• BOLETIN DE LA DIVISION SUDAMERICANA • South American Dirision • ARGENT/N,4 • BOL/V/A • BRAZ/L • CH/LE • ECUADOR • PARAGUAY • PERU • URUGUAY • ARO 41 � JULIO - SEPTIEMBRE DE 1965 � N9 '3 ANOTHER WORTHY DECORATION April 16, 1965 Leslie Charles Scofield, Jr., our overseas missionary in the San Francisco river, East Brazil Union, and the captain of the medical launch "Luzeiro II", received the following telegram from the Honorable Governor of the State of Minas Gerais, Dr. Jose de Magalhaes Pinto: IT IS MY PLEASURE MAKE KNOWN THAT YOU, MOST REVEREND, HAVE BEEN GRANTED "ME- DALHA DE HONRA DA INCONFIDENCIA" (Medal of honor of "Inccinfidencia" for meritorious service) FOR WHICH I NEED CONFIRMATION YOUR HONOR ABLE PRESENCE DECORATION CERE- MONY 21ST THIS MONTH 4.00 P.M. TIRADENTES SQUARE, OURO PRETO. CORDIAL GREETINGS". What does "inconfidencia" mean? Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, a military leader and dentist, known as the "Tiradentes" (Pull Teeth) and the leader of the 1792 rebellion, tried to free Brazil from Portugal. He was the first Brazilian to give his life for independence, and to proclaim "Liberty, even though it is late." This movement was known as the "Inconfidencia Mi- neira" and "Tiradentes", with his companions, were called "Inconfidentes" (the rebels) by Portugal. On April 21, 1792 he was hanged in the city of Ouro 'Preto, in the same place where the decoration is given every year. Since then, "Tiradentes" has been called "The Martyr of the Independence." (Continued on page 8) E PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE � ^.* � Brethren Habenicht, Hensel, and Aitken planning future development of Manaus Ad- ventist Agricultural School. 2 FULFILLING GOD'S COMMAND ruiHE big business of God's people in South America is very simple. .1 We have been commanded by God to go forward. The Lord speaking to Joshua said plainly, "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Joshua 1: 9. The command of Jesus to His disciples was, "Go ye therefore". and the apostle Paul reminded the early Christians to heed the command of the Lord, "For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth." Acts 13: 47. The apostle Paul then reminds us clearly that going forward means entering new territory even where the name of Jesus has never been preached. "Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named". Rom. 15: 20. The urgent command to go forward is further brought to our attention by Sister White in these words, "It is the positive duty of God's people to go into the regions beyond." 9 T page 118. "God has opened fields before us, and if human agencies would but co-operate with divine agencies, many, many souls would be won to the truth. But the Lord's professing people have been sleeping over their allotted work, and in many places it remains comparatively untouched. 9 T page 46. This is the challenge that we are seeking to meet with God's help in South America. I am amazed as I have seen new fields and new possibilities of growth opening before our very eyes in six important places especially that I would like to mention at this time. The great unentered interior regions of every country in South America are now being opened or a plan is under way for opening these interior regions. First, I think of our new mission station air base near Pucallpa, Peru, on the headwaters of the Amazon. As a result of this base of operation and our missionaries going out with the "Fernando Stahl", important outposts in the jungle have been established. This is truly bringing light to those who sit in darkness. It was truly a great act of faith to set up this entire program, but God has blessed the program and many souls will come to a knowledge of the truth because of it. In Ecuador where I have just visited with our Division building engineer, Brother David Hensel, we saw a bulldozer clearing the jungle for the campus of the new Ecuador Training College. Over one million square meters of land are being opened up for this project. The farm land is very rich and is located in the very heart of the famous Ecuadorian banana and pineapple belt. In Manaus at the heart of the Amazon in Brazil, Brother Robert Habenicht is just opening up 25,000 acres of land which have been deeded to us by the government for a simple Adventist agricultural school for the training of our laymen in the carrying forward of the Message. At Belem on the mouth of the Amazon again the jungle is being cleared for our first boarding academy. This is only 12 kilometers from the city of Belem and promises to be a great blessing for the education of our youth in the North Brazil Union. At Itaquara in the State of Bahia some 350 kilometers inland from Salvador the government has just deeded us 10,000 acres of land for an Adventist agricultural development. This is to help the poor of northeast Brazil to be able to make a living in this fertile farming area and at the same time learn the message of salvation and the Advent hope. THE FIRST CAMPMEETING T HE Rio Grande do Sul Confer- ence, of the South Brazil Union, was the first conference to experim- ent with the recommendation of the South American Division to have campmeetings annually, especially in the years between the biennial ses- sions. The "gaucho" campmeeting was held at the College in Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, February 10 to 14, 1965. The motto of the meetings was "Behold, I come quickly". Rev. 22: 12. Elder 0. L. Reis, the President of the Conference, and all of his work- ers, did everything possible for the success of the meetings. At first we thought that the idea of a campmeet- ing was not good and that the meet- ings would not be well attended, but it was something different for everyone. The dynamic spirit and faith of the Brazilian cowboy and the pioneer blood that ran in his veins would not let him stay quietly in