Publisher's Department A CHANGE OF PRICE THE past few years have been a period of marked prosperity throughout the country. Labor, especially efficient labor, has been in great demand. This, with other reasons, has caused a steady increase in the price of all manufactured articles. It is a fact which pub- lishers have to consider, that the cost of paper and every other accessory to the printing and publishing business has increased a good deal during the last few years. On this account publications which could be produced a few years ago for $1.00 cannot possibly be pro- duced for that amount at this time. In view of these conditions, and considering other facts mentioned in the following para- graphs, it seemed necessary to the management of the Southern Publishing Association to in- crease the price of the Warcaman after Oc- tober 1, 1907, from $1.00 to $1.25 per year. The publishers feel sure that the readers of the WATCHMAN are in sympathy with the work being carried on by this good paper and that they are anxious for its success. At the time the paper was started it was supposed that the WarcaMaN would be entirely self-supporting when its subscription list reached what it is at present, but on account of the increased cost of production it is now apparent that the WATCHMAN cannot be published on a self-sup- porting basis ‘at the present prices. The pub- lishers further believe that the friends of the WarcHMAN everywhere will be glad to add the small item of twenty-five cents to their yearly subscription to make up for the addi- tional cost of publishing the WATCHMAN un- der the present conditions. There are several items of increased ex- pense in the production of the WarcHMAN which should be considered in this connection, besides the increased cost of printer's and pub- lisher’s materials. ‘The editorial force has been increased, as a result of which much more’ time and labor is expended every week in the THE WATCHMAN general interest to all readers, we are now furnishing many more columns every week of matter which is of the very highest value to every reader. It might also be added that a good supply of new and expensive material for printing the WATCHMAN in a more at- tractive form has been purchased. With these statements in mind, all can read- ily understand why it is that an increased price 1s not only necessary but is also proper, in fairness to all parties concerned. It is hoped that no one will be in the least discouraged in working for the WATCEMAN on account of this increase in price. Indeed, it would seem that every one who is interested in the prosperity of the cause for which the WarcHEMAN stands, would rejoice to know that so great improve- ments are being made in the Warcuman, and would also be very anxious to know that when soliciting subscriptions for the WATCHMAN or when ordering the paper for themselves, they would be aiding the publishing house to the ex- tent of a few cents for each subscription, which is not now the case. The Southern Publish- ing Asscciation has lost much money on the publication of the WATCHMAN as a missionary enterprisc. In so doing, this institution has been the means in God's hands of bringing the truth to the attention of thousands of people, who might not otherwise have had their at- tention called to the principles of the third an- gel’s message. There is no spirit of complaint at the cost of this good missionary work on the part of the publishing house, for the publishers of the WarcaMAN have no other desire in this work than the salvation of souls for whom Jesus died. They realize also that our publications, as stated above, are now costing much more than they did several years ago and believe that it is in justice to both publisher and sub- scriber that this change is being made. After October 1, 1907, all subscriptions for the Warcaman will be entered at the follow- ing rates: — DOMESTIC MAILS 527 one name and address, per year, each COPY ce veeenronemnnnnnnnnanns aaa. 1.00 CANADA AND ALL FOREIGN MAILS Single subscriptions, 12 months.......... $1.50 Single subscriptions, 6 months........... 75 Single subscriptions, 3 months. .......... .40 In clubs as above, per year, each copy.... 1.25 Subscribe at Once. Now is the time to send in long-term sub- scriptions to the Warcaman. Let every reader whose subscription expires within the next year send in his renewal for one, two, three, four, or five years in advance. Every order received before October 1 will be en- tered at the present rates, and all subscrip- tions on the list October 1 will be filled with the full number of issues of the WATCHMAN just the same as though the price had not ad- vanced. Special consideration should be given to the immediate working up of large clubs of the WATCHMAN. Send all orders through the local office, or write direct to the Southern Publishing Asso- ciation, Nashville, Tenn. BJ AS AN ENCOURAGING EXAMPLE THERE is perhaps, nothing which encour- ages a person to undertake worthy deeds more than the example of others. The systematic distribution of the WaTcHMAN is a power for good wherever it is faithfully carried on. The following from a worker in one of the large cities in the South is certainly an example worthy of consideration :— “During the last two weeks we have placed over a thousand WarcaMAN in the homes of , reaching the wealthy as well as others. We hope to see the subscription list of the WATCHMAN increased thereby. We thank and praise the Lord for the truth so ably pre- sented by the writers in the WATCHMAN.” Are there not those who could do a similar work in their own communities if they would put forth an earnest, conscientions effort for the salvation of precious souls? All who are interested in this line of work and who desire preparation of the very best matter obtainable Single subscriptions, 12 months.......... $1.25 further information concerning methods, prices, for the columns of the WATcHEMAN. As a re- Single subscriptions, 6 months. .......... 05 etc, should at once address the publishers of sult of this, together with the elimination of Single subscriptions, 3 months........... .35 the Warcaman., Correspondence will be several pages of matter which has not been of In clubs of 5 or more in one wrapper to cheerfully answered. WATCHMAN ORDER BLANK SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 12 months, $1.00; 6 months, 50 cents; 3 months, 25 cents. or “1 In Clubs of 5 or more in one wrapper to one name and address, per year, each, 75 cents. IT WILL HE FOREIGN, $1.50 per year. Clubs to Canada, $1.00. Clubs to other foreign countries $1.25. AFTER OCTOBER 1, 1907: 12 months, $1.25; 6 months, 65 cents; 3 months, 35 cents. ACCOMPLISH WATCHMAN In Clubs as above: Domestic mails, $1.00; Canada and foreign, $1.25 per year. MUCH GOOD IS TO HAVE SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, 24th Ave. North, Nashville, Tenn. IF IT IS GIVEN A PLACE Enclosed please find $ mem mmm ee as a subscription to the WATCHMAN for one year (or Teens months), AN IN THE to be sent to the following address: — OPPORTUNITY NAME oe TO DO ITS FIELD AT Box No... Post-0Office eee APPOINTED LARGE." R.F.D. Noo... COUNTY oom eee WORK." Street aNd NO Stale I