Lations are ahost relevant to the practical and phidosephical concerns faced by peop Lath and houses of worship, Conventional wisdom mish suggest that people al faith would want and approve of public funding for reiigion, whether through vouchers or some other mechanism. But man religious people, while enthusiastic supporters of their own faith, are justitiably hesitant about the gon cinment vaving ther money to every laith croup with a school, whether the believe min the rehgion taught there or not Yet this is exacth what occurs with relistons sehool gid Pro VIADS, ds Laanpuvers are effec thvehy and hiterally purchasing halv tests religions cons, and reliions classes, Char constitutional deals Col ! | | Most religious Fhe most obvious chorce Jett oo unre fated schools os rehigious neural, Parents are not only aware of the rehgious education that then chld wall recone at one of these pr vale schools they ovpect and me mam matances demand in Public schools, mean while, represent diverse communities and stu Joent populations, and ave required to stay out of religious matters altewcthers nether advancing nor hindering religion. But the dittarcnces onl bein there, Private schools are Tree to discrinm nate when accepting mooming stu- dents and facattv, Tos not uncens: mot for these schools to segre- dale on the basis ot vender. They canapply strict standards tor interested Tapplicants and test chirfdren to see it they qual buttress the commonsense people, while Hv for admission, Of course, understand that torced sup- they cane choose onlv=-o port for rehivtous indoctrina Gon is approssive aid a viola fron ol recdonn ol consaena. His altimatedy no ditferent than forcing taxpavers to place then money ina collection plate. Lroubling too is the hileh hood of mterrchgious strife as religious instiiutions battle for scarce public resources. Uhee public funds are made available to any hurd with a school, all religious msbitutions will have to battle before state leaislatures over who should get public funding and who shouldnt. lo pit Methodists agamst Lutherans or Baptists against Muslims tor support is din sive and mare than a little vnseemby, Fhe vesult would bean intolerable prospect. Many relizious groups that a tay paver nugzht ind frightening. offensive, or just theologically wrong, such as the neo Nag World Church of the Creator, would Tike be in line for a check. The regulatory concerns for religious insti- tutiois and then sciools are just as serious, if NOL INOre so, Under existing law, houses of worship are fre from covernment control or oversight, as they should bed In education matters religious schools are Lirgelv exempt from the many laws that govern public school owith the exception of dear health and safety revulations, cathusiastic sup- porters of their own faith, are justifiably hesitant about the government giving their money to every faith group mainly children whose pars Cials are of a particular faith, Further oo private school’s curenium Is not spedihed by doveirainent olticials, nor are is financial records audited hy SOLernInent Adin ators, Privaic schools, mm atha words, are hardiv accountable to the public ar all They are Cruly independent facilities. Fhouwely the reason nay be obvious. it important wo with a school. Note that these schonts are accorded the Tuvare of such dependence because of the distance Hic hae placed betiveen themselves and die goverment, There is nothing wioog with this relation- ships Once a house of worship creates an edu cational mstitution, tes would disazree thes should be permitted to ran that school as tha wish, free of covernment ard or interference, That as part of the bases tor the separation between the church and the state, But consider how the dviamic of that relationship changes once the two sti tons are brought closer together by wav of Hroancial tres, Phe government is oevpecied bys cone stituents to spend public funds ina wise and cltectne tashion, The state's mones, it is fre quenthy noted, is the tas pavers mona, and as such we demand accountabilin.