his home. Our Adventist brethren came even though we had no elec- tion or reports of the business of the conference, no nominating commit- tees, no candidates, nor other ad- ministrative business. It was beauti- ful to see so many brethren sing the hymns of Zion, in all the meetings to study the Word of God, and pray to our God, asking Him to shower us with the Latter Rain, preparing us for the coming crises and the im- pending conflict which our church soon will meet. More than 500 brethren and sisters from every part of the Conference stayed during the days, and at night- time more than 1,000, and during the Sabbath meetings 2,000 believers at- tended. Besides the workers from the local conference, Pastor M. S. Nigri, sec- retary of the South American Div- ision was present, also 0. R. Ritter, professor from our Sao Paulo Col- lege, Elders R. R. Azevedo, Pedro Camacho, S. Monnier, and J. Wolff, all from the South Brazil Union. This first campmeeting was a spir- itual success; much peace, happiness, good spiritual food, and a desire to be better Christians, better prepared when Jesus comes. Our desire is that other fields will follow the example of the Rio Gran- de do Sul Conference. M. S. Nigri. The last but not least, we have responded to the call of over 1,000 families in southern Paraguay who have requested medical help. The jungle has been cut away near the city of Encarnacion and a new Seventh-day Adventist medical in- stitution has arisen at Hohenau. The buildings have been built by those not of our faith. The biggest share of the land was also donated by friends who desire the help of Sev- enth-day Adventists. Already 40 peo- ple a day are attending this clinic and seeking medical help as well as spiritual help. In this way a great new center of light has been opened up in an entirely new area where we have never before preached the gospel message in southern Paraguay. This is just the beginning of a great operation in the South Amer- ican Division that we might call Operation al Corazon de Sudamerica. This means an expedition to the heart interior regions of South America with the light of the gospel. Our goal is also to reach as never before the teeming cities of the coast lands of South America but also these interior regions which have never before heard the gospel message. This program of penetra- tion to the heart of South America that is now under way seems big, but in reality it is very small in relation to the terrific challange of the large and vast areas which have never been touched and which are still awaiting the gospel message. These are days when we need super- human wisdom and strength in at- tacking such colossal tasks which await us in spreading the gospel message to every kindred, tongue, and people. The work will not be finished anywhere in the world until it has been finished everywhere, we must always remember. May God help us to heed the command and go forward before the hour of opportunity is past. Sister White tells us now is the day to awake out of sleep. "When the reproach of indolence and sloth- fulness shall have been wiped away from the church, the Spirit of the Lord will be graciously manifested. Divine power will be revealed. . . . The earth will be lighted with the L A GRAN tarea del pueblo de Dios en Sudamerica es muy clara. Dios nos ha ordenado avan- zar. El Senor, hablando con Josue, dijo sencillamente: "Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas va- liente: no temas ni desmayes, por- que Jehova to Dios sera contigo en donde quiera que fueres" (Jos. 1: 9). El mandato de Dios a sus disci- pulos fue: "Id por todo el mundo", y el apostol Pablo exhorta a los pri- meros cristianos a obedecer el man- dato del Senor: "Porque asi nos ha mandado el Senor, diciendo: Te he puesto para luz de los gentiles, para que seas salud hasta lo postrero de la tierra" (Hech. 13: 47). El apostol Pablo despues nos ad- vierte claramente que avanzar sig- nifica entrar en nuevos territorios donde el nombre de Jesus nunca ha sido predicado. "Y de esta ma- nera me esforce a predicar el Evan- gelio, no donde antes Cristo fuese nombrado" (Rom. 15: 20). La Hna. White llama nuestra aten- chin mas ampliamente hacia esta urgente orden de avanzar, con las siguientes palabras: "Esta es la ta- rea positive del pueblo de Dios de penetrar en las regiones apartadas" (Testimonies, tomo 9, pag. 118). "Dios ha abierto campos detente de nosotros, y si los hombres quisieran colaborar con los agentes divinos, muchisimas almas serian ganadas para la verdad. Pero los que preten- den formar parte del pueblo de Dios glory of the Lord." Let us each and every one do our part in lighten- ing the dark corners of South America that the earth truly may be lighted in our day with the glory of the Lord. —James J. Aitken, President South American Division se adormecieron sobre el trabajo que les fue asignado, de manera que en muchos lugares este trabajo cast no ha sido principiado" (Joyas de los Testimonios, tomo 3, peg. 308). Este es el desafio que nos este sacudiendo para encontrarnos con la ayuda de Dios en Sudamerica. Me he quedado sorprendido al ver nuevos campos y nuevas posibilida- des de desarrollo abriendose ante nuestros ojos, especialmente en seis lugares importantes que me gustaria mencionar ahora. Las impenetrables regiones del interior de cada pals en Sudamerica se estan abriendo y tenemos planes de penetrar en ellas. En primer lugar pienso en nues- tra base aerea cerca de Pucalpa, Pe- ril, en la cabecera del Amazonas. Co- mo resultado de esta base de opera- ciones y de nuestros misioneros que viajan con el Fernando Stahl, se han hecho grandes adelantos en la selva. Verdaderamente esto es llevar la luz a los que estan en tinieblas. Realmente obramos por un gran acto de fe para establecer este programa, pero Dios lo ha bendecido, y muchas almas tendran conocimiento de la verdad gracias a el. En