey Elder Kenneth Lacey is scheduled to conduct a three-week Bible Seminar in the San Bernardino Seventh-day Adventist church, 918 N. Mountain View Ave., beginning Friday, March 5, continuing each night at 7:30 (Mondays excepted), and ending Saturday, March 27. Each program will consist of three main features. First, Elder Lacey will show the Travelogue, a guided tour of the British Isles, European countries and Bible Lands, with the aid of beautiful color photography. Second, a unique, chainreference Bible Marking Class will take place in which the great texts of the Bible are related by index. Third, and the most important feature is a verse by verse study of the most important prophecies in Reve- The annual reunion of the "Friends of Canada Club" will be held Monday, March 8, at Cliftons Cafeteria in West Covina. All Canadians, former workers in Canada, or visitors from Canada are cordially invited. Dinner will be served cafeteria-style at 6:30 p.m. A social hour and program will follow. Second Quarter Sabbath School Workshops will be conducted as follows: Sunday, March 7 9:00 a.m. Loma Linda Academy 10656 Anderson Street Sunday, March 14 9:30 a.m. San Diego North Park Ch. 3090 Polk Avenue Monday, March 15 7:00 p.m. Anaheim Church 900 S. Sunkist Street Monday, March 22 7:00 p.m. Riverside Conference Office 9707 Magnolia Avenue Workshop sessions for all divisions: Cradle Roll, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior-Earliteen, Youth, Adult. In recent years nursing has expanded the programs it offers and has increased the responsibilities of the nurse within the various programs. Nursing Update is an attempt to bring the nurse current information affecting the nurse either directly or indirectly in nursing practice as well as individual responsibility for main-ing professional standards. Completion of basic and advanced programs in nursing do not prepare one for a lifetime of nursing practice. Consequently, the Office of Continuing Education in the School of Nursing at Loma Linda University is committed to providing opportunities to review, renew, augment and modify previously acquired knowledge and skills. A workshop for Registered Nurses, planned to coincide lation, prophecies calculated to challenge and prepare a people for the coming of the Lord. If you are a church member and live within the greater San Bernardino area you need the blessing and inspiration which this series will provide. We also invite you to recommend this important series of meetings to any friends who may be living in the area, and we will be happy to send them an invitation. Names and addresses should be sent to Elder Charles R. Lickey, 918 N. Mountain View Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92410. BICENTENNIAL SALUTE—The La Sierra Elementary School and Academy presented "Salute to Seventy-Six" February 22, a bicentennial program of narration and music depicting great moments in our nation's history. The combined choirs and bands had special numbers. The Sierra Singers and a barber-shop quartet from the Riverside Citrus Belters were also featured. with the Alumni Post-graduate Convention, will be offered Wednesday, March 10 8:30-4:30. Topics covered in the afternoon session will be repeated in the evening 6:15-9:30. Topics to be presented include: Trends in Pharmacology, Nursing Audit, Expanded Role of the Nurse, Continuing Education Requirements, Current Legislation, and Legal Implications. For information, phone or write Office of Continuing Education, School of Nursing, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA 92354; (714) 796-7311, ext. 2601. UW To Hold Seminar Sunday, March 7 at 8:30 a.m. registration will begin for a delightful one-day It Is Written Seminar at the Hotel Riviera, Indian Avenue at Vista Chino in Palm Springs. Elders George Vandeman and George Knowles will conduct the seminar. Notebook, Bible, and noon meal cost $12.50. Here is a chance to bring your friends to an all-day evangelistic meeting with really top appeal. (At the recent Queen Mary seminar in Long Beach, people came from up to 100 miles away.) Send your check with names of those you want to register for the seminar to Pastor Robert Rieger, Palm Springs Seventh-day Adventist Church, 620 S. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262, or call (714) 327-5112 or 328-5253 for details. CREATION DEBATE Dr. John Ford of San Diego will appear on the telecast called "Challenge" on Sabbath, February 28, at 12:30 p.m. He will be discussing Creationism with a proponent of the evolutionary theory. The program will be on Channel 10. