12 LESSONS ON THE PARABLES OF JESUS, 13. What course did he then take? i4. What pointed question did Jesus immediately ask His bearers? : : 15. How does their reply show that they missed the real - meaning of the parable? 15, With what words did Jesus force the lesson home? 17. What application has this parable for the church to- day? QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY. ‘1. What great examples of activity are set before the Christian? John 5:17, Why is a mere profession of willing- ness to enter God's work not sufficient? James 1:22-25; Matt. 7:21; Eph. 2:10. How only can acceptable service be rendered? John 15:5. 2. What is the great test of loyalty to God? John 14:15. Whe is the Christian’s example in obedience? John 15:10; 4:54; Ps, 40:8. 3. Why did Jesus especially warn His disciples against fol- lowing the example of the Pharisees? Matt. 23:3. What alone gives value to one’s profession? James 2:14-18. 4. When should the call to service be answered? Heb. 3:15. How long is the field to be occupied? Luke 19:13. What grave danger lies in delay? John 9:4. ‘LESSON VII.—PARABLE OF THE LORD’S VINEYARD. Lesson Scripture.—Matt. 21: 33-44. A1p.—“‘Christ’s Object Lessons,” pp. 284-306. February 22, rgoz. 1. With what parable did Jesus continue His teaching in the temple? 2. Upon what was this lesson based? 5. Who is the householder mentioned in the parable? 4. By what were llis people of Israel represented? 5. What returns from his vineyard had the householder a right to expect? Prayerfully consider the unentered fields.