For God and Humanity G. S. LIVINGSTON As wayside pilgrims, passing o'er their long, long weary way, Pause in their journeyings, ere darkness marks the closing day, To gaze upon the distant scene emblazened by the sun, And mark the windings of their way before their journey’s done, So on the low foot-hills of life, which we have reached today, We pause to view with rapturous sight the prospects of our way. And lo! a vision opens wondrous things before our eyes, For vonder peaks, with glory crowned, seem piercing thru the skies. Before our hopeful gaze the way with flowers is o'er grown, While wealth and power on far distant hills of light are shown; The victor's laurel, and loud-sounding praises for one’s name, With sculptured marble wrought with skill in earthly halls of fame, Are all within our grasp, with pleasures human hearts hold dear, And like the fabled raintow pot of gold they seem so near That we can almost grasp them in our open, waiting hands; But e'er we reach to seize the prize, a form of beauty stands Beside us, clothed with angel-robes, most beautiful to see, Saving, “All these things shall be thine if thou wilt worship me.” The scene has changed ; the glory of the tempter passed away; We stand upon the same foot-hills as on that other day, And lo! another vision opens to our wondering sight: Dark seems the earth, as if enshrouded in the gloom of night. Pausing to gaze, our hearts are thrilled with what our eves do see, For vonder walks a Stranger by the shore of Galilee. Going from place to place, the eager throngs are bv Him led; While moved with pity for their needs, He gives them living bread. Whether with sympathy He weeps beside the mourner’'s tomb, Or speaks with tear-filled voice the sentence of a city’s doom, His heart is touched with tenderness for all man’s common woes; For every heart-throb, born of grief, His sympathy He shows. And oft, as to the fisher-folk of ancient (Galilee, His voice is heard in pleading tones, saying, “Come, follow Me.” And now, once mcre we pause to choose our long, long pilgrim way, That will lead to the silent tomb, or to the realms of day. Life with its blessings we would take to give to all mankind, Tor blessing others by our lives, true joy ourselves will find. And he who chooses service “FOR GOD AND HUMANITY" Will have a home with God and man throughout eternity.