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1976 5 “Auntie” Blanche Spriggs was 100 years old Friday, January 16. She celebrated the event by attending Sabbath school and church the next day, as is her custom. Presently a member of the Cambrian Park Church in San Jose, she has attended the Adventist Church regularly since her mother first took her 100 years ago when she was two or three weeks old. Born in 1876 in State Center, Kansas, Blanche Rhoades married a 29-year-old minister named John Spriggs when she was 27. During 40 years of marriage the Pastor and Mrs. Spriggs, childless themselves, boarded and cared for many children, sending some through CORRECTION Elder Haas was misquoted in the February 16 issue of the Recorder. In the article "Central Uses Seminar Approach," the number of baptisms should be 10 and not 100. Urgently needed .Secretary — Hollywood Church needs secretary-receptionist. Should have good typing, shorthand and general office skills.- Courteous and intelligent phone personality. SDA in good and regular standing. Salary open. Mail resume to Charles Haluska, Sr., Box 1296, Beverly Hills, CA 90213 or phone (213) 272-2855. Lady companion to live in. Around age 50. Must have own car and drive. To cook meals and help with housework. Sabbaths off. Contact Steve Brody, 2530 N. Commonwealth Ave., Los Angeles, CA; phone, (213) 665-8170 (evenings) or (213) 685-3103 (days). Two ambulatory senior ladies to share my home. Cheerful, neat SDA atmosphere, church privileges. Good food, everything furnished. Write 3600 Karl Dr., North Highlands, CA 95660, or call (916) 332-3634. House Painter—Interior, exterior. Prefer someone with carpentry experience, year-round work. Good pay. Opportunity to live in the country. Also many opportunities to witness for Jesus. (208) 829-5550 or Donald L. Robinson, Rt. 1, Box 156, Hazelton, Idaho 83335. Need small/large mortgage loans, partners, lessees or tenants to lining center. Also develop 200-acre prove PUC’s only off-campus shopretirement village adjoining subdivisions, Eugene, OR. All properties choice, walking distance to essential goods, services. Invite closest investigation of myself, property. Gordon Elliott, 1287 Irvington Dr., Eugene, OR 97404; (503) 688-8222. Journeyman plumber wanted; good salary. Five years’ experience necessary; prefer someone with knowledge of pumps, but not essential. Position available in St. Helena, 8 miles from Pacific Union College. Contact Clyde Tucker Plumbing, (707) 963-4162 or 963-7804. Bulletin Gem State Academy Alumni Home-coming, Caldwell, Idaho, is set for April 9-11. Meal tickets for the weekend can be purchased now by contacting Mrs. Lois Anderst, Gem State Academy, Route 8, Caldwell, ID 83605. The cost for the morning and evening meals will be $1.25 with $1.50 for lunch. You must have a meal ticket if you plan to eat in the cafeteria any time during the weekend. These should be purchased by April 1. school. Auntie Blanche still sees a few of them and recently had a visit from one of her “children” all the way from a mission post in the Philippines. A widow for 42 years, Auntie Blanche has lived with a niece, Norma Youngberg, for the past 35 years. Her brother (Norma’s father) was prominent Adventist Educator Bert Rhoades. Auntie spends a good part of her time reading, collecting and mailing back issues of church publications to overseas mission stations, and sending Bible studies through the mail. She not only keeps her own room neat and clean, but helps Schools Work Together for Week of Prayer A total of 45 students of Mountain View Union Academy participated in a Week of Prayer for West Valley Elementary School in Campbell early last month. “Like Jesus” was the week’s theme. Each day two groups from the academy were responsible for presenting the services. Two programs were held simultaneously. Grades 1-4 met in a Wild Plants To Eat Workbook: 70 common plants in beautiful line drawings and full-color photographs. Information includes identification, distribution, nutritional analysis, preparation and delicious recipes. Ideal for schools, Pathfinders, and outdoorsmen. $2.95. Quantity discounts. Outdoor Edu-quip, Dept. UP, Box 1283, Madison, TN 37115. Mexican Food — Delicious, homemade, cooked with vegetable oil and seasoned right. Lunch and dinner hours only or orders “To Go.” Closed Mondays. El Lobo Restaurant. 1256 South Glendale Blvd, (north of Los Feliz), Glendale, CA Phone: (213) 247-9527. 2 bdrms., P/2 baths, outbuildings, vegetable garden, 35 fruit and nut trees, 3acres, $50,500. 