GOD’S GREAT PLAN Bible Workbook TO ACCOMPANY “BIBLE LESSONS—GOD'S GREAT PLAN” FOR USE IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL, THE SABBATH SCHOOL, AND THE HOME BIBLE WORKBOOK SERIES When the World Was Young—Genesis The Gospel to All the World—The Acts of the Apostles, both early The Story of the Exodus—Exodus to Joshua and later apostles Stories of Israel—Judges to the end of Old Testament history God's Great Plan—The Plan of Salvation as revealed in Bible The Life of Jesus—The four Gospels history, also in Daniel and The Revelation SARAH ELIZABETH PECK, M. A. Formerly Director of Normal Training for Church School Teachers and Field Superintendent of Church School Education. Author of Bible Lessons— “God’s Great Plan,” "The Gospel to All the World,” (Joint Author); “True Education Readers,” “Nature Portfolio," "Bible Wall Charts on the Life of Jesus," and other helps for teachers and children. SEVENTH EDITION Copyright by the author, 1923 BIBLE NOTEBOOK DEPARTMENT Angwin, Napa Co., California LESSON TOPICS 1 First Period Fourth Period Chapter I — God’s Plan Explained God’s Plan to Create a Family—Told to the Angels Lucifer’s Rebellion In Heaven and on Earth, Against Gods Han g’s Family Separated from Him Mysterious Secret — Explained to Angels and to Man Id Not God Have Prevented Sin? Why Is Sin Allowed to Continue? Why Was It Necessary for Jesus to Die? Why Could Not an Angel Have Been the Sacrifice for Sin? Ilhe Authority of God’s Law Forever Settled Ilhe Everlasting End of Sin Reunion of "God’s Whole Family in Heaven and Earth’’ Second Period Chapter II — The Patriarchs, Teachers of God’s Plan 'God’s First Missionaries Noah, a "Preacher of Righteousness” Man's First Effort to Establish a World Empire [‘Our Father Abraham" saac, a Type of the Sacrifice of God’s Only Son Jacob's Preparation to Be a Missionary Chapter III — The Missionary Nation Abraham’s Seed Becoming "A Great Nation” I Satan's Plot to Destroy the Missionary Nation Ijod’s Plan Rejected by Egypt Hie Birthday of God’s Missionary Nation (1491 b. c) The Missionary Nation and School Organized (1491 B. c.) Final Examination Day in God's Church School (The Day of Atonement) Eatan's Prison House First Opened 'ihe Nation Ready for Service Christian Education a Part of God's Plan (Under the Judges) Israel the Light of die World (The United Kingdom) 'The Nation's Failure to Carry Out God’s Plan (The Divided Kingdom) Third Period Chapter IV — God’s Plan Worked Out in Captivity Under Nebuchadnezzar — I God Honored by Daniel Because of Christian Education ....Daniel 1 | Daniel Honored by God -----------------------------------Daniel 2.T-36 God's Plan Revealed to the World’s King--------------------Daniel 2:36-49 God’s Power Published to All the World.....................Daniel 3 A Victory for God .........................................Daniel 4 Under Belshazzar — Daniel’s First Vision of the Great Controversy-------------Daniel 7:1-6, 19, 22 The Angel’s Explanation of the Vision ---------------------Daniel 7: 11, 12, 15-17, 20-27 The 1260 Years of Papal Persecution ..._------------------ Daniel 7:11,25-28 A Glimpse into Heaven’s Great Court Room____________________Daniel 7:9,10,13,14,22 Daniel’s Second Vision of the Great Controversy.............Daniel 8:1-8,16,20-22 liatan’s Masterpiece of Deception........................ Daniel 8:9-27 The Downfall of the First World Kingdom .................. JDaniel 5 Under Darius — ilhe Plot to Destroy Daniel................................Daniel 6 Gabriel Sent to Answer Daniel's Prayer (The 2300 Days) ..Daniel 9:1-3, 20-27 1 Under Cyrus — Preparations to Return to Jerusalem------------------------Daniel 10, 11 Second Coming of Christ Foretold; Daniel’s Work Ended ...Daniel 12:1-13 I Under Darius and Artaxerxes — The Nation's Second Opportunity for Service Chapter V—The Man Christ Jesus Working Out God’s Plan Preparing for the Coming Redeemer The Reception of Jesus The Messiah Anointed for Service (Autumn 27 A. D.) Satan's Effort to Destroy the Prince of Peace Jesus Rejected by Priests and Rulers, and at Nazareth Jesus Rejected by the Galileans and the Samaritans Priests and Rulers Rejected by Jesus The Birthday of the Christian Church Satan Cast Out of the Councils of Heaven Jesus Securing the Keys of Satan's Prison House (Spring 31 A. o.) Chapter VI — Christian Missionaries The Church of Christ to Be God's Missionaries Born of the Spirit into God’s Family T Will Go to My Father”—The Three Steps Homeward "Of the Household of God” The Adoption Ceremony Fifth Period Chapter VII — God's Plan Revealed Through His True Church A Sabbath Day in Exile .........................................Rev. 1 Messages to the Ephesus and Smyrna Churches .... _ ....Rev, 2:1-11 Messages to the Pergamos and Thyatlra Churches _ _ ... Rev, 2:12-29 Messages to the Sardis and Philadelphia Churches ... Rev, 3:1-13 The Message to the Church of Laodicea ........... _ ... Rev, 3:14-22 Chapter VIII — Satan’s Opposition Through the Apostate Church At the Throne of God ...........................................Rev. 4; 5:1, 9 The Book with Seven Seals ...........„...........................Rev. 5 The Opening of the Seven Seals .................................Rev. 6; 7: 8:1 Chapter IX — Satan’s Opposition Through the Nations of Earth Rome Weighed in the Balances — First Four Trumpets .............Rev. 8:2-13 The Twin of the Papacy — Fifth Trumpet, or-First Woe’..........—Rev. 9:1-12 The Sixth Trumpet, or Second Woe —..............................Rev. 9:13-21 to 11:14 God’s Message in “The Little Book" .............................Rev. 10 Mystery of God Finished — Seventh Trumpet, or Third Woe ........Rev. 10:7; 11:15-19 Sixth Period Chapter X—The Opposition of Three Persecuting Powers Wrath of the Dragon ......................................... .Rev. 12 The Leopard Beast ........................................ Rev. 13:1-10 The Last and Crowning Deception ............................. Rev. 13:11-14 The Mark of the Beast ...................................... Rev. 13:15-18; 14:1-5 Chapter XI — Gods Last Appeal to Man The Hour of God’s Judgment .....................................—Rev. 14:6, 7 "Babylon Is Fallen’’ .............................................Rev. 14:8 Satan’s Plot Unmasked ............................................Rev. 14:9-20 Chapter XII — The Climax of Satan’s Destructive Reign Preparation for the Seven Last Plagues ...........................Rev. 15 The Seven Last Plagues Poured Out ........ —Rev. 16 Chapter XIII — The Triumph of Gods Plan The Hallelujah Chorus at the Marriage of the Lamb ................Rev. 19:1-10 Satan’s Time for Undisturbed Reflection ..........................Rev. 20 A New Heaven and a New Earth ...................................—Rev. 21:1-7 The Holy City ............................ ................ -Rev. 21:11-27; 22:1-5 God’s Plan Finished—“It Is Done” .................................Rev. 22:4, 10, 17 * To the Teacher.— Before teaching these lessons, die teacher is referred to the suggestions printed on the inside of the back cover. 2 GOD S FAMILY IN THEIR OWN FATHER'S HOUSE Cut out and mount the frontispiece here. It is in the envelope with the other pictures for the workbook, No picture can ever give us a true idea of all that our generous, loving, heavenly Father has planned to do for His children, but this picture I think will strengthen our desire to live in the beautiful home He is preparing. Don't you think so? Below the picture write these words: It was and still is God’s plan that this earth shall be inhabited by righteous people, free from sickness, sorrow, pain, and death. 3 4 BIBLE READING ON THE LAW OF GOD The texts in the given list tell where in the Bible the following truths are found. Match each statement of truth with the corresponding text by writing the text on the line after the statement. 1. The Bible chapter in which the law of God is found............... 2. The law of God is summed up in two great commandments............ 3. In God’s law we learn what sin is................................ 4. Obedience to God’s law is a test of our love for Him............. 5. Christ came to fulfill, not to destroy, God’s law................ 6. Christ magnified the law and made it honorable................... 7. Not one jot or tittle shall pass from God’s law.................. 8. Jesus has promised to write God’s law in our hearts.............. 9. Those in whose hearts God's law is written will delight to obey it........................ 10. Those who obey God’s commandments will eat of the tree of life and have a home in the Holy City......................................... Exodus 20 Matt. 5:18 Ps. 40:8 Matt. 22:36-40 Isa. 43:21 John 14:21. 23 Jer. 31:33 Rom. 7:7 Matt. 5:17 Rev. 22:14 Find in the envelope and mount here the picture of Jesus holding the tables of the law. Ps. 40:8 CHAPTER TITLES TO REMEMBER—CHAPTERS I, II, AND ffl 5 After you have completed the study of each chapter indicated below, see how quickly you can find in your Bible all the topics listed under that chapter. When you can find them all without any hesitation, write from memory the book and chapter number in which each topic is found. Chapter I Chapter II 1. The Fall of Lucifer.................................... 2. The Wisdom, Beauty, and Position of Lucifer in Heaven 3. Satan Cast Out of Heaven............................... 4. The Fall of Man ....................................... 5. Christ’s Sermon on the Mount........................... 6. The King of Glory...................................... 7. Satan's Prison-house .................................. 8. Victory over Death and the Grave....................... 9. The Longest Chapter in the Bible....................... 