Ecuador, pais que acabamos de visitar con el arquitecto de la divi- sion, Hno. David Hensel, vimos una rasadera caterpillar desmontando la selva para preparar los terrenos pa- ra el nuevo colegio ecuatoriano. Mas de un million de metros cuadrados de (Continua en la pagina 8) CUMPLIENDO EL COMETIDO DE DIOS 3 A Voice of Youth meet- ing in Uberlandia, Bra- zil. Thirty people were baptized as a result of this campaign. The Voice of Youth group in Lime, Peru, who helped to win 107 people. MV TARGET � Projects Started �N9 Baptizea I N 1926, the Young People's Mis- sionary Volunteer Department est- ablished as its objective, "To save from sin and guide in service." For years the attention of this Department has been concentrated on the first part of this noble pur- pose, "to save from sin." Recently, however, special emphasis has been given to the second part, "guide in service." Yes, instead of directing our youth to use the church, we are directing our churches to use the youth. To complement this new orienta- tion, the MV Department worked out a plan completely evangelistic in scope, capable of inspiring and stim- ulating the young people. The name of this plan is MV Target 1004, and its four avenues of endeavor are: Voice of Youth Friendship Teams Operation Fireside Branch Sabbath Schools. The twofold goal of MV Target 1004 is to lead the young people into evangelistic missionary work and bring as a result of their work, 1004 souls into the church in 1964. The Adventist youth of South Am- erica rose to the challenge of MV Target 1004. Favorable reports have come from all parts of the Division. Never has a plan of the Department been so well received as MV target 1004. The reports which have come in up to the end of March, 1965, show the following results of this program: � 253 � Voice of Youth � 557 � 284 � Friendship Teams � 135 � 388 � Operation Fireside � 128 653 Branch Sabbath Schools 302 � 1578 �Totals �1122 These figures give evidence of two extraordinary facts: Adventist youth in South America are — 1. Busy working for souls —1578 missionary projects! 2. Winnings souls — 1122 persons baptized! These encouraging facts demon- strate a great truth: Guided and directed, the youth cease to be a problem in the church and begin to be a solution.—F. N. Siqueira, MV Secretary South American Division. PRIMERAS NOTICIAS DE LAS CAMPANAS EVANGELICAS ;3.000 EN BUENOS AIRES! E STAMOS sumamente agradecidos � al Senor por el exit° que esta- mos notando en la Campana Evan- gelica de Buenos Aires. Desde hate un ano que estamos organizando esta campaiia, y muchas veces nos hemos sentido desalentados frente a los grandes problemas y obstaculos que se han colocado en el camino. Sin embargo en este momento al ver el desarrollo de la campana, senti- mos profunda gratitud al Senor por conocer las bendiciones que el nos esta dando como anticipo de una bendicion mayor que se manifestara en la ganancia de muchas almas al finalizar este ario. En las conferencias que el Profesor Arteaga esta dirigiendo simultanea- mente en Avellaneda y Lanus, ya podemos darles resultados concretos. Esta trabajando con un equipo de 4 12 hombres, 6 de los cuales han sido cedidos por los campos de la Union Austral por un periodo de 4 meses, 6 de ellos trabajan en Lanus y 6 en Avellaneda. Ya tenian en la segunda semana de conferencias alrededor de 600 direcciones y estan visitando ya con mas de 100 estudios biblicos concretados. Nuestra gran preocupa- cion ahora, es saber d6nde llevar esta gente, pues no tenemos en ese lugar una iglesia y estamos sumamen- te preocupados por saber como aten- der el interes que esta siendo des- pertado, que pasa a la espectativa que nosotros teniamos al iniciar la campana. En Almagro la campaila ha sido iniciada con la direction del joven evangelista el licenciado Juan C. Vie- ra. El dirigira conferencias sabados, domingos, jueves y viernes. En las dos primeras conferencias hubo una asistencia de 600 personas y ha conti- nuado en el dia de hoy con muy buena concurrencia. Tenemos la se- guridad que sera tambien un esfuerzo muy bendecido, estan trabajando con el un conjunto de 10 obreros, todos ellos pertenecen a nuestra asocia- don. El pastor Salim Japas ha iniciado una serie de conferencias de 21 temas todas las noches, en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, el sabado 27 de marzo. El interes ha sido tal que ya hemos hecho planes para que el quede algunas semanas mas despues de la fecha convenida. La iglesia se llena plenamente cada noche de la 11,1 .1111111111 INCENTIVO DE H EMOS terminado una sesion mas de las juntas de medio ano de la Division Sudamericana. Todas las reuniones fueron celebradas en Mon- tevideo, Uruguay, del 14 al 17 de junio. Aun cuando hay mucha intranqui- lidad politica y financiera en todos los paises de Sudamerica y especial- mente en el Uruguay, nosotros goza- mos de paz, comprension y vision entre nuestros dirigentes presentes en estas reuniones. Todos ellos trajeron palabras de animo y fe y mostraron como el Senor esta obrando maravi- llosamente en muchos lugares y c6- mo las puertas se estan abriendo para una gran cosecha de almas. Del pastor J. J. Aitken, presidente de la division oimos estas palabras: "Los discipulos tuvieron poca fe cuan- do se encontraron frente a una tor- menta en el lago. Nosotros no de- bemos carecer de fe, no debemos es- tar turbados o fastidiados; porque Dios es nuestro constante compa- hero". Del pastor Rodolfo Belz, presiden- te de la Union Este del Brasil, escu- chamos lo siguiente: "En la obra de Dios nosotros tenemos infelicidad y tambien felicidad. Nunca sabemos cuando nuestras pruebas se conver- tiran en bendiciones. . . . El Seiior vendra pronto y debemos preparar- nos". El pastor Walter Streithorst, pre- sidente de la Union Norte del Bra- sil, habil) del progreso en el Amazo- nas y dijo: "El Senor nos este. ben- diciendo. Estamos acercandonos