3 bdrms., 1 bath, workshop, chicken house, 7 acres, $42,900. 5 bdrms., baths, 3-car garage, 24x36-ft. living room, 7.9 acres, $89,000. Call Peg Green, Highway 88 Realty, Pine Grove, CA 95665, or call (209) 296-7157. Household Moving — In western states or across country. Careful, experienced, reliable movers of household goods backed by years of service to our people. Storage facilities available. Write or call: Turner Moving & Storage, Box 226, St. Helena, CA 94574; (707) 963-2701. Branch Office: Box 201, Loma Linda, CA 92354; (714) 796-0228. Labor union problems? Why not begin your own family business with our help? Start part-time and develop exciting levels of financial and personal independence. Thousands have—you can too! No capital investment, all training provided. If seriously interested, write today: Med-Ed Services, Box 343, Penryn, CA 95663. Retirement Apartments. Come live in church-owned retirement complex, New 1- and 2-bdrm., ground- "The fact that we are called upon to endure trial shows that the Lord Jesus sees in us something precious, which He desires to develop. If He saw in us nothing whereby He might glorify His name, He would not spend time in refining us. He does not cast worthless stones into His furnace. It is valuable ore that He refines. The blacksmith puts the iron and steel into the fire that he may know what manner of metal they are. The Lord allows His chosen ones to be placed in the furnace of affliction, to prove what temper they are of, and whether they can be fashioned for His work/7 Ministry of Healing, 471 Norma do light household chores and care for two Thai children Norma and her son have adopted. Auntie Blanche taught public school in Iowa. She was a Bible teacher and church organist during her husband’s ministry. She has read the Bible through 84-85 times. She’s been a vegetarian since she was 60. Auntie had to celebrate her birthday without Norma because her niece was in Bangkok making arrangements for the adoption and transportation of more Thai orphans. Eva Shaver, Com. Secy., Cambrian Park Church. large room of the Campbell church and Grades 5-8 met in the church chapel. Teams of two would visit the classrooms for devotion and prayer each morning, giving an opportunity for more personal contact among students. Songs, stories, special features, and the “sermons” were all prepared and presented by the academy students. Each class — freshman, sophomore, junior and senior—was represented daily, making this truly a united effort. Principal John Shafer and his staff at West Valley School were very supportive and ex- Cambrian Park Seeks Former Members Wanted! All former members and friends of Cambrian Park Church. The occasion is the 12th anniversary of the organization of the church, April 2-3. The homecoming weekend will include participation by all former pastors. Plans and activities are being coordinated by present Pastor Frank McMurry. Former pastors J. D. Bolejack (Spokane), A. F. Storz (Bishop) and R. T. Minesinger (Lebanon, Oregon) will be featured in the weekend services, including evening communion level units, with stove, carpeting, draperies, air-conditioning, unit heat and sound-proof walls. Enjoy church services over intercom from English Oaks church. Golden Oaks Retirement Complex, 1220 Century Blvd., Lodi, CA 95240. Call (209) 369-1021. Quality residential care home, beautiful situation.. individual rooms opening on peaceful scenery. Abundant healthful meals, transportation to church, shopping, beach. Lots of love. Roy and Lydia Davies, 310 Maher Road, Watsonville, 95076; (408) 724-7054. LLU Group To Perform at Philadephia Church March 6 the San Francisco Philadelphian Church will host the Sounds of Peace, a group of Black students, members of the Loma Linda University Student National Medical Association. The 27-member musical group under the direction of Harrell Robinson and Wayne Rahming is making its first appearance in the Bay Area. The group will present a full Sabbath program including a sacred concert during the MV hour beginning at 4 p.m. Also featured will be a film on hypertension, the number-one killer among American Blacks, narrated by Bill Cosby. Dr. Gaines Partridge, associate dean of Student Affairs and Admissions will represent the Loma Linda University administration. pressed their appreciation for the ministry of the academy youth. The MVUA project was an endeavor to follow the advice of Ellen White: “The older students in our schools should remember that it is in their power to mold the habits