Postal GUIDE. | 141 confessed they could not believe in the inspiration of the.Script- ures, until it was made plain to them through the Bible read- ings and lectures. Now they are earnest in doing what they can to give the truth to others. There is a flourishing vigilant missionary society connected with the church and mission, holding interesting weekly meetings and sending out weekly 60 copies of the Signs and 30 copies of the Sickle, and many tracts, besides visiting, and corresponding with interested ones. POSTAL GUIDE. DOMESTIC POSTAGE. FIRST CLASS.—Letters and all written matter, whether sealed or unsealed, and all other matter sealed, nailed, sewed, tied, or fastened in any manner so that it cannot be easily examined, two cents per ounce or fraction thereof. A special ten-cent stamp, when attached to a letter, in addition to the lawful post- age, entitles the letter to immediate delivery in any place containing 4,000 popu- lation or over, or within one mile of the post-office. - SECOND CLASS.—This class includes all regular newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals issued at intervals not exceeding three months ; the postage is one cent for each four ounces or fraction thereof, payable by postage tamps. THIRD CLASS.—Embraces printed books, pamphlets, circulars, engravings, ithographs, proof-sheets and manuseript accompanying the same, and all matter of the same general character, the printing on which Is designed to impart general "information, and not having the nature of personal correspondence. Circulars produced by hektograph or similar process, or by electric pen, are rated as third class. The limit of weight for mail matter of the third class is 4 1bs., except in the case of single books exceeding that weight. The rate of postage on mail mat- ter of this class is one cent for each two ounces, or fraction thereof. FOURTH CLASS.—Embraces all mailable matter not included in the three preceding classes, which is so prepared for mailing as to be easily taken from the wrapper and examined. Postage, one cenu per ounce or fraction thereof. Limit of weight, 4 lbs. Full prepayment compulsory. Liquids, ointments, ex- plosives, and other like injurious matter, not admitted. REGISTRY FEE for letters and packages, 10 cts. which, with the post- age, must be fully prepaid. The name and address of sender must be given on the outside of the envelope or wrapper. POSTAGE RATES TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Matter mailed in the United States, addressed to Canada, is subject to the same postage rates and conditions as it would be if it were addressed for delivery in the United States, except that articles-of merchandise are absolutely prohibited transmission by mail to Canada, unless sent as bona fide trade samples, in which case they are required to be put up in packages not exceeding eight ounces in