August. 195K English Church Evangelistic Effort in the Capitol of the Federation of Malava Ray Seet Teacher, Teh Sin School, Kuala Lumpur These words of king Solomon apply c¢ven in our present day. “A true witness will deliver souls.™ Proverbs 14:25. But why should a soul be delivered? from where? and how? To meet the demands of these questions has been the aim of our humble Kuala Lumpur evangelistic effort group. The an- swer came through the presenta- tion of Jesus our Saviour. By all rights of justice all arc doomed to be lost except by His interven- tion in our behalf. We are told in Romans 3:23, “Por all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” However, Jesus condescended to deliver sinful flesh, He, "Who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our justification.” Romans 4:25. We, His followers should be witnesses of this fact. When plans were laid in Kuala Lumpur for evangelistic meetings to be held in the English church of this city we somehow felt these should be a church affair, so all church members worked toward this end. We do thank the Lord for the faithful Kueala Lumpur few who are shining hghts in thas capi- tol. Some arc on tire for God and their enthusiasm is infectious. This is especially true of the voung people of our church. Two boys. James Wong Kong Hon and Low Saw Choong. trom the Kishan Dial School. witnessed for ther Master in a very wonderful way. Their courage and faithfulness should be a challenge to all Seventh-day Adventist youth. Be- cause of their consistent Chris- tian lives these boys were able to attract more than fifteen of their classmates to the services nightly. Some showed great interest. Now ten of these young men attend all of our Sabbath services. Surely God is working a spiritual refor- mation amongst us. A church member who works for the government brought most of his fellow office workers with him to the meetings, hence there was a keen competition between THE MESSENGER the two groups. In this way an encouraging nightly attendance was maintained through the series of studies. These public meetings resulted in many experiences which shall be cherished long as an evidence God's spint is still striving with the hearts of men for their salva- tion through human agencies. A Mr. Noel. a member of the Vinning Road Chapel, became quite perturbed over what he heard at our meetings. When he inquired of his pastor as to why we wor- ship on Saturday instead of Sun- day he answered him with the often repeated argument that these are peculiar people who cling to Jewish fanaticism. He was also cautioned not to have anything to do with us. This only aroused the young man's curiosity. He visited Mr. John Toh. the church pastor. on several occasions. Mr. Noel is well read as one soon ob- serves in conversing with him. He has shown great interest as a result of these contacts with our mes- sage. May our Master Guide cad him into all truth! A quiet young man, a Mr. Low Kong Seng. is a teacher in train- mg mn Kuala Lumpur. As a re- sult of the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart he has al- lowed the good seed to spring up and bear fruit nn his life. He 1s keeping the Sabbath and has also started paving his tithe. He has accepted Leviticus eleven and is now preparing for baptism. He is very joyful in His Christian experience, us not forget our first love mm serving the Master. May God help us to regain it if we have fost it. or retain it if we have kept it. and may it ¢ver he our pur- pose to convey God's salvation to others. Gods Wonderful Love Proclaimed Mrs. Ng Gim Chuan [ do want to thank my heaven- Iv Father for all His wonderful blessings to me. Before 1 oaccept- od fesus as my Friend and Saviour I was far from being happy. Nor did T know how to live a hfe that would bring the happiness 1 so craved. One of my granddaughters came to visit me and observing mv state of unhappiness said, “Grandma, I know how you can be made to rejoice. Many people in Pontian have been made so happy attending Mr. Lee's meet- ings and hearing the messages he is teaching.” 1 understood that the truths he was presenting were found in the Bible but 1 did not have a copy of this marvelous book which would bring such hap- piness to one. Thinking my grand- daughter might be able to find me one | asked. “Could you not sup- ply me with this book?” She did this and what a wonderful help it has been to me. Now [| was ready to receive instruction from Mr. Lee. 1 went to see him and told him 1 wanted to believe God and accept Him into my life but I did not know the way. He talked to me about God's love and about Him being the true God of heaven, whom 1 should worship and not the gods made by men, of wood and stone. Then one day Mr. and Mrs. Lee visited me. While there 1 gave them my idol. the one | had kept in my home and which 1 had wor- shipped without receiving the hap- piness and joy that 1 so longed for. Since then Mr. Lee's daugh- ter has been taking me to the services. My heart was won and | decided to give myself to the true God of heaven and to aceept Jesus Christ as my Saviour. After mak- ing my decision to become a part of the true Church of God [I told my husband that | had decided to become a Christian. This made him very unhappy but | felt | could not go back to my old way of life no matter how much | was opposed by those 1 love. So | was baptized November 19. 1956. Such peace of mind | have had since I have been traveling the heavenly way, and O how happy I have been! Many years before my conver: sion 1 had suffered greatly trom severe headaches. I do want to thank the tord for His healing power for the headaches are all gone now and too. my oldest son suffered from trachoma and stom- ach trouble for one and a half years. The doctors could do little to help him. I prayed for him so often and God heard my pray- ers and healed him! How thank: ful IT am for such a prayer hear- ing and answering God. He as so good and kind to my family vet my husband does not believe the Truth. Do pray for his con-