“Ferein 9s a Mazvelous Thing” It started about like you would expect a meeting to start in the Glendale Filipino church — lively and colorful mixed groups, singing special songs that just seemed to fit their youthful and neat ap- | > pearance. ’ But rather R. L. Walden quickly the meeting got under way. This was the first anniversary of their organization Into a church. A word of welcome was given by Dr. A. G. Tamayo, then a brief historical report by Celia Santos. The guest speaker was Elder Andrew J. Robbins, a former president of the Northern Phil- ippine Union Mission. Before IKlder Robbins spoke, Pastor PP. C. Banaag, with a rather pleased expression, an- nounced to the several guests and filled church the fact that member John Tulio was work- ine for the Conference as an attorney, and Ben Pangan was assistant publishing secretary. Then he asked Mr. Pangan to intrecduce the colporteurs who were also members of his con- orecation. Now I expected him to intro- cuce Icliseo Santos. we had ap- proved his application only a short time earlier--a bank ac- countant who had been making S260 a week, now canvassing full time for the Lord. But then ANMr. Pancan continued. intro- ducing this person and that until he had named and intro- ducing a total of c¢icht eight literature evangelists from one chien lder Robbins began the ser- tinued to wonder about the background and quality of those cight colporteurs from one con- crecation. After Elder Pavtee pronounced the benediction, 1 had occasion to inquire Hezel Arana, RN; Ben Dalu- song. hospital accountant; Eliz- abeth Tigno, RN; Cariza Yam- zon, LPN: Renato Villareal, chemical engineer; Mrs. P. Ca- talon, RN: and Ernesto Banaag, a doctor from the Philippines who will be taking his state boards in a couple of years. Surely he and the others arc now depending on the prom- ise: “He Will reward honest, simple reliance upon Him.” Desire of Ages, 371 I reflected on the 20 new members in 1977, and the phe- nomenal 79 per cent tithe in- crease, but I thought again-- cigcht colporteurs {rom one church! In all probability this, and not all the other, makes it the most unique church in all of North America. “Herein 1s a marvelous thing.” R. L. Walden, Treasurer Southern Calif. Cont. CAMP CEDAR FALLS-"1 like camp because | like the moun- tain air—it’s so fresh and clean —and the people you meet” mon, and I listened. But I con- —Gracie Neal Hn Air of Expectation Wherever you travel in Southern these days, members cre talking about the upcoming Summer Camp Meeting. moscrvations are pouring in, especially uring the past two weeks. Most of the tents available for hire stil howaover, of room at wish to come. Ken Mittleider Tho film Saturday night for adults. The than usual interest as many m pear in this historical film Camp Meeting Box 969 Space for personal tent Family tent, 10 x no furnishings Total hove now been reserved, available, So, if do it now. Space for prreonal tents The . Li IS STH One of the featured Soledad Sards Park Ps all who sncakers will be apeake Conference President Ken Mitt r. A former evangelist, present the eve , John Hus, from Faith For Today will be shown on two occasions—Friday night for youth and for ese screenings will be of more Be sure to send your reservation today, to: Southern California Conference Glendale, CA 91209 CAMP MEETING RESERVATION July 26-30 13, olastic floor, window, RV space—S$3 per night ino hookups UE $ . FE TT EE TE TE Enclosed is my check/MO for Only vou plan about 30 are to order one, and RVs, wide open. There is plenty Elder CNing series. Mittleider embers of the Conference ap- PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1978 AL WEGNER, ranch ranger, stops to wave as another load of concrete is poured at Pine Springs Ranch. Over 300 square yards have been poured this spring as part of a year-long improvement and reforestation program at the ranch. We Want To Read Your Stewardship Experience As an evangelist in Southern, I've had the privilege of pre- senting the Bible's message of stewardship in several areas of the Conference. On such occa- sions almost invariably some- one will sav afterward, ‘I had an experience I just have to tell vou!" I suspect almost ev- ery Adventist family has en- joved some circumstance from faithfully returning to the Lord a tithe of what He has entrust- ed to us. Unfortunately, many of these wonderful stories of farthtul- ness and blessing co untold. So over the next few weeks, we o 10 years old. Registration—June 30, 2 p.m. For reservations, 1748 or 963-0257. UNION-WIDE FILIPINO CAMP MEETING Newbury Park Adventist Academy June 30 - July 2 ase Divine Worship Speaker—J. Wayne McFarland Dormitory Rooms—with two beds, $3 per Meals—3$2.25 for adults, 20¢ for cach year for children up contact Mrs. Hollywood Way, Sun Valley, CA 91352. Phone 805 /68- want to devote a corner for YOUR stories. And to encour- vou to share them, for ev- cry story published, the Ad- ventist Book Center will pre- sent what they assure me Is a most valuable book award. So why not sit down and share how the Lord has blessed vou? We will all “overcome” by the word of our testimony. Roy Naden bed per night Priscilla Catalon, 7998 Lincoln Heights Spanish Conducts Health Program The first medical program in the new Inner City “IHealth on Wheels mobile medical unit was conducted by the Lincoln Heights Spanish Church Louie Burcos, lL.incoln's Inner City coordingtor, assisted by his wife, Lucie, office secretary for the Conference Inner City department, organized the pro- oram. Of the 1,063 examinations made, 260 persons were tested for blood pressure, hemoglobin, diabetes, weight control, cves, and breast cancer. Margarita Benitez and FEs- peranza Sotomayor were two of the nurses contributing to the program. A follow-up 1s now being organized. WMMC Chaplain Chosen President of Central Ministerial Association [Llovd Sellers. chaplain at White Memorial Medical Cen- ter for five vears, os recently chosen president of the Central Ministerial Association of T.os Anceles, an inter-denomination- al organization of clergy serv- ine the Wilshire district and metropolitan T.os Angeles. Sellers joined the Association five vears aco and was treasur- er four years until elected pres- ident. “As president, I plan and carry out our monthly meetings and supplementary workshops desiened to help pastors,” he tells. A fund-raising workshop is in the plans for early sum- mer. Throuch contact with a fel- low CMA member, Sellers was invited to be camp chaplain at Sequoia National Park 10 days this month. ON THE AIR THIS WEEK IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Faith for Today— Channel 30, KHOF, Sunday, July 2, 2:30 p.m. The Choice—Ted Campbell, trying to choose between his career and caring for his ail- ing grandparents, comes to understand the true meaning of Christ's example and the fifth commandment. Programs and Concerts in Southern PAT AND CALVIN TAYLOR—July 2, 6 p.m; Lake Avenue Congregational church, 393 North Lake fen Je, Pasadena. AFTER SEVEN YEARS of effort, the Glendale Spanish Church was dedicated last December 31 Tras siete anos de paciente trabajo misionero y gran esfuerzo econémico que incluyd una extensa obra de renovacion concluida el pasado 31 de diciembre, los hermanos de la Iglesia Hispana de Glendale ofrecieron un hermoso y acogedor templo para alabar a nuestro Dios.