12 THE GREAT THREEFOLD MESSAGE. preference to our own, It is this wisdom which leads to the keeping of the commandments of God. He who chooses his own way, or the way of men, in preference to that of God, has not the fear of God before his face, 3. Of what is this reverence the beginning? Ps: 111: 10, first clause. 4. To what will it inevitably lead? Job 28:28; Ps. 111:70. GIVING GLORY TO GOD. 5. What is God's glory? Ans. —God’s glory is His goodness, His character. When Moses asked God, ‘* Show me Thy glory,” the Lord answered, “T will make all My goodness pass before thee.” Ex. 33:18, rg. This the Lord did, as recorded in Ex. 34:57. 6. In what is His character summed up? 1 John 4:8. 7. How has He rhanifested this love toward us? John 3:16. 8. What is our duty to Him? Rev. 14:7; first part; Matt. 22:37. : 9. How does the wise man express this same truth? Eccl. 12:13. : 10. How does Jesus say we are to glorify God? John 15:8. What kind of fruits are these? Phil. 1:11. 11. In view of what are we exhorted to give glory to God? Rev. 14:7, second clause; Eccl. 12:14. 12. What is the rule of the judgment? Rom. 2:12; James 2: 10-12. 13. What are we to conclude from these scriptures? Ans.—{a) That, as God’s glory is His character, that charac- ter is manifest in His holy law, the rule of his government. {6) That to render this glory to Him is to obey that law, or to submit to let that law work out in us God’s character. In other words, fearing God and giving glory to Him is equivalent to fearing God and keeping His commandments. “This is em- phasized by the fact that the law of God is the great rule of judgment. 14. How only may we do these things? John 6:28, 29. - -- OUR SABBATH SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS THIS QUARTER