and practices of the younger students and they should seek to make the best of every opportunity. . . . Because they are one with Christ in spirit, they will be one with Christ in action.” Counsels to Parents and Teachers, p. 225. V. Renford Furgason, Mountain View Union Academy. service April 2, the general Sabbath school lesson study, and the morning worship-hour sermon April 3. Following the worship service a church potluck dinner will honor all charter members in attendance, with time provided afterward for visiting with friends and renewing of acquaintances. Sabbath vesper services will feature music by two charter members, Liane Marin and Fred Garrett, and reminiscences by the former pastors. The church’s recreation com- Correction: Want To Spend Vacation in Beautiful Hawaii? 3-bdr. home available July 5-Aug. 5. $300. One minute to Castle Memorial Hospital, 5 minutes to beach, 20 minutes to Waikiki. Will exchange VW bus for use of your car while on the mainland. If interested, write to Estrella C. Acob, 659 Ulu-kahiki St., Kailua, HI 96734; (808) 262-4798. Babitt, Waisle—b. July 10, 1898; d. Jan. 27, 1976, Panorama City, CA. Survivors: daughters, Dorothy Me- ier, Delphine Elderkin, Evelyn Ba- bitt; grandson, Robert J. Elderkin; 7 brothers and sisters. Downer, Laura—b. March 7, 1890, Sallisaw, Okla.; d. December 27, 1975, Phoenix, Arizona. Survivors: sons, Elon and Lee; daughters, Mildred Pettit and Marie Caraway; sisters, Minnie Brimmer and Iva Oscarson; 17 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; 1 nephew and 3 nieces. Ettinghausen, George William—b. Sept. 28, 1902, Illinois; d. Jan. 30, 1976, Placerville. Survivors: wife, Nina; daughters, Helen Collins, Sharon Burrill, Iris Earles; sons, MONTEREY BAY ACADEMY STUDENTS, supervised by Laundry Manager Gerald Skidmore, helped Seventh-day Adventist World Service aid earthquake-stricken Guatemala last month. MBA boys are seen here with Mr. Skidmore as they prepared a shipment of relief supplies including 128 tents. The 4500-pound cargo went from SAWS on the MBA campus to San Francisco International Airport where it was loaded on a Pan-Arn jet bound for Guatemala City. In that city, SAWS Representative Robert Folkenberg will coordinate distribution of the relief supplies. Central California Conference Earl W. Amundson, president; Charles F. Cook, secretary; Marshall Chase, treasurer; (Box 580) 1691 The Alameda, San Jose, California 95106. Phone (408) 297-1584. Wills, trust agreements and annuities should be made in favor of the legal association rather than the conference. For more information, write to E. J. Royer, director, at the above address. mittee will sponsor an evening of social activity. Addresses are needed for numerous former members. Anyone who can help supply them is asked to contact Pastor Frank McMurry, 4265 Carter Ave., San Jose, CA 95118; phone (408) 266-1144 or 224-1244. "All your happiness, peace, joy and success in this life are dependent upon genuine trusting faith in God/* * * * * 7 Messages to Young People, 410 Vincent W., George W., Edwin W. Lafon, Julia—b. March 21, 1892, Georgia; d. Feb. 11, 1976, Sebastopol. Survivors: daughters, Leoni Wilson and Floy Bramham; 4 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; 13 great-great grandchildren. McFeeters, Mary Edna—b. March 30, 1883; d. Feb. 2, 1976, Ceres. Survivors: sons, Paul and John McFeeters. Myre, Ruby May—b. Oct. 1, 1905. Batesville, AR; d. Jan. 31, 1976, Visalia. Survivors: sons, John & Edgar McNair; daughters, Goldie Gilley, Opan Andrews, Sarah & Mary Brady; 2 brothers, 5 sisters, 18 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren. Renfrow, Ollie—b. Oct. 17, 1899, Missouri; d. Feb. 11, 1976, Fortuna. Survivors: sons, Robert and Clifford; daughters, Ethel Johnson and Anna Trone. Schulze, Alwin O.—b. Sept. 17, 1894, Germany; d. Feb. 6, 1976, Sonoma. Survivor: wife, Gwen. Spencer, Elma Ellen—b. July 18, 1895, Eureka; d. Feb. 2, 1976, Walnut Creek. Survivors: husband, Carl; daughter, Doris Helen Stewart; grandson, John Stewart; granddaughter, Beth Van Meter. