TRH ve read in the Sible tat, in olden times, ianre vas Locertain tie in ine Joar When Kina overs Tero te rat.le oan ont thouont en Lccarrad ta ose, Hove we not reacied the time whoo 10 we relicvrs chor Jeans in sq conning, we ought to po forth and engage in Activ earvics Dv srvroacing this knowledge too tne worlo? Tha carvessnr ork is one of oie best menns. if rool the test, of reachins sople wit This cuecange, us Toe folleving quote ions from Manual for Canvesecprs ill snow "The carvasain work, prouverly conducted, is missioners werk oI ine nines ordsr, and 1% is as cood goo auvecassrul omethed ws can ta oem loved for placing tefore the peorle + 3m = ym - “~ [ER Eh - [SA C2 LELOTTLnT cratha for cil AB n "Crd hus ordained eo (i 2a Fe -. ETN . ; vo amr. . the linhn corntiinsd in cur books y AN CALIVESSsSE bad “0 uo ut tiis Tipe. [ag [a aera snovlo be soe handrede tere array mo a J Sees ; E FER ny ay RPT a o : 31. < "The carvassing work ils more important thar mmry have regarded 1t. If there is oJ anotier, iv is that of zettiny cur jul licutions before the search the Scrirtures.” I ot ne von will readily sec now the Lord rejards this works fur Tratitute for erlporiers will ba held in Petoske. erinning the nineteenth 3% April. Ts are very anxiscus that evorvore thinking of enterinc ihe work shoulda attand this Iratitite. fe colreruers, ard all whe are really going to enter tie colroruor tertained froe.s "hile the (Conference is net in shape © finavcinily ta a; eve ots BEN cad fare, vat we lave decided tha’ those UNC oe work oan. deliver BOV2NT- five drllars worth of rocks will pave their rail-ead fare roiurnec £0 theme This drec not irelade <+hoze who I To We expec: Tlder Wisht will he yrase r Lrecent truth ang Freovher A Fy « > IN <3 2 ie] joa 2 14 pt — >! fal 5 5 io SSS - “ > NF ae -. wy em ~~ ae +ne Lake nicn Conference Canvaessliyg i St Yrs yo : . Bh - ne LIES tng ~ t looks herdled end =nme ore al a iitvle 1iwe in svuwy Dlong these N : wr o +t will ove a great ble : i € Cri 3 G - + - PURP. B: NE SRC \ ‘ SRE - 1. JE TI Sd men SPE CUT Pet er rrepared to exulain the truth aid meet tia chjections of ino piorle. h i. bl o - . . The wrrx wil r f - 3) . ] Co ivished ena it wil [= C 1 pe hardsr later to raacn “he ocetrl > IT trust vou will net ley this paper aide without thirking careful and prayerfull the Lord is not calling vou te enter this srorke Was have one mn in the conference who an Adventist but he has heconws in- L 3 -— . ir nooks und is now canvassing for "Thouriits on Denicl ana The Revelouior! ssing work wust te wore and PE thar it is now, s J ” GS6a This shows that the canva ’ if ow people uo net do it the Lord will raise up: somecns else ito de the work tue we v QUr COE. & ill lree We would be glad to hear from everycne wnc is planning on attending the Ing 2 tute and also what book they desire to work withe Tne fields are ripe for the harvest and all shoule unite in asking the Lord to send laborers into the vineyerd and then if ¥Y OU are the one He is calling answer by saying, "Here am I, send me", and come to the Institute with your grip packed ready tc enter the worke He We Johnsons REPORTS FROM THE FIELD Tustin. freer spending come time visiting a feu churchos I came to this place and bugan g caries of nestiyss In nose iol NMowse sboon Tires iles Drom Tustin. Rinne Bloor Joe Lives dn than ode, enon be compe Poor Tatoos Yee aero dn The oranr vinolol us 1 ; EPRI SERIE CT PE EE Se SBE CARROT FEST fe ounon G.ovnn net jaibk