leng for one to know that he is a great orator. Indeed, has made great certriruticns tp the S.D.A, Church, another great man graduated, the late Elder Jesse R, wagner, He wes horn on August 22, 1930 and 11, 1977, almost L7 years later. Fresident ircte this of him, “Few men nre adle to i so much in go short a like epan®33 yualifiad and able leadershlp, the conference member 4,000 in ceven vezrs.37 This was an growth compared to the 3,57 annual growth of ithe Nerd Tithe per capita in 1970 was $141.16 13 naw churches had been staried and 14 "Zld2r ¥agrer was respacted as a leader among men” r vy Alnzdale boards, the Likes Union Exec comattice, 0 His ccurnssl was much sought and was always encouraging Warner's who gradusted with him, and who tecame & rreaclient alss, wa: B, R and raised in Les Angeles, Calif. After graduating he entered the service of th a. . Tes b= AUIS LA, he bullt new chursh he got his M.A. 2t Detroit University. Associate Jecratary of th Then in June, 1970, he 2ccente greatly, ment han inereased by HOF recomirg second furibng grooving coll the fastest growih) in Norih America college i» Yorinh America to ithe fil was bulli, a new wing sdded to con and oo new and the number of graduntes went “i year gradiates, | Te 0 h e college has procpered rrosran ard the enroll-