Update ......... A MEETING WITH our Youth Department leaders indi- cates that Cedar Falls camp has been accredited by both the Christian Camping Association and the American Camp- ing Association, receiving a 97 per cent rating, which is A. SOME VERY IMPORTANT improvements have been made at the Camp. Nearly 2,000 youngsters attended this past summer. Campers were blessed with the inspiration of the environment and the camp leadership. Including weekend groups through the winter, approximately 4,000 people used the facilities. THE SUMMER YOUTH EVANGELISM report indicates 2,400 visits made by students, with 610 Bible studies given and 60 baptisms reported. Another 56 were still studying with students when their summer work came to an end. WE WISH TO THANK those who donated scholarships to make it possible for students to work in soul-winning endeavor in our churches through the summer. Those who may be inter- ested in donating a scholarship or more for next summer should contact either Doug Schultz in the MV Department or this office. INGATHERING is progressing well throughout the Con- ference. Special emphasis on discovering spiritual interests in the homes of people being solicited makes this year’s campaign a very important one. AS YOU HAVE OPPORTUNITY during these last days of 1976, invite someone to worship God with you on Sabbath, invite someone to study the Bible as the new year begins, THE OCEAN HIS BAPTISTRY— The salty water of Torrance City Beach became a baptistry for Albert Decena of the Hawthorne Church. He became interested in the Adventist Church through his wife's (Noemi) influence, and completed a Bible course by mail while on military assign- ment in Japan. After joining his wife in the U.S., he continued studies with R. Edward Johnson, pastor of the Hawthorne Church. He was baptized in the ocean at his request while 40 church mem- bers on the shore shared his new birth in Christ. and please make sure that all accounts with your local church, your conference pledges, and your commitments for tithe and free-will offerings are in order before 1976 closes. May the blessing and inspiration of heaven be upon you and your home during this holiday season. new Thousand Oaks Church has installed the stained glass window located at the front of the sanctuary. TWIN FEATURE Glendale City Church January 8 at 7 p.m. “TO FLY" — Conoco’s story of flying and “East of the Iron Curtain”’— Dr. Stanton May's color slides of Eastern Europe No Recorder Portraying the Trinity in Creation, the window was de- sicned by Roger Darricarrere January 3 of Darricarrere and Fairbanks, Inc., in Los Angeles. Darricarrere’s art consists of glass In reinforced concrete, SEVEN CHINESE CHURCH } : trauzaet CHINESE CHURCH 1S DEDICATED—The church first organized on November 4, 1961, had its in- ception in Wawona in December, 1959. From its first evangelistic campaign in May, 1960, under Pastor Wallace Chan to renting Olivet Chapel, the Broadway Chapel and the Griffin Avenue Latvian Church during 1960 and 1961, the membership now totals 155. The church building alongside U.S. Interstate 10 in Alhambra was recently renovated to cut out traffic noise. Other benefits include a new foyer, paving of the parking lot, fencing the property and landscaping church grounds. The work, which began in 1973, was headed by Jacob Chang. The church operates an eye and dental clinic plus a nursery school. Music played a strong role during the church’s dedication service. The present pastor, W. C. Leong (lower right, center), is surrounded by local and union conference offi- cers who took part in the dedication November 20. Jacob Chang is standing to the pastor's right. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1976 On Videotape Church Service Taken to Homes While many churches are urging that a way be found to eet religion “to the people,” the Camarillo Church thanks to modern technology is doing it. With a videotape machine, they plug their worship service right into home TV sets. Five men Elder Ed Kolb, Merrill Gunn, Ray Stone, Da- vid Vannix and Dennis Pyle have been taping services for four or five years and playing them back in the home of per- sons who request it. According to the local newspaper, Advent- ists are the first to have that kind of community service. Although the program is de- sicned for the ill, elderly and other shut-ins, Pastor L.onnie Melashenko said anyone who requests it can view the tapes. For the hard of hearing, the church also has cassette record- ings of services. Elder Kolb is the man who “makes the program go.” He has been involved since its in- ception in 1971. For about four Thousand Oaks Installs Window leaded glass, and glass in cast bronze. He is also a sculptor. The window's value is empha- sized by the fact that Darri- carre has won awards in Ba- yvonne, France, Southern Cali- fornia and New York. His work on the leaded stained glass panel for the Protestant Cen- ter at the 1964-65 New York World's Fair also took first prize in National Competition. Construction superintendent on the Thousand Oaks church is Russell Taggert. Elder Rock- ne Dahl is the pastor. years aside from one interrup- tion for construction of the new church on I.as Posas Road - Elder Kolb has taped services and shown them to members of the community. The job involves a great deal of his time because he does the majority of the taping. IHow- ever, he feels it is well worth his effort for it makes people feel they are part of the service. JANUARY CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2 Christian Leadership Sem- nar (Glendale City Church) 3 In-service Day for Teach- ers (No School) 8 Elders and Officers Meet- ing (White Memorial, 3-6 p.m.) 11 Conference Committee 14 & 15 Leadercraft Course Senior S.S. Teachers Institute Health & Temperance Secretaries Council 16 Bike-A-Thon Senior S.S. Teachers In- titute Health & Temperance Secretaries Council 17. Simi Hospital Board 18 Glendale Hospital Board 19 Workers’ Meeting (White Memorial Youth Chapel) 25 Presidents’ Council 26 Union Committee 27 White Memorial Hospital Board 28-30 Medical-Ministerial Retreat (Hotel del Coronado) Real Wants and Christmas DURING CHRISTMAS, more than any time in the year, we are urged to give in the “spirit of Christmas.” Doesnt your heart long for an end to this tinsel, superficial and transitory age so our Lord may come again? As an important member of the family of God, | believe you ought to be aware of some real and pressing needs of this Conference right now: ® Funds to plan radio and television time in such a way that a turn of the dial could always locate a Seventh-day Adventist program. ® Funds to mail Signs to every interested name in our files. ® A means to properly and quickly house every Ad- ventist congregation now in rented facilities. ® Funds to provide an evangelistic effort in every church and company in the spring and in the fall. e A means to reduce the tuition in our schools so that no Adventist child would be denied an education in Adventist schools because of tuition. ® Funds to employ a full-time cooking school/health edu- cation instructor. “When the Lord sees His people restricting their imagi- nary wants, practicing self-denial, not in a mournful, re- gretful spirit, as Lot's wife left Sodom, but joyfully for Christ's sake, then the work will go forward with power.” 6 Testimonies, 104 R. L. Walden, Treasurer