al fin . . . Debemos aprovechar las oportunidades que tenemos . . para terminar la obra". Cuando el pastor 0. R. Azevedo, presidente de la Union Sur del Bra- sil hable, el empeze con Exodo 14: 15 e insto a todos a avanzar sin de- tenernos en la marcha hacia el pro- greso. "Debemos sacar ventaja del tiempo de oportunidad . . . " semana y estamos aguardando con mucho interes resultados maravillo- sos tambien en aquella ciudad. En este momento casi 3.000 per- sonas estan asistiendo a diferentes series de conferencias en nuestro campo. Ha ilegado a ser el mayor ano de evangelismo para nuestra asociacion. Aguardamos con gran inter& el comienzo de las conferen- cias del profesor Japas que se iniciaran el 4 de junio en el gran Teatro Astral, calle Corrientes en pleno corazon de Buenos Aires con capacidad para 1.200 personas. Diri- gira estas conferencias durante 3 me- ses seguidos, y sera, sin duda, una experiencia maravillosa para los obre- ros y la hermandad. Eduardo Pereyra Presidente de la Asoc. Bonaerense LOS CAM POS El presidente de la Union Austral el pastor H. J. Peverini, despues de mostrar algunas hermosas vistas de la obra dijo: "Siento que los buenos tiempos que estamos teniendo ahora no duraran mucho mas. Trabaje- mos!" El ultimo fue el pastor D. R. Christ- man, presidente de la Union Incai- ca; hablo acerca de la avioneta Fer- nando Stahl y del buen trabajo que este haciendo en la selva, y del exi- to de las reuniones de La Voz de la Juventud y dijo: "En la Union In- caica estamos trabajando seriamente por la salvation de las almas". El ultimo voto tornado en estas reuniones fue reafirmar nuestro blan- co de 20.000 almas para 1965. Este es el espiritu que mueve a cada ins- titucion, iglesia, grupo, y escuela sabatica; colportor, profesor, medico, We have just finished one more midyear session of the South Amer- ican Division committee. All of the meetings were held here in Monte- video, Uruguay from June 14 to 17. Even though there is much politic- al and financial unrest in all of the countries of South America, especial- ly in Uruguay, we enjoyed peace, comprehension, and vision among our leaders who were present in these meetings. They all brought words of courage and faith and told of how the Lord is blessing in a marvelous way in many places and how doors are opening for a grand harvest of souls. From Elder J. J. Aitken, the presi- dent of the South American Division, we heard these words: "The disciples lacked faith when they found them- selves in a storm on the lake. We must not lack that faith, we must not be troubled or worried, for God is our constant companion." From Elder Rodolpho Belz, the East Brazil Union president, we heard: "In the work of God we have unhappiness and we have happiness. We never know when our trials will turn into blessings. . . The Lord will soon come. We must prepare." Elder W. Streithorst, the president of the North Brazil Union spoke of the progress along the Amazon and said, "The Lord is blessing. We are nearing the end. . . We must use the opportunities we have . � . to finish the work." Then Elder 0. R. Azevedo, the president of the South Brazil Union, spoke. He began with Exodus 14:15 and encouraged all to go forward, ditoria enfermero, pastor, evangelista, ad- ministrador y en fin a todos los obreros. Las estadisticas estan mostrando que la Division Sudamericana con- tinua siendo la que mas crece en el mundo; nuestro crecimiento neto en 1964 fue de 10,9 %. Pero esto no es nada ante las necesidades y frente a las posibilidades que hay en los ocho paises que nos toca evangelizar. Como podemos terminar la obra creciendo solamente 11 % al ano? Necesitamos crecer 110 %; asi fue en Pentecostes y asi sera en la lluvia tardia. iPreparemonos para el avance fi- nal porque la cosecha tambien sera maravillosa aqui en Sudamerica! M. S. N. allowing nothing to stop the onward progress. "We must take advantage of the times of opportunity. . ." The president of the Austral Union, Elder H. J. Peverini, after showing some beautiful slides of the work said: "I have a feeling that the good times we are having now won't last long. Let us work." The last one was Elder D. R. Christman, the president of the Inca Union; he told about our Fernando Stahl airplane, the nice work it is doing in the jungle, the success of the Voice of Youth meetings and said, "In the Inca Union we are earnestly laboring for the saving of souls." The last action voted in our com- mittee meetings was a reaffirmation of our goal of 20,000 baptisms for 1965. This is the spirit that moves each institution, church, group and Sabbath school; colporteur, teacher, doctor, nurse, pastor, evangelist, ad- ministrator — all of our workers. The statistics are showing that the South American Division is continu- ing to be the fastest growing division in the world; our growth in 1964 was 10.9 %. But this is nothing when we think of what is before us and when we think of the possibilities that are ours in 8 countries that we must evangelize. How can we finish the work growing only 11 % per year? We must grow 110 %. That was the way of Pentecost; and so will be the Latter Rain. We must prepare for the final march because the harvest will also be marvelous here in South America! M. S. N. ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE FIELDS 5 The Palermo temple, in Buenos Aires. It is one of the main halls we have to preach the gospel in that big city. A view of the propaganda that Pastor J. C. Viera used during his evangelistic campaign performed in one of the Buenos Aires quarters. It has been wonderful attended the meetings interest has been keen under the A partial view of the attendance Pastor Viera had during the series of meetings he held. 6 WE ARE very thankful to the Lord for the success that we are seeing in the evangelistic campaigns in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A year has passed since we began organizing for these meetings, and we must admit that we felt discouraged at times because of the problems and obstacles that confronted us. But at this time, watching the meetings in progress, we feel very grateful to the Lord, recognizing the blessings that He is pouring out upon us, and anticipating greater blessings to be seen in the souls won to the Truth by the end of this year. With regard to the meetings which Elder Arteaga is conducting in Ave llaneda and Lanus we can give some specific facts. The first two meetings had 1,400 people present. The evan- gelistic group is composed of twelve men. Six of these men were assigned from the Austral Union, for a period of 4 months especially for this effort. Six of the 12 work in Lanus and six in Avellaneda. In the second week of this effort we had already 800 addresses of interested people with whom the workers are visiting, and 200 Bible studies are being given. 3000 In ,Bit FIRST NEWS FRO CAl inos Aires HE EVANGELISTIC GNS >tor Salim Japas presenting one his fine Bible classes in the Astral Theater. A view of the downtown section of Buenos Aires. Our concern now is to know where to take these new people because we do not have a church in this section of the city and we are really concerned as to how to take care of the interest that is being awak- ened, and that has passed our greatest expectations. In Almagro, the evangelistic cam- paign was started under the direction of our young evangelist, Elder Juan C. Viera, on the 3rd of April. He is having meetings on Sabbaths, Sun- days, Thursdays, and Fridays. In the first two meetings there were 600 people and until today the attendance has been good. We are sure that these meetings, too, will be a bless- ing. There are ten workers with him and they are all from our local conference. Elder Salim Japas started his series of meetings of 21 subjects, to be presented every night, in the city of Mar del Plata, on the 27th of March. The interest is just as we expected, and we have already made plans for Elder Japas to hold his meetings a few extra weeks. The church is full every night and we are watching with great interest the marvelous results in this great city. At this time almost 3,000 people are attending the different series of evangelistic meetings in this area and it has already become the great- est year of evangelism for the Buenos Aires Conference. We will be watch- ing with great interest the results of the meetings that Elder Japas started on June 4 in the Astral Theater, Corrientes Street, just in the heart of Buenos Aires, with a capacity of 1,200 people. He will conduct these meetings during 3 months and it will be a marvelous experience for the workers and lay- men who will be working with him. Eduardo Pereyra, President Buenos Aires Conference, Argentina so many people have or Japas held. Their e hope that it will last 's blessing. Pastor Antonio Arteaga has had the op- portunity of presenting the gospel truth to attentive listeners. His success has been good thus far. NA LGO que faltaba! Algo que nuestras iglesias ne- cesitan y les gustaria. El Colegio Adventista del Plata, Puiggari (FCNGU), Entre Rios, Ar- gentina (esta es la direction del colegio), esta ofreciendo el material en castellano por un precio muy bueno. Informese de los resultados anima- dores obtenidos al efectuar la pri- mera Escuela de ()radon, que cree- mos fue tambien la primera en la division: "Acabamos de iniciar con todo exito una nueva experiencia que nos parece apropiado compartir con Ud. "Se trata de la Escuela de ()radon, idea y plan nacido en los EE. UU., expuesto en el Ministry de agosto ESCUELA DE ORACION de 1964, y que los profesores de los cursos superiores de este cole- gio adaptaron, y que con el consen- timiento de la iglesia hemos iniciado aqui en Puiggari. "Este plan esta trayendo nueva vida a las reuniones de oration de la iglesia, que de una asistencia de 40 a 50 personas ha subido a 400 O 450, despertando vivo interes en la her- mandad y en los estudiantes. "Usamos los libros Comunion con Dios y Escuela de Oration traducidos e impresos modestamente en el CAP. Hemos recomendado a la herman- dad que lea uno de los capitulos de Comunion con Dios por dia en el circulo de su hogar. Tiene 53 temas escogidos sobre la ()radon y esta apoyado por declaraciones bi- blicas y citas del espiritu de profe- cia. Confesamos que su estudio nos esta haciendo muchisimo bien. "Si Ud. estuviese interesado en este plan para servir los intereses espirituales de su sector, quiza pu- dieramos colocarnos a sus ordenes con ejemplares de los libros que hemos publicado, a un costo de cien pesos argentinos cada uno (podria haber alguna variante en el precio), y ofrecerle un plan completo de la Escuela de ()radon, de acuerdo a la experiencia que venimos realizan- do. . ." Jose Tabuenca Director del CAP CUMPLIENDO EL COMETIDO DE DIOS (Viene de la pagina 3 terreno se prepararan para este pro- yecto. El terreno para la chacra es muy fertil y esta situado en plena zona de cultivo de bananas y anands. En Manaos, en el coraz6n del Ama- zonas, Brasil, el Hno. Roberto Habe- nicht esta preparando 101 hectareas de terreno que han sido donadas por el gobierno para una sencilla escuela adventista de agricultura para el en- trenamiento de nuestros miembros laicos para la tarea de llevar ade- lante el mensaje. En Belem, en la desembocadura del Amazonas, otra vez se ha talado la selva para establecer nuestra pri- mera escuela secundaria en ese Lu- gar. Esta a unos 12 km de la ciu- dad de Belem y promete ser una bendicion para la education de nues- tra juventud en la Union Norte del Brasil. En Itaquara, en el estado de Ba- hia, a unos 300 km de Salvador, el gobierno nos ha cedido unas 40 hec- tareas de terreno para el desarrollo de un proyecto agricola adventista. Se hace esto para enseriar a los po- bres del nordeste del Brasil a obte- ner