1. Destruction of Earth by Flood.... 2. Destruction of Earth by Fire..... 3. The Faith Chapter ............... 4. Tower of Babel .................. 5. Call of Abraham.................. Chapter m 1. The First Passover .............. 2. The Law of God................... 3. Directions for Making the Sanctuary 4. The Heavenly Sanctuary .......... 10. Repairing the Breach in God’s Law 5. Day of Atonement 6 DIAGRAM No* 2—THE PATRIARCHAL CHAIN How to Complete the Diagram Diagram No. 2 should be filled out when you study lessons on pages 85 to 9C, and 119 to 124. It will help you to see how the message of God’s great plan was handed down, generation after generation, during the 4000 years from Adam to the time of Christ Put the date over each of the four pillars showing the great thousand-year divisions of time B. C. Study the table on page 506 of “God’s Great Plan,” and draw links of a chain showing the length of life of Adam, Methuselah, Shem, Isaac, Levi, Amram, and Moses. Be careful to get each link the right length. Each thousand years is divided by dots in hundred-year parts. Draw a line just below the links showing when Noah lived. Cut out the pictures ano mount them in the right places. Print Creation and Christ in the proper places below the pictures, and Enoch* Flood* Abraham, Law* David* and Captivity, above the pictures. Draw lines one inch below the diagram showing the five groups of generations from Adam to Christ. The following scriptures show the number of generations in each group: Antediluvian Generations—Gen. 5:3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 25, 28, 30. Postdiluvian Generations—Gen. 10:1; 11:10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26. Generations from Abraham to Christ—Matt. 1:17. Write the number of generations on the lines representing each group. A STUDY ON DIAGRAM No. 2 7 From the table on page 506 and from the diagram opposite, fill the blanks in the following test: Adam lived with Methuselah............years. Methuselah lived with Noah.................years. He lived with Shem .................years. The patriarchs...................and .................lived both before and after the flood. The lives of...............and........................spanned the time between creation and the flood. The lives of................. patriarchs span the first two thousand years. The names of these men are......................... ............................ and ...............men were needed to tell the story of Eden until it was writen in the book of Genesis. Their names are .................. God told.......................to write these stories in the book we call....................................... hrhe last patriarch who could have heard the story of the flood by pne who had passed through it was............................... Enoch was translated near the close of the................... thousand years after creation, Abraham was called near the close of the.....................thousand years after creation, and David was made king near the close of the...................... thousand years after creation. The flood occurred near the middle of the.....................thousand-year period, between the lives of...................and..................... God's law was written on stone at Mt. Sinai near the middle of the ...........................thousand years, between the lives of ..................and....................... The captivity was near the middle of the.................thousand years, between the lives of...................and..................... Counting the names of the generations given in Gen. 5‘r 10:1: 11:10-26. I find that there were......generations from Adam to Abraham. These generations cover about................. .............. of the whole time B. C. I have counted the generations given in Matt. 1:1-16, and find that there were......... generations from Abraham to Christ. These generations cover about the latter..................of the whole time B. C. By adding, I find that there were.........generations from Adam to Christ. A STUDY ON DIAGRAM No. 3 Read the texts referred to in the following, and then fill out the blanks: According to Gal. 3:16, 17, the time from the promise given to Abraham (Gen. 12:1 "3) to the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai was.............years. In Ex. 12:40 these years are called the ........................of the children of Israel. According to Gen. 12:4, Abraham was..............years old when God promised that his seed should be as the stars. According to Gen. 21:5, he was....years old when Isaac was born. According to a custom in those days, Isaac was........... yf?n old when he was called "the seed," and according to Gen. 21:9, the "affliction" then began. Therefore it was............years from the promise to the beginning of the affliction of Abraham's seed. According to Gen. 15:13, the affliction continued....... years. The sojourn in Canaan ended when Jacob moved from Canaan to Egypt. According to Gen. 47.9, Jacob was.......years old when he came to Egypt. According to Gen. 25:26, Isaac was .................years old when Jacob was bom. Isaac was born .................years after the promise was given to Abraham. Therefore, it was.............years from the promise to the end of the sojourn in Canaan. This was just.............of the 430 years. Therefore the sojourn in Egypt was.......years. According to Gen. 41:46-48 Joseph was.......years old when the years of plenty began. According to Gen. 45:11, the ....................year of the famine was past when Jacob came into Egypt. Therefore at this time Joseph was........ years old. According to Gen. 50:26, Joseph was......years old when he died. Therefore from the beginning of the sojourn in Egypt to the death of Joseph it was..........years, and ..............years from the death of Joseph to the end of the bondage in Egypt. According to Acts 7:23, Moses was.......years old when he fled from Egypt to the land of Midian. Verse 30 says he stayed there....years. Then God called him to return to Egypt and deliver the children of Israel. Therefore from thej birth of Moses to the deliverance of Israel it was..years. Therefore it was.............years from the death of Joseph tJ the birth of Moses. , 8 DIAGRAM No. 3—THE SOJOURNING 9 How to Complete Diagram No. 3 After filling out the blank on page 8, indicate by neatly printed words the events called for on the following pages of your "Bible Lessons”: 95. Promise to Abraham; Giving of the Law. Cut out and mount pictures showing these two events. 430 years’ sojourn from the “promise” to the "law” (Ex. 12:40; Gal. 3:16, 17). Isaac the seed. 400 years’ affliction (Gen. 15:13; Acts 7:6). Number of years from "the promise” to "Isaac the seed.” 107. Jacob in Egypt. Number of years’ "Sojourn in Canaan.” Number of years’ "Sojourn in Egypt.’ Death of Joseph. 111. Birth of Moses. 119. Exodus. Number of years from the "Death of Joseph" to the "Exodus. Years from the "Birth of Moses” to the "Exodus.” 10 DIAGRAM No. 4—THE SANCTUARY AND THE COURT How to Complete Diagram No. 4 On this diagram the dotted diagonal lines cross at the two centers of the court. In the envelope find the pictures of the sanctuary and the brazen altar. Cut out and mount them. Draw a circle representing the laver. Number each article of furniture, and below write a key giving the names of each according to its number. 1. 2.......................................... 3 ........................................ 4 ........................................ 5. 6. Fill out the blanks in the following. At the two centers of the court were placed the................ and the ........................................................... The sanctuary and the court faced the..........., so that when the people knelt to pray, their backs would be toward the.......... Since the pillars of the court were five cubits apart, the court was.............cubits long and............cubits wide. The sanctuary was........... cubits long and........cubits wide. Christ began His work in the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary when He....................... He began His work in the most holy place in the year.............. THE EARTHLY AND HEAVENLY SANCTUARIES COMPARED n Study the lesson on pages 125 to 131. Then on the lines below, the Bible references, quoting only the words of the text that point out write the corresponding feature of the heavenly sanctuary, as given in the comparison. Number 1 below shows you how to do this. The Earthly Sanctuary The Heavenly Sanctuary 1. The earthly tabernacle - - - - “The true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched and not man.".........Heb. 8:2 2. The shewbread on the table - - ..................................................................John 6:48 3. The candlestick of pure gold - - ................................................................. Zech. 4:2 4. The seven lights............................................................................................... .................................................................. Rev. 4:5 .............................................. Zech. 4:10 ................-....-........................ Rev. 4:3 ..............................................Rev. 5:11 ..............................................Rev. 8:3 ..............................................Rev. 11:19 .............................................. Ps. 97:2 5. Curtains of blue, purple, and scarlet _____________ 6. The embroidered angels - - - ...................... 7. The golden altar....................».............. 8. The ark - -- -- -- - ...».............. 