PLEASE TELL ME Whence Came Sunday Keeping? [re Daniel 7:25 we are told that the times will be changed. Was this the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? If so. was it made by man or God? R. I. By reading Daniel 7:25 vou will observe that this attempted change was made by man; but since God made the Sabbath in the be- ginning, 1t 1s quite clear that man could not change that day unless he were greater than God. Although he was to attempt it, he would only “think” to do it. Dr. R. W. Dale. Congregationalist, Spe aking of the Ten Com- mandments, said: “It 1s quite clear that, however rigidly or devoutly we may spend Sunday, we are not keeping the Sabbath. The Sabbath was founded on a specific, divine command. We can plead no such com- mand for the obligation to observe Sunday. .. There 15 not a single sentence in the New Testament to suggest that we ear any penalty by violating the supposed sanctity of Sundav.”—The Tew Commandments.” Hodder and Stoughton. pp. 106, 107. Said Dr. Lyman Abbott, editor of the Christer Union: “The current notion that Christ and Ths apostles authoritatively sub- stituted the first day for the seventh, 1s ab- olutely without any authority im the New Testament. —Quoled from the Christian Urdon, June 26, 1590. Said the great historian, Neander: © The festival of Sunday, like all other festivals, was always only a human ordinance, and it was far from the intentions of the apostles to establish a divine command in this respect, far from them, and from the early apostolic church, to transfer the laws of the Sabbath to Sunday.” Rose's Translation, page 18t. The Roman Imperor Constantine, who was reputedly converted to C hristianity, mn his edict of March 7, 321 A.p., ordered: “ot all judges and town people, and the pecupi tion of all trades rest on the venerable day « the sun, but let those who are situated in on country, freely and at full liberty, attend to the business of agriculture, because it often happens that no other day is so fit for sowing corn and planting vines, lest the critical mo- ment being let slip. men should lose the com- modities granted by heaven.” You will notice that he does not call Sunday the Sab- bath but the “venerable day of the sun,” for it had long been devoted to sun w orship. You will also observe that although this law pre- scribed that those in the city should keep Sunday, it provided that those who lived in the countr y should be free to work, to plant. or to harvest, lest they might otherwise lose their crops. That was the first, oflicial effort of man to change the Sabbath from Saturday the seventh day of the week, to Sunday the first day of [the week. oo JA We read: “Sylvester, bishop of Rome, 314- S337 AD, officially changed the title of the first dav, calling it the Lord's Day.” -See “listoria Fuclisinsticn. by M. Lodovienm Lacium, cent. 4, cap. 10, pages 739, 740, edi- tion Basile. 1624. At the Council of Laodicea, held about S64, the Catholic Church declared: “Chris- tinns shall not Judaize and be idle on Satur- day [Sabb ith, origimal], but shall work on that day; but the Lord's day [Sunday] they shall espoe ially honor, and, as being Chris- tians, shall, if possible, do no work on that day. If, however, they are found Judaizing [keeping Saturday as the Sabb: ith], they shall be shut out from AS hrist.’ A History of the Chourch Councils,” Rev. Charles Joseph Hefele, D.D. (Roman Catholicy, 326 to 429 A. D. (Vol. 11, Na SIH. Edinburgh’: T.& T. Clarke. 1896. Says the Fipiscopal Church in “The Sab- hath: or an Lixamination of the Six Texts,” by Sir William Domville, page 291, published in London, Chapman and Hall, 1549: © Cen- JANUARY 1912 turies of the Christian era passed away before the Sunday was observed by the © hristian church as a Sabbath. History does not furnish us with a single proof or mdieation that it was at any time so observed previous to the Sabbatical edict of Constantine, a.p. 321. Concerning this legislation, Professor Hut- ton Webster, Ph.D. (University of Nobraska), in a book entitled, “Rest Daves’ page 122, published by Macmillan & Co., New York, N.Y, savs: “This legislation by (‘onstantine probably bore no rel ation to Christianity; 1t appears, on the contrary, that the emperor, in his capacity of Pontifex Maximus [his posi- tion ax high priest of paganism, was nly adding the day of the sun, the worship of which was then firmly established in the Roman Empire, to the other ferial days of the sacred calendar.” The Catholics themselves have said: “Seventh-day Adventists hold to the observ- ance of the Jewish Sabbath, which, as we know, was celebrated on the seventh day of the no ck. They reject the Christian Sunday. In this they are more consistent than the Sih Protestants, who profess to hold that the Bible interpreted by their private judg- ment is the rule of faith. For against these Adventists other seets are unable to explain their Sunday observance. This rests on the authority of the Catholic Church.” -—Quoted in The Messenger of the Sacred Heart,” published at 5151 FE. Fordham Road, New Yorl:, November, 1927. ™ other GIFT Freee! with each Chistes Genuine Leather Binding HELPS is so attuned to the true spirit of Christmas as is the Bible. Make it your gift to family, relatives, friends. represents so much value for so little money. Ex- No other Bl BLE amine below the many outstanding features we offer in this GENUINE LEATHER bound ILLUSTRATED SELF-PRONOUNCING GIFT BIBLE For YOUNG or OLD Contains the KING JAMES (Authorized) Version of the Old and New Testaments THESE MANY NEW FEATURES AN OUTSTANDING BIBLE VALUE TEXT—Self-pronouncing with all proper words accented and divided by syllables. TYPE—I.arge, black-face type used throughout. 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