— TI ots "THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL i . C- Page Seven The 1290 Days of Daniel 12:11 By A. L. ORR The eighth and twelfth chapters of Daniel are chapters of the Bible that have been falsely inter- préted by more writers on Bible themes than any other chapters that I know of. There never was an explanation of them printed by any religious organi- zation that is anyway near the truth. This for the season that none of the religious sects know the true interpretation of them. The teaching that the 2300 days of the 8th chapter of Daniel ended in 1844 A. D. is just as far from the truth as day is from night. And that in the very face of the fact that this chap- ter contains in its self the true explanation of the prophecy given to Daniel by a heavenly being (the angel Gabriel) sent from heaven for the purpose so that such false interpretations of the chapter as have been made, might not be made. No interpretation of this prophecy that ever has been presented by any denomination of religionists agrees with the explan- ation given Daniel by the angel at the command of Christ. “Gabriel make this man understand the vision!” But they would have us believe their own inven- tion of its interpretation. They would have us be- lieve that Jesus’ command to Gabriel was not obey- ed, that the vision was not explained until Gabriel again appeared to Daniel 16 years later and record- ed in the 9th chapter. Do you think that this com- mand was not obeyed until then? No. The explana- tion was given to Daniel by the angel immediately and is recorded right in the chapter. The angel said, “at the time of the end, shall be the vision.” For at the time appointed the end shall be”, was 1844 A. D. the time set by these would be expositors for this prophetic period to end. Was that date at the time of the end? As the angel said the ending of it would be? We know it was not. There is a date when the time of the end began according to Bible prophecy, namely, 1798 A. D. and dates subsequent to that time are in the time of the end. Gabriel did not say the vision should be in the time gf the end, but at the time of the end which is the end itself. The angel also said the vision should be “in the last end of the indignation.” We all know that the indignation here meant, is God’s indignation toward sin and sinners and that it will culminate in the sev- en last plagues and that the last end of this indigna- tion will be when he destroys sin and sinners at the - last day (the end of the 7000 years). That will truly be in the last end of the indignation. 1844 was not in the last end of the indignation neither was it at the time of the end, hence is out of the reckoning al- | together. Another good point to get in this connection is that the end is for a time appointed and not to come when some sect of self appointed teachers have pre- pared the way by their efforts as some claim will be done. The angel then proceeds to explain the vision, said the Ram represents Medopusia and the Goat represents Grecia. And that the notable horn rep- resents the first king which was Alexander the great. And the four horns that came up in place of the not- able horn represent the four divisions of Alexander’s empire after his death. Also a little horn was seen coming up out of one of the four horns. History tells us that these four horns were es- tablished at the battle of Ipsus, 301 B. C. Daniel was watching the appeasing and developing of these horn powers. They were to do their work in the far dis- tant future Gabriel telling Daniel to seal up the vis- ion. In other words to not tell or write the vision to any one for the reason that it would be fulfilled “Af- ter many days.” Or so far in the distant future that it would not concern any then living. While watch- ing these horns and the little horn he says “then” (13th verse) . What does then mean? It means at that time of course or at the time the horns appeared. He heard a voice of a “saint” or a celestial being ask- ing Gabriel how long those horn powers would be al- lowed to continue the work that Daniel had been watching them doing, namely, casting the truth to the ground and tramping God’s people and the place of his sanctuary under foot. The answer was im- mediately given. The angel turned to Daniel to ans- wer the question “And he said unto me, Unto 2300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” (From the things that had been defiling it of course) or rather had been defiling the place of his sanctuary (the earth) where his sanctuary is to be in the fu- ture). The word sanctuary meaning dwelling place. So Daniel said that the angel told him that it would be 2300 days (years) from the time the question was asked (at the coming of the horns). The horns came up in 301 B. C. Add the 2300 years and we have 1999 A. D. the last years of the 6000 vears from the creation. So the sanctuary will be cleansed in the last end of the indignation. And at the time of the end just as Gabriel said it would be. The angel told Daniel that the little horn power that he saw desolat- ing the earth would be broken without hand, that is - without the hands of men. The would be expositors mentioned say this little horn power is the papacy or the same as the little horn of Dan. 7th chap. But the angel told Daniel that this little horn power would be broken (destroyed) without hands (of men). The Bible tells us that the papacy will be destroyed by the hands of men. Rev. 17:16, Dan. 7:26. So this power is not the papacy, but is Moham- medanism. Which was established 628 A. D. And which will be destroyed at Armageddon by the sword that proceeds out of the mouth of Christ. Rev. 19:21. So we have brought to view two little horn powers both religious in nature. One of which was developed in the territory that comprised the western empire of Rome (papacy). And one devel- oped in the territory that comprised the eastern em- pire. This power is Mohammedanism and is called “The abomination that maketh desolate.” Dan 12:11. Each of these powers are to continue until after the coming of Christ on the white cloud. One of them (papacy) will be unseated from her riding on the beast of Rev. 13 and 17 chapters. (Its restored head) and destroyed by the hands of men. The other will be destroyed at Armageddon when Christ appears riding on the white horse. The history of this pow- er is recorded in Rev. 9th chapter. And the first 1290 years of their history is there given under the sym- bolical sounding of the fifth trumpet, the first of the three woe trumpets. In Dan. 12:11 the statement is made that from the time this power is set up, there should be 1290 days. It does not say that this power would come to its end 1290 years after it was “set up.” But that there ~ should be some event of great importance occur Cia . VE TI reat HEE