lo necesario para vivir de esas ferules tierras, y al mismo tiempo para predicar el rnensaje de salva- cion y de la esperanza adventista. Finalmente, pero no en ultimo lu- gar, nosotros hemos respondido al llamamiento de 1.000 familias, en el sur del Paraguay, que han solicitado ayuda medica. Se ha talado la selva, y una nueva institution medica ad- ventista SE, ha levantado en Hohenau cerca de la ciudad de Encarnacion. Los edificios han sido construidos por los que no son de nuestra fe. La mayor parte del terreno fue donada por amigos que desean la ayuda de los adventistas del septimo dia. 40 personas al dia son atendidas en esta clinica, y ademas de la ayuda medica reciben ayuda espiritual. De esta manera se ha colocado un gran faro en el sur del Paraguay, en una zona completamente nueva, donde nunca antes se habia predicado el mensaje del Evangelio. Esto justamente es el comienzo de una gran operation en la Division Sudamericana que nosotros podemos llamar Operation Corazon Sudameri- cana. Esto significa una expedition al corazon de las regiones del inte- rior de Sudamerica con la luz del Evangelio. Nuestro blanco tambien consiste en alcanzar como nunca antes las ciu- dades de la costa, pero sin descuidar aquellas regiones apartadas que no han recibido el mensaje. Este pro- ANOTHER WORTHY DECORATION (Continued from page 1) Some workers accompanied Elder Scofield to Ouro Preto. After the placing of a wreath of flowers at the "Inconfidentes" tomb by the authorities the ceremony began —the decoration of those who in 1964 performed outstanding service for the nation and the state. Among them was our missionary who, with his dedicated wife, has worked for eight years in the San Francisco River area. The awarding of the medal was very solemn. With this decoration Elder Scofield is receiving the same honors given to the "Inconfidentes" and his work is considered of the same value as that per- formed by those who have fallen in the struggle for liberty for the Brazilian people. Scofield is the second overseas Adventist missionary to have been decorated by the Brazilian government. The first one was Elder Leo B. Halliwell and his wife, who received the Medal of the Order of the Southern Cross, the highest honor given by Brazil, for their work for one-fourth of a century on the Amazon River. He, too, helped millions of people with his medical missionary launches. Halliwell was the pioneer of this work in South America. Now he is retired but others are following him. Joel Camacho, Public Relations Secretary Minas Mission The San Francisco river, the "Luminar II" and the people for whom the Scofields have worked for 8 years. THINK ABOUT THIS . . . DEATH OF THE HEAVIEST MAN IN THE WORLD Charles Steinmetz, weighing 798% pounds, the heaviest man in the world, died, the victim of his terrible appetite. A little time before his death he admitted to his friends: "I don't have much more time to live. My appetite is never satisfied. I have the same temptation to eat that a drunkard has to drink." EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM DESCRIBES A CHRISTIAN: "A Christian is not necessarily a person born in a Christian country or reared in a Christian home, not necessarily a person who performs the external forms of religion, not necessarily one who possesses the moral virtues or lives a respectable life. "A Christian is a person in whom Christ dwells. He has had a personal encounter with a living Christ and has bent his will to Him." THE WINNING WAY If you put a little loving into all the work you do, A little bit of gladness, and a little bit of you, And a little bit of sweetness, and a little bit of song, Not a day will seem too toilsome; not a day will seem too long. And your work will be attractive, and the world will stop to look, grama de penetraciOn al corazon de Sudamerica parece grandioso pero en realidad es muy pequerio en re- lacion con el terrible desafio de las grandes y vastas zonas, que nunca han sido tocadas y estan esperando el mensaje. Estos son los dias cuando necesitamos sabiduria sobrehumana y fuerzas para emprender las tareas colosales que nos aguardan para pro- clamar el Evangelio a toda naci6n, tribu y lengua. Debemos recordar que la obra no terminara en todo el mundo hasta que no haya terminado en las distintas regiones por sepa- rado. Quiera Dios ayudarnos para obede- cer la orden de avanzar antes de que ease la hora de la oportunidad. La Hna. White nos dice que ahora es el dia de despertar del suerio. "Cuando la iglesia haya dejado de merecer el reproche de la indolencia y pereza, el Espiritu de Dios se ma- nifestara misericordiosamente. La po- tencia divina sera revelada. . . . La tierra sera alumbrada con la gloria del Senor" (Joyas de los Testimo- nios, tomo 3, pag. 308). Que cada uno haga su parte en alumbrar los rincones oscuros de Sudamerica pa- ra que verdaderamente la tierra pue- da ser alumbrada en nuestros dias con la gloria del Seiior. JAMES J. AITKEN Presidente And the world will see a sweetness, like the tinkling of a brook, In the finished job, and then the world will turn to look at you With a world's appreciation of the thing you've found to do. —Southern Asia "Tidings" INTERVIEW WITH A BISHOP Elders Carlos Aeschlimann and Er- win Hise interviewed the Catholic Bishop of Mar del Plata, Argentina, Enrique Rau, member of the Com- mittee of Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council. The Bishop carried on a conversation with them just as though they were colleagues. He invited them to give some lectures before the Catholic authorities ex- plaining our Adventist doctrines. Also he invited them to a banquet which was being given in his honor just before he left for Rome. Finally, he asked them to preach the Gospel in the city of Mar del Plata. STRANGE PERMISSION IN MAR DEL PLATA The Diocese of Mar del Plata gave a decree authorized by Pope Paul VI which permits all Catholics of this Diocese to worship on Saturday after- noons instead of on Sunday morn- ings; also that the Priests are to celebrate Mass and preach on Satur- day afternoons . When the Bishop was questioned with regard to this new decree, he said that the con- ditions in the tourist city are such OBITUARIES ANDRADE.