EASTERN (CANADIAN MESSENUEK 3 Williamsdale Academy Notes The (ollowing students have beg eunolled dar ine the last months Avthar Ierstend, Wingo ul ey, Carne Fhabdey and Cioe Dawvgdimee, G70 hushels of tomes and 3550 bushids of gran have just een harvested, Our crops were all very good this vist and we are thanktal to the Lord for his aloindant blossa, : Wo Wet ees Lor lias er a wedi -pnd visi Fron Sislel Lda Cooter of Moncton: her visits are alwin = looked Torwasd to by all She expressed much pleass- gre sand satisfaction with the progress made hy her then chalidien, ha Flaps onl Porson Vora Cm wits siee ons Fal ais nsaal, about 265.00 bern taken by fifteen sto depts ard fone teachers, The Looest amount taken by eny one wis = 17.0000 Professor Machboe recerved that. We are all looking forsaed with pleasure to soon being able ta use our new beidege across the Plahp river. This will save about two miles on oo trip to the station. The rhetoric class gave most nteresing pro vrant on Phe Beguisites Fssentl to Missionary Val utters,” Sabbath, October S30, Dul nt thad metnher in the Mavttime Conference zave 15 conds a Gver occur Lo you it every chiveeh mrondde ar SURO a year, it world poy the sehool exo penscs of fonr worthy young people for ome veo? Who ave vou helping through school this year? “Phings don't tien up in this world mnt some. body fie thom up {iortirlid, CE ——— Wedding SECRLAND- Drees Brother Walter Marla pitted iro osreiage wt the home of Eller Carivle 13. Haves Fanrnest Steiekland and Sister Ferme Plapps were in Greensville, =o Cl Wednesday al tern, T OL TL Oo: = - * = £ had wo x = = z= EZ FE Ff 2% soa . - " = = = gd T'm - Note of Chivel Zz 5 = 4 > == Tz = oi = E-Ir —— 2 — = [ed Fy [= 7 2 : = # o- = - St = = - £2 = = ne = = x n= fi E = zr == #5 = = $3 3% Tz £ £& 5% 3 = ZL = = = = i] =) Chatham a EE 0 I A I EP Th 15 dr Harada fo Sr TYR PA it Pr 15 Hanptsville a 4 5 7 ¥ Poors. [ETS BS ; 1 ? = Potrolin, = Jy = 5 4 West Towiaiio EL I furs lo ER TTH Cent Poaonin. ITE 1 TE IE TT RE | “hh 41 3 BV. Academy iH Torilds EC TUN TEE STIS SE I TI Ptey Report of Home Missionary Work for Ontario Conference for Third Quarter, 1915. E | Papers Mailed, Brother Strick: Faard bees been associated with Elder Haynes in tent Novewibeer the third, wb two o clock. work all shatter. Sister Phipps cores from St, Jolin, New Bsns ech, aod is a valuable addition to thie corps al workers mo South Caroling, Sister Phipps was a wvahisete from the Nomad Course ot South Lancaster Avivdemy fast spring, The ceremony was solemuoized by Pastor J. A. Serckland, father of the room, assisted by Elder Flay ries, The louse was beautitully decorated and Elder ard Seater Haynes had provided an oaonple and ideal wedding repast. The afternoon was spent an social corvverse, ard Sister Haynes entertained sith a pro Sprint eee lint and AprGpe Le IMEI The happy couple will reside in Greenville and Bredp tollow up Che great imtevest that bas been cre- ated by the tent meetings held there recently, Our Faithfulness in Tithing A tract on Lhe subject of tithing has jast Intely come from the press written by Bilder Go BL Thomp- son, sul recommended by the officers of the General sol Nocth Amevican Division Conference for exten- ~ive cirentation. Theeefore we sire placing a copy thus month with each family and isolated Sabbath- keeper nn our conference, trusting that they will be earnestly read ond that they will answer any question in regard to this baportant salgect, Av the prosent time here in Maritime we feel the need al fathtolness in this respect more than at any Unless there is greater faithfulness ihe work will necessarily be hindered here. time in the past, We would ask that as fur as possible the tithe be sent an regularly and prompthv at the lise of each the to the conference office. mont be to the ehurelhh treasurer, isolated ones There 1s an exception to this however in the ease of some of sending it doreet cor osolated sisters whose circumstances nuke (Condy convenient to forward at once during the mater, s ® A es 2a bd 2 = % E = w Z : v= > =< = o fet = “ t= = = a. gd = PO - ~ = : — ~ ~- 5 = if L.T YC => 3 ET : = - a -= 2 ss. LS i == = = Ek be = 52 0% Zz