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1976 Blanche Spriggs 100 Years Old, Auntie Blanche Is Still Active Mission Evangelist Ed Huston presents REVELATION PROPHECY CRUSADE Coming to Kailua and Waimanalo Starting March 27 If you know of anyone living in these areas or on Oahu who should receive a special invitation to attend the crusade, please send the names and addresses to Pastor Ralph Pueschel, Kailua Seventh-day Adventist Church, 160 Mookua St., Kailua, HI 96734. Pre-School Officially Opens Na Keiki O Ka Aina (Children of the Land) Pre-School was officially opened Sunday, February 8. Honolulu Central Seventh-day Adventist Church, though still in the process of building, felt that an Adventist pre-school would be an asset in the community. Spearheaded by Raymond Lau, Pat Rutherford, Sr., and Lau, Pat Rutherford, Sr., and Pastor George Coffen (left) with Mayor Frank Fasi and Raymond Lau General Elder Gordon Dalrymple Dies G. Dalrymple February 13 Gordon Franklyn Dalrymple laid down the only weapon he knew — the sword of the Spirit. At 44 he closed a 24-year ministry to rest until the Lifegiver calls him. He was born । in Mountain View where his father, Elder Gwynne Dal rymple, was associate editor of the Signs of the Times. Graduated from Walla Walla College, he was ordained in the Oregon Conference where he served as pastor-evangelist. Associate editor of These Times for four years, Elder Dalrymple won the American SULLGTIN BQXRD Enterprise Academy Reunion. Sunday, March 7, noon, Room 201, Loma Linda University Church. Bring table service, choice of entree, salad or dessert and memorabilia. See slides and special features. Southwestern Union College Alumni Homecoming weekend will be April 9-11. The college extends a cordial invitation to all alumni to attend this gathering. If you are a former student or staff member of Southwestern Union College or Southwestern Junior College, and are not currently receiving our Alumni Newsletter, please send your name and address to Southwestern Union College, Keene, TX 76059. Correction: Christian Memorial Association—The annual constituency meeting of the Christian Memorial Association will be held Sunday, March 7, in Physics Bldg., Room 200, on the campus of Pacific Union College in Angwin. Gladys Mamo Dutro, it became a reality as Mayor Frank Fasi cut the maile lei. “It is important we know God to make our country strong. A Christian pre-school is a good way to start the young children in the right direction to know God,” said Mayor Fasi, guest speaker of the occasion. Hawaiian Mission President Lawrence Davidson and Pastor George Coffen of the Central Church, explained the purpose of the pre-school as a service to those in the community who find it necessary for both parents to be employed outside the home. In time this pre-school will hopefully provide employment for several academy students. Gladys Dutro serves as director, and Saralyn Tollefson-Chow and Judy Brown are the teachers. Esther Lau will prepare the daily hot meals. Edward K. Lee. Freedom Foundation Award for an article on religious liberty. He was then called to be associate editor of the Signs—his father’s old job! For 10 years Elder Dalrymple was director of the Bible school and public relations for Faith for Today, until he moved to The Voice of Prophecy as direector of public relations two years ago. Thousands found Christ during the crusades which he always conducted in addition to his other work. Elder Dalrymple is survived by his wife Lois; children Gordie, Laurie, Jolee and Jeanne; his mother and two sisters. Read This Before You Enlist The draft as of now is totally deactivated, as are Draft Boards and the Lottery System. No one can enter the military service except through enlistment. During this time of turning swords into plowshares, we counsel all of our young men and women not to enlist unless they have all information available, information which can be obtained from their local or union conference National Service Organization. Actually there are no guaranteed provisions made for Seventh-day Adventist personnel to obtain noncombatant status or Sabbath privileges when enlisting. The only exception is in Industrial Education Stresses Practicality Practical service to students and a Christian pholosophy highlight the La Sierra Industrial Education Department. Department Chairman Don- Sophomore Industrial Studies Major David Pimentel of Lancaster is spending a lot of time this quarter in auto mechanics, one of the most popular areas in the department. aid Bower says, “When a student takes a class from us he learns to earn. Everything we teach here has wide-open employment opportunities. Many of our students have jobs be- Secretarial Seminar Scheduled Secretaries and executives throughout the Union are invited to a seminar on “Communications and Effective Human Relationships’’ to be held on the La Sierra campus March 23. The seminar, sponsored by the LLU Secretarial and Business Education Department lasts 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The