—Enoch Franco de Andra- de was born in Brazil on January 10, 1931 and died in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on April 19, 1965 after 12 days of suffer- ing. He was assassinated by a drunken man who shot him on the night of the 7th of April when he was returning from a church service. Elder A. No- gueira, Jr. was driving the Jeep,r, filled with adults and children, when, they heard the shot that had seriously wounded Brother Andrade in the back of the neck, and immediately he lost the use of his arms and legs. Andrade was a district leader in Francisco Beltrao, Parana state, where the brutal slaying took place; he worked faithfully in the Cause of God for 13 years, beginning as a primary teacher and because of his forcefulness and studies he was made a district leader. He was a young man of valor and promise. He leaves three small children and his wife, for whom we ask spiritual comfort from Romans 8: 28. STACEY.—We are sorry to announce the death of twin sons of Elder and Mrs. G. E. Stacey of the Santa Cata- rina Mission, of the South Brazil Union. James died on April 30 and John died on May 4 —both having lived about one month. Our deepest sym- pathy is extended to the parents of these little boys. that many Catholics cannot go to Mass on Sundays and so they lose the spiritual benefits, and too, they cannot give their offerings to the church. The Bishop also said that the Holy See has the power to change church members' obligations from Sunday to Saturday without affecting the holiness of Sunday. GRADUATES OF THE BRAZIL COLLEGE, SAO PAULO From 1922 to 1962, a period of 40 years, we graduated 855 students from the various courses given in the college: 365 from Theology, 254 from Normal, and 236 from Com- mercial. Almost 70 % of these grad- lutes are denominationally employed at the present time. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION MEMBERSHIP On December 31, 1964 we had in the South American Division 153,- 957 baptized Adventists, distributed in the eight nations as follows: Ar- gentina, 14,634; Bolivia, 9,619; Brazil, 91,144; Chile, 9,860; Ecuador, 1,879; Paraguay, 491; Peru, 23,832; Uru- guay, 2,498. FIVE-DAY PLAN POR LADIES "For the first time in South Amer- ica, and perhaps in the world, the Five-Day Plan to Stop Smoking was given in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil as a course exclusively for ladies only. Matriculation had been limited to 100, but 125 of Curitiba's elite registered for the course. This was a daring venture but it was an ex- perience that yielded the best pos- sible results. Alone, the ladies were more spontaneous than in a mixed group. The results were surprising: At the first class, 85 % stopped smok- ing. It was something hard to des- cribe. One woman had been smok- ing for 40 years and had even taken special treatments in a clinic, without the slightest effect; but she conquered the habit through our course. Another said that 'not even Christ' would be able to help her overcome, but she broke the habit, thanks to the grace of Christ." ADVENTIST WORLD MEMBERSHIP 1964 "In 1961, there was a gain in membership of 62,767; in 1962, 103,- 107; in 1963, 114,156; in 1964, 125,- 054. The figures are not only en- couraging, but the trend forward each year is also encouraging; so it should be. The world membership, baptized membership, is 1,508,056; the Sabbath School membership is over 2,000,000. We are on our way; the Lord is blessing." R. R. Figuhr, 9 Elder Enrique Chaij during one of his radio talks. � His work is being � r, appreciated by � his listeners. � -- Elder Alcides Campolongo and his wife, as the speakers of the "Faith for Today' television program in Brazil. TV IN SOUTH AMERICA D URING 1964, the message of the Seventh-day Adventist church was communicated to unknown thou- sands through the medium of tele- vision in the following cities: Brasi- lia, Buenos Aires, La Plata, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Rosa- rio, Salvador, and Sao Paulo. In some places the pro grams have been transmitted for a short period of time, but in others, they have continued over the major por- tion of the year. From the Radio-TV Department of the South American Division we have gleaned the follow- ing items of interest related to this modern means of spreading the gos- pel. Norberto N. Mulinari, former pas- tor of the Central church in Monte- video, Uruguay and Hugo Visani of the Radio-TV Department of the Uru- guay Mission, have been participating General Conference president, speak- ing to the 1965 Spring Meeting. THE FASTEST GROWING "The fastest growing union con. ference in terms of net membership, in the North American Division was the Columbia Union Conference, with a net increase of 3.2 % for 1964. The fastest growing overseas division in terms of net membership gains was the South American Division with 10.9 %; with Far Eastern Division close behind with a net yearly growth of 9.7 %."—From the Report of the Statistical Secretary of the General Conference. 