-DOGMATITS I | _ WLEDER—QUARTER—1935 : Lesson b, The Uses and the Abuses of Human Reason Perception, concepts, judgments, abstract ideas. Kinds of Judgments: l. Self-evident or "necessary judgmenta"™; 2. Judgments based on experience. Five Sources of Errors in Judgments: Hamilton's "Basis of Christian Faith," 25. Subjective and Objective Methods, "Back to the Bible,” 30 - 44. Four Dangers in Reasoning: Hamilton's "Basis of Christian Faith," 27, 28. Reason a Gift of God, C T 423: 9 T 107; LESSON &a The Limitations of Human Knowledge Review the Five Sources of Theology ( Lesson 3, Autumn Quarter ) Man's capacity for recognizing right and wrong proves a Moral Government of the Similarly nants opnolty for apprecisting beauty proves that God mst be a lover of the beautiful. What 1s meant by the "scientific megghodn ? Hamilton's "Basis of Evolutionary Faith," Chapter 1I; nA History of Some Scientific Blunders," last chapter. tasson fat WHY WE MIGHT EXPECT A DIVINE REVELATION Hamilton's "Basis of Christian Faith,” 87 - 100. Strong, 111 - 114. The Methods of a Revelation; How a Revelation gould be Attested or Proved.