cost of $20 per person includes lunch. Guest conductor of the workshop is Dr. John Van de Water, who, as president of Van de Water Associates, Inc., lectures and directs seminars in management development and supervisory training. A seminar on Time Management was conducted at La Sierra by Dr. Van de Water in September 1973. Many of the 200 who attended have often asked that Dr. Van de Water give another. Participants also the Army Medical Career Management Field for noncombatant (1-A-O) enlistment. Too many Seventh-day Adventist young people are now enlisting only to find that the military is not compatible with their beliefs, and the result is often a giving up of these beliefs or a discharge that could have a bearing in subsequent life when seeking civilian employment. Therefore we urge our youth to seek counsel before entering a situation that might jeopardize their future. Harry Garlick, Area Representative, National Service Organization. fore they graduate.” Although the department does not have many majors, Bower feels quantity does not measure quality. “We have doubled enrollment in some areas, with an especially large enrollment in our automotive area,” says Bower. Car repair is just one of many programs the department offers. A well-rounded photography program attracts a large number of students each year. The department also has a complete aviation program. “Four of our majors are now flying in the mission field,” says Bower. We are now acquiring a flight simulator, so more students in our ground school can obtain certificates.” The education a student receives in the department includes not only classroom theory, but practical applications in on-the-job situations. “Not only know-how but do-how as well,” is the way Bower describes it. A building and construction class is now finishing a house. An architecture class is drawing plans for another building to be soon started. Trade training is the number one service to students the de felt there was an advantage that, if possible, both the secretary and boss attend the workshop. Application for the seminar must be made by March 15. For further information including application, contact Dr. Lois McKee, Secretarial and Business Education Department, LLU, Riverside, CA 92505; or (714) 785-2039. MARCH CALENDAR Note: Additional Information on Homecoming Events: call 785-2022. Wednesday, March 3 12-4 p.m. "Management of the Small Business Enterprise"—The Commons 7:30 p.m. Music and Art Symposium—HMA Thursday, March 4 9 a.m. Archaeological Discoveries and Biblical Scholarship—Sierra Tow- ers7 Meier Chapel 4 p.m. Continuous Progress Education, School of Education Symposium— HMA 6:30 p.m. Bicentennial Celebration Alumni Banquet—The Commons Friday, March 5 10 a.m. Consumer Affairs Symposium—HMA 7:30 p.m. "Student Missions/' Vespers—La Sierra Church Sabbath, March 6 8& 10:50 a.m. Dr. Louis Venden—La Sierra Church 1 p.m. Potluck for alumni and friends; bring food and table service— —The Commons 3:30 p.m. Concert featuring former Collegian and La Sierran Singers— The Commons 8:30 p.m. Vienna Choir Boys—Pavilion. Call 785-2100 for ticket information Sunday, March 7 8:30 a.m. Annual Sports Invitational for academy seniors—Pavilion 9 a.m. Tennis Clinic—Courts 10 a.m. Physics Symposium—San Fernando Hall 11 a.m. Alumni Golf Tournament—El Rivino Country Club 3 p.m. Song Cycle—HMA Monday, March 8 9:30 a.m. College Day for non-academy young people Friday, March 19 Spring Recess Begins Tuesday, March 23 9 a.m. Seminar for Secretaries and Executives Sunday, March 28 Spring Recess Ends Monday, March 29 Registration Tuesday, March 30 Classes Begin partmen t offers. Many students from other majors come in and learn a practical skill. “We had a pre-med student come in and take our courses in brake work. Now he has worked for two summers in a garage making very good money to pay for his education.” Department programs are very flexible. If a student wants to learn a trade, a program can usually be arranged to suit his needs. Bower feels his department also serves the church in a very special way. “You don’t always have to preach to people. Sometimes the best witness is the way we live our lives. Many times our graduates get jobs where they are the only Adventists,” he says. “We try and train Christian workers.” The industrial education department offers programs for students who want to enter careers in mechanics, metal and wood construction, drafting, welding, photography and maintenance. Teaching credentials are also available in conjunction with the School of Education. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1976 7 General News continued (Continued from page 1) Union Constituency weekly as the work burgeons especially in the 14 languages other than English. Of the 31,-885 baptisms during the past quinquennium, 6,754 were recorded for 1975 alone. From this total 1,193 were Spanishspeaking persons. Causing concern to each delegate were statistics for apostasies and missing members for the same period—11,977. Study is being given to retaining these nearly 2,400 “casualties” per year. Of the 4,754 individuals on sustentation from denominational employment, 1,910 reside in this Union. From the Treasury Treasurer Robert L. Cone’s report shows that tithe for 1975 alone reached $40,568,888.55, and Pacific Union constituents A gave nearly a - $ half million dol- \ 1 lars in the mid- summer Adven-tures in Faith offering. Net worth of the D . r Union is fixed K. L. Cone at $5 223,721.29. Tithe in the five-year period totaled under the blessing of God $170.9 million at a per capita of $341.30 (1975 only). Mission offerings during the five years surpassed $19 million, and all contributions to local church work exceeded $83 million. Special guest was W. B. Ochs, a former Vice President for North America. / Referring to tne first business session of the former Pacific Union held in Portland, Oregon in 1902, retiring Secretary Walton revealed that 50 delegates represented the 9,492 members in 190 churches. Tithe for 1900 was $76,985. Challenge Thankful for the growth and God’s singular blessings in the Union, Elder Sandefur challenged constituent delegates to a “consecrated commitment to the completion of the task assigned as we consider the eternal calling to be colaborers with the angels. “For the work will not be finished around the world until it is also completed in the Pacific Union Conference.” And the huge, resonant choir of predominantly male voices sang together a hymn from the early church, “He’s coming, coming, coming soon I know; coming back to this earth again. And the weary pilgrims will to glory go when the Saviour comes to reign.” How to cook German style without cholesterol or animal fat. Use Loma Linda Big Franks. Appetitlichli BIG FRANKS AND SAUERKRAUT 1 (19oz.)can Loma Linda Big Franks, drained 1 cup sauerkraut 1 teaspoon celery seed 1 teaspoon caraway £eed Add seasoning to sauerkraut. Place in casserole. Arrange Big Franks on top. Bake at 350° for 30-40 minutes. Serves 6-8. Another easy way to serve Loma Linda foods —all vegetable protein, contains no meat, no cholesterol, no animal fat. It’s tomorrow’s food. Riverside, CA 92505 Quality Foods since 1906 "Recipes for Long Life" The New Vegetarian Cookbook from Loma Linda featuring calorie control as well as general cookery. Name --------------------—---------------------------— Address------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------2 i P------- No. of copies___@ $4.95 plus $ .50 each for handling---- California add 6% sales tax--- Send your order and check to Total enclosed----- Loma Linda Foods, Dept. R, 11503 Pierce St., Riverside, CA 92505 "Only through a living faith in Christ as a personal Saviour is it possible to make our influence felt in a skeptical world. If we would draw sinners out of the swift running current, our own feet must be firmly set upon the Rock, Christ Jesus." Ministry of Healing, 469-470 SUITSET TZBUE Friday, March 5 Alturas 5:57 Loma Linda 5:48 Angwin 6:06 Los Angeles 5:52 Calexico 5:42 Moab 6:14 Chico 6:03 Oakland 6:06 Eureka 6:12 Phoenix 6:28 Fresno 5:57 Reno 5:55 Hilo 6:26 Riverside 5:49 Honolulu 6:37 Salt Lake 6:23 Las Vegas 5:39 San Diego 5:48 Lodi 6:02 San Jose 6:05 ADDRESS CHANGE If you are moving, please send your ADDRESS CHANGE three weeks in advance. Give your new address in the next column, clip out this entire form, including your address below, and mail to Circulation Department, Pacific Union Recorder, Box 36, Angwin, CA 94508 Name New Address City State Zip Code New subscriptions must be given to your local church clerk. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FORMER ADDRESS PRINTED BELOW. SUITSET T/BLE Friday, March 12 Alturas 6:04 Loma Linda 5:53 Angwin 6:13 Los Angeles 5:57 Calexico 5:47 Moab 6:20 Chico 6:10 Oakland 6:12 Eureka 6:19 Phoenix 6:33 Fresno 6:03 Reno 6:02 Hilo 6:28 Riverside 5:54 Honolulu 6:39 Salt Lake 6:30 Las Vegas 5:44 San Diego 5:53 Lodi 6:08 San Jose 6:11 8 9SI0 SSV« 831SV3NV1 S PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, AAARCH 1, 1976 3031103 NOINfl 3I1NV11V AHVHBI 1