9. God’s righteous law - - - - ....................... 10. The mercy seat above which was the.................... presence of God ----- ........................................................................Prov. 20:28 11. The covering cherubim - - - - .................................................................. Eze. 28:14 12. God's presence above the mercy seat Rev. 7:10 12 THE DAILY SERVICES OF THE SANCTUARY After studying the lesson on pages 132 to 136, opposite the “type” references, giving the exact words of the text that point out this simi-column below, write the corresponding "antitype” as given in the Bible larity. Type 1. The lamb for the sin offering 2. Sacrifice “without blemish” The Sin Offering 3. Sin confessed and placed on the sacrifice 4. The sinner killed the innocent lamb - 5. The blood sprinkled seven times - - .................................. 6. Morning and evening sacrifice - - .................................. The Burnt Offering—At the Brazen Altar 1. Sacrifice entirely consumed by fire - - ................................. 2. Fires kept burning day and night - - .................................. The Incense Offering—At the Golden Altar 1. Incense rose continually - - - - .................................. 1. The shewbread 1. Lights never went out At the Table At the Candlestick Antitype .....................John 1:29 .................1 Pet. 1:19 .....................Eph. 5:27 .....................Isa. 53:6 .....................Isa. 53:5 .................... Isa. 53:7 .................... Heb. 7:25 .................... Ps. 55:17 ................... Rom. 12:1 .....................Gal. 6:9 ................ 1 Thess. 5:17 .................... Heb. 7:25 .................... Eph. 5:2 ....................John 6:51 ................Matt 5:14, 16 .................... John 8:12 THE DAY OF ATONEMENT AND ITS MEANING 13 Mount here the picture of the service in the most holy place. Instructions: While studying lesson 9 on page 141, fill out the "antitype” column below by quoting that portion of the given text which corresponds to the type. Type—The Day of Atonement Antitype—The Judgment 1. The high priest - - - - - - Heb. 4:14 2. God’s glory shining upon the mercy seat Ps. 31:16 3. The blood sprinkled "seven times" - Heb. 7:25 4. The sanctuary cleansed ----- Acts 3:19 5. "An end of reconciling" ----- Rev. 22:11 6. The scapegoat in the wilderness - - Rev. 20:1-3 7. The high priest changed his garments Rev. 19:16 8. The sacrifice burned—the court cleansed Mai. 4:1 14 DIAGRAM No. 5—THE CAMP OF ISRAEL After studying lesson 10 on page 142, fill out the diagram below. Print the names of the tribes in their places; color, cut out, and mount the standards. Indicate by Roman numerals the order in which the tribes marched; this is given in Num. 10:11-28. The arrangement of the camp is given in Num. 2:3, 5, 7. 10. 12. 14. 17. 18, 20. 22. 25, 27. 29. and 3:23. 25, 26, 29, 3i. 35-38. Check up your work by reading all these verses. SANCTUARY PROBLEMS TO SOLVE 15 Note: A shekel of silver is said to be valued at 2s. 8d., or 64 cents; a shekel of gold about £2, or $9.60. A talent of silver 1. If the host of Israel covered at least 12 square miles (as it has been estimated), how many square rods would there be for one man's family, with his flocks and herds, not counting the "mixed multitude"? Ex. 12:37, 38. is valued at about £400, or $1,920.00; a talent of gold at nearly £6,000, or about $27,275.00. 5. What was the total value of the silver and gold used? 6. What would be its purchasing value to-day, with a day’; labor then worth 15 cents, and now $5.00? 2. What was the total value of the sockets into which the tenons of the boards fitted? Ex. 38:27. 7. What would the candlestick and its vessels be worth in to day’s money value? Ex. 37:20, 24. 3. What was the value of the rest of the silver used? Ex. 38:25. 8. A talent of gold weighed about 88 pounds Troy; a talent of silver weighed about 94 pounds Troy; how many tons avoirdupois did the 29 talents of gold plus the 100 talents of silver 4. What was the value of the gold used? Ex. 38:24. weigh? 16 MAP No. 3—THE FOUR WORLD KINGDOMS How to Complete Map No. 3 With colored crayon outline the four world kingdoms of map. Refer to the map on page 180 of ‘Bible Lessons’’for these Daniel’s prophecies as indicated by the name at the left of each outlines. Give the dates of the rise and fall of each kingdom. OF DANIEL S PROPHECIES 17 GRECIA Rise- Fall.. ROME Rise. Fall.. 18 HOW TO COMPLETE DIAGRAM No, 6 183. After studying lesson 3, page 177, cut out and mount the great image and the stone. In the proper places on the image print the names of the four kingdoms represented and the ten divisions. In the margin at the left give the dates of the rise and fall of each kingdom. Mount the stone opposite “The End”; below it print: The Stone Filled the Whole Earth, 200. After studying lesson 7, page 197, cut out and mount in the proper places the first three beasts described in Daniel 7. 206. After studying lesson 8 or 9, cut out the fourth beast of Daniel 7. Cut the slit in its head along the dotted line in the forehead. Mount it in the proper place, but do not put paste below the slit to the lower edge of the beast. Cut out the little “stout” horn. Lay the end of a 5-inch piece of black thread on the back of the horn downward, and the end of a 7-inch piece of white thread upward to the point of the horn; then paste a strong piece of stiff paper over the threads and the whole back of the horn, thus fastening firmly one end of both threads. Insert the lower end of the horn into the opening on the beast’s head. Prick a hole through the page of your workbook just back of the upper point of the horn and draw the white thread through it to the back of the page. Strengthen this spot of the page by pasting a tiny circle of thin cloth over it. Prick another hole through the page directly below this first hole at the lower edge of the picture, and draw the white thread up through it on to the right side of the page. Strengthen this spot by pasting thin cloth as above. Thread the black thread into a needle and push it down between the picture of the beast and the workbook page, just back of the beast's head along the place where you did not put paste. Your picture should now be in working order. By gently pulling the black thread the little horn disappears; by pulling the white thread it comes up and covers three horns. This helps us to understand how Daniel saw it when, as the prophecy states, “before whom three (horns) fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.” Dan. 7:20. 209. After studying lesson 10, page 206, cut out and mount the picture representing the Judgment. Near it print the words: The Judgment Was Set, the Books Were Opened. 215. After studying lesson 12, page 212, cut out and mount the ram and the he-goat of Daniel 8. 219. After studying lesson 13, page 216, cut out and mount the goat with the little horn which waxed exceeding great. In the space below this and opposite “The End” draw a small diagram of the sanctuary, and below it print the words of the angel found in Dan. 8:14: Unto 2300 Days, Reading the diagram from left to right tells all the symbols in these three prophecies that represent Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia, and Rome. Reading from top to bottom tells the events of each chapter in their order down to the end of time. DIAGRAM No. 6—THE PROPHECIES OF DANIEL 19 BABYLON Rise...... Fall...... MEDO-PERSIA Rise...... Fall...... GRBCIA Rise...... Fall...... ROME Rise. Fall.. THE END DANIEL 2 DANIEL 7 DANIEL 8. 9 20 HOW TO COMPLETE DIAGRAM No, 7 After studying lessons 16 and 17, pages 231 to 238, complete diagram 7 as follows: 1. Print the angel’s words found in Dan. 8:14, and the first clause in Dan. 9:24 on the curved lines that span the periods of time spoken of in the verses. 2. Indicate the two main divisions of the 2300 days, namely the 70 weeks and the remainder of the 2300-day period. How many years in 70 prophetic weeks? After cutting off this period of time from the 2300, how many years would be left? Print this on the diagram. 3. What event occurred at the beginning of the 70 weeks? Cut out and mount the picture showing this event. At the arrow pointing downward place the date. What scripture gives this event? Write the reference just below the date. 4. What are the three divisions of the 70 weeks? What text tells? Write the prophetic and the literal time of each division on the diagram. 5. What event occurred at the end of the 70 weeks? Cut out and mount the picture showing this event. Write the date and Bible reference below. 6. What event occurred at the end of the 62 weeks? Cut out and mount the picture showing this event. Write the date and Bible reference below. 7. What event occurred at the end of the 1 week? Cut out and mount the picture showing this event. Write the date and Bible reference below. 8. What event occurred in the midst of this last week? What text shows this? Draw a red cross at this place. Give date and Bible reference. 9. What event occurred at the end of the 2300 days? Cut out and mount this event. Write the date and Bible reference at the arrow pointing downward. 10. Print these words in the proper places: (a) Jesus' work begun in the holy place. (b) Jesus' work begun in the most holy place. 11. Below the diagram write from memory Daniel 9:24, 25, first part of 26, and first two parts of 27. DIAGRAM No. 7—THE 2300 DAYS 21 Dan. 9:24. 25, 26 (first part), 27 (first two parts). 22 DIAGRAM No. 8—THE CAPTURE OF BABYLON Instruction: Color the river and lake blue, and the gates of brass yellow. Place numbers on the diagram to indicate the following: 1. Euphrates River 2. Royal Palaces 3. Temple of Belus 4. The Artificial Lake 5. 