PAY L -r fif Daniell Chapter Ac; Thou art this head 9" Gold 39 verse rse . 4mi:four reel s One f4. 0/7etram . 00,../; 4' ba etr,g/e ms. f . he/a' ill the ksOisi / ereo were p/u‘k ,an •it i heeluP ifiga/xP a'e -sir upon Israel' tarred captive 2 Ch701Z 33-11 700 el/du-v.5 4'6..28104 12 67 2520 CoM717e/7Ce177eld of/he Seven !Mies. 2-emd/Cils' 26. 2, 4'.3167.7 7 braes e teen a man, • a entrti;s• /Veer! was given?' 1843,,,,,„„)„,,,„0/7,„,e„ 84 aterihrokvo/Ahaeriy7on Dan 500-31 600 2 aron 3371 39 verse Andeer thee shall arise on:Wi- er kifigdoifil noterlor thee 500 Noriihs B Y A B Y L O N 538 5 i_hverse/fid 1?eho/c/ eficyfrerbeest, VISION °FINE RAM 8,HE GOAT / as con' Nee toaavn an raise' tf- chap. 20 ,her.. seiroifooestee,4rid /fire,. nos mai sawest, having IN the /math of it b weeit ilre, are the kings of and4 Persia twohorns, 57 457 9 5 2 0 7tImes • MEDIA cloiny fb rth ofthe decree/a resiore and AND build Jerusalem. Ezra 7-8 Co777777pric.777eni c*Ii5p2.9oo days Zane.Rars. I LY Te;rminaliori of 2300 del/s an lirdynalion. Da 21st verse. /177d the rough goal 332 is the king of Grecia and thel qreat horn between his eyes Alexander /he great 01/en-al re /he:13brAwts 332 yrs he/bre Chr,:s1,Se'echseAhas,471///e4.8 ene of i n8.* 7/020 °ERSIA teeth of it, and &lewd& unto it, devour mach flesh. verse. Wier Ikr. hele/I,and /o another/Ike a leopara',wh/ch had 200 100 And another third Rii7g- dam o/5ra.s which shall bear rule az/era/111v earth. VISIONS OF DANIEL &JOHN', tr, PUBLISHED BY J.V.111 1 ,11ES 14 DEVONSHIRE ST. cA, ,_ inl - E W. Thayer CoI. Lithography Boston 4.- '7 - - Death of Anlioch us Epip'hanes, who of course sio.6070/ up agam,,,-: ci 7 . - .,_ the Prince of rt-111CPS, .aS he had been dead /64p7 deed beta - ,4 the prince of prince was born. - ,,, ,\.._,- • - ..%---, 77me olthe /eagae ,va,w/46,ckivsandihp/Poiwcw-45: \--/ '-, .ai /58 tr..5. before Chris/Y Mac 92h cheR 70 -7/ erses ...ic_. 1,e,, Josephvs:4if I rii/fie:s /. 13c ,Q. D,717 //23 c71707 6/%7 /h6 'I' lx,4,. .," iedgeze kw/kb/in he shall work den=v1full. ' )4 it37 eV /2t' ?-1 ver PS, And /here.pearea' e/701/7ear wonder 777 1714-7140/Z end behold agrea/ red cmygoa ;1avingseziefiha;?ds, an a" lew barns and seVerIcrowar. upon /Vs- heeds • ,Inc- 'd his /a'/ 3.dre the ihirdpari of e ,51.61713 - OPINVM CM/ did C-29,5i IneM /0 /he evil/7 acrd the dragon stood before Z 17 e WO/71M which was Mac/Zito be cleliverecl,kr to clew her chilei ...,., a s 500/7 eS ii was boar. .,-.-0.....z... is the firs/ kiff,Nowihening broken, fours p for, ur ion qdoors s all sand up oti. of Ifre"176-11011, nOi //7 h/sPOw' And in /fie atler k o t upon the c of d,.,,bur twigs of a fowl, the beast had a/so four heads, and crominin was given 100 164 158 GRECIA 200 time of /hen- kingdom wen the transgressors an. come 10 the itu7& 7 ,i-777gof 14,7-a, coil/PP/wee ana'underoiand- ing dm?' sentences shal7 steno? up. And his power-shell be imghly