THE SPECIAL WATCHMAN “The Morning Cometh” The new special issue of the WATCHMAN will soon be ready to mail. It will bring joy to the hearts of those who sell it, and interest all who read it. It will contain twenty-four pages filled with articles written for the one purpose of teaching the solemn and wonderful Gospel message which has been entrusted to the last generation to live on this earth. It will be one of the strongest, clearest, and most satisfactory issues ever printed of any paper to explain the fundamental principles of present truth in an age when vital Christianity is being repudiated in the lives of so many professors of religion. Believers and unbelievers will read it with deep interest. The cover-page illustration shows that the morning of eternity is about to break, and suggests that just now there is a special message due earth’s inhabitants. This beautiful design will attract attention and lead to a study of the message contained in the pages which follow. The Special will be made very attractive by the use of several colors of ink in the numerous choice cuts. It will sell readily at ten cents per copy. There is no quicker way of getting the message of the soon-coming Saviour before the people than by means of such literature as this grand number of the WATCHMAN. Here is a golden opportunity for thousands of consecrated workers. The following are suggestive titles of the leading articles. Besides these there will be a number of poems and short articles, and whole pages devoted in a new and striking manner to special features. THE MESSAGES OF REVELATION 14 — Geo. I. Butler IMMORTALITY THROUGH CHRIST — J. S. Washburn THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST — Mrs. E. G. White CHRIST AND THE SABBATH — K. C. Russell «« THE MORNING COMETH’ — L. A. Smith PEACE OR WAR, WHICH? — C. P. Bollman ARMAGEDDON — P. T. Magan THE LAST GENERATION — S. N. Haskell THE WORLD-WIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT AS A SIGN OF THE END — W, A. Spicer THE MILLENNIUM, OR ORDER OF EVENTS IN THE JUDGMENT — R. W. Parmele AN IMPORTANT WORK IN HEAVEN — G. B. Thompson One woman, over eighty years old, has sold almost ten thousand copies of the WATCHMAN during the past eighteen months. She has not put in all her time, but has done what she could. Send for free descriptive circulars, suggestions for missionary work and contract prices on 10,000 copies of the special. 5,000 AGENTS WANTED Single copies. ............ $ .10 In quantities less than 100, to one name and address, each... .05 100 to 499 copies, to one name and address, each. ......... .04 500 or more copies, to one name and address, each ~~" .... 03% 10 or more mailed direct to lists of names and addresses, each .08 | 50 copies, $2.50; 100 copies, $4.00; 200 copies. $8.00; 300 copies, $12.00; 500 copies, $17.50 Orders may be sent at once. Send through your local society, the conference office, the nearest publishing house, or direct to THE WATCHMAN NASHVILLE - - - - TENNESSEE