THE EDUCATIONAL MESSENGER VOL. 3 COLLEGE VIEW, NEBRASKA, NOV. 8, 1907 No. 21 Che Towrational Messenger Representing the Educational Department of the central Unlan Conference of Seventh-day Adventia Published weekly hy the Central Union Conference, College View, Nebraska Terms, 30 cents per vear (485 numbers CC. LEWIS. eee EDITOR HE HUPPMAN LL UHEPRCH NCHDMOLE oro M Jous ooo Mission, VOL SOCIETIES MERTIE WHEELER. | LL EDUCATIONAL NEWS J.J. Bearpsier.. MANAGER nitorial Please Read Romans 13:10. From this passage of Scripture it 1s plam that civil government 1s ordained and that civil rulers are the misters of God to hold Taw-breakors mncheck, nor der that law-keo pers may pursue in peace then daily avocations., of God, Every soul, Christian or others wise, should be subject to these powers. The law-abiding citizen will not be afraid of them. On the contrary he will recognize min them a divinelyv-ordamed means of pro- tection from wicked and unprinci- pled men. — Ce ——— It 1s a mistaken policy to allow lawless persons to continue in ther evil way tn order to pain their good will, or to keep them from becom- ing discouraged, or {or fear they will take revenge by destroving your property or calling vou names or oftering some indignity to your person. Such a palicy will Taal of its purpose. Under it evil doers wax worse and worse. A community thus conducted bes comes a tranmnyg school for the production of criminals, Every small boy 15 encouraged to dety law and join the company of hows breakers, Let the law take its course, Let ovil-doors feel tg strong hand and they will learn tw have Majesty and mote respect tor its sacredness, —— -— And such a policy 1s mn perfect harmony with the Scriptures, It 15 not contrary to the declaration that brother should not go to law against a brother. 10 1s not bro- ther avainst brother) 1 is orvaniz- ed society against those who dely the laws ol organized society. The State proceeds against the oftender in the name of the people and tor their protection. AL right-thiak- ing persons, especially all Chris tains, more especially allChristians who stand prominently before the world as commandment-kecpers, should take ther stand unequivos cally on the side of the laws of the: land and those who enforce them, unless some las should be enacted contary to the law of God. a The Publishing Depariment of the General Conference 1s making the “"Schobrship Plan a perman- ent feature of the canvassing work, and 1s calling for a thousand per- sons to begin work this fodl for one or more scholarships next vear. Any enervetle person can win two scholarsinps by the {all of 100% and make a good living as he goes along. Try at, voung man or voung woman, Write us for parties ulars, The call ot the busy world to- dav 1s for men and who have had a pracuad traming as well asa theoretical one. This as but natural. Not only is it essential that the “why is it done’ be un- derstood, but the how is 1t done” as well, The education that counts is the one that teaches how to do the practical thines of hie. The busy world demands educated people with a thorough knowledge women of some special line. -- Selected MWe have received a call from Professor Griges, chairman of the Educational Department of the General Conference, asking {or two teachers to take up church school worll in the West Indies. He states that the West Indian brethren ave very anxious that owe should get them rood teachers who have had that experience which would prove them to be qualthied for the work. schools are ready to open rove the support for the teach- crs provided. If any feel Tmpress- ed to respond to this call, let them write us and we will put them in cor- respondence with Prof, Griggs. Mr. Clem Benson, the Central Union Assistant in the Young People’s Work, hus accepted the mvitation to take the scerctary- ship ol the Educational and Young People’s work in the Northern Uimon Conference, the plicce made vacant by othe call of Otto Graf to Union Colleve, Our ference revrets very anuch to lose Mr. Benson, especially just at this tine, Inasmuch as the head-quar- ters of the General Conterence Missionary Volunteer Department are located temporarily at College View, Inern has been asked to retain the Central Umon Conterence Youny People's work until the mecung of the Conference im January, and Mr. Otto John has been appointed to assist him I work, The MpesspNGER in the wishes My, Benson the same sues L'nicn Con- Professor cess as has crowned his efforts In the Central Union. ee “Our schools are overflowing, 15 the word that comes {from every part ot the land. The young people's movement and the scholar: ship plan of the canvassing work arc without doubt the chief causes of this prosperity. Let the good work go on. TO OUR FELLOW EDITORS The Messenxcrr comes forth from 1ts baptism of hire clad in a new dress. Hereafter 1c will be issued weekly, We desire to ask two flavors of our brother editors to whom this article comes marked. The first 1s to exchange with the Messencrr il vou are not already doing co. We wish to keep on file a complete list of the periodicals published by Seventh-day Advent- ists for our own use and for the use of the students and teachers of Umon College, Our second re- guest 1s that vou will kindly make favorable editorial mention of the MressuNori and its mission, if you can conscentiously do so, in order that its subscription hist may be guickly ancreased to the pont of self support. Kindly grant us these favors, and we shall be glad to reciprocate inoany wav within Our power,