me Ce ET i TIE Cl THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL : 9 Egypt.” Thus the Name | AM was a guarantee of the divine authority that gave the law. Thus the claims of the two powers is seen to stand one opposite to the other. One claims he is God and his laws are superior and demands obedience. The other is the laws and authority of the Great “I AM That I AM.” Thus to have the name of God in our minds. THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST Thus far we feel clear in the interpretations given of the seals, there is one more point to consider that is the number of the beast. Number signifies so many of anything or it could signify a definite one bearing such a number as one in class. The scripture speaking of this is found in Revelations 13:17, 18 and fourteenth chapters. One state- ment is: The number of the beast is the number of a man, and his number is 666. Another says the number of his his name. That could be the number under his control or his definite number. The Apostle says “The name of the beast is the man of sin. The son of perdition.”” The decree that is passed says that no man might buy nor sell that has not the mark of the beast or the number of his name or the name of the beast. This indicates to me they must in some way belong to the system of which the beast is the representative or stands for. It also indicates there were divisions of the beast’s representatives but really, but one family of the whole. Remember there are but two ¢ sses, one who worship (obeys) God, the other worships (obeys) the beast and its image. It is also clear that whatever the beast and its image stands for, they all come under the mark. Name, and num- ber of the beast, it would naturally follow that in order to find the sum total of those who are represented by the beast and its mark (Character) would be the number as a whole that would constitute the number of the beast. The beast stands for Babylon and her daughters both in the Greek, Roman and Protestant divisions at the time of fulfillment of Christendom. It takes them all to make up the beast of Christendom at the time this decree is passed. Question: ls there that number of organizations in these three divisions. I reply while this is the logical interpretation of the text | am not prepared at this writing to say. Some have given the argument that the number 666 could be found on the crown of the Pope by adding the Latin numerals in the title worn on the crown. That is plausible, but not to my mind abso- lute truth. Those numerals are found in other names of in- dividuals. But that would not prove much. The number be- longs to the beast and all it stands for and could not apply to any single individual man The number could stand the same as the 144,000. | feel sure that number is expressive of a collection of the whole who are sealed more than to the definite number. It is taken from God’s rule of number- ing Israel as applying to the males of a certain age. So the number of 666 for the purpose of designating the whole number of organizations who worship the beast in character and divisions, more than it does to a specific number. | offer these comments as suggestive on this point, personally at this writing | feel they will stand criticism when they are carefully considered. REC/,PITULATION First, the two names, one of the beast, the other of God. The name of the beast is the man of sin, the son of perdition, who exalts himself above all that is called God and places himself in the temple of God, showing himself to be God. A PLEASANT WALK In the small numbers of the hours of the night in my mind, | took a pleasant walk in the Kingdom and govern- ment of God, my first view was to visit the camp of Israel whose banners were floating in the balmy breeze of the Kingdom. | noticed with interest each tribe as they were camped on the east of Judah, on the north by the camp of Dan, on the south by the standard of Rubin and on the west by the house of Joseph with Ephraim as the head. In the center was the tribe of Levi, Moses, Aaron and his Priests on the east with the beautiful ark which contained the laws of the kingdom, and over it the two cherubims and in between them there was a most beautiful Throne with Christ sitting on it. On the south, west and north were the different divisions of the tribe of Levi who had the charge of the tabernacle. In the center of it all I beheld the taber- nacle covered with ram's skins died red and the colors of the Rainbow in the curtains with woven cherubims woven in them, covering the inside Everything was perfect in or- der and everything moved and worked like a wheel in a wheel. As | saw the camp move forward following the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, with Judah and his band leading them with Moses, and Aaron and the priests with the ark and the priests blowing their trumpets. The noise sounded to me like the wings of a flying army of birds like the eagle. Not a jar, not a contention, no sick in the camp, no worn out clothes, no crying, hungry women and children, all with their eyes full of light watching the cloud and the pillar of fire. | said this scene is too great for me, it is too wonderful to comprehend. Then | said this is God and His organization, | want to belong to it. It is so far ahead of anything | ever witnessed that was done by man. I then decided I should accept the genuine and give up all imitations of man made patterns. But that was not all I saw, | saw the tweny-four Elders with tt r crowns on, | saw the priests with their crowns. 1 said truly we will be and are now a kingdom of Priests ard Kings with Christ and we shall reign on the earth with the Prince of the Kings of the earth.” | followed the cloud and the camp a little further and behold amidst, beautiful scenery appeared. It was a glorious country all prepared for those who love Him. The camp moved forward. Nat a break in the order was made. The land was clothed with every kind of herbs and trees that was like fruit that was good for food. It looked lik a vast Garden of Fruits and Flowers. In the midst of the Garden was the tree of life. We all ate of its fruit first. It gave us a new life of both body and mind. Our camp pitched near it for there is where the cloud stopped. The camp then enlarged its borders sufficient to take in the whole of the land. In this experience we there met those of whom we had read in the Bible of all the Children of God, who had lived before us. One of the beautful scenes that interested me as I walked through the land was to see all the varieties of animals there that were first created on the earth. It was a pleasure to handle them and talk to them. All fear from us both were gone. Then the air was filled with beautiful birds and the streams with all kinds of clean fish. The air was clearer than any | had ever witnessed. The moon shone with the brightness of the sun. The sun seven fold to what | ever experienced, yet no oppressive heat from its effects. | began to see and realize that | was now in the new World where all things had been made new. The curse was all gone. | saw the Father's face. I heard no one say I am sick, neither wearied. I said for once, | was satisfied. | had returned to my inheritance prom- ised to all His saints. The family was again made up never to be separated again. Such was the pleasant journey | took during the silent hours of the night while | meditated in my mind of Gods perfect organization. Then | realized I was now translated into His Kingdom. I was now a member of the true organization of God, I now belonged to one of the twelve tribes of Israel, and was now sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise which was the earnest of my redemption.