6, 7. Three Divisions of Cyrus’ Army CHAPTER TITLES TO REMEMBER-CHAPTER IV 23 After you have completed the study of Chapter IV, write from memory the subject of each of the following chapters: Dan. 1........................................................................ Dan. 2........................................................................ Dan. 3........................................................................ Dan. 4........................................................................ Dan. 5........................................................................ Dan. 6........................................................................ Dan. 12....................................................................... 24 25 26 BIBLE READING ON BAPTISM Make the following sen' tences express the truth, by writing the correct word or words in the blank. Then verify your work from the texts given. Do this after studying pages 329-334. “Therefore are we buried with Him by baptism into death.” 1. After believing on Christ as our Saviour, we should be ......................... Mark 16:16. 2. Jesus was baptized in the.................... River. Matt. 3:13. 3. He was ............................. in the water. Rom. 6:4. 4. Before we are buried by baptism, we must be............to sin. The body of sin is....................., for we have determined that henceforth we shall not.............................Rom. 6:2, 6. 5. When we are raised out of the water, we should walk in ............................................... for we have put on .......................... Rom. 6:4; Gal. 3:27. 6. By baptism we show our faith in the...................... and................... and.................. ................. of Christ. Rom. 6:3-5. 7. We are baptized in the name of the...................... and the................. and of the.......... ........................ Matt. 28:19. 8. When we repent, there is................ in the presence of the.....................Luke 15:10. 9. Then Jesus is not ashamed to call us .............................. Heb. 2:11. 10. Then the Father loves us as He loves...........................John 17.23. 11. Then the.....................bears witness that we are the ......................... of God's family. Rom. 8:10. Our names are then written in the family record book—the Book of Life. 12. If we ....................... at last, our names will not be blotted out of the ......................« Rev. 3:5: 21:27. Mount here the baptismal scene from your envelope. My New Life Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee; Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love. Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee; Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only, for my King. Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages for Thee; Take my silver and my gold,— Not a mite would I withhold. Take my moments and my days. Let them flow in endless praise; Take my intellect, and use Ev’ry pow’r as Thou shalt choose. Take my will, and make it Thine: It shall be no longer mine! Take my heart,—it is Thine own,— It shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love, my Lord; I pour At Thy feet its treasure-store; Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee. —Frances R. Havtrgal but we shall have a home in the 27 Hook to Blest they who seek While in their youth, With spirit meek, The way of truth* To them the Sacred Scriptures now display Christ as the only true and living way; His precious blood on Calvary was given To make them heirs of bliss in heaven* And e’en on earth the child of God can trace The blessings of his Saviour’s grace. For them He bore His Father’s frown; For them He wore The thorny crown; Nailed to the cross; Endured its pain; That His life’s loss Might be their gain* Then haste to choose That better part Nor e’en refuse The Lord thy heart, Lest He declare, 1 know you not,’ And deep despair Should be your lot. Now look to Jesus, who on Calvary died, And trust on Him who there was crucified* —From "Bible Readings 28 DIAGRAM No. 1—THE WORKING OUT OF GOD'S PLAN Explanation of the Diagram “For Four Thousand Years. Christ was working for man’s uplifting, and Satan for his ruin and degradation. And the heavenly universe beheld it all. When Jesus came into the world, Satan’s power was turned against Him.”— D. A, p. 759. “For Six Thousand Years, Satan’s work of rebellion has ‘made the earth to tremble.’ He has 'made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof.’ And ‘he opened not the house of his prisoners.’ For six thousand years his prison-house has received God’s people, and he would have held them captive forever, but Christ has broken his bonds, and set the prisoners free. , . . “For a Thousand Years, wSatan will wander to and fro in the desolate earth, to behold the results of his rebellion against the law of God.”—G. C.. pp. 659, 660. As stated in these quotations, the time between the entrance of sin and its removal from this earth will be approximately 7,000 years—4.000 before the time when Jesus came to live here as a man, 6,000 until the resurrection of the saints, and 1,000 when Satan will be left alone on the desolate earth. No man knows the day or the hour of Jesus’ coming, but we know that the last generation of people who will live before the Lord comes (Matt. 24:34) is now living on the earth. We also know that the sixth thousand-year period, the one in which we are living, will be cut short, for God “will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness.” (Rom. 9:28.) The space between any two pillars in the diagram represents 1,000 years. How to Complete the Diagram At the left of the diagram print the words: God’s Plan Begun in Heaven in “Times Eternal.’’ At the right print these words: God's Plan Finished in the New Earth. From the gummed sheet in your workbook envelope cut out the circle containing the star for diagram No. 1, and mount it above the pillar that shows when Jesus came to live here. Below the star print the word Christ: above it print Birth of Christ. Print B. C. and A. D. at the arrow points, showing which part of the diagram refers to events before Christ and which after Christ. Above the other pillars mark 1000, 2000. 3000, 4000 B.C. and 1000 A.D. Mark also “Our Time.” When studying “Bible Lessons” referred to in the following pages, cut out the pictures that represent the various events, and mount them in the proper places in the diagram: 76. Creation. Print Creation above the picture representing this event. Print Adam and Enoch on the diagram in the open space below the pictures showing when they lived. 82. The flood. Print Noah in the open space below. 85. The tower of Babel. Print Babel below. 90. God’s call and promise to Abraham. Print Abraham below. 123. The giving of the law. Print Moses below. 155. Israel ruled by judges; schools of the prophets established. Print Samuel below. 166. The kings. Print David below. The captivity. Print Daniel below. DURING THE REIGN OF SIN AND SATAN 29 183. Print the names of the four world kingdoms of Daniel 2, giving dates of rise and fall of each. Print also Ten Divisions of Rome. 206. The 1260-year period of papal persecution. Give dates of beginning and close. 237. The 2300-day period of time. Cut out and mount the pictures that show the events beginning and closing this period. Give dates. Circle with colored crayon the event showing when Jesus began His work in the most holy place. 305. The ascension of Jesus—Beginning His work in the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary. Draw a colored circle around this picture. 318. Notice on the diagram how many thousand-year periods approximately the patriarchs had to witness for Christ, how many the Jewish nation had, and how many the Christian church have. 404. Giving the crowns of victory. 462. Reaping the harvest of the earth when Jesus comes. 484. Satan bound 1000 years. In the space below this picture print: Earth Desolate; Saints in Heaven. 490. The descent of the holy city. Print Descent of the Holy City above this picture. 30 CHAPTER TITLES TO REMEMBER—CHAPTERS V AND VI After you have completed the study of Chapter V, write from memory the number of the Bible chapter in which each of the following is found: 1. The Temptation of Jesus.................................... 2. The “Welcome Home” Song of the Angels ..................... 3. The Transfiguration of Christ.............................. 4. Christ’s Own Prophecy of His Second Coming................. 5. The Baptism of Jesus....................................... 6. The First “Lord's Supper” and “Ordinance of Brotherly Love” 7. Christ’s Last Prayer on Earth for His Disciples............ After you have completed the study of Chapter VI, write from memory the number of the Bible chapter in which each of the following is found: 1. The Second Birth .......................................... 2. "The Lord's Prayer” ....................................... 3. Christ’s Parting Commission to His Followers............... 4. Baptism Likened to Christ’s Burial and Resurrection ....... 5. The New Life in Christ after Baptism....................... A FEW GREAT MEN IN THE SARDIS AND PHILADELPHIA CHURCHES 31 Cut out the eight pictures of men given in your envelope and mount them in the proper spaces below. 1. In the year........, just before the dawn of the Reformation, this man first translated the Bible into English. Be-cause of this he is called "............ His name was...................................... 2. Some of the “few names" in Sardis who stood bravely for God and His Word were: 3. Some of the first missionaries to carry the joyful tidings of the Gospel to the heathen world were: Their names were Their fields were . Their names were. Their work was Their names were Their fields were . 32 DIAGRAM No. 9 HOW TO COMPLETE DIAGRAM No. 9 1. Number the churches I to VII, putting the numbers to the left of the church pillars. 2. On the map, number the churches in the order in which God sent His messages through John on the Isle of Patmos. 3. Mount the name of each of the seven churches, its meaning, and its leading characteristic, in their places. (They are in your envelope.) 4. In the pillar mount the event that marks the beginning of the church, and write the date of this event in the top of the pillar, following the sample given for the first church. 5. Light the seven candlesticks and color them gold. 6. Mount the stars, Bibles, and crowns in the proper church. (They are in your envelope.) Draw rays of light from the Laodicean Bible. 7. To the left of the proper pillars, mount a gold star for the ’‘Morning star of the Reformation” and draw the "Key of David." 8. On the long vertical dotted line near the crowns, print these words in capital letters: THE END—SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. THE SEVEN CHURCHES (Rev. 2, 3.) 33 34 HOW TO COMPLETE DIAGRAM No, 10 After studying lesson 3, page 390, cut out and mount the first and second seals. Color the horses as described in the prophecy. Near the top of the diagram on the lines between the seals, place the dates showing when the events of each seal began. Below each seal name the main symbols, giving their interpretation in as few words as possible. Give also the Bible references. Follow the model given for the first seal. After studying lesson 4, page 392, cut out and mount the next three seals, giving dates, symbols, interpretation, and Bible references, as before. After studying lesson 5, page 395, cut out and mount the sixth seal. Below it name the three signs mentioned, and give the date of each. Mount the pictures representing the two great closing events described. After studying lesson 6, page 400, print the words Silence in Heaven on the seventh seal. Below the seal give the time of this silence — prophetic and literal — and tell the cause of the silence in heaven. Cut out and mount the picture illustrating the coming of Christ with all the angels. Give Bible reference for this seal. How to Make the Scroll When you have completed this diagram, if you wish to make the scroll, or book, first prepare two smooth sticks with a knob at each end on which to roll the scroll. Make the sticks a little longer than the width of the scroll and large enough to support the scroll. Make a page like the one in your workbook as large as you prefer. Paste the right and left edges of the pages firmly to the sticks you have prepared. Roll the diagram up around the right stick. Cut seven seals of red paper (gummed if possible). Fasten one-half of each seal to the left stick as indicated by the small semi-circles at the left of the diagram, leaving the other half to fasten over on to the scroll, thus securely sealing the book. When the Lamb took the book from the Father’s hand. He loosed the seals, and then opened the scroll one section, or seal, at a time. When you have finished the scroll, open it and explain each seal. As you unroll the scroll from the right stick, roll it up around the left stick so that only one seal can be seen at a time. Number each seal. DIAGRAM No. 10—THE BOOK, OR SCROLL, SEALED WITH SEVEN SEALS 35 36 THE SEVEN TRUMPETS Rev: 8:2 MAP No. 5—ANCIENT ROMAN EMPIRE SHOWING "THE THIRD" PARTS Mount here the picture of seven angels with trumpets. How to Complete Map No. 5 Near the outside edge of the map print Europe, Asia, Africa, where these continents are. Outline all coast lines with blue crayon. Draw the boundary lines of the Roman Empire with crayon of another color. See map on page 180 for full boundary. Print in the right places: Western Third, Eastern Third, Middle Third. In small, clear letters print the capital of each third: Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople. Locate the following by putting numbers on the map corresponding to those in the list. Number the arrows to indicate the invading tribes that overthrew Rome: 1. Goths 2. Vandals 3. Huns 4. Heruli 5. Arabs 6. Turks 7. Rhine River 8. Black Sea 9. Adriatic Sea 10. Syria 11. Persia 12. Arabia 13. Egypt 14. Spain 15. France 16. Mecca 17. Euphrates River 18. Paris 19. Megiddo THE FIRST FOUR TRUMPETS 37 Mount here the diagrammatic map illustrating the first four trumpets. After studying pages 407 to 411, complete the following table. Try to read this whole story in the pictured map. Symbols and Their Meaning FIRST TRUMPET SECOND TRUMPET THIRD TRUMPET FOURTH TRUMPET Hail— Burning mountain cast into sea— Falling star— Sun— Fire— Wormwood— Moon and stars— Blood— Fountains of water— Third part of trees and grass burnt— Third part of ships destroyed— Third part of water made bitter— Third part of sun, etc., smitten— Invading tribe: Leader: Bible Ref.: Result of first four trumpets: Downfall of the .....................third of the .................... Empire, in the ytjr 38 THE FIFTH TRUMPET—THE FIRST WOE Mount here the diagrammatic map illustrating the fifth trumpet. After studying pages 412 to 415, fill out the blanks below. Try to read the whole story in the pictured map. Events; Symbols and Their Meaning 1. Falling star— ....................................... 6. Command to kill men who have not the seal of God— 2. Key to the bottomless pit—........................... 3. Smoke of the pit—.................................... 4. Locusts out of the smoke—............................ 7. Countries devastated: .............................. 5. Command not to hurt the grass or trees—.............. Bible reference: Result of the fifth trumpet: Downfall of the third of the Roman Empire. THE SIXTH TRUMPET—THE SECOND WOE 39 After studying pages 415 to 419, write the meaning of the symbols below. In the pictured map read the whole story. Symbols and Their Meaning 1. Horsemen with breastplates of fire, jacinth, and brimstone— 5. Forty and two months—. Mount here the diagrammatic map illustrating the sixth trumpet. 2. Fire and smoke coming out of the horses' mouths—. 3. Third part of men killed—. 6. God's two witnesses—. 7. Clothed in sackcloth—. 8. Our Lord crucified—... 9. Two witnesses killed—. 4. Men who were not killed repented not—. 10. They ascended to heaven—. Bible Reference Result of the sixth trumpet: Downfall of the third of the Roman Empire. 40 THE SEVENTH TRUMPET—THE THIRD WOE Mount here the picture of Armageddon. The angry nations in the last great battle—the battle of Armageddon After studying pages 423 to 428, write below a list of the events of the seventh trumpet as given in the verses indicated: Events of the Seventh Trumpet, or Third Woe 1. Rev. 11:15................................................. 7................................... 2. Verses 16, 17.............................................. 8. Verse 19 ....................................... 3. Verse 18 .................................................. 4 ........................................................... 9.................................................. 5 ........................................................... 6. DIAGRAM No. 11—THE SEVEN TRUMPETS 41 Number the trumpets. In addition to the number write the word Woe on the trumpets that were called woes. Cut out and mount the pictures illustrating the first four trumpets. On the curved line spanning these write the result of these trumpets. Give Bible reference below each picture. Cut out and mount the picture illustrating the fifth trumpet. On the curved line write the result. Give the reference below. Do the same with the remaining two trumpets. Mount the crown near the end of the curved line spanning the seventh trumpet. Below it write the words: Mystery of God Finished. Below the picture of Armageddon write the words: Armageddon, the Great Battle. From the diagram think through the events of this line of prophecy. 42 HOW TO COMPLETE DIAGRAM No. 12 While studying pages 431 to 447, Ell out that part of the diagram which belongs with each lesson, as follows, putting all printing on the given dotted lines. Under each of the three beasts give the Bible reference describing it. On the vertical dotted line at the right, tell what becomes of the beasts. The divisions in the top horizontal line represent hundred-year periods. LESSON 1. Cut out and mount the pictures that tell the event beginning and the one closing this line of prophecy. Cut out and mount the dragon. Color it red. In the proper places print these statements which show the work of the dragon: Attempted to destroy the Babe of Bethlehem. Persecuted woman with "flood" for “time and times, and half a time." “The earth helped the woman." Makes “war with the remnant of her seed." Give dates where the arrow points indicate, and the Bible reference for each statement. After each of the following symbols write briefly its interpretation: The Woman— .............................................. Sun— .................................................... Moon —................................................... Twelve stars—............................................ The man Child—........................................... Time, times, and half; 1260 days—........................ Remnant of her seed—..................................... The Great Red Dragon—.................................... Seven heads—............................................. Ten horns—............................................... War in heaven with Michael—.............................. Third of stars—.......................................... Flood cast after the woman—.............................. Earth swallowed up the flood—............................ Cast out of heaven—...................................... LESSON 2. Cut out and mount the leopard beast in its three stages. In the proper place on the dotted lines print these statements in the diagram, giving reference for each: Had power 42 months. Deadly wound received. Deadly wound healed. After each of the following symbols write briefly its interpretation: The Leopard Beast—.......................................... *Seven heads—............................................... Ten horns—.................................................. One head wounded to death—.................................. Deadly wound healed—........................................ Spoke blasphemies—.......................................... Made war with saints—....................................... Had power 42 months—........................................ LESSONS 3, 4. Cut out and mount the picture of the two-horned beast. Give the date when the two-horned beast arose. After each of the following symbols give its interpretation: Another Beast—.............................................. Came up out of the earth—................................... Two horns like a lamb—...................................... Spake as a dragon—.......................................... Made image to the first beast before him—................... Requires all to receive the mark of the beast—.............. * It is generally agreed that the seven heads of the great red dragon and the leopard beast represent the great powers that Satan has used and will use to persecute the people of God. Prominent among these powers are Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia, pagan Rome, and papal Rome. DIAGRAM No. 12—THE THREE PERSECUTING POWERS 43 44 HOW TO COMPLETE DIAGRAM No. 13 While studying the lessons on pages 449 to 463, fill out the diagram as follows: Lessons 1 and 2: Cut out and mount the star indicating the birth of Christ. At the arrow points print B.C. and A.D. On the upper curved lines indicate the number of years B. C. plus the number A.D. that together make up the 2300 years of Dan. 8:14. Start at the spring of the year, for the people of that time first counted from the spring to figure out the time when the sanctuary would be cleansed. On the dotted lines at the proper arrow points show the dates first learned at the beginning and at the end of the 2300 days. Cut out and mount the picture that represents the first angel’s message—the message that told about the 2300 days and the cleansing of the sanctuary. Below the picture give the reference where this message is recorded. Print the words First Disappointment on the dotted lines at the proper arrow point. Print the words Tarrying Time in the space showing when the people passed through this experience of waiting to understand the prophecy. Cut out and mount the picture showing the prophecy. Cut out and mount the picture showing the “Commandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes.” Indicate the season of the year when this decree was actually completed, and give the reference in Ezra. On the lower curved lines indicate the number of years B. C. from the autumn, when this decree was really given, plus the number A. D. to make up the 2300 years of Dan. 8:14. Mark the year and the season to which this brings us. Give the month and day, and the Bible reference in Leviticus 16 for the day of atonement when in the type the sanctuary was cleansed. Print the words, Midnight Cry showing when this second date began to be preached. Cut out and mount the picture showing when the second angel’s message was preached. Give the reference below. Print the words Second Disappointment showing when this took place. Lesson 3: Cut out and mount the pictures showing when the third angel’s message began to be preached, and the event that the people learned had actually taken place at the end of the 2300 years. Give the reference showing where this message is recorded. What mistake led to the first disappointment? What mistake led to the second disappointment? DIAGRAM No* 13—THE THREE ANGELS' MESSAGES Showing the Two Disappointments 45 46 THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES While studying pages 465 to 479, fill out the table below. Ref.:.................... Prophetic time: ..................... Literal time: The Plagues | Poured Out on | Events and Their Effects Promises to the Overcomer FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH FIFTH SIXTH SEVENTH Ps. 91:3 Isa. 33:16 Ps. 121:5 Ps. 27:1, 5 P» 27-2.5 22-14 DIAGRAM No* 14—THE MILLENIUM Fill out while studying pages 475 to 494. 47 How to Complete the Diagram The two large pillars in this diagram represent the beginning and the end of the millennium, one locating the resurrection of the righteous, or first resurrection, the other the resurrection of the wicked, or second resurrection. Indicate these two resurrections on the pillars. Print the words End of the World and The Earth Made New to show where these events occur. Cut out and mount the pictures illustrating these events. In the oblong between the two pillars indicate what is taking place in heaven and on earth during the thousand years between the two resurrections. At the arrow points tell the important events that cluster around the beginning and the end of the millennium. On the lowest line at each arrow point, give the reference. 48 DIAGRAM No. 15—THE HOLY CITY HOW TO STUDY DIAGRAM No. 15 49 Keep diagram No. 15 before you as you study pages 494 to 499. The names of the tribes that were sealed, are given in Rev. 7:4-8. Notice that the order of the tribes is the same as given on page 143 of "Bible Lessons," except that in the New Jerusalem Joseph takes the place of Ephraim, and Levi the place of Dan. Color the streets gold. Color the River of Life blue as it flows from the throne in four directions "in the midst of the street of it.” Give touches of green to the tree of life arching the river and growing along its banks. Color the rainbow about the "great white throne. Give wavy touches of color to the jasper wall and straight lines of color in the twelve foundations. The Holy City Describe the New Jerusalem by filling the blanks in the following. You may use your Bible in this work. A description of the capital of the New Earth is given in chapters.......and.......of Revelation. Chapter 21:.......tells that the shape of the city is............, having a circumference of.................................. furlongs, or..................... miles. Therefore it is...............................miles on each side. Verses.tell that it has.......gates, ........on each side. At each gate there is an ...............On the gates are written....................... ......................... Verse ......... tells that each gate is made of one .................... Verse ............................. says that there are............parts to the foundation, and in the foundation are written ...................................................... Verse...............tells that these foundations are made up of ..................................... Verse ........ says that the wall measures............cubits, which is about................ feet. Verse.........tells that the street is made of.......... as clear as..................Verse.......says that the temple is not a building, but that..........and the..............are the temple, and Revelation 22:...........says that the throne of .............and of the............shall be in the city. Revelation 21:...........................says that the light comes from the.. and verse.......says there shall be no night there. Verse............. says that only those whose names are written in the................... ........................................ shall enter this city. Revelation 22:14 tells that those who ................................ ........................................will enter these gates. Verse.......says that the River of Life flows out of the.............. ............Verse......says that it flows in the...................... of the street, and on either side grows............................... In Revelation 20:11 the throne is called a............................ .............................In Isaiah 6:1 we are told that it is ........................................ Speaking of the Tree of Life, Ezekiel 47:12 says that along both sides of the river upon the...............shall grow all............for meat, and it shall bring forth new fruit every................... It also says that the................is the source of the River of Life. 50 MAP No. 5—RELATIVE SIZE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM Instruction: From the scale of miles given for this map of the United States, cut out a square of gold paper representing the size of the New Jerusalem. Move the square about over the map, and notice which states it will completely cover. Which three does it not fully cover? After you have finished this experiment, paste the square over your own state, and draw the boundary lines through. PROBLEMS TO SOLVE 51 1. How many miles long would a table have to be to seat 144,000 people, giving to each person 3 feet of space, and seating the people along both sides of the table? Suppose each of the 144,000 is the head of a family of ten, how long a table would be needed to seat all the families? 2. How many miles around the holy city? Rev. 21:16. What is its width? its length? its area in square miles? 