PHE J ol7 Safely concealed in the haunts of sin, They wart for a victim fo enter ing Less hold than the wolves of the winter night, They crouch and cower and siink {rom SEEN Then shyly creep tortie > da liwee nn spot Teo springen the nrey when at ihinketh I k t y not. Found the Masters toraple thoy froroen hawl, With eves that zhiitter an pow They erndcr nat the ported wide y } To prey on the tnnocerl ones ans They come tm the guise of the da sheer. And around the sacrad alter creep Thicy cringe and cower and sn. whine And lap with theirtougues the come UIE OIL WIR, Tire while they are eager Lo blood Qf the meck and the lowly, the pure food. Yes; wolves in the clothing of are they, More fierce than the tovesi-Tonmd beasts of prey. For the wolves of the wilderoess anly seek The flesh and binod of their vi Sut these other wolves, seein So inech, on souls an Yadr. SHIVA ns here; thoaoh thicy Would feast they indeous O wolves that prowl in ihe dreaur, To the Lonely pdgvim w fearful tow The heart of the traveler felis vith fear When your Cry ds wabtod SEY IW, none deiend trom vour koon faves white, The helpless fost int ) Yes, well-armed woods men shall you back, to destruction pace, And youie turn Hy the banter pursued Shall mndnight Sores the Shail And drive your huangvy tlec in vain te the Jdarksome wood. But QO you wolves tn the haman montd, From whom ue victim can hope fo fly, When vou enter into the grit told Where the sheep of toe Master Jdu- fenceless hig, Is there no arm that is strong to save Your prey for whose blood you so fiercely thirst, ATTN VF MENS N Loy ; i. Chr shield {hen PEROT yn ba yi a IRERRES Tae irda yan bs { Si [SEES Yes en PR Arn that st . { [A atl oo cE po : thats [EE ET ” Arg tit (I Too Td ie SI i tod Ti Lh velit . Othe Iu sr on HEARS Ha & Hy , Pl fr. : : co b rect raed Fiow Jegrone met deals an thie gre N foi; IE! EY RIEH LT ERE i iA PES Tlial Lal bors poor ied ir Piyared fi Vind thoy [. 2} ; Cow a tr When vou led veoh ed nd ini Pi : Boor nn vin on broe bey ihe se Wola Lae doors And Tis Clpposanie Pls meat vou shall bal to For the ond hal radeth fe erm Shall destroy the wives thi! His sleep FROG IoC OEE RS Ir [SE I have Te H forovery qs. Sst tee +i § 8 : trom Unren loll vor thie bast Weve [SEES SIRE SI IA iil CH care he corso about sr weeks old Telos reaches us Toa wv clad to woos that tiie school has been prospoerod so much. [trust that a good, strong force ot young mien and wouen will ve oul,