EASTERN CAN ADIAN General Conference Ls MESSENGER Vol. 15 Oshawa. Ontario, August 31 1915 No. 34 Ontario Conference Harvest Ingathering The Llarvest Ingathering season will soon be with us aguan. Advance copies of the special In- gathering Sens for the campaign of this year have the attenlion heen received by the leaders of all churches, trust thot given to planning for and we nnmedinte will he work. All orders for the conference office early so they will he on this these Sty should he sent through Outario hand in time for use doring Ontario's campaign week, Sop- tember 20-24, We may have information in the conference office as to the desire this Chat we our churches and people respond. Brother Joseph Capman, our Home Missionary secvetary, will lead out actively mo this campiign work among our churclies, amd we would invite the earnest coopera- tion of all with him. Ontario did well tn last year's cunpaign. In view of present conditions. more extensive mission. must demand We can do it, YOU de? M. M. Haug. ary operations mr foreign fiells—we ol owrselves even better this year. What will Lict all cooperate, a i eee —.- Among the Churches Recently ot was my privilege to meet with the Brother Boyce. Three meetings were held on Sabbath and theee on On Sabileithy, company al Chatham church in compiiny with Sanday. Jrother Bovee met with the Dyeesden, to which place be rvetinned on Monday in company with Professor Rowe and veel, We expect that representatives from both Chatham and Dresden will attend Boenao Vista dents this fall. Sabbath evenimg 1 visited Wallace burg mysell, He is ovemsuaming there tor about a Professor Rowe joined us Sanday at Chatham, Acideimy as stu where Flier Krrmmgton is conducting tent The tent tgs hive been faced well mueebings, I= well located and the neet- attended. On necount Way of run however, the attendance was not so goad the week previous to my visit as it bas heen. The mght following my visit the Sabbath question was presented, with what resnlis, however, T canuot say at this wilting, When theve © learned that one lady had decided to keep the Sabbath. Doubtless others will soon follow. Elder Eremmgton is labor- ing alone in this field and with the help only of his wife is caring for his tent and visiting among the people 1 addition to conducting seven meetings cach week, We Lrast ther faithfol labors may he blessed to the salvation of ymany souls, Our people nn Dresden are of good courage. Elder them he That they organization he- fore the cold weather we plan to send one of the On account of bis meetings in Wallneeburg Fireington has not speat the time with ollrerwise would have heen enabled ta, may be prepared for baptism and conference laborers to spend a fow weeks with then. M. M. HARE. Canvassing in Bruce Peninsula {Continnmd frone last week) Just ao httle more of my experience on the Bruce Peminsula When 1 was delivering in the neighborhood where 1 held a meeting one Sunday evening, the people expressed their interest in the The talk 1 I wot a strong ivitablon to come suthjects IT presented. gave seemed to please thom all back the next Sunday to hold another meeting, 1 would liked to lnive gone and given them the treat on the Sabbath question but T was not throngh de- Hivering, 1 was afraid at wonld be injorions to my work, I have interested several people ne the Sabhath Where T gave Bible readiness to question, private families, two ladies Drom Qifferent homes have promized to keep the Sabbath ax saon as they are positive that the seventh day as vight. They are almost convinesd now. They promised fo read any - thang that I would send them, so IT have sent them tracts that ave right to the point, and intend to