PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 3 Prot. M. I. afternoon Cady spent last Friday at the Press, at our co¢ducational which time hooks were carefully considered. Arrangements Sister Sarah Peek, qast, to go to the American Founders’ (‘hicago, were made for who ig now in the Type scleet the type for the various readers (‘ompany in of the True Educator Series, and have this made and expressed at once to the Pacific Press. It is hoped that these readers may be hastened through, at least In part, for delivery October 1. Much will depend upon the type, how- ever, which has to be made especially for these books. Prof. G. W. Caviness, editor of our Spanish paper in Mexico City, 1s ex- peeted in Mountain View about Septem- ber 1. A translation of ‘The Coming King’ into the Spanish language has been made by Professor C(aviness, and the type work will be taken up in earnest at that time. A copy of this translation type at the Pacific Press, and a part of the type was set was in the room when the fire occurred. Fortunately, as has just been learned, Professor Cav- iness had a carbon copy of the transla- tion with all the corrections with him, so the mechanical part of the work will be all that is necessary to produce a new edition, Missionary Work BOOK WORK California Report for Week Ending July 27 ““ Heralds of the Morning’ Agent Hrs. Ords. Value Floyd R. Moore 41%, 45 $82 00 Thos. KE. Steele 41 4 9 25 J. V. Pierson 34 33 DT TH sarle DBenton® 32 SY 849 v5 llarle Benton 30 31 o4 25 Jas. kK. Hunter 30 2 3 25 Uthat Wileox™ 2415 18 33 75 Uthat Wilcox 241, 58 103 75 Elizabeth Gregory 23 14 24 50 Livlon Hart 23 19 33 7D Imma H. Covell 21 8 14 00 Abbie O. Oakes 1715 8 16 2: J. V. Pierson® 10 7 12 25 M. H. Leon 6 7 11 75 ““ Heralds’ and ‘Ladies’ Guide’ Inez Hoiland 29, 79 255 00 ““ Heralds” and “Great Controversy’ Amos Stevens 16 40 60 50 | ‘“Great Controversy’ M. J. King S 16 33 75 “Previous week, ‘‘Bible Readings’’ W. B. Findley 47 16 34 75 “¢ Patriarchs and Prophets’’ Walter Harper 40) 35 87 50 forty Per Cent Books B. Julius 128 20 497 $1,155 95 Utah Report for Week Ending July 27 ‘“ Home Hand Book™’ Agent Hrs. Ords. Value A. D. Guthrie 38 24 $140 00 Southern California Report for Week Ending July 27 ‘“Heralds’’ Agent Hrs. Ords. Value I. M. Adams 211%, 13 $23 00 Olive Adams 14 12 19 50 Bessie (Chaffee 3 2 3 00 Bertha Dart 163% 20 30 75 (Glenn Emmert 25 20 36 00 Vinnolia Earp 211% 5 7 50 J. A. P. Green 3814, 37 66 00 Myrtle Henry 13 2 3 00 Joseph Hair 1314 2 6 00 Edith Hamilton 30 6 11 00 Paul Lothrop 5) 6 12 50 Una Shirley 21 3 4 50 Julia Thuesen 10 5 7 50 T. W. Walters 35 41 63 00 ‘‘ Bible Readings’’ Clyde West 9 22 25 183 $315 50 Books Delivered ‘Heralds’ Bessie (Chaffee 42 123 00 Byron Dart 42 63 00 Elmer Dart 37 55 00 Iivalyn Lothrop 30 45 00 191 $286 00 Report for Week Ending August 3 ““ Heralds’ Agent Hrs. Ords. Value KK. M. Adams 221, 13 $22 75 Olive Adams 6 8 13 75 Bessie (Chaffee 1 1 50 Elmer Dart 3215 20 33 00 Byron Dart 20 13 21 75 Bertha Dart 24 19 33 00 J. A. P. Green 30 19 36 50 Joseph Hair 3515 14 22 00 Fvalyn Lothrop 2 2 3 00 Nellie Miller 32 11 17 00 J. I. Robison 31 13 22 50 133 $226 75 Books Delivered During Week Ending August 3 I. M. Adams 28 $42 00 Bessie Chaffee 66 99 00 Elmer Dart 3 4 50 Byron Dart 3 4 50 Evalyn Lothrop 34 52 00 J. I. Robison 35 22 50 169 $259 350 Book and Book-Workers’ Notes Iisther Geer has gone to San Jose to work. Uthat Wilcox will canvass Mountain View and vieinity for ‘‘Heralds.’’ Sister Barker and Sister Hildebrand have gone to Woodland, where they will be given entertainment by Sister Bush. llarle B. Benton is a new recruit. He took the canvassing class one year ago under Brother Covell. He also expects to make a scholarship. By telegram received at the Pacific Press July 31, from Kansas City, Mo., Brother B. R. Nordyke announced the closing of a satisfactory contract on a 10,000 edition of ‘‘ Heralds of the Morn- ing,” to be ready within thirty days. Forty hours is the standard of time set for the canvassers in the California Conference this week. An endeavor is being made by all the workers to have this the banner week of the season. To accomplish this, each one is expected to make a special effort to put in full time. ‘‘The delivery is the best part of the I had splendid success the first two days, but the third was not so good. It is so good to see the people oper their books and begin reading. All T can say is that the Lord is blessing in delivering work, the books. “¢ Bessie (‘haffee.”’ Brother Dymot’'s trunk was in the Pa- cific Press building when it burned. It was a serious loss to him, as it not only contained his clothes, books, and other valuable matter, but his prospectuses with all his subseriber’s names. Brother Findley 's trunk also went up in smoke, as did many valuable papers belonging to Brother Covell. ““* My expectations have at last been reached Have lost a day because of rain, but the Lord answered my prayer in giving the scholarship just the same. When the startling news of the Press reached me I was so stunned that I hardly had courage to continue my work. But what the Lord has begun He is able to finish, so I went right on and was blessed with success. a scholarship in a week. “‘Tnez Tloiland."’