Atlantic Union Gleaner | “Lift up your eyes, and look on fhe fields ; for they are whife already fo harvest.” Sout LANCASTER, Mass,, FEBrUarY 9, 1910 No. 6 Vor. IX THE HAPPIER LIFE ' FORGET the ache your own heart holds By easing other's pain; Forget your hungering for wealth By seeking other's gain; And make your life much brighter seem By brightening the years— For tears dry quickerin the eyes That look for other’s tears. Heartache fades quickest from the heart That feels another's pain. The greed for wealth dies sooner if We seek another's gain ; Life’s sands run lightly if we fill With kindness all the years— And tears dry quicker in the eyes That look for other's tears. —Selected. The FIELD CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND AND THE $300,000 FUND No DouBT our readers in Central New England have by this time learned of the splendid movement on the part all our people in this country to raise a fund of $300,060 to be used for the aggressive work in foreign lands. Considerable has been written of late concerning the details of how and for what the money is to be ap- propriated. We have learned that it is to be used in establishing, little sanitariums, treatment rooms, printing offices, and in building suitable homes for our workers in countries where climate and conditions endanger their health and their lives, if compelled to live as the natives. Enough has been said so that all should feel intelligent in regard to the plan, and now I am sure that every Sabbath-keeper in Massachusetts will feel that it is time for us to begin to do our part. The portion which Cen- tral New England has been asked to raise is $6,001.60. The idea in every conference seems to be to raise its portion within the year. I am sure that we can do this; and if all will do their part, it will not require any very great effort. : WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW what has been done already ? written a number of personal letters to different brethren and sisters in the conference asking for generous donations to this fund. About twenty replies have been received thus far, and about $700 has been pledged in response to the personal appeals. BOSTON DISTRICT MEETING Last Sabbath and Sunday the gen- eral meeting for the Boston district was held, and some features about it were very encouraging. During the meeting, the matter of the $300,000 fund was presented. Elder F. C. Gil- bert led out in presenting the needs of the work and in making an earnest ‘appeal for substantial contributions. The people responded nobly, and be- fore the meeting closed $1,030 had been pledged, and not over one hun- dred were present. Various amounts have been pledged or given from the Charlemont and Danvers churches and other sources, so that in all there has been raised about $1,800. With this encoura- ging start already made, I believe that all our churches will now be ready to take hold heartily in raising their por- tion of this fund. While small dona- tions are always acceptable, all can see that good substantial offerings are needed now if we are to make quick work of this matter. So let the con- tributions of $100 down to $5, etc., ‘We sent in quickly. Pledges to be paid within the year will be gladly accepted if this would be more con- venient for some. I have The raising of this fund should take precedence of everything else. Will not all our churches take this matter up at once? Let the church elders and leaders find out just what each member is willing to do, and make it known to the conference treasurer at an early date. If we get right at it, this matter will not drag, and we can rejoice together’ when the work is done. H. C. HARTWELL. SPECIAL SESSION OF THE VERMONT CONFERENCE Held at White River Junction January 15 and 16 THE first meeting of this special session of conference was called at 51:30 p. M., January 15. Elder W. H. Holden acted as chairman, and Brother Evans was elected secretary pro tem, in the absence of the Secre- tary. Fifteen delegates were present. The visiting brethren, Elders W. B. White, H. C. Hartwell, and O. Mont- gomery, were invited to take part in all proceedings the same as the regular delegates. | | "The following resolution was pre- sented by Elder White: « Whereas, It was recommended at the last session of the Atlantic Union Conference that the states of Vermont and New Hampshire unite their fields and work into one conference; there- fore,— “ Resolved, That the Vermont Con- ference in special session assembled, cordially invite the churches of New Hampshire to unite with their body.” This resolution was carried. The namesof the New Hampshire churches were then presented; and it was moved and carried that these and all isolated Sabbath-keepers of; Newg Hampshire