THI DU odie This conversation sel me to I tarned to the last caleadar College, whieh contra the sunroof add vraduaies of the instiiution, that twelve persons hand coneploted fhe German Corrs. a Pluses sows re iow engaved mn the monster Gee see teach ers tno our denominational so hosls an ONE 18 4 rac society secretin Ida not know what the othwr Swe are doar, This scems to me very coconra iin that out of bwelve evade fon or vely cng inn the couse HE ae strong argument for oar peoale to ee their vouth in dhe Colleee one cieush to tinish the course of study, There ave other ~iondenis, porbao. many of then, who have atiended th College for cue or more veer ned ave now laboring tn some deparinest RE cause. We have no recond of such tue dents; ence, To would be glad fe have them write me as soon as they rood of article, telling when and how Les Shey were in school, and where and 1 what capacity they are now laboring, Address, CC LLywis, Prosodent LU College, Co'lere Vecw, Neh, HELP FOR THE NASHVIL SANITARIUM The Nashville Saaitaviun wed ing School for Missiouary Nurse: ia now locating mn ifs permanent how several years of living in rented bards ings where 1t has carved on its work ander very difficult condition. The securing of a home has been made pos utfte by the co-operation of the General Conference brethren and the help that will be given by our people throughout the f1eld. There are a number of wavs to assist thd enterprise. Now 1s a govd EUR ETRE in which to put up some canned trod dried fruit or other articles of provision that can he shipped. A supply of bed: ding will be greatly necded and mach appreciated. Good use can be made of wT Lowta ihe REET Vl Tht : pire by SATE FEY : EETIRET both 3 LoL tir i 1 yg LC HE f BN i f i [RAL I I. t 1 1 i bad ! . Sl rl ! Vi oo , 3 Vili wr coeds wn TTR ETI : Pro daar hg Si ' [ N : : - , cy . iy ERTS Cb TS Tie Men oe : TT SENITHE Clr TORRY fi RIERA Th, | 1 , 3 cn tog HY Ha ! ES i ! Pui eqn Maen SEES in I" or “i Cl o rate Co : . [SERENE Ti : [IRE | i : a: traction Poy viede IETS IES RCN RTANT: Ploy graben la [ISETRAINS IY FU STERN RPE SPREE | aed 1! . [ET ET vod has TTR FEC FTES SE ANE PRTG Cit IE PRE ives ioe i Crh hen min ou BE othe peestad grins by Whey TEER Avid Seether ASE FRY FERNS Soci Norih Btatvon Moshi, Teng ab N RAL Lr § AEE PALS, fovhes i as ' 45 Ia for fe i 4 1 ] Weil shots ie Dossier H eat Plobwtdes, EO i oo a ' Joo wpluin the devieions, ve Panties, of the Soni Ho datas, Pee Probes de i ; ; Cee te 1d Porendl Sholoh the sp caomnary Soin no iar yrds Cor thie Neue Plaebeendy fo Gave the results of the work