3. How many square miles in the State in which you live? How does this compare with the area of this city? 4. How many mansions could be built in the twelve border squares, allowing one acre to each mansion? 5. How many people could meet for worship on the four squares around the throne allowing one square yard for each person? 6. How many people could live in the space covered by the New Jerusalem if they were distributed as they are in the 62 largest cities in the United States as given on page 496 of “Bible Lessons”? 7. What is the height of the highest building in your town? How does it compare with the height of the city wall? 8. Allowing 15 miles for the width of three streets and the river on each side of the city, what would be the length of each of the sixteen squares? How many square miles would each contain? If each of the 12,000 of a tribe is the head of a family, how many acres would each family average? 52 BIBLE READING ON THE NEW EARTH From the following texts choose the one that correctly answers each question below, and write it on the line after the question. Some of the questions will have more than one text. Rev. 21:1 Isa. 30:26 Isa. 49:10 Rev. 21:2 Isa. 33:24 Isa. 55:12 Rev. 21:3 Isa. 35:1, 7 Isa. 55:13 Rev. 21:4 Isa. 35:5, 6 Isa. 60:18 Rev. 22:3 Isa. 35:8 Isa. 65:17 Rev. 22:14 Isa. 35:9, 19 Isa. 65:21, 22 Isa. 11:6-9 Isa. 40:31 Isa. 66:23 1. What did John see in vision after the first heaven and the first earth were passed away? .............................. 2. What will take the place of the desert in the new earth?.. 3. What will there be instead of thorns and briers? 4. How do the mountains, trees, and hills add to the joy? 5. What change will there be in the light of the sun and the moon? ...................................... 6. What animals, now wild, may a child play with there?.. 7. How will people’s homes differ from now?.................. 8. What joy will come to the blind, deaf, lame, and dumb? Mount here the picture of the little child with the animals in the New Earth. "A Little Child Shall Lead Them." 9. What will the inhabitant never say?................. 10. What “former things" have forever passed away? 11. How will traveling differ from now? ............... 12. What will be the name of the main highway?......... 13. What will be the chief city in the new earth?.............. 14. Whose throne and tabernacle (dwelling place) will be in this city?........................ 15. Who shall live there? ..................................... 16. What will the people do on the Sabbath?.................... 53 TO THE PUPIL: Color the sweet pea spray with crayon or water color. As you complete each memory selection, your teacher will affix a gold star (No. 4), where the white star is now. When all the selections have been learned, if you wish to frame your certificate and hang it up in your room at home, cut out this page at the dotted line near the binding. TO THE TEACHER: If you cannot get the star seals at your local stationery store, send to Milton Bradley, Springfield, Mass. CHAPTER TITLES IN REVELATION 55 After finishing page 502, write from memory the subject of each chapter. At the left write the subject of each group of chapters. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Rev. 1 *• 2 " 3 “ 4 " 5 " 6 “ 7 - " 8 “ 9 *' 10 M 11 12 “ 13 “ 14 “ 15 “ 16 “ 17 “ 18 “ 19 “ 20 “ 21 “ 22 56 DIAGRAM No* 16—THE PROPHECIES OF REVELATION COMPARED Review of Important Dates and Events to Remember This diagram is a review of the important dates and events in the prophecies of Revelation. The upper oblong shows the entire time from the birth of Christ to the end. It is divided into hundred-year periods. On the dotted lines I to VII, write in order the names of the seven lines of prophecy given in Revelation. With the top oblong as a guide, mark ofF each of the other oblongs as follows: I. On the first oblong show the first line of prophecy in Revelation— the seven divisions of the true church of God. At each division put its date and event. In the proper place in the oblong write the name of each church. II. In the same way divide oblong No. II to show the second line of prophecy—the seven seals, or the seven divisions of the apostate church. Ill-VII. Likewise mark off the other prophecies. Remember all these dates and the events they represent. Compare the prophecies as follows: 1. Which four cover about the same period of time? How long? 2. What is the longest period of time in each of them? What year anr' event marks its beginning? its close? What evil power was at work during this time? 3. In which of these prophecies is the United States referred to? 4. What great events in the other prophecies took place about the same time as the discovery of America? 5. Notice the comparatively short time during which God’s last message is going to the world. 6. Which prophecy covers the shortest time? How long? 7. Which prophecy is beyond the end of time? To the Teacher On nearly every page of this workbook, there is instruction telling the Istudent what to do, how to do, and when to do. At the proper time, direct him to read each instruction carefully and endeavor to interpret it himself. A real student will not expect the teacher or any one else to do for him what he through faithful effort can do for himself. Division of the Year's Work Notice the division of the year’s work into periods and semesters on nge 1. Those who follow this division will get the best results. Chapter ays the foundation for the entire year’s work, and should not be hurried over too rapidly. Take time to discuss these important truths with the student, so that he may assimilate them. This chapter should have a full period of six weeks. Much of the material in Chapters II and III is more or less familiar to most students. Help the student to see the relation of these lessons to the plan of salvation. These chapters should have five or six weeks’ time. I Chapter IV is largely new material, but it is not difficult. It continues to unfold God’s Great Plan. These simple lessons leading as they do down to our own time are thrilling, and should help the student to sense the im-jportance of the times in which we are living. Do not be satisfied with jthorough work on [acts merely. Help the young mind to grasp the meaning of these facts. With Chapter IV ends the work of the first semester. The Second Semester. Chapters V and VI again deal with material which is already familiar to most of the students. In this connection it is 1 reviewed so that the development of the plan of salvation may be unbroken. To omit or hurry too rapidly over them is to give the student a broken appreciation of God’s great work for him. These are personal chapters — help the student to apply them personally. In most classes five weeks should be sufficient for these chapters. Chapters VII to XIII are designed to give the student a simple yet fairly comprehensive view of the truths contained in that wonderful book of Revelation — that book which is especially for our time. Chapter VII — the Seven Churches — lays the foundation for the remainder of the book. A little extra time spent here will lighten and illuminate the work for all the following chapters. Be sure that the student gets a strong hold of this line of prophecy. Chapters VIII, IX, and X cover practically the same period of time as Chapter VII, though from a different angle. By comparing these chapters, the lessons in each are deepened and more firmly fixed in the memory. Chapter XI deals with our own time and has a close bearing on Chapter VI. Point out this relationship. Chapters XII and XIII look into the immediate future. They are the climax of the year’s work. By earnest study and prayer, the Holy Spirit through the consecrated teacher will make lasting impressions on the hearts of the students that will bear fruit in eternity. The workbook pages for these chapters follow: Pages 2 to 15 for Chapters I, II, and III. Pages 16 to 23 for Chapter IV. Pages 25 to 30 for Chapters V and VI. Pages 31 to 56 for Chapters VII to XIII. Diagrams. There are sixteen diagrams in this workbook. Diagram No. 1, on pages 28 and 29, gives a bird’s eye view of the entire plan of salvation. This should be filled out in installments at proper intervals—perhaps at the close of chapters 2, 3, 4, 5 and completed near the close of the school year. It should give the student correct relative ideas of the various events in the great week of time. The best time to fill out the other diagrams Is immediately after completing the class study on the subject. Print is better than script, as it looks better. The best possible preparation for this individual work is the filling out on the blackboard, or on large sheets of strong paper, a diagram like the outline in the workbook as a class project from day to day as the study progresses. Any of these large diagrams make most excellent material for school programs, for nothing gives Christian parents such satisfaction as having their children understand and explain Bible truth. Maps. Before asking the student to fill out any of the maps in the workbook, be reasonably sure from sufficient class work that he fully understands how to do the work. Help him to establish the habit of locating on the map every place mentioned in any lesson at the time he is studying the lesson. Bible Readings. There are three of these: The Law of God on page 4, Baptism on page 26, and the New Earth on page 52. An enjoyable and profitable drill on these lessons is to make a set of cards with the question on one side and the Bible reference on the other. Display the questions consecutively before the class, and let the students in turn, or as called upon, or until a mistake is discovered by another student, give the Bible reference with its answer to the question in the language of the text. Vary the exercises by letting the entire class write the whole list of Bible references as the questions are displayed, or let them see how quickly they can find the references in the Bible. Turn the cards over displaying the text, and let the student ask the question which the text answers or give the point told in the text. Again, the card may be given to the student who first responds, and when all are given out, the one who has the largest number of cards may display the set before the class, thus giving the pleasure of the socialized recitation. Chapter Titles to Remember. These lessons found on pages 5, 23, 30, and 55, are ao agreeable change from the usual memory verse drill. They are a distinct help in familiarizing the student with various parts of his Bible. Prepare him for these lessons in various ways, as: 1. Name the topic to be located. Pupils turn quickly to the chapter. 