10 in a television program, "Conozca su Derecho" (Know your Rights) and have acquainted the televiewers of Montevideo with the Seventh-day Adventist church. "Fe para Hoje (Faith for Today) is the Seventh-day Adventist tele- vision program in Brazil which is being transmitted regularly from the populous cities of Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, and Porto Ale- gre. Wonderful work has been done by the Radio-TV Department secre- tary of the Sao Paulo Conference, Alcides Campolongo and his wife, as the speakers of the "Faith for Today," as well as the Kings Heralds of Brazil and the ladies trio, "Three Notes for Christ." Enrique Chaij from Argentina has been giving a five-minute program on one of the television channels of Buenos Aires. His spiritual mes- sages were transmitted from three to five times a month for more than a year. When time was available on Channel 7 (Buenos Aires-Santa Fe- Parana) Pastor Chaij with his expe- rience before the cameras was pre- pared to proclaim the Advent Mes- sage to thousands. Probably the The Future of God's People "Our people have been regarded as too insignificant to be worthy of notice, but a change will come; the movements are now being made. The Christian world is now making movements which will necessarily bring the commandment-keeping people to notice. There is a daily suppression of God's truth for the theories and false doctrines of human origin. There are plans and movements being set on foot to enslave the consciences of those who would be loyal to God. The law-making powers will be against God's people. Every soul will be tested. 0 that we would as a people be wise for ourselves and by precept and example impart that wisdom to our children! Every position of our faith will be searched into, and if we are not thorough Bible students, established, strengthened, settled, the wisdom of the world's great men will be too much for us" (E. G. White, "Selected Messages", book II, page 386). PROGRESA LA SOCIEDAD DE PUBLICACIONES DE CUYO r i S CON verdadera satisfaction que 4 a partir del mes de diciembre de 1964 podemos exponer y ofrecer nuestras publicaciones en pleno cen- tre de Mendoza, Republica Argentina, ciudad turistica que cuenta con unos 300.000 habitant es. Por mucho tiempo sentimos preo- cupacion por el lugar incomodo, in- adecuado y poco representativo en que nuestras oficinas de la sociedad de publicaciones estaban instaladas, bajo las escaleras de las oficinas ad- ministrativas del campo. En nuestra opinion, publicaciones buenas debian contar con oficinas buenas. Despues de una afanosa blisqueda encontramos algo que era afin supe- rior a lo que nosotros mismos habia- mos imaginado. Un local con vitri- nas, estantes y dependencias instala- das en la Galeria Tonsa, la mas gran- de y centrica de la ciudad. En el entrepiso de este local ha instalado sus oficinas el director de colportaje. Ya se estan haciendo numerosos contactos con el public°, y sabemos greatest impact of this work was felt in Rosario where Arturo E. Schmidt was conducting a major evangelistic campaign at the time. In the month of March, a new television program was presented to almost a million inhabitants of the city of Recife, Brazil. "Este é o Caminho" (This is the Way) was under the direction of Frederico Ger- ling, pastor of the central Recife church, assisted by Jetro Carvalho, M.D., and members of the local The nice location of the Cuyo book and Bible house, in Mendoza, Argentina. This is the nicest book and Bible house in our division. que esto ira en aumento progresivo. Acabamos de iniciar propaganda por television y estamos seguros de que el aumento que ya han experimenta- church. It is a 30-minute program from 10:00 to 10:30 in the evening, which pointed out the way to health, happiness, and eternal life. This program was very well received. It is gratifying to see that the admonition of the Spirit of Prophecy is being heeded: "Do not let the teaching be done in a dry, abstract way, . . . but present the truths of God's Word in a fresh, impressive way."—Evangelism, p. 195. do las yentas de la sociedad, ira en ascenso. —Jorge A. Iuorno, Presidente de la Asociacion de Cuyo SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION BULLETIN Published Quarterly, Official Organ of the South American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Larrafiaga 2738, Casilla 286, Montevideo, Uru- guay. Printed by Asociacion Casa Editora Sudamericana, Av. San Mar- tin 4555, Florida FNGBM, Buenos Ai- res, Argentina. EDITOR � M. S. NIGRI CONSULTING EDITOR J. J. AITKEN Division Directory President � J. J. Aitken Secretary � M. S. Nigri Treasurer and Auditor J. I. Hartman Assit. Treasurer .... Wilbur H. Olson Assist. Auditor .... Samuel Alberro Departmental Secretaries Educational and Temperance A. J. Alva Sabbath School and Radio TV � F. C. Webster Ministerial � Enoch de Oliveira Assistant Ministerial � Arturo E. Schmidt Missionary Volunteer . F. N. Siqueira Publishing � Nicolas Chaij Home Missionary and Public Affairs � Juan Riff el Building Engineer .... D. R. Hensel Union Directory AUSTRAL UNION CONFERENCE H. J. Peverini, President M. F. Perez, Secretary Daniel Nestares, Treasurer EAST BRAZIL UNION MISSION Rodolpho Belz, President Harry Bergold, Secretary-Treasurer INCA UNION MISSION D. R. Christman, President Henry Baerg, Secretary-Treasurer NORTH BRAZIL UNION MISSION W. J. Streithorst, President Erich 01m, Secretary-Treasurer SOUTH BRAZIL UNION CONFERENCE 0. R. Azevedo, President Naor Klein, Secretary-Treasurer 11 Director Moises S. Nigri Registro Nacional de la Propiedad Intelectual N9 860.444 CORREO ARGENT/NO FLORIDA (0) Y CENTRAL (B) FRANQUEO A PAGAR Cuenta N9 199 TARIFA REDUCIDA ConcesiOn No 7223 This building, now under construc- tion, will be the Pathfinder's Club, River Plate College, Puiggari, Ar- gentina, the first in the Austral Union and perhaps in the South American Division for this purpose only. Pastor Arthur Schmidt giving one of his gospel lectures in the Ideal Theater, in Parana, Argentina. We are sure that good results will be seen from his effort. Dr. Arthur Weiss and Pastor Mauricio Bruno talking with a young smoker during one of the meetings about the harmfulness of tobacco. Pastor G. Herman Guy, president of the Lake Titicaca Mission, takes his turn preaching to the prisoners in the Puno, Peru, jail. Every Sab- bath afternoon a group from the church visit the prisoners. 12