but not by his own pox/tor:end he shall desiroywoixieriey ROME and shaN prosperand practice ,andsha77 destroy /770 migleg and the holy ioeop7o,And through h/s pok4/6.7so he s?7,4Cause crag io 711c791111y271117Sell' in hisheart and by peace sha / 1 o'esiroy 777c777y,ile She// 1:776, 70 verse Alter this _I saw /a /he in.qht tri:s-ions aim' beo/e1 a fourth heasi dread/ale/7d terribIe aria' strong. exceedingly:and zi had great iron teeth,. Il devourea' ova' braRe residue with in pieces. ands/aorta slamptad 7he the feel of ......-- Irri.71, ' ( ., was divelye from rcti-'' la berame a proviece d. and it :,;,)..1,_,,y)_ ail other beasts ns .see wileipieid ao, 65,es before Mat j evert' 17e. '.4-.•-'s.t.' Ave ao. ac-oorse an 7n17167 01111 COVa" aand fOrP i z and if - 't iho agam,d/nePriiire of 23':4 veise Piler %, :wrIticeS. 1--&gan Rome commences the ktile 300 prosperinhis27ana'and he sha17 also stand up against hul Via 1/ /.2ebrok frind the /Xs/mot/kJ morning which was lc/ thou ufi the visions for it' days. Ola§gepowers named inlhese Ivo none bui Reganlcbme could 5/611( /Up aycW175 ihel*ince of Pritices, as this only prevailed du rini the 77/e of Christ. ..041EVI 40 Ye/se, Another fourth kingdom shall les/irony as .1.1-0/2. 400 wilhoui hand evenny dna' the is trpc,. wherejores4a4 317q2/ forrnany 500 • 600 had ten iiorns - - - rarmet ,P1'177/Pa .6--gwfintne horn of pen /pi p-p prelation at 71/94k - fozain 226,,,si shdy be PAGAN ROME - .ism.- peppocy amp end of 7-hus he satcl,the all kingdoms and she// devour /he who/e ear/h, andshall ireadta8 230o aVs the fourth kingdom aiwn earth. which shall be diverse from it clo9//zarid breelcif in pieces. And the ten horns. oul of , /ft/5 ici worn are ten 1-mszc Met .5/767/ arise am' another shfii arise 87Ier them, and he shall be dimerse from /h firstand he.sfrol subdue three kirys. PAGAN ROME d lake the voznchilci enc/77/sinothei;.;nd f/ee unto .E:civ7t mg thee word for Herod witi seek 75.-9 ?77,7L. /641/Prfe.7'hea Herod, kvAerz 1 oars oft e ni eivc/ns-rto'fi7r; niziaswege71N7g — 9 //mei lime he. coast /hereof froo yin/years old and 'lb' and a 170/1 e. lime which_ke 178.0" cid eiZhiinguirea', e wise men. -1-hus,vag n re ca me stooa Up agams-1 Chris/ /Pe Princes 0/ Pc./pre.s and at last crucified h7rn. `Rev 13:1 And 1 stool-/ upon ihe send of the sea, and saw a bead rrsv up nui of the- beads se'7; na' having sewn ternshonrns /7 orris airlid up it°ehis 77 cnvii7s- haeazga' eiche I:4nd%. Yi 260... Pec-75d • n/,-.5 seat and _graal °wi- th th f Z his feel, were es/he API ore beei;afid his mai as mu._ 0, 5_0/1 677d /6e,c/ragofi ga14.h/i 7 7 17/sp0i1V/Vfic:/ PAPAL ROME `;`Mhpli_ofriff7 R,,,,9/4/st606y, s-4/670e/ , wirt :74. commenced soundbig con /flue on'y ffrld Iwo warns , /111cip9or ilVS-f/W/7 17/i77 /0 , 71h, to make tier wit - L 1, 717e sainTs and to overromethem. 04, q:,,ahr 1r Ihhap., 700 Mali 2'14 134 yerse Arse an and he.thou there