2. Write list of topics on the blackboard. Pupils race to find and write the corresponding chapter numbers. 3. Let pupils see how many chapters they can find in a given time. 4. Write chapter numbers on blackboard. Pupils "spell down” or "spell up,” giving the topic found in each chapter. 5. Use cards as for "Bible Readings.” The Sanctuary. At the discretion of the teacher, pages 11, 12, 13, and perhaps 14 may profitably be made oral class projects. Problems tc Solve. Tke purpose of die problems on pages 15 and 51 is to awaken in the student more vivid, real, and accurate ideas about the sanctuary and the holy city. They are not primarily lessons in arithmetic Preserving the Workbooks. Because of the permanent value of this as well as the other workbooks of this series if they are correctly filled out, encourage the student to preserve them. They will be helpful in all his future Bible study, whether in the academy, the college, or in later life. Finally. While wise and repeated drills are necessary to the perfection of any study, avoid drilling to the point of weariness. Keep ever in mind that the supreme goal to be reached in the Bible class is — not memory work, not brilliant recitations, not even neat and accurate work in this book,— all these are of great value, but of even greater value is it that each student learn more and more to love dearly the Word of God which reveals the height and depth and length and breadth of divine love in his own personal salvation. This is for the Bible Study on the Second Coming of Christ. Cut texts apart on the lines and mount each text after the right question on page 19. The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heaven shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven. Matt. 24:29,30. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. I Thess. 4:16 Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Rev. 22:14 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. I Thess. 4:17. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. Lu{e 17:26. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matt. 24:27. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also; and the works that are therein shall be burned up. II Peter 3:10. Behold He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him. Rev. 1:7. JUDAH ISSACHAR ZEBULON 74,600 54,400 57,400 REUBEN SIMEON GAD 46,500 59,300 45,650 EPHRAIM MANASSEH BENJAMIN 40,500 32,200 35,400 DAN ASHER NAPHTALI 62,700 41,500 53,400 MERARITES GERSHONITES KOHATHITES 3,200 2,630 2,750 These names are for “The Camp of Israel” on page 36. Cut along all the lines. Lay the names of the tribes in their places on the “Camp.” Prove your work from the texts given. When you are sure you have them all in the right places, paste them on the “Camp.” Semicircles are for pages 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10. Whale is for page 7, other animals for page f Adam and Eve for page 9. Cut on all the heavy lines. Paste to pages 36 and 37 as directed. Mount the lower edge of the pictures on the long dotted lin< Paste here under right edge of page 37. 8 Paste here under left edge of page 36. This is for “The Line of March” on pages 36 and 37. Copyright by the Missionary Education Movement. Used by permission For page 2. For page 19. CD «T3 a u O £L, page /£ JO] S<3[j 1! ' *9 50] uo<'ui ii jo.] 3jr? s>|Ooq Books are for pages 22 and 23; bird for page 7. Books are for page 23; sun for page 6; crown for page 13. Books are for pages 22 and 23; bird is for page 7. The Plagues of Egypt These pictures are for pages 8 and 9. As you study the lessons about the plagues, find the picture that illustrates each plague. Then write the number of the plague in the margin near the picture. After you have studied the tenth plague, cut the pictures apart, and arrange them in order on pages 8 and 9 of your workbook. When you can arrange them all quickly and correctly, paste them in their places. No god of Egypt could protect even the first-born. The first-born of Israel was the priest of the family. All these were saved because of the blood on the door. Under the plague, Ra, the principal sun-god, was not allowed to appear for three days. He was powerless before the plague of darkness. The god I' sis was supposed to have power over water; the god O-si'ris had power over fire. These gods were not able to prevent the “fire mingled with hail, very grievous.” The true God has power over all storms. O-si' ris was the god of the Nile River, so this river was worshiped by the Egyptians. It was worshiped because it gave life to the plants and animals. Now it could not give life, but caused death. Seb, the earth god, was supposed to keep away famine, so the land was worshiped. Under the plague, “all the dust of the land became lice.” A'pis, the god of life, was represented by a beetle or fly. Under the plague this god “corrupted” the land. Isis, the cow-headed goddess, and A'pis, the bull god, were helpless to save the animals. Under the plague, the cattle of Egypt died: horses, oxen, camels, and sheep. Ashes from the furnace (or altar) of the god, thrown into the heavens (as if to the sun-god) were supposed to prevent disease. Under the plague, these ashes caused “a boil breaking forth with blains (blisters and swellings) upon man and beast.” Se-ra'pis, the god of plenty, was worshiped as the protector against locusts. But his power was useless, for the locusts “did eat every herb of the land.” The goddess Hekt had the head of a frog. The frog was an object of worship and not to be killed. The death of the frogs showed that Hekt was helpless. The Plagues of Egypt This tells about the different gods of Egypt, against which the true God sent the plagues. Do the same with them as you do with the pictures of the plagues. The Line of March —For pages 36 and 37. MOSES AND AARON WITH THE ARK These pictures are for the map of the journey from Sinai to Jordan. These pictures are for the map on pages 14 and 15. 'Cfr Pictures 1 to 7 are for map on pages 24 and 25. Pictures 8 to 16 are for map on page 26. Pictures 17 to 24 are for map on page 28. Pictures 6, 7, and 8 are for map on page 37; all the other pictures are for map on page 36. The Library of God’s Word As you learn the names of the boohs, cut them apart on the lines. Preserve the slips in an envelop labeled “The Library of God’s Word.” Genesis Job Habakkuk Philippians Exodus Psalms Zephaniah Colossians Leviticus Proverbs Haggai I Thessalonians Numbers Ecclesiastes Zechariah II Thessalonians Deuteronomy Song of Solomon Malachi I Timothy Joshua Isaiah II Timothy Judges Jeremiah Titus Ruth Lamentations Matthew Philemon I Samuel Ezekiel Mark Hebrews II Samuel Daniel Luke James I Kings Hosea John I Peter II Kings Joel Acts II Peter I Chronicles Amos Romans I John II Chronicles Obadiah I Corinthians II John Ezra Jonah II Corinthians III John Nehemiah Micah Galatians Jude Esther Nahum Ephesians Revelation % Philip. Hab. Col. Zeph. I Thess. Hag. II Thess. Zech. I Tim. Mai. II Tim. Titus Phil. Matt. Heb. Mark James Luke I Pet. John II Pet. Acts I John Rom. II John I Cor. III John H Cor. Jude Gal. Rev. Eph. Job Gen. Ps. Ex. Prov. Lev. Eccl. Num. Sol. Deut. Isa. Josh. Jer. Jud. Lam. Ruth Eze. I Sam. Dan. II Sam. Hos. I Kings Joel H Kings Amos I Chron. Obad. II Chron. Jonah Ezra Micah Neh. Nah. Est. The Library of God’s Word As you learn the names of the books, cut them apart on the lines. Preserve the slips in an envelope labeled ‘‘The Library of God’s Word.” Genesis Job Exodus Psalms Leviticus Proverbs Numbers Ecclesiastes Deuteronomy Song of Solomon Joshua Isaiah Judges Jeremiah Ruth Lamentations I Samuel Ezekiel 11 Samuel Daniel 1 Kings Hosea II Kings Joel I Chronicles Amos II Chronicles Obadiah Ezra Jonah Nehemiah Micah Esther Nahum Habakkuk Philippians Zephaniah Colossians Haggai I Thessalonians Zechariah II Thessalonians Malachi I Timothy II Timothy Titus Matthew Philemon Mark Hebrews Luke James John I Peter Acts II Peter Romans I John I Corinthians II John II Corinthians III John Galatians Jude Ephesians Revelation Philip. Hab. Job Gen. Col. Zeph. Ps. Ex. I Thess. Hag. Prov. Lev. II Thess. Zech. Eccl. Num. I Tim. Mai. Sol. Deut II Tim. Isa. Josh. Titus Jer. Jud. Phil. Matt. Lam. Ruth Heb. Mark Eze. I Sam. James Luke Dan. II Sam. I Pet. John Ho8. I Kings II Pet. Acts Joel II Kings I John Rom. Amos I Chron. II John I Cor. Obad. II Chron. III John II Cor. Jonah Ezra Jude Gal. Micah Neh. Rev. Eph. Nah. Est. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. rSix days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, rnor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. Ex. 20:8-11.