LX J 4 - ae are to he agencies for bringing peace and rest to tru troubled | mind. If you ean inspire the dcapondent with hopeful, saving faulth, contentment and cheerfulness will take the place of dis- couragement and unregt. Wonderful chunges will then he wrought in their physical condition, Christ will restore both body and soul, and, realizing His compassion and lowe, they will regt in Him. He is the bright und morning stur, shining amid the moral darkness of this sinful, corrupt world, He is the light of the world, and all who give their hearts to Him will find peace and rest and Joy. The world is filled with sickness, 8in is increas- inc, especially in the large cities, Death is tuking away large numbers, But the great vedical Migsionary invites men to come to Him. "Come unto Me," He guys, "und I will glve you regt." "Ask, and ye shall rcecive; seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall Ye opened unto you," Our part is, by believing His word, to find rest in Christ Jesus, His words are gpirit and life. In believing them there ig rest and peace, "Knoek, and it shall be opened unto you," Our prayers will reach the ear of Christ, and He will open to us the rich treusurevs of Wig grace. Through prayer we are brought into communion with the high and holy One who inhabiteth eternity. He opens the door to every one who will Knock.