The Bible furnishes us with adrne.gnd.complete gystem of = Pa oaRm ¢ I eo gl. But there are many dangers in studying alse phi 3OPNTE T 305, 3 FES ® God is constantly sgeki fter . (Jonnl: 9; cc OL 385 Ed 29. Hence the real source of theology is not what man has found out about God, but what cod Liimself has revealed ( in various ways ) to mankind. « These various sources ot theology have often been misunderstood or nisinteroretede ‘But John 7 : 17; Jas. 1 : 5. GC 599. 9 We do not need to assume the reality of God's exigtence; for all nature proves it. ( Rom. 1 : 20; Isa. 40 : 26; MH 410-411; D A 638, 239. ) Yet Summers says: "Lf ile exigience of a Deity were aglf-evident, none would need any nroof of hig existence, any instruction concerning hig evistence, and there would | 9 be no atheists to deny his existence." ( p. 50. Note also McCosh and Watson, as quoted in Summers. Also Pearson on Dp. 5l. How the Knowledge of God ig gained,--- Summers 53. The various grguments for the existence of God. The Cosmological; the Teleological; the Moral or Btunical. Mulling 124 = 134. T .e Qausal argument leads to the First Cause. See "Back to the Bible," 19, 16, on Newton and Bacon xe the Firgt Cause. The Tgleclogical argument, or the ar ument from Design or purpose, is sound, though Darwinism tried to undermine it. "Every effect implies a cause; every adaPtation of means to an end, implies intelligence," -- said Balfour Stewart. To — said dr thei rath r believe all the.fableg in the legend and the Talmud ond _Jae-Alcoran, than ghat Ahig universal frome ia without a Mipd.® Thame * 's objection to the argument From design is mere gophgstry-- says Summers, Pe 57. The moral argument is strongest. Summers gives it briefly, p. 58. See also Strong, var Some theologians argue that nature is not gufficient to lead to a knowledge of Sp Bunt Psa. 19 : 1 - 6; Rom. 1:19- 25; John 1 : 9; John 7 : 17. Cbvionsly the lesson is that neither individualg nor nations discover God. But A ‘God seeks to reveal himself to every Y one, and occasionally *inds one who is willing to listen to God's message through Nature, through Providence, or through the light of the Spirit ( enlightening the messages of these other sources ). Thus the individual, or tue people ( Israel ) become a ncuthpiece for God, through wich He may gpeak to mankind. In this way we have a true REVELATICN. Jesug Christ was the only perfect medium for the revealing of God to man.