THE NORTH CAROLINA MESSENGER. have accomplished. borers to fill the calls that are coming to us; but where 1s the means with which to support them ? The harvest truly is ripe, but where are the reapers? There 1s another crving need, and that is for men to place over the churches when org mized, to act as leaders, men of God who will be as shepherds to the flock. May the Lord of the harvest hear, and answer the ery and supply the need, is my praver. W. H. ARMSTRONG. ry TOLUCA. From a private letter received. from Sister Minnie Hahn, of To- luca, Cleveland county, we quote the following: We are pleas- antly located here in the building erccted by Elder Shireman. It 1s a very neat structure with two good-sized school rooms in one end and five living rooms in the other. We had a two months’ school in the spring after the pub- he schools closed, and our school was opened again july 11. There are eighteen enrolled, and a num- ber more conning next week. I have enjoved teaching here more than ever betore anywhere. As 1 look into the eager, earnest faces as we study the Bible together, I Jong for the Spirit of God to help tmpress their hearts with the truths of God's word. The most of the students are from 13 to 21 years of age. The Lord has won- derfully blessed in this school. There was much prejudice when we caine here, and some still keep their children out on that account. There are three public schools within a mile and a half of here. One of the school houses 1s in bad repair, and the director has asked if we would be willing to have the school of forty come here this winter. This shows that the pre- judice 1s being overcome, and I We need la- | cel . . praise the Lord for it; it is not Long remains to labor with them. because of our own goodness. We I am sure the seed sown will not have distributed since coming 11 pe ost. here several hundred pages of . : tracts, and about five hundred pa-| pers, also making sixty-three vise | its and holding sixty-four Bible, . Cp CT tT ry re "We are told that af there 1s readings. 1 held children’s meet-| : Co “one work more important than ings during vacation in the school . Ce A ‘another, 1t 1s that of getting our room Sunday afternoons, and some | St CTT : NS or _., publications before the people! are wishing we would have meet- ngs every Sunday.’ T. H. ]. THE CANVASSING WORK. | There should be a revival among our people concerning this most ‘important work. There should ‘be a steady stream of new recruits We are much rejoiced to be pouring into the ranks of regular able to report to the brethren and 'canvassers ; and not only this, but “sisters, through our good paper, every member of every church that we are enjoying some excel- should feel an individual respon- lent meetings. This morning sibility to do what cau be done to (August 28) seven dear ones went advance this branch of the mes- forward in the ordinance of bap- sage. Through the printed page tism Five more desired to be many an honest soul has become baptized, but sickness prevented. interested in the truths for this ‘The Spirit of the Lord came in time. Iet us all awake to the with power, and helped Eld. Jeys!privilege of this hour. Do not to break the bread of life to us. Al wait for some minister to come fair outside interest is manifested. 'along and invite you, but set AM. Gh. CrREASEY. yourself to studying as to what a ARCHDALE, ee cpe————- vou can do to swell the message STATESVILLE. nto a loud ery. The writer has Brother J. O. Johnston and the | writer remained at the above place with the tent for two weeks after the close of the camp-meeting. Meetings were held every night, and on Sabbath and Sunday dur-*% EO SH ing the dav. Very little interest CTOWN: (vod forbid! Crops are was manifested at apy time by abundant. Prices are good. The the people of the city. This was; people are hungry for the gospel ‘doubtless due to a variety of: contained 1n our good books. Let causes. There were several coun. | Us arouse and give it to them. ter attractions, and it was rainy’ T. H. I. much of the time. Our camp was not centrally located. Besides this, and perhaps the most potent factor, there was evidently a de- cided indifference to the great recently received two letters from men not of our faith asking for an agency for “Coming King.” Brethren, what does this mean? Does it mean that some ore else is to do vour work and wear the : ve. CANVASSING REPORT For June and July, 1904. hn | Hrs Val Or Val .De i harech, Catawha Co | | Dutton C 18a ¢ 50 0003 1% 65 truths that might have been re-iH. «Miller, redell Co oo 2za1i113 700 10% 03 . oS K. IL. Underwood, Newbern., 207] 12d SO 14h 30 | ceived. Our hearts are made sad | J. ¥. Leighton. Charlatte. | wo G2 43 27 75 | oo : *A. BE. Brensinger, Hildebran [a2 000 25 00 as we realize that many may have | x. vord. statesville,. . .. | 267 6357 6387 Dot 1 lio f 1 1 Toe Ida Ford, Statesville | | 0 12 25 12 96 rejectec 1g 1t lor the last time. | *E. C. Rogers, Wilmington, Gor 3a 9s 4h Ty | IRE SFY $535 02 8438 Ty But so it was in the days of Noah. A few are interested, and Sister Total *For the month of Tune only,