Se 6 10, 11, MISCELLANEOUS REVIEW U8STIONS What is meant by radioactivity? ‘that is meant by the annihilation of matter? What were llogeley's discoveries? What is meant by the termg: "forces of nature,” "nroperties of matter," "laws of nature" ? What is the true religious attitude ( or the true vhilogovhic view ) in these matters? 'Wno begides Joule helped to develop the doctrine of the Conservation of Energy? hat has this Conservation to do with the theories of Pantheism ? What was the "ether" invented for? How did the llichaelson-llorley exveriment digpose of the "ether" ? ‘hat had these facts to do with the theory of relativity, as propounded by Einstein? What other phenomena begides gravitation involve action at a distance" ? What great principle about living matter is somewhat similar to the running down of the universen? What is the law of Entropy? What features of modern life depend upon the truth of Biogenesis? See ~rov. 26 : 2. What kinds among the protozoa and bacteria have ‘'rergisted" during immensely long periods? ( "Q. BE. D.," 39 - 61 ); "Case Against Evolution," 116 - 124; Show how these '"nersistent gpecies" become a strong argument against organic evolution. How does the "gkipping'" of species among the fossils help to make the matter worse still? After the cells of the embryo become differentiated, how do they thereafter behave? What principle deteriiines the cormon practice of grafting? "Q. E. D.," 64 - 67. Hans Driesch got several perfect individuals to develo» from one fertilized ovum. What hard problems in heredity arise from this fact? What problems in heredity confront 1s in the case of the worker bee? ‘Jhat other ingects ( four groups ) exhibit similar vhenomena? 3Show the foolishness of "preformation" ( "Blunders," 67 - 75 ) in the face of such facts. What does {. Fabre tell about the instincts of wasps, etc. 7° Caza, Ca 7-267, Be gure yom undergtand the termg: vhylmm, class, order, familv, =senug, snecies. What part in the development of the evolution doctrine was played by each of the following men: Buffon, Lamarck, Cuvier, Lyell, Brasmus Darwin, Robert Chambers, Charles Darwin, A.R. ‘Jallace, Herbert Spencer, Ernst Haeckel, Louis AES » August Weismann, Gregor Mendel, T. H. Huxley, il. F. Osborn, Jilliam Bateso yourself familiar with tie work of tiese men. What was Weismann's theory of the "zerm plasm" ? ‘What other theory did this tend to counteract? How far was Jeilsmann correct? What would you infer from the fact that "identical mmtants" have repeatedly anpeared in closely ‘related svecies™ ? ( "rhantom," Dp. 40 ) State carefully and precisely the ways in which Mfendelism tends to discredit the theories of Charles Darwin. Ce 3