NORTITERN Important Announcement October 7-10 will be high days m Zion. The Des Moines Philadelphia church will he dedicated free fron debt. Every reader of this article is cordially mnvited to be present and rejoice with us Elder T. H., Allison, secretary of the Negro Department in the Lake Union Conference, will mive the open- ine address Thursday, October 7, ur S op.oome Friday, October 30 will he the second bic night of the dedieation Flder FF. 1. Peterson, Gen- eral Seeretary of the North American Negro Department, will be the speak- er. The Sabbath school will be econ- ducted as usual Sabbath morning ot 0:30. The c¢leven o'vloek hour Sabbath morning will be given over to sino evancelizt, A. I Webb off Si Lows, Evangelist A. E. Webb 1s secretary of the Central Union Negro Department. The dedication proper will be Sabbath afternoon at two-thirty o’clock, and Elder F. L. Peterson will deliver the dedicatory address. The services will he ducted by Pastors A. taynes, Thomp- son of Kansas City, Missomri: FE. S. Dillet of Kansas City, Kansas; Stan- ley A. Douglas, Minneapolis, Minne- sota; A. J. Gordon of Des Moines Towa; H. Miller, Denver, Colorado; L. B. Reynolds of St. Joseph, Mis souri; and A. Humphery of Omaha, Nebraska. SerViees. Conference con- Week of Sacrifice The Week of Sacrifice has been set earlier than usual. The date is Oc- tober 9 to 16. Information and pro- motion material will be sent to the field. Just this note to eall the at. tention of our teachers and Mission. ary Volunteer leaders to this coming Week of Sacrifice. Let us bein now to promote it in our schools and so- cicties. Tho work of the Lord needs all the means that can be sepplicd durinz these days of opportunity. Remember that part of the riven woes toward new work. JA Tucker. eats Who's Who? At the elose of our colporenr rally at camp meeting, fifty-one people pledged to put in at least eight hours during the coming vear selling onr literature on a colportenr hasis, Char conterence president, Bider Osccod, was one of these. We would hke UNION to know who the rest of you are so that we will he able to heiter eo operate with you, and thereby assure vou greater success. When vou write to us telling wz what vou would like to sell, —-Jarze hook hooks, small Christmas books, or mawazines, Tt seems that since many of ory people were not present of emp meets in, there should be at Teast itty more who would cladly Join answering the this rou, call of {he im the ranks of the clarion Master to service colporteur army. (i. H. Boelirte, Field Secretary. North Dakota Conference D. N. Wall, President B. L. Schlotthauer, Secretary Box 1491 - - - a Jamestown Make wills and lezacies to North Dakota Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists Midway Company Woodworth Jamestown Jinuestown FEnolish Medina Villawe Pleasant Valley Co, Wheelock Mantred Kiet We wonder if your elinreh wall he Isted in this week ? There are many chnrelies almost over the top, as von notice 10 the bulletin. Don’t stop working the territory ix all worked. Reports spaee net will until Prom all parts of the field, indicating that tie members ave patting mnogood tne in the Harvest Incatherine. Please AC comine i end an some of periences Tor the bulletin. (reo. your ox- Loewen. “lvery one on whom is shining the licht or truth is to he stirred with compassion for those who are in darkness, From all believers Licht is to be reflected in clear. distinet rays’ — Testimonies,” Vol. VII po oh OUTLOOK tn South Dakota Conference J. H. Roth, President S. E. Ortner, Secretary Drawer 36 Watertown Make wills and legacies to South Dakota Conferences Association of Seventh-day Adventists Over Ther Goals Huron Spearfish Cireenway Java Tolstoy Dison Whiteriver Swan Take Witte River Aberdeen Sioux Falls I cola Melanin The all The ahave ix a list of over the Incatberine conl, Churches Wil vour Chareh be hsted here next week ? W. HL Hanhaordt, News [tems Fdder 70 HL Both is, at this writin, attending a Union Collewc meeting in Lincoln Nebraska, Adelle Huron Bored Sisters Nelson of part the brief visit while passing Watertown one day last week, Folder AW. H. Hanhardt, our home missionary =eerelary, is working in his district this week helping the churches there to reach their Harvest incathering coals, Kelly and Rhoda office a throusl; Brother Robert Brown, our field missionary secretary, is busily lavine plans for the colporteur institute to be held at October 5 to . Anvone who {eels called by the Lord to enter the colporteur work should improve this opporiunity fo cot in toneh with Brother Brown and mrrance with hinge to attend the insti- tute preparatory to doing sueeessiui work in the Aberdeen, re, One sister expressed her apprecia- {ton of the Subbath Sehool lessons in the tollowing words: **1 think the lessons sre =o nspivine. Stadvines Phicn 1= ust he taking a vetreshin: drink.” The tollowine telecram was recoiv- cd trom the Sionx Falls ehurveh earn List week: © Sioux Falls choreh over the top in the ITneatheriz™ Conerat- lations, Sioux Falls!