Missions Theme Day The Editor What Is a Missions Theme Day? A Missions Theme Day is another name fei a whole day at sundown Friday even and ends with sane down Sabbath cvenmyg. Son of mission emphasis. The doy beeme Churches call this proavam mission conference, The dows to have a variety of programs that involve the whale church mn the excrement ol missions A AMissions There Dav cludes Friday neh Vespers, Sabbath Schools church service. potluck. alternvon discussion, skits, films and special spechers centered around one aspect of world ISS TORS. Theme Davs can be held any tie during the vear. Try using thes material tor aoweckend ve- treat or Sabbath School campout. Smadier churches may wish to hand together with others in the district or nerghborme districts too make a Larger audience tor guest speakers Materials to Help You Organize Four theme day packets are available to help vour Sabbath School Council organize a Missions Theme Day, Theme Day Packer To Wane dd: World Advent xin deals with personal imvolvement mm world missions. Te talks about the elobal perspective, seeing the world through the exes of Chins, Theme Dav Packer 20 Global Clhuallenge cons centrates on unreached people groups. Tr discusse mo depth the antimishied rash and volves church members me plannimy strateey wo help reach those who have never heard the gospel. Members will discover how much Adventists have already done and what suit needs to be accompli hed. [irene Day Pacter Sob oorpeione roc Lb ollon is wn eadiine weekend on tie lustorny of sstons. It sal about missionary heroes and prencers, wl] Lic tp menihers to scose the exciement tind Cores Tron: dod phing a i fo cross-cultural nse sionary work, [cnc Day Packer 0 Missions Odvinpios is one that south will especially enon Using oo sports monde deals with die excitement of being ns cromabpes MWh does ng wo Become msson ary PD Howe dos Uo abt hecommng dO ITTISS Ton ary Hon re eros drtterent oda? What Is in a Theme Pay Packet? You ow tnd the bollovoe topes of dunhicated Hraderials tes help von ceunced plan an caciing thenre day: bob carmmy abicetives for the wo cckend whi Lot are Ir niny fo doc onipiisg _ \ RARARNS lod onthe tor the weekend, SA I of NA crs, bhaokos, ile. nd videos, ahable resources. such as peak 4 Sats dramatizing creat nomen in as SOS SoSarpted Sabbath School provams that oy - crvone will enjoy Oo Quizzes and discussion restos that can ho used to cer sor whole croup nivedved. How to Order Write wo The Bdimor, NIISSTON SD Seventh-day Adventist Church Nmstres Departsnent, 12300 Od Columbia Pikes Stiver Sprig. Many band 20004 They are wowlable mr Bnehish only Cons tact veut focal division churcin nunistnes director or Subbaih School specialist to soe at the theme day packets are avadable mm vour Lanouane Theme Day Starters You cuir design cour own Missions Then Dav Here are two ideas tose vou siaried IADR Dave Adventist Dea clopnient and F250 ORE Colinmbia Pike. Shed Spring Mars fund 20904 bas aoweeant of eater Rebel Avene, to help Vr Froid RENEE conlorenoe. Phew fie o study cardes. workshon crime eailons speakers. hiss and vdeo SoM reenl Nedbhee ln Use he prosran nnady rial provided mm NISSTON SS Plan a pethack woh foods rope thie Frans Baropean Deacon Uae the L Jerod et aerate reports as the Buss To es,